If we conjugate my most prized attribute that I have worked on so assiduously with the word: Ass such as: Smart-Ass then I literally could be a Pain in the Ass and an Ass-Biter.
I will see about having my brain transferred in bits to gumballs and every house could be issued a gumball machine (a quarter per turn of a quarter-turn) so that they can have access to my schmerzenkopf.
Well if it is not the electronic device ...it was the TV....before that it was ...what exactly? Maybe books??....and before that religion?.....you cannot shelter humans from been prone to mind bending. All you need is a good flute player. Luckily not everyone like to listen to flute music. We all had exposure to "stuff" yet some of us figure it out some others do not even when plenty of explanation is given.
As you repeatedly state - to inculcate it into the thick heads of most of the sheeple,
That's as fact JACK!
Another fact - I haven't run accross one journeyman or crafstman of any kind in my entire life
while working in the construction industry for the past 45 years, that was of the TRIBE of either of the
three branches of the FAMILY tree. Not a one!
It's the law of the land we live on currently. Law that is enFORCEd by law enFORCEment mercenaries i.e. the police and solDIERS! We self police ourselves due to MK programing throughout our entire life - from cradle to the grave!
We live on a prison planet with no escape possible.
Free Mansory principles are about the builders of civilizations: craftsmens, stone cutters, artisans, artists....and all those people whose labor have contributed (in addition to farmers) to make people lives better.
Along the way the original principles derailed with groups forming subgroups and branches that entagled political & financial interests.
The US of A has been founded on these principles but to me the way it is inculcated to the people of this country it is that all work and nothing else because everything else is not necessary. That alone excuse me.....comes from a slave mentality.
In the old USSR manual labor was valued just like mental labour. It is difficult to quantify labour energy expediture.....and give it a numerical value.
In our society generally speaking some type of labors are paid more than others.
Because we MUST speak about concrete meaning of "work" not some abstracts about people who do not work.....when someone says that if you do nor work you should not eat.....well I would like a clearification.
Some people cannot work certain jobs.
Going back to the old USSR and even today Capital-Communist China.....in these societies even athletes are paid.
Because not everyone can grow food on the land. Not everyone can be an artist.....not everyone is mechanically inclined....and not everyone can cut hair.
You are intelligent. It's obvious to me from your writing.
In my thinking work should never be quantified. One must work to sustain one's self. This is plainly obvious. It is a universal truth. Nothing comes from doing nothing. Our history is replete with evidence of civilization being built on the backs of those who manually labored in the fields. mines and fabrication shops or factories on one hand, and the so-called engineers, planners, administrators or overseers on the other. Each did their FAIR SHARE according to their innate abilities. It makes sense to me. The common effort was to build shelters and grow sources of food. That is also very obvious. So far so good. IMHO I think that clever individuals have figured ways to shirk their responsibility and duty to do manual, or even mental work. This was done through the invention of money. IMHO money is the only thing that our species ever invented/created. A piece of metal, or paper from then on would be quantified or be counted as actually labor, be it mental, or physical. It takes work to use one's brain just like the manual laborers. I see no distinction. It's all WORK which takes time.
Sadly, we are purposely, WITH MALICE AFORETHOUGHT, not taught to think regarding division of labor in lear and understandable terms for past 5784 years.
Money substituted the necessity to do work. How was this done is not difficult to discern. Much has been written on this matter. I will not expound on this here, but will give a short synopsis.
The clever ones who controlled the money, through nefarious means I might add, have created a way to emplement the use of money that would benefit only them i.e. USURY. Usury was forbidden at first. Again, all thinking people understand why it was forbidden. Human nature is such that the clever ones used it to avoid any type of labor. THEY created a civilization based solely on an artificial/unnatural construct which we call COMMERCE. All based on LOVE OF MONEY. Is it any wonder why there will be gnashing of teeth when the MERCHANTS of BABYLON witness their city burning? Because their FREE RIDE is over. No more MASTER and SLAVE bullshit. It's OVER! And THEY know this.
Soviet Union was created and run by these pencil pushing FREAKS. I lived in CSSR in the sixties. My parents were in the factory on the day shift at 6am. I was 8 years old when I had the responsibility placed on me to wake my two siblings get them dressed, eat breakfast and escort them to the STATE run kindergarten and then walk to STATE run indoctrination facility, i.e. school. Do you get it? An 8 years old kid doing adults responsibilities. Are you kidding me. Yet, no one thought anything was wrong with this effed up picture. Well, I'm not being fair. I'm sure people thought about it, but they couldn't do a damn thing about it lest they be put in prison. That my friend, was the reality living in a socialist i.e. communist run country. Doctors and engineers and manual labors were paid just about the same wages. One hour of labor, whether you are an engineer, or a manual labor makes no difference in my universe. Time is the quantifying element for work expended. It was the oligarchs, i.e. politicians who were living like gods. Pencil pushing motherfuckers is what I call them. They never worked one day in their goddamn lives. Unlike the millions who suffered in factories and died of some disease while working 24/7 in polluted work places at an early age.
I am not putting on the pedestal a socialist/communist system . AT ALL. It was an example of how different society value work. I did not say I agree or disagree. Just saying that quantifying labor as an expediture of enery both physical and mental is difficult. Also because for some people it is easier….more aptitudinal skills or talents along with experience.
Throught history the governing class NEVER WORKED ENOUGH.
Thus I m not putting on a pedestal any system.
I totally get the usury shit and debt/credit society more than most people. Hey I got a gigantic student loan I will never pay off. I never took that money out and it is all pile up interest. I guess I am not so “intelligent” ….see….infact quite stupid and naive because I fell for that trap.
I was enraged when I found that a woman with 13 children (less actually, I just like writing 13) could make more money on welfare in a year, than I could ever through the INSANELY hard labor I've done in my ENTIRE LIFETIME ! Because of this the COMMIES CREATED a situation where they steal from the workers to REWARD the non-worker breeders of non-workers.
I'm delinquent in my Family Photo Album. It will tell all at least for 13 of the Tribes (there's that number again).
It is IMPOSSIBLE to work anywhere in Europe of America or anywhere else in the world and not be SURROUNDED by THEM. They outnumber us by AT LEAST TEN TO ONE.
One of their best traits is camoflauge by mixing with every race they invade.
I have no position on whether escape is possible which is why my primary objective is to TAKE OVER HELL. We'll work out the details later.
The Devil is in the details. An interesting phrase. This to me means paying acute attention. Attention takes effort using the mind, i.e. thinking, i.e. using the brain to its highest potential. So, IMHO, the ability to speak/ understand several languages, which is the key to DIS-SPELLING the SPELLS creeated by THEM to confuse our minds. I am aware that history abounds with attempts to do precisely that. Hmmm?!
No wonder THEY try so hard to diminish/stifle the goyim's capacity to think. Free thiking and fully functioning minds threaten them.
That means that the Devil is everywhere in all things.
For most people it should be enough to know that it is ALL BAD ALL THE TIME. Details are for the fighters - the ones that have Free Will left to Self-Determine in order to find the weaknesses of the Enemy and defeat them utterly. No other option exists.
The problem is that nearly all of the denizens of Hell are actually comfortable down here so the battle is to get over 7 billion useless bodies that will fight you like crabs in a bucket at every turn before you ever get CLOSE to The Devil.
What happened at Babel? Confusion of the languages. Why? Because they are of one tongue and NOTHING will be beyond their accomplishments.
Think of that in the reverse. What is the SINGLE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE ON THE PLANET?
This needs to be its own Stack!
Reverse Babylon!
What you are getting at goes beyond 'thinking'.
A dolphin has a bigger brain than a human. It has the ability to concentrate a sonar beam at fish to either stun them or kill them. We have NO IDEA WHAT THE CAPACITY OF THE HUMAN BRAIN *WAS* BEFORE THEY FUCKED WITH US. We might have been able to do what the ancient martial artists were claimed to have done not that long ago: Kyll with a THOUGHT or a TOUCH.
Mentor us,` oh great teacher, so we may be able to slay the MONSTERS! I am ready for a lesson in advanced QUI GONG.
I notice that the last few months the web is replete with stories of fairly clear evidence of melted cities in the entire world. Even mountains are being revealed as GIGANTIC structures of a destroyed extremely advanced civilizations. Question is - what destroyed them? Cataclysm of natural cause? Depends on what natural means, Nothing is natural in this CONSTRUCT/ SIMULACRUM! IMHO some type of DEW is what is being deployed! Just as the bizzare fire in Lahaina, weird fires in California and elsewhere in most recent past were burned. All the major cities in the USA were, according to accepted history, burned. WTH? All of them ? Where are the obituaries of countless humans that must have burned in those supposed fires? No such evidence of such records! It is as if these cities had no population whatsoever. That fact that these cities in the 1800's were devoid of popultion is also being revealed lately. Fully built huge cities, with incredibly complex brick and stone buildings just sitting empty in 1880's when, we were told, the pioneers were traversing the plains in horse driven wagons and fought the savage natives in the wild wild west. WILD my ass! Old photos corroborate this EMPTY cities narrative. What the heck is going on?
If I were to write science fiction (and I am) then I would say that some DEW took out the so-called Tartarian constructions based only on the reports that - as you say - huge buildings made of stone: burnt. BFS. bullfuckingshit. Yes there might have been wooden beams to create joists, rafters, floors, etc. but the entire structure wouldn't have been decimated.
If I were to write science fiction (and I am) then I would explain pockets of particular metals that are currently mined as being remnants of cities that were DEWed to molten slag so that the next generation only had to come along and say: Oooo! Look at all of that lithium? when it was merely a Tesla factory that got DEWed and with it the entire inventory in one place.
People learn to milk the system because the system is coinceived that way. Not everyone takes “advantage” of governament programs. And it is not that easy either. It is the ultimate form of slavery.
Any woman who has gone through labor and put her body through that much has done work. Not to mention the loss of freedom in raising 13 children….or what kind of quality life these children could have? I had friends who were on welfare and the FINANCIAL FACTS are always a bit different than the stories. Starting from public housing. Basically you can never get ahead. So it is easier to be on welfare…..but it is a miserable state of affairs too.
As a tax paying citizen I am not happy about that. Would not make more sense to pay for the woman never have children again? I think so.
The latest wave of so-called immigrants are given money and shelter by our so-called government as soon as they step on the soil. They don't have to do a damned thing to get free everything! What is going on? I am an immigrant who came in the 70's. I was given birdballs. I had to prove I had some merit. I had to prove I had the right to the privilege of being accepted to enter and become a part of this society on the land we call United States of America. Mind you, I do not posses the same rights as a citizen born on this land. I was not born on this land, and as such I have no right to become a president. Just more legal bullshit for ya! What happened to the addage - Practice what you Preach, i.e. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL? It's just words on paper to the psychos running this asylum.
The term/word citizen is a tricky one. Defining it properly and fully is a path that leads to a damned deep rabbit hole. It;s all about the words, i.e. SPELLS! Another time perhaps. I forgot most of the crap I picked up on the way down this deep rabbit hole. It's all useless crap anyway if you don't have GHUNS to back up your claims. FORCE is what life is TODAY. Eat or be eaten. It was perhaps not always that way.
The, aqueducts, star forts and huge stone and brick incredibly beautifull buildings built by the previous, very recent, civilization/generation, of which we are just now learning existed on a gigantic scale, is a clue that this is not just a conjecture on my part. I can only hope. IMHO only a civilized, i.e. uncurrupted, society could have achieved to construct the infrastructure of such complexity and scale that is being exposed as we speak, so to say.
The immigrants are here to replace the previous workers....you....me ....and the others a bit younger. See they shuffle people this way all the times. It is economy. The most profitable economy for the governing class is slavery.
Because the wages have gone up .....some...but the habitants of this land have develop lazy gene and dont want to do manual jobs anymore.
So this is why they bring immigrants here. The housing and the financial help they get it aint free all the times.
Also there might be a time soon with digital.ID implementation were immigrants might choose a seasonal shot to keep working.
Ye came to Hamerica from Czech, Russ Winter left Hamerica for Czech Slavland. He's not on par with the tiller of the soil from SION ILLI but puts out good material on winterwatch.net
tell us more. These comments are open to as much air as you can expend. I'm so far behind in viewing/reading material that I could use a synopsis over a link.
Henry yahood Makow said Winter has the best material out there. Henry be unaware of the lumberjack asparagus fermenter 100 gram consumer of unprocessed salt self sufficent #1 enemy of control freaks. Winter is mostly fake history, yahoody intrigue, 9/11, assassination, false flags etc. I would read Winter 1st before anything until I found self taught one, student of Mel Thornburg PBUH who taught thee all that thou dost know....now I read Winter 2nd and the destroyer of black magik 1st...
If both you and I weren't so busy I would ask for stats on how many people were kilt with the wax jobs and how many undocumented people have been documented to have crossed the border. This is FACILITATED by Govern Mente in order for the Census to not show a scaryasfuck DIP in the population after their Jen Oh Side.
Whoops, you just showed us the reason for all of these invaders. Soon one will be paraded for all of the peeple of Hamerica to have risen from the depths of oppresion, come here ill eagle lee and then achieved the greatest dream of become El Presidente!
C'mon! I 'splained what All Men Are Created Equal meant either in a Stack or comments.
We ain't men. We ain't them. Their words are for THEIR PEOPLE. Even Bush baby called the Constipation: "That Scrap".
I've spent a good deal of time examining history.
It's ALWAYS BEEN BAD because THEY have been here for at least 5784 years. There's the golden thread that runs through the tapestry.
What the apes have bred out of them is the capacity to imagine that NONE OF THIS NEEDS TO BE THIS WAY.
Aqueducts for CITY living that I'm totally opposed to. Mousetraps for humans.
Star Forts for the Cousins to defend their territory against their Cousins. If it was Us, then I wonder how much Family on Family vy oh lence there would be?
On the contrary all of the achievements of which you speak were constructed the same way that the Hoover Dam was: You get a few elite engineers at the top, you bury a bunch of starving Okies in the concrete and poison them with carbon monoxide from vehicle exhaust in the bypass tunnels, you call it a success and you power your cities on the ghosts of those you sacrified to make your infrastructure.
Sure, their works are massive and take skill and are impressive. But I only see the blood of the blood, sweat and tears. OK, tears too.
By all means 'flood' this section with any materials you have on a previous dam.
That's the first time I've heard of it.
But like most things, even though they are surprising it makes perfect sense if say the fabled tartarians had a dam there and it failed or was removed then the suck cess sores came along and tried to replicate it (probably half-assed) then it would be like a class of knobs trying to do what their teacher did decades earlier.
Life experience taught me that a lot of people are allergic to work.
The simplest form of work that gives people direct personal gains without money is physical work . Working out, doing exercises to improve one health, shape or state of mind.
This is a reason why the path of weight loss fails. So the gene of no work must been in everyone as well.
Moving on to the next point......this is associated with not everyone wants to work the land. It seems that this desire fades away with the advent of technology. The truth is that most people do not want to do physical work with a ho digging tilling the soil or knealing planting seeds, weeding, harvesting and all the physical work associated with that primal need to feed ourself.
Is there an easy way? See this proves Anunaki have created many branches of the populace on Earth.
So we are always back to physical work is not something the majority of people is inclined to do.
People needs rewards, motivation etc to be pushed to work.
This has influenced the social hierarchy for millennia and indoctrinated billions of gents that elevated (EL) class is better because they are served by those who work physical labour.
Next point is that since we were made a slave race with features that obviously make us stronger than "them"....genetically speaking physical work must be replaced with physical exercise in order to keep the slave race producing. NOTE the fitness craze of the past 100 years. The industrial revolution created fat, sick and apathetic semi monster. Looks like the "lazy gene" resurface when you practice lazy.....but tends to collide with hormones, and brain dopamines that produce a decline.
We are at the dawn of another industrial revolution.
How do we keep millions living in cities from going insane? Remember how in prisons gyms and weight rooms are needed??
Excellent dissertation! "How do we keep millions living in cities from going insane? Remember how in prisons gyms and weight rooms are needed??"
I've pondered this same sentiment. It's my opinion that everybody will be "Happy" as they are plummeted deeper into a new Virtual reality headset type if "living". Will the lazy gene be applicable under these circumstances? Owning nothing but a VR headset could put an end to the need of money if everyone is housed in for profit prisons where the outside whirled is run on "smart" brain power. We're in times that people are payed to play video games .... so they can afford a new video game.
My dear deer lady: Your presumption was in error right from the starting box:
How do we keep millions from going insane?
The reason they took Lead out of gasoline is not because it was an altruistic move to preserve the health of the worker drones, but because LEAD MAKES YOU ANGRY AND YOU CAN'T HAVE A SLAVE POPULATION CONSTANTLY ANGRY BECAUSE IT WOULD SOON MOVE UP THE FOOD CHAIN.
The enchantment, spell, glamour has been embedded for years. The ONLY thing that is missing is the umbilicus that tethers us directly to the Matrix like Neo with the probe into his Neo Cortex. Its just temperature differences in the water of the frog-cooking pot.
So, I hear you saying that were already in Hell's Kitchen? This certainly cannot be.
I thought I was still in the lobster tank, watching my little buddies, full throttle getting tossed in the pot. Must be the fluoride in my tank water ... keeping me from escaping.
They put the rubber bands around your claws so that you can't de-fingerize the motherfucker that put you in the tank to shit your contents out so that you can get a clean cook. They don't FEED lobster in those tanks it is to empty their alimentary canal that is part of what goes down the middle of the meaty part.
So, you opened with the difference between Hell's Kitchen and the nice aquarium. Then someone like me comes along and says that the anteroom to hell had people who were being chased and stung by insects for eternity BEFORE EVER GETTING INTO HELL-PROPER.
What's The Fucking Difference? WTFD? I axed myself when I read that.
Being put in a tank with no food to shit your brains out with the anticipatory fear that someone is going to eat you is somehow 'less' bad then Gordon Ramassay tossing you into a pot?
It's all bad-all the time. Which is why I say it all has to go at all levels.
OK ….but we got different levels of insanity…I guess it is directly proportional to the generational vaccine damage unique to each of us ...right? So lets do not place all on the same boat. Remember at the loney house the certified insane were often a victim and less insane of those running the place.
If we conjugate my most prized attribute that I have worked on so assiduously with the word: Ass such as: Smart-Ass then I literally could be a Pain in the Ass and an Ass-Biter.
I will see about having my brain transferred in bits to gumballs and every house could be issued a gumball machine (a quarter per turn of a quarter-turn) so that they can have access to my schmerzenkopf.
Yes it is a really crazy world we live in
So many blinders we are hardly aware of
I worry about all the children especially how influential the electronic devices can sway a child’s thinking. And send him down the rabbit hole.
Well if it is not the electronic device ...it was the TV....before that it was ...what exactly? Maybe books??....and before that religion?.....you cannot shelter humans from been prone to mind bending. All you need is a good flute player. Luckily not everyone like to listen to flute music. We all had exposure to "stuff" yet some of us figure it out some others do not even when plenty of explanation is given.
My motto:
As you repeatedly state - to inculcate it into the thick heads of most of the sheeple,
That's as fact JACK!
Another fact - I haven't run accross one journeyman or crafstman of any kind in my entire life
while working in the construction industry for the past 45 years, that was of the TRIBE of either of the
three branches of the FAMILY tree. Not a one!
It's the law of the land we live on currently. Law that is enFORCEd by law enFORCEment mercenaries i.e. the police and solDIERS! We self police ourselves due to MK programing throughout our entire life - from cradle to the grave!
We live on a prison planet with no escape possible.
This truly is hell.
DEATH to the psychopaths!
I will not live in fear!
Want my soul?
Free Mansory principles are about the builders of civilizations: craftsmens, stone cutters, artisans, artists....and all those people whose labor have contributed (in addition to farmers) to make people lives better.
Along the way the original principles derailed with groups forming subgroups and branches that entagled political & financial interests.
The US of A has been founded on these principles but to me the way it is inculcated to the people of this country it is that all work and nothing else because everything else is not necessary. That alone excuse me.....comes from a slave mentality.
In the old USSR manual labor was valued just like mental labour. It is difficult to quantify labour energy expediture.....and give it a numerical value.
In our society generally speaking some type of labors are paid more than others.
Because we MUST speak about concrete meaning of "work" not some abstracts about people who do not work.....when someone says that if you do nor work you should not eat.....well I would like a clearification.
Some people cannot work certain jobs.
Going back to the old USSR and even today Capital-Communist China.....in these societies even athletes are paid.
Because not everyone can grow food on the land. Not everyone can be an artist.....not everyone is mechanically inclined....and not everyone can cut hair.
You are intelligent. It's obvious to me from your writing.
In my thinking work should never be quantified. One must work to sustain one's self. This is plainly obvious. It is a universal truth. Nothing comes from doing nothing. Our history is replete with evidence of civilization being built on the backs of those who manually labored in the fields. mines and fabrication shops or factories on one hand, and the so-called engineers, planners, administrators or overseers on the other. Each did their FAIR SHARE according to their innate abilities. It makes sense to me. The common effort was to build shelters and grow sources of food. That is also very obvious. So far so good. IMHO I think that clever individuals have figured ways to shirk their responsibility and duty to do manual, or even mental work. This was done through the invention of money. IMHO money is the only thing that our species ever invented/created. A piece of metal, or paper from then on would be quantified or be counted as actually labor, be it mental, or physical. It takes work to use one's brain just like the manual laborers. I see no distinction. It's all WORK which takes time.
Sadly, we are purposely, WITH MALICE AFORETHOUGHT, not taught to think regarding division of labor in lear and understandable terms for past 5784 years.
Money substituted the necessity to do work. How was this done is not difficult to discern. Much has been written on this matter. I will not expound on this here, but will give a short synopsis.
The clever ones who controlled the money, through nefarious means I might add, have created a way to emplement the use of money that would benefit only them i.e. USURY. Usury was forbidden at first. Again, all thinking people understand why it was forbidden. Human nature is such that the clever ones used it to avoid any type of labor. THEY created a civilization based solely on an artificial/unnatural construct which we call COMMERCE. All based on LOVE OF MONEY. Is it any wonder why there will be gnashing of teeth when the MERCHANTS of BABYLON witness their city burning? Because their FREE RIDE is over. No more MASTER and SLAVE bullshit. It's OVER! And THEY know this.
Soviet Union was created and run by these pencil pushing FREAKS. I lived in CSSR in the sixties. My parents were in the factory on the day shift at 6am. I was 8 years old when I had the responsibility placed on me to wake my two siblings get them dressed, eat breakfast and escort them to the STATE run kindergarten and then walk to STATE run indoctrination facility, i.e. school. Do you get it? An 8 years old kid doing adults responsibilities. Are you kidding me. Yet, no one thought anything was wrong with this effed up picture. Well, I'm not being fair. I'm sure people thought about it, but they couldn't do a damn thing about it lest they be put in prison. That my friend, was the reality living in a socialist i.e. communist run country. Doctors and engineers and manual labors were paid just about the same wages. One hour of labor, whether you are an engineer, or a manual labor makes no difference in my universe. Time is the quantifying element for work expended. It was the oligarchs, i.e. politicians who were living like gods. Pencil pushing motherfuckers is what I call them. They never worked one day in their goddamn lives. Unlike the millions who suffered in factories and died of some disease while working 24/7 in polluted work places at an early age.
I am not putting on the pedestal a socialist/communist system . AT ALL. It was an example of how different society value work. I did not say I agree or disagree. Just saying that quantifying labor as an expediture of enery both physical and mental is difficult. Also because for some people it is easier….more aptitudinal skills or talents along with experience.
Throught history the governing class NEVER WORKED ENOUGH.
Thus I m not putting on a pedestal any system.
I totally get the usury shit and debt/credit society more than most people. Hey I got a gigantic student loan I will never pay off. I never took that money out and it is all pile up interest. I guess I am not so “intelligent” ….see….infact quite stupid and naive because I fell for that trap.
I was enraged when I found that a woman with 13 children (less actually, I just like writing 13) could make more money on welfare in a year, than I could ever through the INSANELY hard labor I've done in my ENTIRE LIFETIME ! Because of this the COMMIES CREATED a situation where they steal from the workers to REWARD the non-worker breeders of non-workers.
I'm delinquent in my Family Photo Album. It will tell all at least for 13 of the Tribes (there's that number again).
It is IMPOSSIBLE to work anywhere in Europe of America or anywhere else in the world and not be SURROUNDED by THEM. They outnumber us by AT LEAST TEN TO ONE.
One of their best traits is camoflauge by mixing with every race they invade.
I have no position on whether escape is possible which is why my primary objective is to TAKE OVER HELL. We'll work out the details later.
The Devil is in the details. An interesting phrase. This to me means paying acute attention. Attention takes effort using the mind, i.e. thinking, i.e. using the brain to its highest potential. So, IMHO, the ability to speak/ understand several languages, which is the key to DIS-SPELLING the SPELLS creeated by THEM to confuse our minds. I am aware that history abounds with attempts to do precisely that. Hmmm?!
No wonder THEY try so hard to diminish/stifle the goyim's capacity to think. Free thiking and fully functioning minds threaten them.
The phrase is:
The Devil is in the Details. It's ALL Details.
That means that the Devil is everywhere in all things.
For most people it should be enough to know that it is ALL BAD ALL THE TIME. Details are for the fighters - the ones that have Free Will left to Self-Determine in order to find the weaknesses of the Enemy and defeat them utterly. No other option exists.
The problem is that nearly all of the denizens of Hell are actually comfortable down here so the battle is to get over 7 billion useless bodies that will fight you like crabs in a bucket at every turn before you ever get CLOSE to The Devil.
What happened at Babel? Confusion of the languages. Why? Because they are of one tongue and NOTHING will be beyond their accomplishments.
Think of that in the reverse. What is the SINGLE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE ON THE PLANET?
This needs to be its own Stack!
Reverse Babylon!
What you are getting at goes beyond 'thinking'.
A dolphin has a bigger brain than a human. It has the ability to concentrate a sonar beam at fish to either stun them or kill them. We have NO IDEA WHAT THE CAPACITY OF THE HUMAN BRAIN *WAS* BEFORE THEY FUCKED WITH US. We might have been able to do what the ancient martial artists were claimed to have done not that long ago: Kyll with a THOUGHT or a TOUCH.
This is why they FEAR US.
On a side note:
Dolphin's brains have more FLAT surface... as do elephants.
Humans have intestines in their melon. ...
I agree that this needs its own stack. (Not THIS... But what YOU said :)
I always wanted to go head-to-head with an elephant and do a rumble and see how they responded. They would probably think I was on helium.
You don't want me to 'stack your shit' ?
I think elephants think that we're cute ... Like puppies. You may get bitch slapped for attempting a low rumble though.
You can stack my shit all you want .... probably NOT an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon. Lol
man I agree with this 100%
Mentor us,` oh great teacher, so we may be able to slay the MONSTERS! I am ready for a lesson in advanced QUI GONG.
I notice that the last few months the web is replete with stories of fairly clear evidence of melted cities in the entire world. Even mountains are being revealed as GIGANTIC structures of a destroyed extremely advanced civilizations. Question is - what destroyed them? Cataclysm of natural cause? Depends on what natural means, Nothing is natural in this CONSTRUCT/ SIMULACRUM! IMHO some type of DEW is what is being deployed! Just as the bizzare fire in Lahaina, weird fires in California and elsewhere in most recent past were burned. All the major cities in the USA were, according to accepted history, burned. WTH? All of them ? Where are the obituaries of countless humans that must have burned in those supposed fires? No such evidence of such records! It is as if these cities had no population whatsoever. That fact that these cities in the 1800's were devoid of popultion is also being revealed lately. Fully built huge cities, with incredibly complex brick and stone buildings just sitting empty in 1880's when, we were told, the pioneers were traversing the plains in horse driven wagons and fought the savage natives in the wild wild west. WILD my ass! Old photos corroborate this EMPTY cities narrative. What the heck is going on?
If I were to write science fiction (and I am) then I would say that some DEW took out the so-called Tartarian constructions based only on the reports that - as you say - huge buildings made of stone: burnt. BFS. bullfuckingshit. Yes there might have been wooden beams to create joists, rafters, floors, etc. but the entire structure wouldn't have been decimated.
If I were to write science fiction (and I am) then I would explain pockets of particular metals that are currently mined as being remnants of cities that were DEWed to molten slag so that the next generation only had to come along and say: Oooo! Look at all of that lithium? when it was merely a Tesla factory that got DEWed and with it the entire inventory in one place.
People learn to milk the system because the system is coinceived that way. Not everyone takes “advantage” of governament programs. And it is not that easy either. It is the ultimate form of slavery.
Any woman who has gone through labor and put her body through that much has done work. Not to mention the loss of freedom in raising 13 children….or what kind of quality life these children could have? I had friends who were on welfare and the FINANCIAL FACTS are always a bit different than the stories. Starting from public housing. Basically you can never get ahead. So it is easier to be on welfare…..but it is a miserable state of affairs too.
As a tax paying citizen I am not happy about that. Would not make more sense to pay for the woman never have children again? I think so.
The latest wave of so-called immigrants are given money and shelter by our so-called government as soon as they step on the soil. They don't have to do a damned thing to get free everything! What is going on? I am an immigrant who came in the 70's. I was given birdballs. I had to prove I had some merit. I had to prove I had the right to the privilege of being accepted to enter and become a part of this society on the land we call United States of America. Mind you, I do not posses the same rights as a citizen born on this land. I was not born on this land, and as such I have no right to become a president. Just more legal bullshit for ya! What happened to the addage - Practice what you Preach, i.e. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL? It's just words on paper to the psychos running this asylum.
The term/word citizen is a tricky one. Defining it properly and fully is a path that leads to a damned deep rabbit hole. It;s all about the words, i.e. SPELLS! Another time perhaps. I forgot most of the crap I picked up on the way down this deep rabbit hole. It's all useless crap anyway if you don't have GHUNS to back up your claims. FORCE is what life is TODAY. Eat or be eaten. It was perhaps not always that way.
The, aqueducts, star forts and huge stone and brick incredibly beautifull buildings built by the previous, very recent, civilization/generation, of which we are just now learning existed on a gigantic scale, is a clue that this is not just a conjecture on my part. I can only hope. IMHO only a civilized, i.e. uncurrupted, society could have achieved to construct the infrastructure of such complexity and scale that is being exposed as we speak, so to say.
The immigrants are here to replace the previous workers....you....me ....and the others a bit younger. See they shuffle people this way all the times. It is economy. The most profitable economy for the governing class is slavery.
Because the wages have gone up .....some...but the habitants of this land have develop lazy gene and dont want to do manual jobs anymore.
So this is why they bring immigrants here. The housing and the financial help they get it aint free all the times.
Also there might be a time soon with digital.ID implementation were immigrants might choose a seasonal shot to keep working.
Ye came to Hamerica from Czech, Russ Winter left Hamerica for Czech Slavland. He's not on par with the tiller of the soil from SION ILLI but puts out good material on winterwatch.net
tell us more. These comments are open to as much air as you can expend. I'm so far behind in viewing/reading material that I could use a synopsis over a link.
Henry yahood Makow said Winter has the best material out there. Henry be unaware of the lumberjack asparagus fermenter 100 gram consumer of unprocessed salt self sufficent #1 enemy of control freaks. Winter is mostly fake history, yahoody intrigue, 9/11, assassination, false flags etc. I would read Winter 1st before anything until I found self taught one, student of Mel Thornburg PBUH who taught thee all that thou dost know....now I read Winter 2nd and the destroyer of black magik 1st...
If both you and I weren't so busy I would ask for stats on how many people were kilt with the wax jobs and how many undocumented people have been documented to have crossed the border. This is FACILITATED by Govern Mente in order for the Census to not show a scaryasfuck DIP in the population after their Jen Oh Side.
Whoops, you just showed us the reason for all of these invaders. Soon one will be paraded for all of the peeple of Hamerica to have risen from the depths of oppresion, come here ill eagle lee and then achieved the greatest dream of become El Presidente!
C'mon! I 'splained what All Men Are Created Equal meant either in a Stack or comments.
We ain't men. We ain't them. Their words are for THEIR PEOPLE. Even Bush baby called the Constipation: "That Scrap".
I've spent a good deal of time examining history.
It's ALWAYS BEEN BAD because THEY have been here for at least 5784 years. There's the golden thread that runs through the tapestry.
What the apes have bred out of them is the capacity to imagine that NONE OF THIS NEEDS TO BE THIS WAY.
Aqueducts for CITY living that I'm totally opposed to. Mousetraps for humans.
Star Forts for the Cousins to defend their territory against their Cousins. If it was Us, then I wonder how much Family on Family vy oh lence there would be?
On the contrary all of the achievements of which you speak were constructed the same way that the Hoover Dam was: You get a few elite engineers at the top, you bury a bunch of starving Okies in the concrete and poison them with carbon monoxide from vehicle exhaust in the bypass tunnels, you call it a success and you power your cities on the ghosts of those you sacrified to make your infrastructure.
Sure, their works are massive and take skill and are impressive. But I only see the blood of the blood, sweat and tears. OK, tears too.
There is clear evidence of an older dam at the Hoover Dam. Splain that Bro!
Anyway, captivating writing done by you again. I love reading your stuff. i.e. adrenal-jerking titillation HA HA HA!
By all means 'flood' this section with any materials you have on a previous dam.
That's the first time I've heard of it.
But like most things, even though they are surprising it makes perfect sense if say the fabled tartarians had a dam there and it failed or was removed then the suck cess sores came along and tried to replicate it (probably half-assed) then it would be like a class of knobs trying to do what their teacher did decades earlier.
Well mayb this time you will not agree with me.
Life experience taught me that a lot of people are allergic to work.
The simplest form of work that gives people direct personal gains without money is physical work . Working out, doing exercises to improve one health, shape or state of mind.
This is a reason why the path of weight loss fails. So the gene of no work must been in everyone as well.
Moving on to the next point......this is associated with not everyone wants to work the land. It seems that this desire fades away with the advent of technology. The truth is that most people do not want to do physical work with a ho digging tilling the soil or knealing planting seeds, weeding, harvesting and all the physical work associated with that primal need to feed ourself.
Is there an easy way? See this proves Anunaki have created many branches of the populace on Earth.
So we are always back to physical work is not something the majority of people is inclined to do.
People needs rewards, motivation etc to be pushed to work.
This has influenced the social hierarchy for millennia and indoctrinated billions of gents that elevated (EL) class is better because they are served by those who work physical labour.
Next point is that since we were made a slave race with features that obviously make us stronger than "them"....genetically speaking physical work must be replaced with physical exercise in order to keep the slave race producing. NOTE the fitness craze of the past 100 years. The industrial revolution created fat, sick and apathetic semi monster. Looks like the "lazy gene" resurface when you practice lazy.....but tends to collide with hormones, and brain dopamines that produce a decline.
We are at the dawn of another industrial revolution.
How do we keep millions living in cities from going insane? Remember how in prisons gyms and weight rooms are needed??
Yeah.....same concept.
Excellent dissertation! "How do we keep millions living in cities from going insane? Remember how in prisons gyms and weight rooms are needed??"
I've pondered this same sentiment. It's my opinion that everybody will be "Happy" as they are plummeted deeper into a new Virtual reality headset type if "living". Will the lazy gene be applicable under these circumstances? Owning nothing but a VR headset could put an end to the need of money if everyone is housed in for profit prisons where the outside whirled is run on "smart" brain power. We're in times that people are payed to play video games .... so they can afford a new video game.
My dear deer lady: Your presumption was in error right from the starting box:
How do we keep millions from going insane?
The reason they took Lead out of gasoline is not because it was an altruistic move to preserve the health of the worker drones, but because LEAD MAKES YOU ANGRY AND YOU CAN'T HAVE A SLAVE POPULATION CONSTANTLY ANGRY BECAUSE IT WOULD SOON MOVE UP THE FOOD CHAIN.
The enchantment, spell, glamour has been embedded for years. The ONLY thing that is missing is the umbilicus that tethers us directly to the Matrix like Neo with the probe into his Neo Cortex. Its just temperature differences in the water of the frog-cooking pot.
So, I hear you saying that were already in Hell's Kitchen? This certainly cannot be.
I thought I was still in the lobster tank, watching my little buddies, full throttle getting tossed in the pot. Must be the fluoride in my tank water ... keeping me from escaping.
They put the rubber bands around your claws so that you can't de-fingerize the motherfucker that put you in the tank to shit your contents out so that you can get a clean cook. They don't FEED lobster in those tanks it is to empty their alimentary canal that is part of what goes down the middle of the meaty part.
EVERYTHING here is complex killery.
We truly ARE in HELL!
We must FREE the lobsters!
So, you opened with the difference between Hell's Kitchen and the nice aquarium. Then someone like me comes along and says that the anteroom to hell had people who were being chased and stung by insects for eternity BEFORE EVER GETTING INTO HELL-PROPER.
What's The Fucking Difference? WTFD? I axed myself when I read that.
Being put in a tank with no food to shit your brains out with the anticipatory fear that someone is going to eat you is somehow 'less' bad then Gordon Ramassay tossing you into a pot?
It's all bad-all the time. Which is why I say it all has to go at all levels.
FTL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK ….but we got different levels of insanity…I guess it is directly proportional to the generational vaccine damage unique to each of us ...right? So lets do not place all on the same boat. Remember at the loney house the certified insane were often a victim and less insane of those running the place.
Superb Stack my Friend!!
Nature = Program = Sim = Prision = Con Troll ,
Lies = Their Force,
Truth = Their Fear ,
Fear = Not Be 'playing' In The Sim of Lies.
Every 'Thing' in this Sim revolves around the Host ... Avatar... Replicant... Shell... Husk... BioRobot... BioBatery...
There's a fellow that gets it!
I can now fade and go to the West.
Please dont my Friend!!!
To know some things is indead to be alone... in many ways...
Very good video... Thank you for the reply Patrick !!