Jun 29Liked by Patrick Jordan

… one of a kind talent indeed ❤️

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without the snarky laugh at the end.

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Details on how to buy this book please!

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thank you..

just purchased it.. I didn't see the credit card option, besides paypal and clicked on the google pay UGGGGG. in which they force you to hit the save card button. so now googl has my number... oh well, just writing this, incase someone else misses the options for payment.

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Jun 29Liked by Patrick Jordan

… there is an option for CC payment, these bastards make it look like you can’t…

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yes, I know, thanks for clarifying.. I noticed the drop down after I had already filled it out with the google pay. Google wont let you finish the transaction with out hitting "SAVE CARD"

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Such harsh language young lady.

It is best to cover both Jen durrs: Bastards and Bastardettes.

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…ABOVE G-pay and 🍎 pay there is a tab “Chose Your Payment Method” you click on arrow down and a drop down menu will poop (it autocorrected itself 😂) pop, to enter your CC/debit card info….

Maybe you can go to Google and delete it as not working anymore…. Or you can request a new card saying you lost the old one

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They'll refuse a new card based on social credit score because she purchased something subversive.

Thank y'all by the way for using the Seive Below the Verse.

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Increasingly there are choices MADE FOR US for 'convenience' that hinder commerce. I placed an order for seed late at night when my brain was numb. The Billing Same As Shipping was ALREADY CHECKED so I placed the order, realized righ away that I had made a mistake tried to send an email to the company and call them (anyone ever notice that sometimes cell calls won't even ring a number) and finally got a hold of a numbnut the next day to try to correct the shipto address. After a week they still sent it to the wrong address.

ADULT AUTISM RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jul 1Liked by Patrick Jordan


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You make me smile every time you do that.

It is such a Steam Punk work-around to a hightech impossibility.

I know that military tech is 50+ years in advance of what is available to us, but if an A.I. that can't even (or won't) let a LIKE through then how can it run the world?

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When I place pictures of books I use a hyperlink when you hover over the picture.

At the time I had not updated my BOOK tab on my website so now there are two ways to get to it.

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For a moment according to the misleading title I thought Fran Zetta lost sight!!!!

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You, my dear, are funny in multiple languages!

The very idea that someone like me could possibly write anything that is Miss Under Stood !

I had to read the title and then smiled because that was missed by even my twisted mind.

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Is there a way you can share a few of the images so we can see if we actually are drawn to the art? Tx.

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I will pass it on

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