Insert 1967 Dragnet clip here: “Just the Facts, ma’am.”
a short does not exist.
I never knew that Rachel’s parents were hit with the legal costs. The first time I heard of her was through Alison Weir’s work
Where it was claimed that Hamas was a creation of Is Ra EL for the express purpose of having an excuse to harm/maim/kyll the Canaanites. NOTHING was done over Rachel’s MURR DURR back then, nothing has been done now except Business (the business of deth) As Usual for a race of biocidal maniacs.
But, it seems that there have been many others where the freaks in ‘office’ that only call the victims: “citizens” give criminals both foreign and domestic full benefits but defraud and kyll those “citizens” and their families. The Tall Mud is clear:
Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30 "The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honor the dog more than the non-Jew."
Sepher ikkarim III c 25 "It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile."
Talmud, Abodah Zara, 4b "A heretic Gentile you may kill outright with your own hands."
Bammidber raba c 21 & Jalkut 772 "Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God."
So that “citizen” thing to INTERNATIONALS that see Goyim as Of The Nations means that ALL OF THE ABOVE APPLY. So to appeal to biocidal maniacs for ‘justice’ will result in Justice = Justicia = Lilith = Liltuv = Lilu = Lili = Baba Ili = the Gate of the Great God Ili = The Whore of Babylon = the Judge of the Dead = you were already accounted dead in their system so OF COURSE they will treat you worse than dogs and run over you with a bulldozer and invoke the Ally McBeal: “Bygones.” then tell you to go away you pig-dogs you bother them.
The Department of State is not the State Department. More inversion leger demain. They are waiting on the facts.
Here’s the Facts:
Biocidal Maniacs kylt people with malice aforethought.
That’s first degree Murr Durr.
For the ‘country’ of the ‘citizen’ to NOT RESPOND makes them a PRINCIPLE to the crime not a lowly Accessory After The Fact.
To portray that the YewKnighted States of Shumeria is somehow an INDEPENDENT, BENEVOLENT, ARBITOR OF DEMONOCRACY is FRAUD.
Those are all of the facts that you need. Oh… and they’ve been doing this for 5784 years so they won’t stop for all eternity here in Hell. I did put this Stack in my Proof We’re In Hell section.
We mark the 21st anniversary of the death of Rachel Corrie, the 23-year-old U.S. peace activist who was crushed to death by an Israeli soldier driving a military bulldozer on March 16, 2003. Corrie was in Rafah with the International Solidarity Movement to monitor human rights abuses and protect Palestinian homes from destruction when she was killed. To this day, nobody has been held accountable for her death, with the Israeli military ruling it an “accident” and the Supreme Court of Israel rejecting an appeal from her parents in 2015. Rachel Corrie has since become a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinian people, and her legacy must be used “to direct attention back to Rafah” and prevent an escalation in the war, says her friend and fellow activist Tom Dale, who witnessed her final moments. We also speak with Corrie’s parents, Cindy and Craig, who say they have met many Palestinians over the years who continue to honor their daughter’s memory. “For Palestinians everywhere, Rachel’s story has been very important,” says Cindy Corrie. “They tell us over and over again how much it meant.” After Corrie was killed, they devoted their lives to her cause and founded the nonprofit Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice.
Here’s the source video for credit for what I excerpted below: com/watch? v=P8ACMXX9an4
some assembly required.
Here’s what I cut out of it to make a point that I don’t see anyone talking about.
Clearly biocidal maniacs turning babies into body parts covered in concrete dust has to be returned in kind. That goes without saying… but no one is saying it.
New idea: It was Pike and the Freemasons who ‘predicted’ that the next war would be with the Moo Slims. On the surface all of this posturing shows that those who Struggle With G-d have always been the Occupiers throughout all of history and were even the Not Sees who oppressed the “J”folk, so it has only ever been cousins putting down their cousins.
I know the MK is so tight the I just lost 99% of readers.
For some it might take some trigger words and self-study:
INTERNECINE WAR is what opened it up for me.
internecine /ĭn″tər-nĕs′ēn″, -ĭn, -nē′sīn″/
Of or relating to struggle within a nation, organization, or group.
Imagine the group being one big unhappy Family where they are Struggling = Gee Hahding each other because they are rapacious, biocidal maniacs.
I think that is the other hangup that folks have. They might be so innocent that they can’t imagine humans destroying the very fabric of Life itself.
Butt therein lies the first mistake is according them to be humans when the Bug In The Brain syphilitics ceased being anything resembling humans millennia ago.
Here’s the rub:
Baba mezia, 114b "The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts."
They actually consider themselves to be Hu-Man. If that is the case then to be Hu-Man is to be Dee Man.
The other hangup is that Place is Not Race.
So the average ape sees:
American and thinks: American not Yahoodim
Iranian and thinks: Iranian not Yahoodim
Iraqi and thinks: Iraqi not Yahoodim
Chinese and thinks: Chinese not Yahoodim
British and thinks: British not Yahoodim
French and thinks: French not Yahoodim
Dutch and thinks: Dutch not Yahoodim
Muslim and thinks: Muslim not Yahoodim
Christian and thinks: Christian not Yahoodim
Hindu and thinks: Hindu not Yahoodim
Satanist and thinks: Satanist not Yahoodim
Title is not reality.
There’s been an enormous elephant wearing a yamulke sitting in your living room all of your lives but you’re too hypnotized to even see it.
For you 1%ers. Doesn’t it feel like a psyop that although God Strugglers have not been punished in any way by govern mentes, there has been a current of the world at large despising them for their attrocities with a favoring of their COUSINS? That alone would facilitate a subtle shifting of one Clan as power-brokers to the Other Clan. Just like the fellow with the funny hat in the excerpt said: You then have the choice of either converting, or being taxed, or Dye Ying. Convert or Dye. Where have we heard that before? Pay Taxes or Dye. Where have we heard THAT before?
Deuteronomy 20: 10-15
“When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be TRIBUTARIES unto thee and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil there of, shalt thou take unto thyself and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD they God hath given thee. Thus shalt thou do to ALL the cities which are very far off from thee, which are not of the cities of these nations.
But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt
save alive nothing that breatheth.
But thou shalt utterly destroy them..."
That quote comes from ShemClan Inc. before they Palestined Canaan. But then whoever the dude in the excerpt was, he said as a HamClan Inc. C.E.O. THE EXACT SAME LINE as we read in Dirty On Am Me!
This is why I did this epic work below because due to MK, brain damage, and just low I.Q. I have not been able to get this concept across to people since 2011.
Because if it plays out the way that Albert Pike & Gang have engineered then you will simply pull the tablecloth of the Star of Doveed out from underneath the place-settings to replace it via magick with the cloak of Yslam.
Meet the New Boss - Same as the Old Boss.
Because what the MKed, brain damaged, and just low I.Q.ed don’t get and can’t see is that the NOAHIDE LAWS are not just a “J”ewish thing witch is why I call this collection of Race not Place to be: Yahoodim = Children of Ea-Hu. That covers ALL of the Clans; ALL of the Tribes. While folks were worried about Sharia Coming!, Bush Baby with hand-rubbing rabid rebbes already signed the Noetic Fatherly Template of My Three Sons into the Laws of the YewKnighte States of Shumeria. Or as George Warshington liked to say: The New Jerusalem.
What you are suffering through may be just a Changing Of The Gaurd.
You will still be expected to convert, pay taxes, or dye.
The more things change - the more they stay the same.
Neurosyphilis with Psychosis as the Primary Presentation
"Some of the psychiatric symptoms that have been described in untreated neurosyphilis patients include personality changes, aggressive behaviors, mania, auditory and visual hallucinations, illusions, frank paranoia, progressive cognitive impairment often leading to loss of employment, delirium, and persecutory delusions (1–7). Because of early treatment, only about 10% to 15% of primary syphilis cases progress to tertiary syphilis, and of these cases, less than 20% present with primary psychiatric symptoms (3). For these reasons, the diagnosis of neurosyphilis is often overlooked."
Seems like an apt explanation of the violent madness which has taken over the world. Syphilis, according to some calculations is more than twice as common in men as women and, according to a report out of Australia, the rate is 70% for men, 30% for women.
Another interesting graph.
Rolo Slavskiy at Slavland chronicles has a bnc I was unaware of.....Yuri Andropov=Yuri FleckenSTEIN more proof Yahood's coming out of woodpile.