Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Thank you very much! Absolutely brilliant. Is the whole post what is called the mechanisms of action? I do one exception when listening to voices in my head and that is when reading citations from by-bull during your posts reading. I turn on that deep voice from your you-tube videos. It makes it so much more visual.

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haha, I can hear is voice speaking too.

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Next time I'lll put:

[To be read with pitch shift and a tad of echo...]

What Morning Lark sent was a list of signs and symptoms that could be described as Root Cause Analysis. The Bug done made me do it. Mechanism of Action would be down to the molecular level of how dain bramage or chemical witchery affected specifid parts of the brain (the God Module?) to puppeteer the host. For those not technically inclined: The Bug Done Made Dem Do It!

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

kick ass post, save off line. Iraqi born rabbi Ovadia Josef to Ehud Barak August 2000....Why are you bringing them(Caananite natives) close to us? You bring snakes next to us? How can you make peace with a snake?.....the mind of the possessed seed of shem is the mystery of iniquity, and that mystery is worm infested shemitic brain. That self-taught one wants a sample under microscope.

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Except they are not shemites. They are the lowest form of caucasoid from Eastern Europe. Back when kazaria converted to Judaism allegedly, the rabbis in Palestine found out and sent a contingent up to Ukraine. There they inseminated with a few kasarian men and they bred that bloodline into existence. Technically they have Semitic blood, but not enough. They do have the Antichrist Gene.

You can say what you want about the Bible, but it's the only book where somebody said exactly what I was thinking which is Jews are liars murderers and satanists. And well look at that, it's my fake Jesus saying that. I'll take it. You know why? Nobody else is saying it. Oh you can hook up with Commander Rockwell who look like a freaking idiot, or you can go over and over the protocols of Zion, but Jesus said it in one sentence "liars murderers and satanists" all my male friends are cowards and they don't have the guts to say what Jesus said about the Jews. Especially the Jehovah witness. To me? Jesus is God for saying just what he said about the Jews because nobody says it nobody's got the guts to say it. America is a bunch of fucking cowards.

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Are the rabbis in palestine that sent a contingent to Ukraine, are those rabbis shemite? If not, who are the shemites. Canaanite Palestinians? The "jews" being liars and murderers from the begining I agree. Did Ieasous also say.....salvation is of the "jews"?

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Define Salvation. Another go round in hell? Listening to harp music praising an old fat white dude for eternity? What do THEY mean by salvation?

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no clue JM

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It means they are still sitting on the fence of repentance. "For, from and of" basically means the same thing.

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Would you prefer an old fat Haitian dude?

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Haha ... I'm not bowing down to ANYBODY for eternity.

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Nobody NEEDS to say they are Liars, murderers & satanists. They prove it daily with their actions which speak louder than words.

My male friends were cowards too .... Until I surrounded myself with better company.

Even my invisible friend is a bad ass! :)

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Yes it needs to be said! And the only one saying it is Jesus in the Bible. Men in America have been de-testicled.

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I just thought it was a known FACT at this point.

De-testiculled..... Culling of the testicled men!

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By all means SAVE OFF LINE. I was up until almost 2am because I had to finish the Jordanization.

I see patterns so I don't claim to be right - I claim to be close with the neutrality of Science to correct mid-course.

Butt! there are times when ALL of the pieces of the puzzle including the ones that fell under the coffee table come together and the picture is undeniable.

What did Yahood Black have against HIS COUSINS?

Canaan was pre-populated by ShemClan Inc. and HamClan Inc.

What kind of creature would puppeteer a host to Jeffrey Dalmer (reported to be a crisis actor false flag operator) their own family?

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Dahmer was a false flag? Whaaaat?? I have THREE separate 6 degrees of separation from that whole JD scenario. Crisis actor? Jeffrey?

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Grannie Annie was deep into revisionist history. She said that JFK was a total fake, that Sharon Tate/Manson was a total fake (easily believeable because her husband was a hollywood movie thing), and that Dahmer was all made up, just like Manson to induce wholesale trauma.

Worked - didn't it?

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I agree with Grannie Annie on the JFK and the Manson ordeal. Dahmer made up? My friends ex-wife's cousin was one of the cops (a female cop) that GAVE THE NAKED KID BACK to JD.

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need more details.

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I'll have to phone him tomorrow...he's a self-proclaimed dinosaur w/ no puter. I KNOW Dahmer wasn't made up tho cuz I know folks that worked with him at Ambrosia. Also, a dude I went to high school with got a couch from Dahmer's grandma ... It was UGLY. PEA green with gold flowers. That was the style back then.

But yeah, there was a naked kid that escaped from JD & was running down the street... the patrol car pulled up on him & Jeffery was in pursuit also....He talked the cops into giving the bloodied kid back saying he had mental problems or something. I forget how the whole story went. I think it DID happen, but he was

Paperclipped into being a MONSTER. However, I have no proof of that either.

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

"What it is when you strip away the fake My God Is Bigger Than Your God baalshit is that they were forbidden to mix with their twin-brother-cousin offspring. This was about ETHNICK CLENZING !!!"

Also about preventing idiocy (cousin to cousin congress:) which doesn't seem to have worked well as we are now living in an "Idiocracy".

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You always go to my favorite lines of the entire piece.

I love when I made up Baalshit. Can't claim fame for it because I was so delerious at that point that it just flopped out.

Cousins on cousins would be better than the Pharaoh's and SadMan Insane congressing with their SISTERS.

No wonder there were Conehead sculptures in the Saturday Night Live Dynasty of Egypt.

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"if God was a Spirochete burrowed into your brain then you would indeed be ChoZen by God. God’s Spirit would be inside of you. God’s Will would DIRECT YOU." ....

I KNEW this was going to be an AMAZING revelation ....... Standing Ovation!

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When I think of you, JM (as Dictionary likes to call you); YOU have an excuse for transient memories. I repeat myself often because the rest of the world must be missing chunks of their brains to not internalize a concept as simple as this:

When you have a yeast infection it MAKES you eat sugar.

It makes you seek out as much sex as possible so that the infection can spread.

When an animal gets rabies the virus (Yes, Virginia there IS a Satan Claws) goes to the brain and SALIVARY glands so that a Bite can transmit the virus to keep it going. (Unless you are Sam Bailey then rabies is just a Bad Hair Day - Hair of the Dog That Bit You!).

So microbes puppeteer their hosts.

It might be unfounded pride that humans can't admit that a single celled organism that exerts quorum sensing (Hive Mind) can tell a host what to do, but I'm here to kick the asses of such infantile thinking so that we have at least a fighing chance.


Sermon over. Go in Piece.

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Well said . Makes me think of Master of Puppets by Metallica. I believe that their bugs liked cocaine Lol.

Stupid question....BUT here we go ......How does one stop being bug food if our human husks are RUN by the buggers?

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My reference to stop being bug food was a bit philosophical and a bit biological.

The way that mankind as addressed parasite infections throughout history and today is to take POISON in a dose that kills the hitchhiker but not the driver.

Stop being bug food would be to realize and resist the takeover and STOP eating shugar. Or, in the case of Jennifer Daniels who I don't advocate but has a valid strategy: to take the sugar but with the poison.

The Amish have a similar approach. Tapeworms LOVE milk. So their remedy is freshly ground whole pumpkin seeds with the shells straight from the pumpkin with some milk then follow up with castor oil so that you squirt out the paralyzed worm.

Problem is: I HATE milk and milk hates me. So Mr. Tape needs some other form of inducement to make the medicine go down, Ms. Poppins.

Recently I awoke (literally from sleep) with the notion that since Resveratrol doesn't really do what is advertized for Lyme, that it might not be the chemical that mold on grapes leaves behind that fights the spirochetes but maybe it is THE MOLD ITSELF the fucks up the corkscrew's day.

So whereas there has been an entire industry built around getting people to suck down resveratrol, the solution might be to INFECT THE INFECTION.

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So it's ALL in the DOSE of poison!

AWESOME explanation.

Off to kill myself with kindness :)

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Sure'n if ye were from the Emerald Isles, lassie, ye would be taken the edge off with a wee bit of the whiskey, now wouldn't ye?

I could never wrap my mind around a nerve stimulant mixed with a nerve numbing agent. Bless the Red Nosed Irish.

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Whisky for pain relief out of desperation ... Interestingly, The last bottle of whisky I had gotten, had over an inch of GEL like stuff at the bottom. I freaked & haven't touched it since.

Sadly, I'm a prime candidate for numbing nerves & stimulation.

I figured it was some quantum dot gel bullshittery. that they want in our veins. Paranoid much? YES. Have to be.

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

One thing I learned from Patrick is to avoid any foods that contain yeast which is in everything nowadays. I've had health problems all my life They are all related to overeating sugar and grains.

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When I saw the recipe for making bacteriophages outside of a bacteria cell I was shocked:


Casein (milk protein)



When you look on any packaged food you find that is in nearly everything.

It almost seems as if someone smarter than me had a devious grin and warm palms from the friction of rubbing them together by PURPOSELY putting THOSE EXACT ingredients in there.

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

I know exactly of the image and rubbing of hands. That character has an exceptionally large nose by the way.

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Buy the Whey! You're Right!

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

You crack me up.

I'm glad that we are on the same page.

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Serious question here, what came FIRST... The spirochete corkscrew bug or the God gene ??

Was the spirochete from the psychopath faction & the God gene from the miliscary faction? I know, they're one in the same .......

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could there be, would there be, there must be a third faction, the one the rest of us are part of.

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That tis the question :) Shake Sphere ... Like the resets.... They just shake the sphere ... like the ant farm that is no longer "fun". It get's emptied out in the woods somewhere.... Thus making the woods....HEAVEN.

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why was the baby ant confused?

because all his uncles were ants!

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😂 HaHaHa :) And they lived in Caifornication!

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that comment took me a second... not being woke. LOL

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For every infection there are those who succumb and those who resist.

I'm not saying that we are immune because it took a lot of us a long time to break through the infection, but we are resistant to the bug taking over with its mind control.

So we are indeed from a different gene line.

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I love when you answer your own questions...

Mel Thornberg put it all in perspective. I wish she were here.


Consider this (I feel a new Stack in the air) NOTHING HAPPENS IN ISOLATION.

The nanobacteria Cat Scratch Fever= Bartonella is a gene-re-writing organism. It comes as a package deal with lyme.

Lettuce postulate (bring napkins) that the bug infected a host, it GMOed the host, that made it hospitable for the bug to set up shop (chosen peepholes). BRAIN infections will drive anyone apeshit nuts whether they are chosen or not. The organisms are militant in their Nature to begin with: Seek Out New Life, New Civilizations, Infect Them and Conquer Their Territotory.

It's all bugs. The human shells are just steerable husks at this point.

When you see Bibi, you are looking at Buggi.

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Thank You. I wish Mel were here also. ... What I would give to witness a Snubstack banter between the pair of you. It would have been EPIC!

I hate that we are GMOs ... GMO AIDS is every single autoimmune disorder then right ?

Time for a snack. My bugs want to concur some sauerkraut.

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I was just involved in a thread on a similar topic of which organ fails first: The weakest. So 'autoimmunity' (a lie) is just the immune system going apeshit on stealth organisms and taking itself out as collateral damage. What system or organ or LABEL of the type of autoimmunity is just a matter of which organ was weakest and got taken out first. EVERYTHING IS UNDER ATTACK.

Sour Germans if properly brewed keep other buggers at bay.

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MAKES PERFECT CENTS! Given time...organs CAN rejuvenate ....which is WHY the like to pull em out FIRST & poison second.

That's why they have to kill us with the "remedy"!

Hail sour krauts!

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Exactly. It is the relentless onslaught from a host immune response that NEVER TURNS OFF that is part of the problem. But the immune system is activated by stealth bugs. The SOLUTION is to get rid of the stealth bugs but modern medicine protects its pets.

What causes cancer?




What do they use to 'treat' cancer?



viruses as gene therapy.

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GENIUS ... yet so simple. THAT is the message that needs to be heard by the herd.

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makes me think of a rogue A.I. system

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I tend to view the A.I. as a single entity, but we have the instruction of 2001: A Space Oddity that portrayed the HAL 9000 as a schizophrenic. So, whereas it wouldn't be a separate system that was antithetical to the A.I. it would be that it was nuts and fighting itself.

However it works, it would be nice if it had a total breakdown, but the fallout from that would be cat eye strophic.

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kind of like the 3 stooges, ONe of a kind appearing as the 3 (the trinity) slapping itself silly... waiting for the KO,

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

It's all biology as Patrick always says. We have been GMOed by the bug. It's my understanding that our bodies contain more bacterial cells than our own human cells.So. who are we really?

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I have a problem with their metrics, butt lettuce say that they are accurate.

Who are we? Folks that are pissed off by Squatters and are attempting Urban Renewal.

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Best Bible decode EVER!!! what possessed you to write this stream of consciousness? lol, just kidding on that last part. but seriously, where any of our thoughts originate from is my biggest QUESTion these daze.

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Thank you. Often I will wake with a fully formed stack in my head. I will grab a notebook and writing stick or if the computer is on I will just skip breakfast and duties and write until I'm exhausted. The thoughts come preformed or with a lattice that self-assembles because all of the facts in Continuum are connected. What I try to do as the vehicle for those facts is attempt to put them into a coherent linear narrative so that people can see what I see.

Literally a Stack like this is pre-formed in my mind as a single thing so the origami of making the right folds so that the object takes shape is for those outside of my head.

I'm gratified that people 'get it'.

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

I bet you have a red telephone on your desk with a direct line to the SOURCE.

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I can relate, as that is how my paintings come into form.. sometimes a whole day passes by, I am still in my pj's, when the sun is setting and only because it's on the west side of my house am I not confused that it is still dawn, but rather dusk.

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It is well documented that Lost Time is an artifact of Alien Abduction and Making Art.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan


Butt of course!

I believe we were all abducted into this simulation, simulacrum, flying spaghetti ship or whatever it is.

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I'm ok with the whole flying spaghetti thing as long as there is basil in the tomato sauce.

If not - then the whole thing is OFF! and intergalactic whar must commence.

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What did the basil say to the tomato? Lettuce unite and be a-fresh together!

to fight the intergalactic, macrocosm start with a good dose of basil to strengthen the intercellular microcosm

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick Jordan

Page 142 Same Pig Different Lipstack....Abram, father of four of the bloodiest religions on the planet, Yudaism, Yslam, Xtianity-all forms of satanism heard the still small voice that goaded him on to inflicting a world religion on everyone on the planet because he 'heard voices' Now, if it were you or me and we weren't yahoodim, then we would be locked up in a padded room with designer monogrammed straightjackets for even suggesting in public that we heard voices, but the most lethal religion in the world is based on it. Could the reason that we have a planetary military occupation is because some low-histamine homicidal psychopath with a schizophrenic mycovirus obeyed that still small voice inside his head to kill everything that breatheth. Could it be that perhaps that psychosis is curable through nutritional intervention" .....the answer is yes, and that 'nutritional intervention' is what the bug fears and dreads, it laughs at prayer and spiritual practice and meditation.

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About a decade ago and my view hasn't changed much except to substitute a Spirochete phage for a mycovirus.

The Buddhists smile when they see someone pray. It is the person meditating and talking to themselves.

Hindus bow to the God Within. New Age Pillow Sitters say Namaste without realizing that the We Are One is a confirmation of the Borg Hive Mind.

I don't want to be One with anyone.

I'm quite happy to live in a Bug-Free Brain zone where there is no god delusion of the infected.

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