Insert funny Marvin the Paranoid Android clip here.
Seems that Ewe Toob posters have no sense of critical movie quotes so the best line of: “I’ve got a brain the size of a planet - and they’ve got me doing….”
doesn’t exist out there.
Butt, any Whey…
I put it out to the Lymies that I’ve been working on a concoction that makes High Tea in Britain look, smell, and taste like a fluoride-based mind control agenda. After a brief exchange with a respondent on biocontrol of termites by fungus, I started looking into the topic on my own. Something I didn’t want to do because I’d rather just recline while scantily-clad women waving ostrich feather fans feed me grapes, but I typed in a curious phrase in an abstract:
Homoacetogenic Spirochetes.
Yeah… if you had a dirty mind at the title of this Stack I can only imagine what you’re thinking about THAT one!
You, like me, will probably be shocked to your shorts over the return. I post it here because I’m done with print work for a while and this is my primary interface with the Pub Lick and motherfuckers steal my work all the time without giving me credit, so in the very least there will be a time-stamp on this to show that my Brain The Size of a Planet is bigger than any other guru-pretender-plagerizer that will inevitably promote these concepts as their own to the masturbatory pleasure of their thousands to millions of Follow Hers. Swallowers is more like it.
Appl Environ Microbiol. 2005 Apr;71(4):1883-9.
doi: 10.1128/AEM.71.4.1883-1889.2005.
Folate cross-feeding supports symbiotic homoacetogenic spirochetes
Joseph R Graber, John A Breznak
PMID: 15812016; PMCID: PMC1082566; DOI: 10.1128/AEM.71.4.1883-1889.2005
Treponema primitia,
Treponema is the same Genus as the SYPHILIS spirochete.
an H2-consuming CO2-reducing homoacetogenic spirochete in termite hindguts,
H2 (hydrogen gas) and methane (cow farts) are given off by organisms in the human gut some of which can be pathogens and these two gasses have been implicated in the balloon-type bloating of what is called SIBO. So that was the first thing that grabbed my A Ten Shun.
requires an exogenous source of folate for growth.
Completely unexpected Data-T-Bones in the middle of the intersection make me bark out YGTBFKM ! in an empty room in the middle of the knight.
[You’ve Got To Be Fucking Kidding Me. For anyone who doesn’t do Jordanian-Text.]
Tetrahydrofolate (THF) acts as a C1 carrier in CO2-reductive acetogenesis, a microbially mediated process important to the carbon and energy requirements of termites. To examine the hypothesis that other termite gut microbes probably supply some form of folate to T. primitia in situ, we used a bioassay to screen for and isolate folate-secreting bacteria from hindguts of Zootermopsis angusticollis, which is the host of T. primitia. Based on morphology, physiology, and 16S rRNA gene sequences, the major folate secretors were identified as strains of Lactococcus lactis and Serratia grimesii.
Here’s a picture of Grimesii isolated in the lab:
[Gríma, called Wormtongue, is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. He is introduced in The Two Towers as the chief advisor to King Théoden of Rohan and henchman of Saruman.]
Believe me: You DON’T want THAT growing in your gut!
Keeping in mind that Serratia marcesans is the darling bug that the See Eye Aye used to pollute all of North America under the guise of seeing what could be done by ‘real’ Tear Your Wrists releasing infectious agents.
During growth, these isolates secreted 5-formyl-THF at levels up to 146 ng/ml, and their cell-free culture fluids satisfied the folate requirement of T. primitia strains in vitro.
Analysis of Z. angusticollis hindgut fluid revealed that 5-formyl-THF was the only detectable folate compound and occurred at an in situ concentration (1.3 mug/ml) which was more than sufficient to support the growth of T. primitia. These results imply that cross-feeding of 5-formyl-THF by other community members is important for growth of symbiotic hindgut spirochetes and thus termite nutrition and survival.
Most people are already past the Ebonical Texting Threshold of: WDFDHJS?
[Whut Duh Fuck Dih He Jus Sthay? for those of you not versed in Ebonics or Jordanian Texting.]
So I will Farm Boy it for you: The DRUG made by Merck to replace the methyl folate that CANNOT BE PRODUCED INSIDE THE HUMAN BODY DUE TO A SINGLE-LETTER MUTATION IN THE MTHFR GENE (not texting for mother-fucker but Methylene TetraHydro Folate Reductase enzyme gene) is exactly what these bugs are shitting out to feed the Gut Syphilis inside of TERMITES so they can digest your house timbers.
Shiver me timbers.
Urban legend is that the Aventis Smallpox vaccine is known to cause the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of the MTHFR that has been fucking up many people’s lives. I suspect that since Small Pox is a herpes virus and Herpes Viruses are shed by SPIROCHETES that we all had the makings of the mutations since 1800 and Jenner’s Pollution.
Herein lies your lesson in Continuum:
Merely being curry ass about Homo Vinegar Termite Gut-Syphilis (actually it’s Acetyl-CoA not acetic acid for the acetogenic part - I have a wicked nerd sense of humor) led me to a corn neck shun with Folate deficiency running concurrently with gas production in the guts of insects that you know - since it’s laid out here like a 2x4 buffet - that the Dhar Puh boys have probably already tweaked to be adapted to the human gut for the express purpose of having a new Disease Of The Month Club release.
I’ll spare you the other technical papers that came along with this (missing the bronze girls with the ostritch fans) where there are two kinds of termite digestions. One eats dirt (I shit thee not) to break down peptides (the building blocks of proteins) so all of the tedious chemistry above has nothing to do with them. The other kind of termite that keeps the Orkin Man in business eats wood.
Butt TERMITES CAN’T DIGEST WOOD! That is where the Gut Syphilis comes in. It is the SPIROCHETE that breaks down the Cell You Lose. Butt… even the Gut Syphilis can’t do its job without Other Buggers that shit the kind of Folate that a bunch of humans can no longer make because their genes were purposely destroyed by…
… and you’re fucking going to LOVE THIS !
Motherfuckers (I do believe that they are Matriarchal Intercoursers) that are run by the Hive Mind of SPIROCHETES in the form of Neurosyphilis or Neuroborelliosis.
Only if you have read and watched enough scifi from the 1950s to the present would you be seamlessly adapted to the idea that when an invading alien force comes to earth the FIRST THING that it does is try to infect as many humans as possible. What better way to INSURE that the Bug has new hosts than to Vack Sin Eight?
Within the Wood-Eaters there is a Diversity of Equitable Inclusion of protozoa and ARCHAEA (methanotrobes - back to cow farts and SIBO) that either take up the slack of the Syphilis or act as digestive symbiotes so that they can have a house-destroying personal transport to live in.
What this caused me to wonder about in the absence of my Fan Girls and lack of individually-fed grapes (I like concords, buy the whey), is if folks really do have candida problems; or something else growing in them that is being occulted by the claim that they have yeast problems.
Lettuce con cider that Yeast USED to be a commensurate of the human gut, digesting cellulose for the host until after WWII and radiation-mutation (and some lab-manipulation) turned it into a flesh-eating beast from hell. But wasn’t it the same World Whore Whirled War that led to the development and release of the Lyme Spirochete via the Not Sees at Plum Island?
I guess that beyond a taste for human flesh we have to find out if Borellia and Treponema pallidum CAN METABOLIZE CELLULOSE. SIBO might be a Dhar Puh hybrid that is in the guts of humans that breaks down the cellulose and with it whatever gasses that give the bloat that is called SIBO (that doesn’t seem to have any CURE - since NO ONE knows how to kyll spirochetes). Sure, gurus abound every day telling you how to get rid of SIBO AND CANDIDA, but if you listen carefully to the gurus or the individual suck cess stories you find that if they stray just a spoonful from whatever diet they are on, that the plague comes back INSTANTLY.
Sorry, kidlings. That’s not a cure. A Cure means that you kicked ass, took names, put them on a No McFly List and the fuckers ain’t coming back.
So: Candida Yeast or Termite Gut-Syphilis?
MTHFR gene damage or Gut-Syphilis eating Folate right out of your guts?
These are BIG FUCKING IDEAS spurred by only a single paper. Addressed by no one anywhere else. I have no idea what the answers are. My Fan Girls are on Union Break so that is why I enlisted the help of Lymies who have a vested-interest in discovering answers so that we can defeat a scourge that has been UNDEFEATABLE for the past 5784 years.
[I just realized I can have a collection of Only Fan Girls. That would be grape - I mean: great!]
Me and my Big Brain will go back to sweeping the floors now…
Oh… Look! a grape on the floor! It’s a bit dusty - but - ten-second rule! I’ll just rub it off on my shirt and have a nice tasty… yuk…
…Hail to the nerd army! I haven’t had a chance to pick bones on this one but I’m passing it on anywhey