Carpenter has said that the film's political commentary derives from his dissatisfaction with then–U.S. President Ronald Reagan's economic policies—also known as Reaganomics—and what Carpenter viewed as increasing commercialization in both the popular culture and politics of the era.[8]

Upon the film's release, Carpenter remarked, "The picture's premise is that the 'Reagan Revolution' is run by aliens from another galaxy. Free enterprisers from outer space have taken over the world, and are exploiting Earth as if it's a third world planet. As soon as they exhaust all our resources, they'll move on to another world... I began watching TV again. I quickly realized that everything we see is designed to sell us something. ... It's all about wanting us to buy something. The only thing they want to do is take our money." To this end, Carpenter thought of sunglasses as being the tool to seeing the truth, which "is seen in black and white. It's as if the aliens have colonized us. That means, of course, that Ted Turner is really a monster from outer space."[d] The director commented on the alien threat in an interview: "They want to own all our businesses. A Universal executive asked me, 'Where's the threat in that? We all sell out every day.' I ended up using that line in the film." The aliens were deliberately made to look like ghouls, according to Carpenter, who said "The creatures are corrupting us, so they, themselves, are corruptions of human beings."[10]

In 2017, in response to neo-Nazi interpretations of the film's themes, Carpenter further clarified that the film "is about yuppies and unrestrained capitalism" and "has nothing to do with Jewish control of the world".[e]

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Nothing is true until it has been officially denied.

Here's the other Grand Illusion that people don't get to their peril.

The reason that you trade FRNs for casinochips is that they don't 'look' like 'real' money so the ape mind is more apt to spend them frivolously because they look like GAME pieces.

FRNs are the big trick in that they are a SUBSTITUTE for real money which was NEVER Gold or Silver (another head-fake landing as a head-butt in the Game) but Blood Sweat and Tears of Toil = WORK = MONEY.

So you go from labor to a token of silver or gold to a sigil of paper to electronic debits and credits to the abandonment of ALL substitutes for DIGITAL disappearance of ALL WEALTH.

But the BIG stick up the ass with no multi-viscosity lubrication is that Toil/Labor is valued by TIME.

Time is Money.

But time is our lives ticking away. So we are selling our lives for tokens. So even when JohnnyBoy said that "they only want to take our money"

then, when the spell is gone and people can see even without sunglasses:

"They only want to take our LIVES!"

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And the juxtaposition to the THEY LIVE scene should be:

The World is a(n) (In)corporation (re: L. Spooner)


This converging go 'round a bio-digital economy:


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Perfectly described Patrick!!

In Time ...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhYUaR5QiUs

'Credits' ( 'People' what them at any means... they programed this in 'us'...) to stay here in the game/Matrix/Sim...

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When humans are viewed as commodities then to use food (chemicull) or bugs (buy oh logical) and outright not unseeable wharf air (tactical) on them like NPCs in a video game.

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Well expecially if the society is structured with money at the base to be able to live it.

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So Carpenter admitted Jews control the world?

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A perceptive one we have, hmmmmm?

says Yoda.

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In other words, "my cousins own the world". Helly Weird wouldn't let Carpenter in unless he's family too. Your description of the 3 sons of Noah has to be correct. Nothing else makes logical sense.

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You have no idea what a relief it is to hear you talk about The Clans. I've been promoting the idea since 2011 when Rebecca Carley got kicked off of RBN and we bounced around other controlled opposition talkeries and I was blocked from those platforms because I had exposed the unhealed circumcision of their biggest secret.


There are more of THEM than there are of us.

But the MK is so embedded that from then to now people can't get it in their heads.

I claim to be uber-smart. I guess I'm not that smart if I can't figure out how to defeat MK and reprogram stupid ape husks like hacking a Tom Cruise Miss Aisle.

You, sir, having arrived there yourself, are proof of my foundational meme:

A Machine cannot rise above it's programming.

Which, then, indicates that you are NOT a machine.


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Look at the political and economical scene today...."the great hebrew connection".

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Now just hold on, whipper snapper! The South has never, in my lifetime gone along with what the purpose of anything store bought was supposed to be... we just improvised! You know we’ve been accused of being stupid! My grandmother in 1954 had inflammatory breast cancer. The doctors cut off her breast and used a wide mouth ball jar for my mother to drive it to Charlotte to be analyzed! She has used these jars, not the one that went to Charlotte , for canning and what few were left over my granddaddy used to make Moonshine! So as you can see we’re not stupid we just don’t go along with what the label says! The world has changed... but not if you live in the right part of the SOUTH! i.e below the Mason-Dixon... we just changed the name to Mason jars to accommodate the wide mouthed men

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I would say "I stand corrected."

but it seems you knocked me over on my bony-little butt.

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…right after the covshit articles started to pop up “How to talk to your children about war”… is there a “suggestion” of what’s coming ?

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And there were no asphalt roads either. Grand ma and grand otec told me stories about going more than twenty kilo meters each week end to visit their loved ones on foot or horse back. Near the unpaved roads you allways found apple or plum trees that made it more enjoyable and you reached your destination in no time. Now to be a real free man you would need to sell your car and buy a horse. But most unpaved roads are no more.

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That is Carpenter himself playing the traitor (.. as the role figure was a bum on the dumpster lawn early on in the film)

The films Carpenter did - I checked a few of them out.. Fascinating to watch over and over again to catch some of tge minute details of "secrets in plain sight" on display..

Another fun "secrets in plain sight" film - Rosenkrantz Guildenstern are dead" - has "the game is rigged" nicely shoe horned in in the opening sequence.. It is all theater/simulation and that scene is hilarious and goes beyond the "its a programmed Matrix" since the meaning of the illusion might actually be that consciousness in fear of making itself bored to death came up with the idea of novelty as a great reason to let "the game/simulation play out" in order to discover what it could find out instead of loosing out to not percieve it without letting duality have a go at mixing it up..

We "us" the ones sticking to an honest fight have the choice to learn to know the fruits of bad labor in order for us to strive to keep those low life creatures to their own rock to climb on to..

.. in order that good honest efforts find reason to "identify its fruits" to join up forces to tolerate the tolerable and never tollerate intolerance and bang smack shun it with ferver/intelligable wisdom..

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Everyone I know says: I just want to be left alone.

Dan McCarthy says: Evil will NEVER leave you alone.

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