It happened again…
One of our great commentatorators posted on my Stack: Three Clan Theory.
I started to reply, then sensed the stream of hot-air behind me, knowing that this could not be contained in a comment section (C-section?) therefore I would have to make it it’s own Stack.
There’s three ways this can play out:
People just don’t agree with my views. That’s fine.
We are both talking about the same thing from different angles. That’s fun and sometimes frustrating, in a comical Rush Hour kinda way
People generally see that my position has merit then we can reshape how we think and act on situations. Better option.
Kelly Pratt; PEACE BULL; 2 hrs ago
I am not 100% convinced it isn’t about the money. The only people who can be ‘care-less’ about money is people who have plenty. Even the control over printing more or damming a river supply requires money…unless you are an otter 🦦 or beaver (or whichever animals actually build dams) and build dams out of sticks.
You can’t just will yourself to control the world. Unless you have powers of mind control (which still requires the resource of money to buy control of the media). Control of people requires control of resources and in our trade system resources require money. So while the intention might not be money itself…I wouldn’t go so far as to say they don’t care about money, as it is an essential resource for their ultimate objective…which I am assuming is control of the way the world works. They are just risk takers who are accustomed to wearing a hit in the hip pocket for their larger, long term, ‘big picture’ objective.
My reply to EVERYONE:
Hold my Sunglasses....
We'll look at the billboard signs as you enumerated them one at at time to rebuild the picture in your mind that I maintain was given to you for the exact purpose that we are now required to deconstruct it.
I've known and worked for millionaires. They literally pinch pennies and have diarrhea with sums of money that would make you swoon. They all ENVY billionaires. There is no end to greed - that is why it is called greed. So they really don't 'care' about the TOKENS they care about the prestige and POWER that it affords them.
Money is NOT.
Never has been. That’s the Seminal Spell (ewww, don’t like the way that came out).
12:49 min; World of Darkness: Monopoly Money; 494 views, 6 years ago
Yeah… not many views on it although EVERYONE is addicted to the sigils.
More Occult Speak. Spells, Sigils, etceracadabra.
At best what is called money is merely a casino token. That alone is how they tricked the blood, sweat, and tears out of people in the form of LABOR = true money, to slowly cook that GMOed Froguman to the point where it went from metals to paper to electronic ledger entries to WHOOPS! where’d it go?
So, those in POWER have no more concern about the TOKENS than a casino owner would since they were just a SUBSTITUTE for Cash that was SUBSTITUTE for WORK.
These creatures are ALLERGIC TO WORK.
So they created MONEY as an inducement for the grape apes to WORK for THEM in exchange for an intangible.
That’s the definition of A Spell, A Charm, An Enchantment.
When dealing with Top Magi I take NOTHING around them at face-value. All is illusion.
We have all of these aphorisms such as the donkey pulling the cart under the influence of the carrot or the stick. Or Carrot ON the stick.
It doesn’t really matter if the Dumb Ass is going to the LEFT, or
to the RIGHT. They are all wearing their dog-collars and running the Rat Race for The Man. They are stimming themselves with the PROMISE of the carrot. Because the inducement for the beast pulling the wagon was that if it just kept MOVING FORWARD (NLP vomit word) that it might obtain its goal.
THERE WAS NOTHING TANGIBLE. Effort expended for HOPE. No one or no thing EVER gets what they were tempted with but they keep chasing it. If they refuse to chase it then it ceases to be the carrot on the stick but the stick that beats the donkey.
Either way those who have usurped POWER don’t care if it is carrots, or casino chips, or threats, or vy oh lance. The cheeper the better because since they don’t work, they equate money with ‘work’ so the less ‘money’ they spend in getting the job (Control) done the more they can brag.
Because: Face it: Who do you know who is affluent that is NOT FAMILY?
I’m possibly the smartest man that ever lived, extremely capable in most things, but subsist below the arbitrarily assigned Poverty Level.
How could that be possible except outside of a Meritocracy?
Because of CONTROL exerted by POWER.
So, in that sense Money PORTRAYS power, it is sought by the underlings who crave power just as much as their pyschotic masters, but money is NOT power, it is NOT EVEN MONEY. It is the name given to increasingly diminished exchanged tokens that have absofuckinglootly NOTHING to do with the energy expenditure of Slave Work Units.
The Federal Reserve Debt Note is said to be worth 3-cents.
That in itself is a joke. If it were CASH, or CURRENCY, or MONEY then it would be Time and Value Invariant. It sure as hell wouldn’t be a Debt instrument.
So, when people talk about ‘money’ I just laugh at them because everything I described above DEMANDS that you stop using their language that is part of the entrapment. THERE IS NO MONEY EXCEPT YOUR LABOR!
The ability to print more debt notes so that beavers can chew wood and make their damned dams arises from the initial domino falling: Extraction of money by FORCE. FORCE IS A CRUDE FORM OF POWER. Once they have your money then they build with it as you would build with your aspen trees to make a flood plain for them.
Protocol 1:4. What has restrained the beasts of prey who are called men? What has served for their guidance hitherto?
5. In the beginnings of the structure of society, they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards - to Law, which is the same force, only disguised. I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature, right lies in force.
7. In our day the power which has replaced that of the rulers who were liberal is the power of Gold.
So the Elders take us a step back from the funny munny paper to what USED to ‘back it up’ as if metals were anything other than commodities. Thank you Lysander Spooner. BUT GOLD IS STILL NOT MONEY. But they pretty much took it out of circulation didn’t they? The Federal Reserve used to have massive vaults of it underground in NYC, but where did it go? On the ‘exchanges’ they trade it as hypothecations on PAPER. Where did it go? They ALLOW the average ape to stockpile it because just like FDR making it a crime to own/hold gold they will ultimately take it from you because in the old ways: the KING (isn’t there a King regnant now?) OWNS THE LAND AND EVERYTHING IN, ON, AND ABOVE IT. That means that you are HOLDING gold for the King. That means that he will reclaim it when it suits him. That means you are keeping it stockpiled and safe FOR HIM.
What that means is that you were hypnotized by a shiny metal thing that PROMISED EXCHANGE for DEBT NOTES that then could be EXCHANGED for things like FOOD that you would have normally grown yourself with your blood, sweat, and tears LABOR if you had not been put under military occupation.
Deuteronomy 20: 10-15
“When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be TRIBUTARIES unto thee and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil there of, shalt thou take unto thyself and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD they God hath given thee. Thus shalt thou do to ALL the cities which are very far off from thee, which are not of the cities of these nations.
But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt
save alive nothing that breatheth.
But thou shalt utterly destroy them..."
So, we’ve come FULL CIRCLE - haven’t we? - to FORCE being the prime mover to STEAL money to use against the victim. That then escalates and builds on itself like an avalanche so that it seems that the situation is almost inextricable. The more ‘money’ that you feed the beast the more it consumes the more it EATS YOU!
So, it CAN’T be about The Money but about Control. The money only ever has been a metric for how much control/power they exert.
How much POWER does your stereo put out?
The needle in the meter tells you.
But is the NEEDLE power? or is it just an INDICATOR of how your eardrums are being pumped to the point of bleeding?
Lettuce now speak of mind control from which they started the chain reaction of building one slave upon another slave.
Lettuce is a good place to start. Salads, a dressing on hamburger (made from cosure ham), are full of OPIOIDS.
As is beef, wheat, dairy, spinach, and poppy seeds.
Ever go to a fast food restaurant where they serve ritually sacrificed beef on a poppy-seed wheat bun, with some cheese? You’ve got to be nuts to think that spinach is even food, but then people think that dollar bills and gold are money - so… No Comment…
It was ECONOMICAL for the Village Witch as a Wise Woman or Wise Man (Weismann) to poison the well, birth the babies, influence food choices, and create potions in which to capture the minds of the gullible.
Sure things advanced within witchkraft and alkymy to the point where they now have total control over MUNICIPAL water supplies were legend is that the WitCIhA Cult titrates EL Ess Dee into the wet-stuff, not to mention Flower Ide. But again, it all has that undercurrent that they STOLE YOUR MONEY BY FORCE IN THE FIRST PLACE TO FUND WHAT THEY ARE FUCKING YOU OVER WITH…
Great Gig. Got to give them props for ingenuity and economic thrift.
Is money REALLY required? National Geographic did a documentary on the Diamond District where deals are done with a HANDSHAKE.
It’s ALL IN THE FAMILY after all. Vy voud they needing the munny?
It’s the Donkey Joke all over again. I’m having Vuja Dey!
A farmer named Joe sells a mule to another farmer named Bob for twenty dollars. Aft er awhile, Joe decides he wants the mule back. He off ers thirty dollars to Bob and gets the mule.A few days later, Bob off ers forty dollars to Joe for the same mule. They trade the mule backand forth for a few months selling the mule to each other, until the mule is now worth eightydollars. Bob now has the mule. Another farmer sees the mule, and wants it. He off ers Bob ahundred dollars for the animal. Bob sells it to the farmer. Joe comes over to Bob’s farm andthe sees the mule is gone. Joe is upset. “Why did you go and sell the mule?” he angrily said.“Don’t you know we were making good money trading him back and forth?”
A mule is produced when you breed a male donkey to a female horse, also known as a mare. A "hinny," meanwhile, is produced when you breed a stallion, or male horse, to a female donkey. Mules possess characteristics of both of their parents but are typically sterile and unable to reproduce.
“Money” is a commodity. “Work Animals” are a commodity. Now you can see what HUMANS don’t matter to them and the act of breeding them down to sterility is part of their depopulation agenda. Not to mind: they will TAKE THE MONEY OF THE STERILE SLAVES FOR INVITRO FERTILIZATION TO GIVE THEM CHILDREN SIRED BY THE DOCTOR THAT DID THE PROCEDURE.
Pure white race my Ass (as in Donkey on the way to being a Mule).
So while the intention might not be money itself…I wouldn’t go so far as to say they don’t care about money, as it is an essential resource for their ultimate objective…which I am assuming is control of the way the world works.
I love it, that after a full Stack Diatribe we find that Kelly and I were talking about the same thing from different angles.
The A.I. sent me a short on how no one talks about their favorite crudgels anymore and had all sorts of mid-evil tools like spiked sticks and the like but I couldn’t find that short again after three separate attempts. The Machine pisses with us now.
Money is just a tool. It is a FAVORITE tool but any tool will do.
AFTER the slaves have been PACIFIED the slaves keep themselves under control by FEAR of being punished. That is the MOST ECONOMICAL method of all and requires NO MONEY. The INVESTMENT was to beat down and breed down a race of animals that passive but they are now SELF-REGULATING.
As to taking ‘risks’ on ‘markets’ that THEY SET UP, there is the ability to go Long, Short, or Put on the markets. These are the kind of sleazy animal cereal kyllers that shorted things when the Whirled Trayde Towers were flatified. DISASTER CAPITALISM INSURES THAT THEY MAKE MONEY NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS.
There is no risk when you control the game, the tokens and the players.
Yet here is what their own people say about their own people:
Protocol 2:5. In the hands of the States of to-day there is a great force that creates the movement of thought in the people, and that is the Press. The part played by the Press is to keep pointing our requirements supposed to be indispensable, to give voice to the complaints of the people, to express and to create discontent. It is in the Press that the triumph of freedom of speech finds its incarnation. But the GOYIM States have not known how to make use of this
and it has fallen into our hands. Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade; thanks to the Press we have got the GOLD in our hands,
notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand GOYIM.
We are up against Abysmal Evil the likes of which the average person has never experienced or considered outside of the Spell. You can be guaranteed that those in Canaan and in my next Stack: Western North Carolina experienced the Evil first hand, but I doubt if many realize the source of that Darkness.
My motto:
As you repeatedly state - to inculcate it into the thick heads of most of the sheeple,
That's as fact JACK!
Another fact - I haven't run accross one journeyman or crafstman of any kind in my entire life
while working in the construction industry for the past 45 years, that was of the TRIBE of either of the
three branches of the FAMILY tree. Not a one!
It's the law of the land we live on currently. Law that is enFORCEd by law enFORCEment mercenaries i.e. the police and solDIERS! We self police ourselves due to MK programing throughout our entire life - from cradle to the grave!
We live on a prison planet with no escape possible.
This truly is hell.
DEATH to the psychopaths!
I will not live in fear!
Want my soul?
Superb Stack my Friend!!
Nature = Program = Sim = Prision = Con Troll ,
Lies = Their Force,
Truth = Their Fear ,
Fear = Not Be 'playing' In The Sim of Lies.
Every 'Thing' in this Sim revolves around the Host ... Avatar... Replicant... Shell... Husk... BioRobot... BioBatery...