Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

As you noted in the other stack where you commented "Swedish women prefer foreigner men bcs Swedish men cucked themselves into a corner"..

Feminism per se is a lipstick a shift away from "the workers paradise" the Soviets (democratic and all) endured as hell on erath..

Tradition can only survive if its culture survive..

Bestructive decievers culture nurture destryers cloaked as saviors traditions (hence psycho-socio-narcissistic-parasite structures based on deception) is a inter-spiece parasitism..

Builders from protecting the own ones of a people with risk of sacrifice of ones life to protect a wife/family/village/region is based on survival and reach of new genes in the region but inbreeding=equally bad as out-breeding with mate too far away genetically wise..

The native tribes of ancient Norse kin lost theeir battle approximately 1000 years ago when Sweden "Uppsala"* as second last in Europe was conquered legally by the "Christians"..

Culture wise it has been downhill ever since and feminism was "the new christianity" fostered and planned/placed in action in the early 1800's..

Shlomo-Marx famously wrote the first step to subdue a society is by conquering the women of it - even THE UGLY ONES..

Schlomoianity is what rules..

A woman and women need culture of strong men protecting its mutual benefit of the sacred triunion/trinity..


All nations are behive secret mystery school extravtion piints of squeezing cream out of the hands of the producing building peaple squandered by the elohim worship squatters behind paid mercinaries protecting the thieves..


* (aka the sved-jord-people/burnt-forest-rye-cultivators (aka slash-and-burn agricultur))

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Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

Shemitic church of rome called Helsinki hell and marked it for subjugation. Any villages in Sweden with hel/hell names?

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Hell, yes!

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

We have Häls+ing..

Helsingborg is renamed from the original Hälsingborg..


Hälsa means "Ha el sa" and means "Health"..

Hel means "Whole" and was Norse Godess of the old and grey..

She reigned the dull gray of the nether under world (also symbolic of automn and the greying of nature if you ask me..

Hel was never anyones desire since "to die in battle" was a higher noble wish Hel is kind of "naeee"..

The Helsingians/Hälsingland has the highest genetic traits of blue eyed blond haired together with west Finland across the Kvarken sea of the higher Baltic sea north of Aaland/Åland..

The deutch means "our tongie" or such and the Germains is a mix as all people with the seed of Shem conquering the rich property owners and tradesmen..

Germans Norse people Balts and Slavic people Finns Saami and Kvenes are all gathered around the enigmatic hot spot in history of "strong peoples"..

The preussian trade maffia eventually swept the southern reigns of the Baltic sea and the Swedes and Gauts and Gaetes took the scandinavian inner parts..

Finns and Balts and Scanians ("south Sweden) and Slaves and Germans and the Norse" Yahood's"(Danes) were mingled and best brothers as best enemies..

Eventually Königsberg (nowadays Kaliningrad) along with Visby and Novgorod became world history hotspots leading up to the middle ages..

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Thanks for the detailed Family Yggdrasil.

Was it our friend Dictionary who posted the quote that the Slavs were too 'strong' so the only solution was to wipe them out?

I had respect for the Danes pre ConYid where they were resisting increased pressure for waxing and more waxes. Then Lockstep happened and they caved like a nation of pussies.

You are a compendium of knowledge so what are the divisions of languages that would delineate the Blue haired Blonde eyed races? From memory: isn't the Finno-Urgic-Hungarian branch that is unique of itself when pitted against other major languages? Where does Swedish fit into those groupings since we - as Hamericans - tend to view geography as described in a Dr. Who episode as being all "part of those Baltic-Bits."

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Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

Swedes are "east Danes"..

The Finns are "the tribe of Ytzak" according to the Bible thumper researchers pf "the ten lost fingers"..

So you have to turn the pages for them in order to get thrpugh the book..

Naybe the book is lost too..

The Finnish and Uralic nomad languages along Saami are fascinating languages totally logically wound up on relations and interactions between beings.. They have void of prepositions - as English/Danish/Swedish/Norwegian/German and Dutch are pretty similar and has a 50 % mix in of Latin (hence the French henchmen goes agter us) our languages is built on logic precision of order between objects.. Thus preposition are critical elements for our langues..

Finnish actually lack prepositions and tveir language is really different..

Still Finns and Swedes are joined to the hip - partly due to the nobility of the "east and west Sweden was a common administration for 900 years till the Russians* came and stole" west Sweden" (Finland) from the Swedish big boys (actual German trade oligarch families)

*Rus and Rot and Ros all derive clues from the region of lake Mälaren inside Stockholm and the salt bbrackish Baltic archepelago going into Stockholm from the Baltic sea..

The area is callef Roslagen due to a hundred men by boat to fend the home lands were a Rodd+lagja team of row oars men of military boats.. (think "Viking age)")

A Swede and a Finn from East or West Kvarken have hreat genetic comminalities but a true Finnish speaker has no resemblance to Swedish.. In these areas of Finland though are the Rot people or the Swedish-speaking Finns..

Their dialect is a cute variation of Swedish.. Quite intelligable for most Swedes..

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Dude, so what you are saying is that the Tower of Babel and Drool is real.

Is re al.

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Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

Menachem Mendel Schneerson on Slavs..... Our special tactics to combat slavs is a secret knowledge, because of its exclusivity limited to god's chosen people. The weapon of struggle which we will direct against the slavs execpt for renegades married to "jews" by common interests. True all these married to us will be withdrawn from our society once we use them for our own purposes. Slavs, and among them the Russians are the most unbending people in the world. Slavs are unbending as a result of their psychological and intellectual abilities, created by many generations of ancestors. It is impossible to alter these genes. Slav, Russian can be destroyed but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and at first a sharp reduction in their numbers....

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Until Lenormant I put zero effort into sorting this obviously occulted family tree bramble, so...

19 December 1875, Mileva Marić was born into a wealthy family in Titel in Austria-Hungary (today Serbia)

Any connection with any of those empires and the Slavs?

Since Place is Not Race, the I will say that she needn't be FROM Serbia to be a Serbian anymore than Soros is 'hungarian'.

Mileva did all of the hard work for Einschtein then he dumped her to marry his DAMNED UGLY cousin to cook borscht for him.

Isn't it curious that he USED a non-Family person and when he was done she was 'withdrawn'.

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Very well said my friend.

To support your position, Men (a word that can no longer be used because they have been cucked or estrogenated out of existence) WERE supposed to protect the Women (a word that apparently has no definition anymore) so when 'feminists' rise up I don't even consider what the implications of a fiction are just as long as indviduals with the primary sexual traits of a particular brand of human have more balls then the extincted men to get the job done.

Granted it could still be controlled opposition (what ISN'T these days?) but it is the ONLY RESISTANCE GOING. I didn't see and advert by 'men' claiming the fantasy needed to be shut down like a mouse trap on a penis (just the thought of that hurts!).

Do you have any genetic connections you can tell us regarding the Germans who call their home Dutch Land and the Dutch and the Scandanavians. All seem to foster the Blue Hair with Blond Eyes which suggests a common ancestry?

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We have Häls+ing..

Helsingborg is renamed from the original Hälsingborg..


Hälsa means "Ha el sa" and means "Health"..

Hel means "Whole" and was Norse Godess of the old and grey..

She reigned the dull gray of the nether under world (also symbolic of automn and the greying of nature if you ask me..

Hel was never anyones desire since "to die in balle" was a higher noble wish Hel is kind of "naeee"..

The Helsingians/Hälsingland has the highest genetic traits of blue eyed blond haired together with west Finland across the Kvarken sea of the higher Baltic sea north of Aaland/Åland..

The deutch means "our tongie" or such and the Germains is a mix as all people with the seed of Shem conquering the rich property owners and tradesmen..

Germans Norse people Balts and Slavic people Finns Saami and Kvenes are all gathered around the enigmatic hot spot in history of "strong peoples"..

The preussian trade maffia eventually swept the southern reigns of the Baltic sea and the Swedes and Gauts and Gaetes took the scandinavian inner parts..

Finns and Balts and Scanians ("south Sweden) and Slaves and Germans and the Norse" Yahood's"(Danes) were mingled and best brothers as best enemies..

Eventually Königsberg (nowadays Kaliningrad) along with Visby and Novgorod became world history hotspots leading up to the middle ages..

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

The Swedes are notorious pork eaters.. Holyer then the pope is the Christmas Ham Steak for all Swedes..

I grew up vegetarian so missed out on that "true Swedish trait" munching on Turnip steak is a faint meagre complement I can assure..

Maybe my muching so much more different food then most othrers I got agood at avoiding much of trash-normie hang-ups evading normi-booredom like skiing pro slalom á la the world greatest ever slalom skiier Ingemar Stenmark..


The "Aesir!/Asians/Schytian warriors had pork taboo..

Both tall long blond hair blue/green eyed or redheads (Norway/Scotland)..

The Kvarken area north of Stockholm in the Baltic sea has the highest cluster of Blond haired blue eyed..

Finland has the highest count of blond haired in the world..

Finns Roots and Swedes are the most blond hair blue eyed in the world..

The "folk wander about times 500 pre A. D. to 500 after AD. seems pretty much be the chaos mirroring the west of today..

Numerous tribes went out of Scandinavia and rampaged the European continent and tore down the Roman empire..

The Holy Roman Empire is quite the thing to check into..

So the notgsee-ers of Germany had the Roman salute as the "my dog can jump this high" greetings during wwII..

The german traders and the east european askenazim where really "the crypto Shame-on-you-ites" and the "ugly psychopath tax collectors of tribute gold and tribute of vampire blood" if you ask my hunch of it..

All the "Royal Houses" (clan businesses) all more or less stem from "Holy Roman Empire" trade families..

Killing your brother, uncle and nephew for gaining controle of the family coffers in the fort is all legio and their legions of blood draining metcinaries still maurauder our world to this day..

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I never thought (having committed to a vegan intake) that a 'tell' might be inviting the Epsteins over for a nice Easter Ham as a way of distinguishing: Will the Real Swede please stand up. If with a full mouth they say: "I can't I'm eating." then you know that you've got the real deal.

I've never been confronted with the idea of the Berserkers being the unzippering of the HRE. I must say that you bring a perspective to all of this that I've never gotten from the talking head gurus that specialize in gatekeeping history.

"my dog can djup this high"

Dude, tell me that that is a phrase that you learned in grade school. It is so fresh and child-like I wish I had known it when I was a kid!

Yes, I was born a baby goat.

Tell me more about the Scythians because even Lenormant seemed to confuse the issue. The Turanians were just as obscure in his work. I'm unclear on whether he was just trying to work out the details or if he was caught up in the Babylonian Name Changes that just gave the pigs different lipstick and the fossile record doesn't preserve lipstick shade.

It is my opinion that Lucas named his Sith Lords after the Sythians.

They just can't help themselves for aggrandizing their own history.

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WRiting on the fly..

I have to go and check the spellgtells..

Sorry mate..

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Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

Jump not djump..

Djup means deap..

I sank deep in my finger dribble slalom mistyping

Uncle fixed above - he doesn't like to be Unkled

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I like spelin thangs funnay.

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Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

You left a video link on another substack on parasites, a man in his backyard with 2 schwein. The man dumped a bucket of some type of pellets, the schwein showed some interest. Then he dumps a bucket of rotten bananas, the schwein leave the pellet meal for banana. Third dish was a rotten fish picked clean to the bone with only head and tail left, he throws it in the pen and the schwein leave banana and devour head, bone and tail. He said the schwein are infested with parasites. He called it a heirarchy of parasites controling the schweins mind, the most powerful bugs want blood and flesh first that even though the fish taste like death, the top bugs in the heirarchy steer the schwein for blut und fleish. He said majority of mankind will eat the flesh first as the top bugs want flesh first, the weaker bugs get non flesh. Thus the bugs control mans mind lines backs up your theory.

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Sometimes you feel a shock when there is independent confirmation of the synthesis that you have worked up to.

I think the fellow and his wife were both doctors. So someone I never knew through independent observation and testing gives us corroboration without collaboration.

I have to say I was somewhat relieved when I saw that video because I poisoned myself a couple times with powerful herbs trying to see if I could evict a tapeworm as long as a telephone pole - to no avail. My considered opinion is that single celled buggers haunt me which is why I crave sugar. Not much a fan of rotting fish heads.

I'm always impressed by significant details that others have stored in their memories.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Patrick Jordan

Interestingly enough. I found a book on my ancestry. They actually left Sweden to fight Katholics in Deutschland. I'll have to check what year this apparently happened.

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the most important question raised by that history is:


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According to the book, King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden sent 13,000 Lutherans to Deutschland to slaughter the Katholicks. It says the Lutherans achieved victory in 1692.

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Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

… was is a slip or purpose? “blue hair with blond eyes”

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My Dear Lady!

I'll have you know I do not wear a slip - especially with short evening dresses...

I tried to type it wrong on purpose several time but my fingers tripped because of the programed phrase was trying to override.

It was difficult, but I got 'er dun.

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Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

... I could identify as one of the "few brave Feminists"... Does that count?

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that would work in Germany, and as long as you didn't shave your legs and apply some piggy shade of lipstick then it might fly elsewhere as well.

This brings us to another point that grinds my jaws like a pencil sharpener:

Every 'nation' is responsible for its own mess, so although the world is in Lockstep so that 'feminists' have to unite to ignite: Why the hell are we always cleaning up someone elses' mess?

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Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

Radbod, king of the Frisians refused to abandon the norse gods when a catholic missionary told hin that valhalla was the same as catholic hell. Where were his ancestors Radbod wanted to know if there was no vahalla? He was told they were burning in hell. Radbod said I would rather by great Odin join my ancestors in hell than be in heaven with you filthy priests....

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A common response to their worldwide extortion racket.

Problem is: Odin and the rest are just renamed pigs with different housepaint just like Jove = Yaveh.

So this was cousin on cousin posturing on which shade of lipstick the porcine pretender was going to wear when there was a coup in the court.

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No doubt, Odin just a name change originated out of Chaldea

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