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I don't know if any of my youtubes are still up on the topic. Folic Acid is FUEL for cancer. That is why they put it in that form as a Fortification.

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Yet another Pat Jordan "AHAH" MOMENT!!

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I had that moment when I was working with someone who had cancer. I warned her to read labels because they put it in more than just orange juice. She had abandoned any pursuit of natural intervention so she told me that 'her' cancer center told her to avoid it.

That's was first time I've ever heard of the connection and then she casually said that 'they' already knew about it.

"They" have known for forever because there aren't enough spina bifida babies to cover for 50% of the population being GIVEN cancer.

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Jul 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

So, skip the leafy-green spinach tubs at the grocery store, hmm?

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That's one of those questions:

There are two doors. Both lead to sudden death.

You can ask a question of the gaurdian, but it won't make a damned bit of difference...

Shylock Holmes and the Curious Case of Pop-Eye's Plant.

On the one hand, there might be useful/safe plant based folate, but the Catch 22.5 is that the oxalates and the OPIATES will still take you out.

In order to prevent the cell permissivity that lets Herpes into nerves all opiates must be avoided. This includes opioid analogs as found in:

Beef, Wheat, Dairy, Spinach, Lettuce, Poppy seed, and is provoked by Alcohol.

That pretty much shitcans the entire American Diet.

But then Herpes is an oncovirus and 50% of hamericans have cancer, so I think in the words of Bush Baby: Mission Accomplished!

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Gov ties Morgellons to Lyme & fungus ...and and and.....


People are catching on!

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Jul 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Dearest Big One if I could tempt you with (the idea of) a peeled grape my immediate question always is “where does he find this stuff” as in where do you do your research? I’d love some tips, I’ve all but given up over the last few years+ as I feel things I used to find is tediously buried. I’ve gone back to physical books a lot.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

Patrick wrote he went 40+ years ago, to libraries and there he cleverly finagled his way to the basement where unchecked books with pertinent information were sequestered. Yes physical books contain the truth buried in library basements.

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Jul 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Ahh the darkened dusty corners of knowledge - marvellous. Thank you very much! Me thinks I might start trawling our local second hand book shops for treasures…

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When I was putting together my first book ICD-999 that was spilling into The Rise and Fall Of Kingdom Plantae, I was working with a librarian in the biology library who used to be a nurse. She told me to NEVER trust electronic publications. She had read a pre-published article IN PRINT (they do galley copies) on women's health that said one thing that she found to be important. By the time the electronic version of the same article was posted in that same journal online the most important part was radically changed. That is why I split my time between books and papers that were old, existed as scanned PDFS or were scanned books from days gone by.

The scandals on the rag Science showed that people fake their data. The peer review publishes anyway until someone gets caught. Most people get funded for experiments with often pre-scripted conclusions, that gets published but there is NO FUNDING for the bedrock of the Scientific Method. Third party confirmation of the tests and conclusions.






Local library book sales have gotten me an incredible range of books from atomic physics to the complete library of a brain surgeon! (I exaggerate a lot but that is the truth). Most of them for a dollar or a little more. I bought hundreds of books that way.

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Wow! That's all I can say. Man , I envy you. You have gone where no man has gone before. And, you havent even left Earth.

You are fortunate to have had the experiences browsing the halls and basements of libraries. Your stash of books is priceless. Guard it with your life. Who will be the lucky one to inherit it? Got somone in mind. I'm sure it will be the toughest decision you'll have to make in your life. That's my opinion anyway.

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Since Wayne calls me a Poly Math (better'n a Polly Anna) I used the entire lie bury system of the University of ILL Annoyed from agriculture to biology to rare books to geology to slovik, government documents, etc.

They even had a large donation of books on the occult (no surprise there).

I have two regrets: Never checking out the NATO book on Cosmic Rays (as big as a damned phone book) and a treatise on Vitamin D that was - if you can believe it - EVEN BIGGER! I did fall into a number of bound journals from the 30s to the 50s that were the mainstay of my work because I feel that by 1978 the drug companies had started to rewrite medical texts and got rid of all pertinent information.

Despite getting enough mold from the books to etch my brain, I also did an enormous harvest of data via their electronic databases. Anyone who has access to a library that subscribes to journals will have access to those journals that we typically see behind paywalls when we, as plebes, try to get access to what is denied the commoner. So if anyone has a Land Grant University near them and is a taxpayer in that state then you should have access to their stacks.

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Herein lies the secret, Eva - Mother of All Things - that thou shoulds't leave on the peel for the sake of the fungus and its toxins in order to fightest the screw of the cork with the flagellating tail.

No, seriously. They sell resveratrol as part of a treatment for lyme never once knowing that when you tease out the symphoria of the chemical and biological actions you have diminished its effectiveness.

The material in question came from


There's enough High Science there to choke an elephant. That being said the returns are more potent than any basic search engine, but the dilemma that science is a whorish fraud that is total shit these days still requires me to sort through endless abstracts just to get to something of substance.

It was a number of years ago where there was a palpable change in search engine returns just in the general browsers where you couldn't find shit when the A.I. used to tease us with juicy bits that we didn't even know existed.

The game has gone from tempting the lab rats with tasty cheese to trying to exterminate the entire maze because the machine thinks it is Game Over.

About 5 years ago Grannie Annie and I played a game with the A.I. where we would put in JUST 2 words separated by commas that had the most outrageous seemingly unrelated subjects. We were shocked when we found legitimate papers written in the 1950s on those very topics. #1 because someone had actually thought to put those ideas together, #2 because Rockefeller thought it was important to fund the study, #3 because although obscure they had the balls to print it for adepts like me and Grannie to find it even though we were just playin'.

A very large portion of useful information has been scrubbed from the web including the internet archive which is why I tell people to save everything offline even if you need a server farm of drives.

Thanks for the grape.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

SYMPHORIA hey?!. Only you, Patrick, would know what this term means. I didn't, but did look it up.

I don't have the brain the size like yours and I didn't browse the halls of libraries and looked at thousand of musty old science books. You lucky dog you! I'm happy for you. Also happy I discovered you. It's a privilege I treasure jealously.

P.S. thanks for the biology and the history lesson(s)

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Organic Chemistry was the hardest class I ever had in college.

As was typical of hi her ed yew kay shun there wasn't a damned practical thing in the entire course. I can say that because I re-started college after coming out of industry where THINGS HAVE TO WORK.

So, I can't learn anything unless it is practical. Memorization is useless to me.

So, as I was headed for a "D" in the class despite my most heroic efforts, I came up with what served me the rest of my life. I realized that the professors would pick random chapters and mix and match from the earliest ones in the book and completely ignore the latter half. I had for years criticized modern teaching for bringing their MK victims up with learning about atoms then molecules then reactions when the entire Age of Enlightenment / Rennaissance was based on DECONSTRUCTION. You have a watch: How do you figure out how it works? You don't tell a student about a tooth, then a gear, then an axel and then a spring and escapement and then a dial and then hands...

That's fucking ridiculous, but that is how science (what passes for it) is taught.


That's when I realized that the END of the book is where they PUT TOGETHER the watch (so to speak) so if I read the Organic Chemistry from the last chapter to the first chapter including ALL of the unassigned chapters I should get a clear picture of what was going on.

As I said I was headed for a "D" in the class when I had been an "A" student since high school and this was my second failed attempt at college. I did an OPPOSITE DAY on the textbook, discovered the SINGLE THING THAT DRIVES ORGANIC CHEMICAL REACTIONS = POWERS OF ANIONIC SUBSTITUTIONS and got my grade up to a "B" by the end of the class. I made the Dean's List. At first I thought I was being accused of a crime of something. I had never been on a Dean's or anyone else's list.

From that time forward I have always read texts from the back to the front so that I had the full picture of what was going on from a Reductionist point of view.


(bet you thought I forgot about that word) was a word used by the authors in close to the last chapter in the book to denote how chemicals and their reactions coordinated like an orchestra to elegantly go from one state/conformation to another.

NO ONE in that class or any other to follow would have ever been exposed to that word and it is integral to my theory of Continuum. where every single fact is connected to every other single fact just like the instruments in a symphony are all dependent and supportive of each other.

I don't have a brain the size I brag of anymore. It's withered like one of those walnuts that you crack open but there's just a shriveled thing inside. But I have to keep the myth alive.

I'm glad that you're here as well.

I pass on what I know as a legacy that was paid for dearly because the last thing we need to do as a Genus is have to re-learn / re-invent the wheel every generation when it can be selflessly passed on to give a leg up to the ones that follow.

Uh may not git der witcha - budt I hav SEEN dah Promised Land!

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

Funny thing is that, after six eons of so-called recorded human history, we should have millions of volumes of RECORDS in various forms i.e. clay tablets payrus scrolls and books, but alas, we do not.Its pitifully small.

I realize that many perished in the cyclical cataclysmic events that befall the Earth and many are destroyed due to fires, but still, IMHO there should be much more of such records then we presently have knowledge of and available for study. One would think such hard won acquired knowledge would be better protected and placed in vaults where fire and water could not cause damage.

Our electronic records keeping/storage is the worst type of storage. An EMP like the Carrington Event in the 1800's will annihilate everything in one second. Is this purposefully done? I think it is.

Our Genus is a peculiar one. We have the capacity and potential to create beautifull and usefull things through our imagination yet we allow ourselves to be led by the nose like cattle. I realize I am generalizing and making simpleton-like conclusions, but I have no room here to expound on the complexity of fickle human behavior which is exponentially made more complex when we interact with each other either as family, tribes, or diverse regions of the different ethnicities. One would think that after all the eons of existence on this rock humankind would be united, living in peace and not have to struggle to eke out a living like we, the 99.999999% of goyim that is, have to do today. You know the cause of suffering, destruction, disease and untimely death for many souls is caused by the .001 percenters. I don't need to name them as you are the one who knows history better than most and have named them many times throughout your writings.

AND, we do not want to stir up the hornet's nest

Nes-ce pa?

You've seen the Promised Land? I want the lattitude and longitude coordinates.

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I agree with nearly everything you rote.

After extended consideration and apply the Opposite Day that is my companion, I have concluded that mankind is not some higher being tricked into coming to the Hell Dimension with amnesia for the event, but a pathetically ignorant mammal that was raised to a level of intelligence and technical proficiency to service the Archonet Hive Entity. Without that brain-boost we would be sitting in trees and shitting out figs.

Not saying that would be a bad thing.

I like trees and figs.

When you're doing that, you don't NEED cell phones made with Blood Coltan.

As to your mathematics the parasites would make up 0.000001 % (to make your numbers work out - I'm anal that way), but I have a different view of the Us to Them ratio.

After the Witch Craze of 1200 AD through the Salem Trials I think that the population of REAL WOMEN had been so diminished that the only breeding stock left was THEM. So, although I'm bustin' your chops for fun over the numbers I get it that there are very few goy 'rewarded' for their evil deeds to be let into the Power Elite (a line from They Live!) and there SEEMS to be that small oppressed minority exerting Urban Renewal by turning Pal of Stein to DUST, but given my observation THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN IN THE MINORITY. Looking at their COUSINS in Con Gress alone we are outnumbered at least ten to one. Looking at the protocols there are only one in a million geniuses whom they fear so if the population is edging towards 8 billion (I don't believe that - I've never counted) then there are only about 8000 of us on the planet (THAT i DO believe).

The Promised Land?

That is the single permutation of the Multiple Outcome Universe where NOTHING is fucked because the one that we're in - EVERYTHING IS FUCKED.

All's we need is a portal to that alternative space-time and we're good.

Witches to say: There is no promised land.

To quote James Cameron from the Terminator series: There is no Fate except what we make.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

I am not that good with numbers anymore. I regressed in that department badly. Not much use for math and so I do not practice it.

In spite of all being FUCKED here I am going to make the best of it. One day at a time.

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Jul 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

Thank you, I appreciate you for your passion and willingness to share and help! And all your replies help to fill in jigsaw pieces - of a puzzle I know I won’t complete but one day I might distinguish more patterns and spot fake pieces better.

I’m glad my instinct lately to buy more books is a sound one. Where I didn’t join the dots were to libraries (I loved them growing up but haven’t used them much for decades) and more importantly to their sales and the proper second hand book shops I walk past locally.

I shall go forage with pleasure!

Nothing beats flicking throw old pages, the scent, the intriguing underlining and notes of readers past…

I’m excited :)

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Book resellers also go to lie bury sales so you can find good things there but they mark them up from the typical bargain basement prices.

A Lie Buryin' told me that they have a directive to purge old books off of their shelves to make room for the 'new ones'. Given my experience with data collection I knew that this was part of a ploy that we see in software revisions that make all programs worse, and the car buy-backs where vintage cars that didn't have electronic tracking in them were put out in the desert and had acid poured in their engine blocks so NO ONE could use them. So, too the 1984 style re-writing of history by... rewriting it.

They get a lot of things wrong in the 30s on forward but you have to give them the benefit of the doubt because there is so much from the 1800s that is still relevant today so it is a matter that the Truth does not go out of style it is just that we have been occulted from LEARNING the Truth.

Tell us what you come up with either here in the comments or put it in your own stack and send us a link.

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Jul 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

…Hail to the nerd army! I haven’t had a chance to pick bones on this one but I’m passing it on anywhey


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The treatment of syphilis was the standard mercury and gold poisoning.

This was interesting:

"NIGHTMARES. The treatment for this affection should be similar to that which we would adopt in night-pollution, sleep-walking, sleep-talking, etc., and which need not here be commented upon. It is or great importance that the patient lie upon his side. .Nervous people are often fond of lying upon the back ; and it is in this position that the nightmare attacks."

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