Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

Pay EXTRA taxes if you are not mouseleeym..

I assume "J" - folk in "J" - home-town-"J"-town-land pai taxi's to their cemented govern'er..

So do mouseleeiyms in home town countries too..

..but jassia or some such name is the

"welcomed lesser cousin slaves extra taxes" paid to the head-mouseleeym in their M:eemed country:s..

Such says yandex:

Jezia (Jizya) is the extra tax imposed on non-Muslims (Dhimmis) who live under Muslim rule according to the Qur'an and Hadith.

Such is peed weak i link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jizya

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deletedSep 8
Comment deleted
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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

I fehell outwitted here bcs I will maybe

get you

or I will put

Giz Yuph

instead of


on my spa get ee..

Cash-it-in in any


Why nut!

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that was just for you. message recieved message gone

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

Neurosyphilis with Psychosis as the Primary Presentation

"Some of the psychiatric symptoms that have been described in untreated neurosyphilis patients include personality changes, aggressive behaviors, mania, auditory and visual hallucinations, illusions, frank paranoia, progressive cognitive impairment often leading to loss of employment, delirium, and persecutory delusions (1–7). Because of early treatment, only about 10% to 15% of primary syphilis cases progress to tertiary syphilis, and of these cases, less than 20% present with primary psychiatric symptoms (3). For these reasons, the diagnosis of neurosyphilis is often overlooked."


Seems like an apt explanation of the violent madness which has taken over the world. Syphilis, according to some calculations is more than twice as common in men as women and, according to a report out of Australia, the rate is 70% for men, 30% for women.


Another interesting graph.


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You are brilliant.

Must be it's own Stack.

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

I have a great teacher.

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Introduce me some time.

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

Pat, meet Pat.

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wow. Dude has the same name as me!

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

What are the chances?


"patrician (n.)

early 15c., patricion, "member of the ancient Roman noble order," reputed descendants of the original citizens, from Old French patricien, from Latin patricius "of the rank of the nobles, of the senators; of fatherly dignity," from patres conscripti "Roman senators," from plural of pater "father" (see father (n.))."

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Said like that moment in the Kentucky Fired Movie. Only without the nudity. :]

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Never seen the movie.


What was the name of that movie again?

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

Yandex image of Bush jr holding a volume of talmud on white house lawn as a shemitic puppet, jr was bug possessed for the talmud he carrys has gold leaf decor, scratch, sniff, lick, and slaughter

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

Here's the statute.


But . . . .

I don't read Dr. Guillotine in this document.

The Brave AI answer to the query "noahide statute" returns:

Key Principles

Prohibition of Idolatry: Refrain from worshiping false gods or idols.

Prohibition of Murder: Do not take human life.

Prohibition of Theft: Respect others’ property and do not steal.

Prohibition of Sexual Immorality: Avoid illicit sexual relationships, including incest, adultery, and bestiality.

Prohibition of Blasphemy: Do not curse or revile God’s name.

Establishment of Courts of Justice: Set up fair and just systems for resolving disputes and meting out punishment.

Prohibition of Eating a Living Creature: Refrain from consuming animals still alive.

and a bunch of salutations.

To Lud-a-wicher blast fan me might be calling upon the name of Jesus, no?

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how timely I'm writing a new stack.


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Sep 8Liked by Patrick Jordan

Rolo Slavskiy at Slavland chronicles has a bnc I was unaware of.....Yuri Andropov=Yuri FleckenSTEIN more proof Yahood's coming out of woodpile.

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I miss Yew Watch.

It was all laid out. No reinventing the wheel.

The presumption is that they are ALL family.

The short list would be: Who isn't? But then I think that list would be empty.

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