Anybody sick out there?
I’ve gotten reports from all over the US and down to CentrHell Harmerica of Upper Respiratory Dis Ease that hits like a matriarchal intercourser and doesn’t let up even under the old tricks that used to quiet the ConYid.
In addition to the URIs is one report of a child with full body Hives that might have been triggered by a food allergy, but when you look into the non-descript word of: hives you find that it is once again the Same Pig Different Liptsick of the Shuck & Jive, Bait & Switch used in All O Pathetic Medisin that Artermix and I have railed at for decades: Nebulous descriptions of ‘conditions’, ‘sin dromes’, and ‘diseases, or even PERFECT descriptions of diseases down to the molecular level but NO FUCKING CURES WHATSOFUCKINGEVER.
On the child it manifested as planar welts. I don’t know if y’all have looked into skin diseases, but there’s infinite kinds of them. When I have to examine the color pictures to isolate just what it might be — MY skin crawls.
Here’s the culling of the best of the best of the best that modern medisin has to offer on the topic:
“welts are not hives but hives can lead to welts.”
Bugger me with that Proverbial Stick, but I thought Welts lived off the west coast Angler Land? The QUOTE above is TYPICAL circular logic to cover their asses.
Lettuce Jordanize this because I can’t stand the strain of the sound of verbal diarrhea from SELF-APPOINTED X-SPURTS: “We have no fucking clue what welts or hives are. If an extremely small number of us Gatekeepers do, we’re sure as Hell not going to tell the likes of you.”
That’s what it said. Read it again. I’m sure if you stare at it long enough you’ll see it my way.
ANYTHING can cause an allergic reaction. Typically I look for some telltale inflammation at the center to indicate that it was a bugger because bugger bites can cause systemic skin reactions.
Welts can develop when a person breaks out into hives as well.
Have yuh noughtist now me lads and lassies? Thot they havhent defined what the bless’d Hives be? How ken ye have the Welts break out from Hives if ye kennah tell what a Hive be? How kennah ye tell if ye be Ben Afflicted from Welts or Hives or the wee-stray demon that Fadder Clancy failed to subdue when he did his exorcism?
Other causes can include:
Urticaria (Hives).
WEIGHT! Before we get into the other causes of the things that have yet to be defined, and INDIVIDUALLY IDENTIFIED WITH BIOMETRICS…. THE FUCKERS ALREADY RE-NAMED THAT PIG TO SOMETHING LATIN.
I’m not saying that this book has a damned bit of relevance to the topic at hand. It’s been so long since I wrote it that I don’ even remember what’s in it. I JUST LOVE THE RAINBOW LIPSTICK PIGS SO MUCH I LIKE TO SLATHER THEM ON EVERYTHING THAT I STACK!
Allergic reactions: Insect bites or stings and environmental or food allergies can cause a person to break out into welts all over their body.
Infections: Some infections, such as COVID-19, can lead to the development of welts on the body.
So now you know how my mind works in Continuum
A book, Buy The Whey, that does have relevance to the topics of hand since EVERYTHING is emmeshed in Corn Tin You Um.
Other sources already cited VIRUSES! (Lordy! get the Anti-Virus Police on this!) as being a cause of the elusive hives/welts/urticaria. See how skillfully they ran the ConYid through the credits at the end of the movie? Witch calls into question of whether the poor dear wee one had welty/hives from eating the wrong thing or if it was provoked by the BG2025BW. Billy Goat Gates Buy Oh We Upon to be released next year… with previews at theaters near you for Christmas 2024.
Could this be the alpha test befor they go Globe Hell?
Exposure to cold or heat: Welts can develop due to extreme heat or cold. The drastic temperature changes can be natural or artificial, such as in air-conditioned or heated rooms or buildings.
Emotional stress: The type of welts that develop because of emotional stress are called hives. When many welts develop, they are called a stress rash.
Yeah… bullshit. Anyone who knows me knows I reject ANYTHING with that BULLSHIT LABEL of stress that is as clearly defined in the Med I Kyll literature as are Welts, Hives, and now I’m thinking that Urticaria was one of those Characters in Lord of The Rings !
Immune system: In cases of long-term or chronic welts, it’s thought that the immune system may play a role and be attacking healthy tissues that lead to the welts developing.
Other diseases: Diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid conditions can all lead to the development of welts or hives on the skin.
Unknown origin: In some cases, welts may develop on the skin without any underlying cause. These types are known as idiopathic welts.
Idiot Pathetic is right. Butt did you see that that is what they were claiming all along?
Other sources showed that Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus, and Parasites could all be blamed as causing the welty, hivey, uruk hai thingy all over your body, so in essence they blamed EVERYTHING for causing a systemic skin reaction in the form of no form (as Bruce Lee would say) since there has been NO DEFINITIVE CAUSE AND NO DEFINITIVE SIZE, SHAPE, DESCRIPTION ASSIGNED TO THESE ELUSIVE CREATURES CONJURED BY SARUMAN. Sore You Mon. Saur as in Saurus? as in Reptile? So, given that they assign blame to certain ‘causes’, and then for the shit that they don’t dare label they say it is unknown (it’s always unknown, we need more study) what CURES are available for it?
Fuck-all None.
They SUPPRESS the immune system with all sorts of Witchy potions, so that you don’t notice that your entire body is a battlefield for the Unknown, Unseen, Un-named Forces of Evil.
Fuck modern medisin.
What Can Trigger Welts or Hives?
Some things, such as drinking alcohol and caffeine, can trigger welts in some people.
That’s it, the wee one is going to have to shun Irish Coffee!
Other triggers include exposure to sunlight, exercise, and swimming.
What Medications Can Cause Welts?
Certain medications may cause welts to develop, such as:
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Now we’re getting closer… antibiotics lead us to DRUG FEVER = ALLERGY = SERUM SICKNESS. SERUM SICKNESS IS ALSO CAUSED BY WAX JOBS THAT HAVE ALL OF THE Big Four mentioned that can cause hivification: Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus, Parasites.
From a different source we see the sickassfuckers are still playing BOTH SIDES of the fence because they either have no game or they are PURPOSELY trying to sow confusion. IgE is the immunglobulin that shows up in what is called classical allergy. There is a religion based around it that ONLY allergy has IgE show up. Yet, I have used the work of giants like Theron Randolph and others to show by the Cuntrollers’ own disjointed references within the Merck Manual, etc. there is proof that IgE is ALSO mobilized in Drug Fever = Serum Sickness. So both Type 1 and Type 3 Hypersensitivity Reactions have the same mediator.
Contact dermatitis is linked with Type 4 Hypersensitivy Reactions such as poison ivy and tuberculin toxin. Where are you going to get THAT, unless they POISONED you with the TB tine test?
And who would have thought that off-the-charts eosinophilia would be associated with PARASITES when the religiously deluded white-coated fanatics swear that those white blood cells are elevated ONLY during ‘allergy’. You’d never understand the level of the conspiracy of idiocy unless you spend 11 years in the hospital/clinic circle in Hell to see the sign on the wall that read: Department of Allergy AND Infectious Diseases. They know. Fuckers aren’t telling. I’m the Anti-Fucker.
IgE-Mediated Causes
Airborne allergens, like pollen
Food allergens, like peanut
Contact allergens, like latex
Drug allergies
Insect bites
Parasitic infections
Non-IgE-Mediated Causes
Bacterial infections
Fungal infections
Viral infections
Lymphoma (a type of blood cancer)
Autoimmune diseases, like lupus
All of this was made available to the public by 2008 in my first book:
So was the child afflicted by the latest govern mente sponsored Buy Oh We Upon? Or some ‘natural’ bug? or some chemical? or some food? or…
… when I was a kid I broke out in a severe “rash” because of Tide and All and other extremely damned harsh laundry detergents that happen to have Bacillus Subtilis ENZYMES in them…
So, given the list of Oprah Nudities for things to go bad and since Medisin won’t give any answers but blame everything as the cause for cause-unknown conditions, then we are left with the Jordan maxim/conclusion of: ALL OF THE ABOVE.
If, after taking medication, you develop welts or a hives rash, contact your healthcare provider. They will be able to tell you if it’s safe to continue taking the medication or help you find one that works for you without causing welts.
Witch one is it? Welts? Hives? Rash? Corned Beef on Rash Hashonah?
We all know what the Docked Whore will say: Double the Dose of the medisin so that you end up in the hospital with anaphylaxis (if you last that long).
Welts, also known as hives or wheals, are raised bumps on the skin.
They can develop because of an allergic reaction, pressure on the area, an infection, or an underlying health disorder. In some cases, emotional stress and certain medications can bring on a bout of welts.
included just to show that when you don’t have a goddamned answer that the strategy is to repeat the same thing over and over again as if it IS an answer!
Frequently Asked Questions
Are welts hives?
No, but welts and hives present the same on the skin.
Translation: A length of rebar through the chest from an accident at the worksite will cause the same kind of chest constriction that penetration by a beesting will once Anna Fill Lacks Us sets in. Treat them the same because it is difficult to tell the difference.
They appear as raised bumps that can be skin-colored, red, or pink. Typically, they are itchy. If an injury occurs causing the welt, there may also be pain in the area.
SEE? See! Iah tole you!
If an injury occurs causing the welt, there may also be pain in the area.
Bee sting/Rebar = no difference!
Butt… we do come full circle in how we tried to get some relief for the Wee One. The agony of the welts was heart-wrenching. And being a mechanic I can tell you the wrenching was of the Monkey Wrench variety where the teeth dig into the pipes.
It was suspected that it was a reaction to commercial pineapple that brings with it the double-whammy of being drenched in pesticides that were typically banned in most civilized countries PLUS the dilemma that the enzyme bromelain, being a protein, can act as an antigenic mimick for things like gluten thus provoking pre-existing allergy if it did not create allergy de novo on its own.
Cross-reactivity between bromelain and soluble fraction from wheat flour; Tanabe, Tesaki, Watanabe, Yanagihara. Arerugi 46: 1170-1173, 1997.
As if it didn’t take me 40+ years of relentless study to come up with the shit in my 25 books, you have to fall across the REALLY OBSCURE SHIT and then REMEMBER what you fell across: the texture, the taste, the temperature, the SMELL of the shit in order to be able to make the information WORK for you in a ‘real’ (unreal - SIM) world.
Because it was all that we had available we use Apis Venenom Purum homeopathy to effect a change very quickly to give the po’ chile some relief. We were pleased that it worked and that gave me time to look up all of the references of bromelain in my books, to which I was EXTREMELY Sir Prized by this mention:
Bromelain in its synthetic form comes with a caution of allergy if the person is allergic to pineapples, or other Bromeliaceae Family members (see PLANTS: a FAMILY Tree),
honeybee stings,
It was surprising because the only homeopathic remedy that we had available for swelling with redness was the pure venom of the honeybee = Apis Venenum Purum.
What are the freakin’ odds of that in a non-SIMworld?
Apis mellifica sold on every healthdoof store shelf is the whole ground-up honeybee. I would imagine that the mellifica would work in a pinch but I have been trying to drag homeopathy kicking and screaming into the modern world of science for years, so accuracy in language and reporting is essential to me. Within the Law of Similars of homeopathy IF bromelain or pineapple could provoke Welts/Hives/Urticaria/Wheals on its own and the mimicry of Bromelain to other antigens like beestings can provoke SIMILAR responses, then it holds that what is good for the Pineapple sting is good for the honeybee sting.
birch pollen, carrot, celery, cyprus pollen, fennel, grass pollen, latex, papain, rye, or wheat.
That is a pretty broad range of TOTALLY unrelated substances unless your fine minds can see the underlying pattern behind such cross-reactivity.
Depending on your mental fatigue and memory capacity, you find when you read the material from the website below that it echoes the same thing that I put in my books over a decade ago with the marker: «» and text in bold.
They have known of these relationships for a scary-long time.
Because Bromelain was an enzyme of choice during ConYid to deal with the spike proteins and since I was non-reactive to it and since others took it without any incident, the sudden pineapple reaction in the child brought out all of the alarms that perhaps Plandemic Phase 2.666 was engineered to disable any remedies that might have worked during Phase 1.666. They insured that no countermeasures would prevail when they engineered Lyme as a We Upon. Li’l Fuckers (lab-created spirochetes) use our own bodies against us.
So, since this might be the next level in the Game of Deth they have planned, it is of the utmost importance to demonstrate how dangerous these induced food allergies can be:
What is a pineapple allergy?
An allergic reaction to pineapple can be triggered by eating a small amount of the fruit or drinking pineapple juice. You may even have an allergic reaction from touching pineapple.
Allergic reactions to fruits, including pineapple, are less common than allergies to other foods, but they can be serious when they occur.
The most common food allergies include:
nuts (tree nuts and peanuts)wheat
If you aren’t on data burnout, did you notice that the most common food allergies are to DOOF that is most commonly pandered to the Kept Animals as their basic food?
Wheat contains gluten. The pineapple enzyme Bromelain can act as a molecular mimick to gluten. So Witch Came First? The Gluten Allergy that provoked the Bromelain allergy or the other way round?
What are the symptoms?
You may have the symptoms of a pineapple allergy immediately after being exposed to the fruit, or it could take up to several hours for your first symptoms to appear.
Intense itching and hives are often the first symptoms of an allergic reaction.Hives may show up on one or more places on your body.
You may also have digestive symptoms, including stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. These digestive symptoms are your body’s way of trying to rid itself of the allergen.
In addition to digestive symptoms, pineapple allergy symptoms can include:
swelling of the face, tongue, throat, and lips
difficulty breathing
flushing of the face
intense itching or hives
sinus congestion
metallic taste in the mouth
anaphylactic shock
Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency. Seek immediate medical help if you have difficulty breathing or think you may be going into anaphylactic shock.
In one study from 1993, 20 out of 32 people who tested positive for pineapple allergy went into anaphylactic shock after eating the fruit.
Dayahm !!!! I would have liked to have been in THAT clinical test! Did they fix the people they broke with defibrillators? That would be fun. I saw the electro-shock as entertainment on Strange Brew with Bob & Doug McKenzie, eh?
What are the risk factors?
You’re at an increased risk for a pineapple allergy if a close relative is allergic to pineapple. Close relatives include parents, siblings, and grandparents.
This is an especially important consideration when introducing new foods to babies. While it may seem counterintuitive, delaying introduction of familial allergenic foods to babies can actually increase allergy risk according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAAI).
Aim to introduce top allergenic foods to babies by 6 months of age. For babies with existing atopic dermatitis, a peanut allergy sibling, or a previous allergic reaction, speak to your doctor first.
Fruits, such as pineapple, can contain allergens found in other foods or substances. If you’re allergic to pineapple, you may also have an allergy to natural rubber latex. And, you may experience allergic symptoms when you’re exposed to items made from it. Things made from natural rubber latex include:
hospital gloves
adhesive bandages
sanitary napkins
blood pressure monitoring cuffs
rubber-grip utensils
rubber toys
«» People who are allergic to pineapple may also be allergic to birch tree pollen or bananas, which is known as pollen-allergy syndrome. Ingestion of raw pineapple may result in mouth or throat symptoms known as oral-allergy syndrome, which rarely leads to anaphylaxis.
Cooked pineapple is usually tolerated by oral-allergy or pollen-allergy sufferers. Raw pineapple also contains a protease enzyme called bromelain which may irritate the lips or skin, but is not typically life-threatening either.
What are the complications?
The most serious complication from a pineapple allergy is anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and can be life-threatening. You should seek immediate medical help if you think you’re having anaphylaxis. Symptoms include:
rapid heartbeat
difficulty breathing
swelling of the tongue, lips, or throat
loss of consciousness
blue tinge around the lips, fingertips, or toes
If you’ve experienced anaphylaxis before, your doctor has likely prescribed an EpiPen. This is an auto-injected dose of epinephrine, which is a fast-acting type of adrenalin. It’s used to relieve severe immune system reactions to allergens.
You should visit the ER immediately after the use of an EpiPen, even if your symptoms are significantly reduced or eliminated due to the possibility of a second-wave reaction that is not responsive to epinephrine.
Foods to avoid
If you have a pineapple allergy, you should avoid both canned and fresh pineapple. You also shouldn’t drink pineapple juice if you’re allergic to pineapple.
The significance of this might be lost by those who don’t know the chemistry. Bromelain is a protein enzyme that loses its properties when heated above 180F. The active properties go away but since all canned pineapple and pineapple juice is cooked, then the protein will still be there just not as an active enzyme. So if bromelain was the offending agent then even canned pineapple can be a danger unless the altered conformation of the protein from being cooked takes away its antigenicity.
You tell me: Who the fuck even KNOWS to ask the question that I just put as a declarative speculation?
Pineapple may also lurk in other foods. Some of these products include:
canned fruit salad or cocktail
pineapple salsa
pineapple rum
pineapple jam
banana bread
pineapple soda or soft drinks
tropical fruit punch
tropical alcoholic beverages, such as margaritas and piña coladas
fruit candiesMake sure to check the ingredient labels on food before you buy it to make sure it doesn’t contain pineapple. Also, when you eat out at restaurants, let your server know that you have a pineapple allergy. This will help you avoid accidental exposure to the fruit.
Pineapple enzyme may also be an ingredient in skin care products, such as soap and face cream. You should always check the ingredient list and not use the product if you have any doubt about what’s in it.
Good advice for anything in any situation including life on this planet. If you have any doubts about living here then CALL THE GODDAMNED MOTHER SHIP! WE NEED TO BUG OUT! EVERYTHING IS HOSTILE AND LETHAL!
When to see your doctor
If you suspect you’re allergic to pineapple, talk to your doctor. They may recommend taking an over-the-counter antihistamine tablet to alleviate your symptoms, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
Anna Phil Lacks Us is some serious shit. So I wouldn’t say to stay away from a COMPETENT physician. Funny thing about whitecoats and their potions:
If you’ve experienced anaphylaxis, your doctor will prescribe an EpiPen that you can use if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction.
If your symptoms don’t improve or if they worsen, treat the situation as a medical emergency. Call your local emergency services or have someone drive you to the nearest hospital.
What’s the outlook
Food allergies can occur for the first time at any point during a person’s life. In the United States, nearly 8 percent of children and up to 4 percent of adults have a food allergy. You may outgrow your pineapple allergy if you developed it as a child, or it may appear at any time during your life.
Your doctor may confirm a pineapple allergy through a blood or skin test. And it’s important to tell them exactly what happened. Your doctor may recommend that you avoid pineapple completely, and they might also prescribe antihistamines or an EpiPen as a precaution.
So, although this opened with a question, I know a very large portion of people out there like the privacy so they won’t volunteer if the new 2025 Bug promised by Bill Gates has applied the steel-toed jackboot to their anal sphincter. So, I doubt many people will volunteer their experiences with unexplained rashes to their ashes. However, if anyone knows any countermeasures to the new Plague, then all tips will be ape press eye eighted.
There’s so many things to consider here.
Remember when REMEDIES to the ConYid were as numerous as dimes given out by Rockefeller?
Where are NEW REMEDIES postulated for NEW THREATS now?
Was all that a scam just to get people to take HCQ and IVM and all of the herbs and supplments and enzymes ‘required’ to get over a Buy Oh We Upon release?
This Version 2.666 is untouchable by any of the old suggestions by the apostate insiders. Ever stop to wonder who the hell would know how to antidote a novel Buy Oh Weapon as soon as it was deployed anyway? This New Bug (similar to the Old Bug) has some weirdass side effects like:
One person who had lost their sense of smell years ago from getting the Whateveritis during the Version 1.666 got their sense of smell BACK after they recovered from exposure and illness from Version 2.666.
We are also forced to consider: if there really is a Second Release? or if it is just the sequelae of the first release that was triggered by binary, tertiary, quaternary, or other We Upon components that is just a CONTINUATION of building a Ship Inside A Bottle of the afflicted things that used to pass for humans? Could rev 2.666 just be the SHEDDINGS of an assembled nanomachine that took this long to fully form?
What I am soliciting here is any feedback on success for knocking down Round 2 in preparation for the not-so-local deployments when the Beta Test begins for the WEF’s promised culling of several BILLION in 2025.
My sister developed cold urticaria after a tetanus vaccine (seriously cat scratched) and gluten intolerance after using bromelain for several months to reduce inflammation from a ruptured disc.
No matter where you go, there you are.
Yes...I am getting these hives or welts or whatever the fuk they are and I KNOW its from the Chems...I am NOT VAXXED AND never WILL BE!