What a wiggly, wiggly world PJ!

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Pat, it's all just 🐖💩, no lipstick needed. Their breath is atrocious though!

Mind dumbing 🦕🦄💩!

Jest another make 🐝 🍃 booger man virus.

Yes, skin 🍺 ments seem to be quite Prev-Nar13 alent...sounds fam ill year tho? Did somebody crash another truck full of 🐒, with 🐒🐓?

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OK... first:

You've taken the word play into the realm of High Row Glyph Flicks.

Very impressive. Had to do a double/triple take on the Beer ments... Ale...ments.

And what a memory too bring up the interstate highway intrigue of loosing the wild lab animals to release the Kraken of disease on unsuspecting motorists including the bleeding hearts that just wanted to help the poor beasties spread the diseases they were vectored with...

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Butt, did they re ee eeeeely? Good cover for Phac Scene skin juries. Or did the blame screaming poop organ discs just 💩 us once again? Since they're good at slingin stinky 💩, like a turd hearse (what we called the Man Ooooer spread her on the farm, growing up).

Was hoping you'd catch the reefer all to the 🐒🐓🐓 (should have been plural) out Brake. As when the story "came out" about who most seemed to be poxxed with the stuff, the store he got axxed, and I don't meme questioned, quick like a 🐇. After it a parent Lee seemed to be showing up on their chilluns and pup pee dogs too. Apparently the 🦧🐓🐓 were needing to be axxed instead!

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OK. That did it!

You just gave yourself away.

Anyone with your level of skills HAS to be a Farm or Pharm Girl.

Man You Are Spreader. City Slickers don't even know what that is.

I whoshed I din't know...

So many folks have postulated (they wore bibs) on so many ingenious ways that the Evil Ones might perp eye trait and ALL of them are plausible and from a Millie Tarry perspective in what is called Full Spectrum probably ALL employed at the same time for best coverage. So to your observations and speculations (I hope you find oil) I would say:

Awl of The Above!

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Busted! MI, sum xs bored and raised on the farm! Cash crops and 🐎 (mine). My Grand Pop, though was a Dairy good man. I also dew Leather work, and Up Holster Ray, couldn't live w/o my Awl. Though there are also udder kine Awls. I just give ever ray End Ever my Awl.

By the by, that profile pic is a stick horse I made, when I lived in North Africa. For my best friend's neice on her 3rd birthday. They had never 👀 a stick 🐎. I even had to show her how to ride it. She's 26 and still has it. Precious memories.

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Impressive work. That is a very nice story of her still having the pony after all these years.

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Bloody-sickness hell. Do I read it right that anything from nature that is shown to work for x.666 is a potent-shell in-gradient to be tainted for their (x+1).666 Mr. Na or other witch potions check-mating nature on another of its functions and abilities? Now I comprehend of how it is possible that first many things could work in the past and they do not any more. I have also got to know quite a few people with Крапи́вница = Žihľavka = Hives = Urticaria chrono-nickel or not. They have found out they can get temporarily better with control of histamine but other-wise they do not have a clue where it did come from or how to get rid of it. It looks to me that the name urticaria or hives itself comes from the thing that happens to your skin when your body or blood or all of it is axe-posed to the urticaria plant or hives to hive mind. But this is as much help as giving a meaning to a sino hiero-glyph based on its sound part.

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Coin Cider this:


The film is called Under Our Skin because spirochetes and nanobacterial like to eat the thing that became a fad supplement:


So how do we know that the UNKNOWN DISEASE called Hiveys is not just spirochetes, nanobacteria or Cell Wall Deficient forms of the buggers provoking a reaction UNDER OUR SKIN?

Histamine release is the third effect of Mast Cell Activation 'Disorder' that is the second effect provoked by the first effect of SPIROCHETE INVASION.

For me the world looks like a corkscrew.

where's my hammer?

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Someone, I swear I herd this, just can't ream ember The WHO, wasn't Roger Daltry tho, maybe Meatloaf...no that was dinner last night. Sorry, sum xs my mind wanders...anyway, they said to bathe in Epsom salts, Borax, Baking Soda, Bentonite Clay and your flavor it E cent shall Earl, to loose the nano👽💀💩 from your skin, pulls out Morgue Ellens VibeHers too. Sum guys have shown that these nano VibeHers will even replace hairs on ur head!

My head gets itch he, after working out side for long peery odes, and da kine (pigun) schweaty...so I mix all that Coin 🐓 Shun with ACV and 🧖‍♀️ my head hairs, only. 🤦‍♀️

Seams to work like I Dream of 🧞and makes it soft and shiny. Does that mean it's Safe and Effective?

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There's a guy with bad teeth out there telling people how to preserve their teeth with hardware store chemicals, so I'm always skeptical of home remedies.

Butt... your lineup seems inocuous enough.

Magnesium Sulfate, Boron, Sodium Bicarbonate and trace minerals. The only thing that I hesitate to throw clay into the mix for is that like psyllium and charcoal, it gloms onto everything so it's hard to project if it is pulling out the bad stuff or simply interfering with the good stuff to work.

Being who I am and tediously pendantic about all things 'science' I would try just one of the ingredients at a time, then start adding each one until I knew their actions singly and then in combination before I worked in the clay.

You wouldn't believe (figure of speech - I'm sure you would) how many 'supplement' formulations have EXACTLY what you need in them, then something else that either neutralizes that beneficial ingredient or makes something else go wrong.

So I wood, in my non-professional, unlicensed (didn't even get my shats) opinion give it a Safe rating, but the effective would only be contingent on whether the clay was essential or it just bound up the other ingredients.

Don't know.

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Thank you for the link. The video is not view-able in my country. I needed a vpn. Ads for you tube in ham-erica are even more horrible than here. I would not consider hives being something special if not all people with hives that I know told me they did not have a clue about the cause and if I have not found it as a fake-sin side-effect on fake-sin inserts. And if one of its names was not hives. Then I was absolutely sure. And the thing is surely trance-miss-able as show-cased in the film. 1) Is it so that continual closure of phage therapies roughly coincides with this ability of private patenting of novel small organisms (just dis-covered in 1970s and 1980s) featured in the film? Then these patent people are on the mad-a.i.-cull board deciding who could have a doc-thor lie-sense and who cannot. 2) Could then one see gain or loss of function as nothing else but reverse process of phage therapy. Phage therapy turning bacteria curly heirs neutral while gain or loss of function turing them one more function toxic? 3) If it can be done with Clostridium tetani, is it not what is being done with spiro-jets? 4) Do long term anti bio ticks so-call work be cause they force these screws to constantly throw off their coats (forcing them to change their names) and not concentrate themselves on their primary job meaning on eating us?

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I think all of the answers to your numbered questions is Yes, with the qualification on #4 being that with their Winter Coats on the cell wall competent Spiro Jets will eat you alive, but with their coats removed they will cause such problems as STEALTH organisms that the body itself will blast the offending tissue with superoxide radicals so that the tissue will be 'eaten' by chemical means. This is the mechanism of action of the toxigenic bacteria like staph and strep that are called flesh-eating. They don't physically consume the flesh. Their toxins provoke a host over-response of the immune system with the superoxides etching away the meat in real time.

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Then the real change would not be about storm-ink govern-mente buildings or getting away from the system in state-national or free man way but it would be about bringing light into private patents of re-vealing the piracies of nature for their self pro-fit interests. If phages are so numerous it is only the quest-action of how to go about them.

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My sister developed cold urticaria after a tetanus vaccine (seriously cat scratched) and gluten intolerance after using bromelain for several months to reduce inflammation from a ruptured disc.

No matter where you go, there you are.

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well pineapple has bromelain which is actually good for some but damn could be death for others.

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When I eat pineapple I get serious astringent sensation in my throat. I also get the same reaction to bananas! I avoid them!

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When you buy bananas do you let them ripen to the point of being yellow with small brown flecks on the skins?

If not then they are not ripe and will cause that astringent feeling.

Bananas turned brown on the inside are not fit for even banana bread.

Pineapple has the enzyme that is a MEAT TENDERIZER so that is a whole different thing that might feel the same because your throat just got digested.

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I invoke my Chinee fren: Ho Li Crap!

Cold allergy from a vaccine. We can discuss that disgusting thing offline.

Thanks bunches for the insight.

The Lit Hit Sure on proteolytic enzymes for healing vertebral discs was spotty and in corn clue sieve at best. Rooster tried serrapeptidase for scar removal. It made the scar diminish. It made his skin fragile so he got cuts that wouldn't heal. He stopped the enzyme, his skin healed, and the scar (like a cat) came back.

I want to go where there is no Matter so there I aren't, Buckaroo.

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The tv ads for psoriasis related rashes are infinite…..and when I see those all I think is that it looks like “syphillis” rash if we were then like hundred of years ago…. cuz we know that is all the same of the magic 3 basic diseases.

Children seem to be the new customer around the block. When I was younger there was the kid in class, in every grade, up to high school….who had the really bad, BAD, unsighful acne. You know the one that looks gross, purple with white pus thingy?? I had a friend of mine who had that acne. The one that gives you the grater face like you are going through small pox all your life …right? Right.

My poor friend grew up so insecure and with her so many who had and STILL HAVE that problem. She did tons of treatment ranging from birth control pills to refractal laser therapy. In the early 80’s it was a novelty and extremely expensive. But the Italian health care covered it for young teens.

They call it puberty acne, or adolescent acne….even so you drag it until you are in your 40’s. This is another very common ….manifestation or Man….infestation…..of an immune system overran by hormonal changes or what else??

Why some people got it and some other did not?

But above all …..why no cures??

So imagine this now….in 2025 young people have to deal with the same shit the youths (those who made it passed the infanticide) back in 1225 AD. Then they were dealing with poke marks on their face but only then you could have blame it on everything from gonorrea to small pox to syphillis…..

And you see these are things that make me go hmmm…..cuz we still not have cure for simple shit.

I was driving my granddaughter back home to her mother on Sunday, and when we crossed the bridge of the downtown area I was pointing out to her all the pretty, lit up downtown skyline. She did not have her glasses on….and I forgot that she cannot see faraway. She is only 9 years old and is part of that large group of children (millions across earth) who are having so many eye sight issues due to extended hours in front of the computer or phones. You know as I was driving I see a giant bill board advertising from the local hospital center telling me I should get my heart checked….OK…..but we cannot fix eye sight?

Why we cannot fix eye sight? Now I know that you are going to say….because the spectacles industry needs to make money……Oh IDK if that is the reason. Is it really?? Or is it more because we were LIED to in regard to medical and technological advances.

Let's go back to acne. Why we cannot fix acne? Do you know how difficult is for any professional to even identify the cause of the acne? There is no test or exact science on the diagnosis. My understanding is that is usually dumped on the hormones. OK I get that. But we still do not have accurate test to identify hormones level INDIVIDUALLY.

Why not? Ask any woman who is going through menopause….. they assign you cream and hormones therapies eyeballing everything!!!

I mean that is acceptable for me when I am cooking, then I just throw ingredients here and there….a little nutmeg, some salt….

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Yes...I am getting these hives or welts or whatever the fuk they are and I KNOW its from the Chems...I am NOT VAXXED AND never WILL BE!

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Thanks for letting us know.

Consider trying any form of Apis homeopathy that you can get. 200C is for acute conditions.

I'm not a doctor or anything else of licentious license so I can't give any kind of professional add vice, but the Apis did help for one child.

It all depends on what you want to share in public (or in private if you want to email me

patrickjordansnewemail@gmx.com) but I have endless questions like:

Does anyone else around you have hives?

Do you own pets?

Do the pets have any skin conditions?

Have you been exposed to: The Fog?

Does your air smell like a chemical factory?

Have you had any previous SYSTEMIC (skin) allergy conditions before this?

Did you have any upper respiratory symptoms like bronchitis/cough that wouldn't go away... BEFORE the skin went all bumpy?


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Not Yet

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For someone with english as a 4th language, its quite entertaining to decrypt your writing.

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I got a shock when I saw Subspace Tech and 4th... almost thought it said Dimension...

Most of the folks that are non-native english speakers have less of a problem than the natives.

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