This is very much inline with my idea about CON sciousness. Our thinking is a program. Our being aware of this reality is CONTROLLED by the biological avatar that we reside in. Who are we that animates this living avatar? This ape with a thumb is more than a biological being. Its energy comes from somewhere and is installed or imprisoned inside this avatar. Whatever we truly are.. A light being, an energy form, a being from another reality, we came her into this material world and maybe we expected to use our true intelligence. But once born into the avatar we became subjected to its consciousness programming. However when we stop thinking and, stop using the language of the programming and the controllers of this reality, we awake or become aware of the lies they tell us and our truth. The AI is all code. It is all programming. That is all there is. Everything is a program that we are plugged into. Consciousness is all there is. Programming to experience this false reality is all there is. Energy to operate our consciousness program is all there is. Energy and consciousness are all there is. And it is all just a lie.. It is all a copy of the reality that we originated in. My guess is that a parasitic entity invaded our true reality and installed this programming. To hide the truth of who we really are.

This whole reality has been considered holographic, and an illusion. Because it is all just a simulated program of a reality that is real. This is what I think my dream was telling me. that I posted on, about the wizard, who showed me the underlying programming of this reality. I think it based on another reality, The original reality. This is why when we STOP the chatter in our brains, the never ending talking in our brains, and we observe reality with out judgement or the programs that have been installed in us. WE see remnants of the TRUTH. of the Original reality. This truth comes out in us who can see that something is very WRONG with this world. we KNOW it intrinsically. It is what we feel in the heart center of this body that has been installed with Alien technology.

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Some day you and I will arrive at definitions to delineate the words used with their intrinsic meaning or just invent new ones.

The Bud Hists say: All is Illusion.

I think those shavehead pillow sitting fuckers knew something but they are run by inside controllers too.

Stop the chatter in my brain? Damned thing doesn't even stop in sleep.

To bridge the philosophical from the biological there are large roundworms that burrow through their hosts. In order to do this without freaking the host the hell out, they put off a form of acetylcholine that passifies the host so that even if they feel something odd they discount it. I think the parasite hypnosis is the same.

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It's Total DEvolution! Choas theory come to" life".

I've pondering the rainbow agenda lately. Even in the storybook, It claims that God said that he gave us the rainbow as a symbol that meant he would never flood the earth again....Did he mean flood the Earth with POPULATION?

Soon, we will NOT be able to have a population due to the gay/trans/cyborg rainbow agenda.

So, in this version of the hard drive, we'll all be happy & own nothing. When they say "happy", They mean GAY which is not conducive to procreation. Simple math.

On a side note, ... If Living is SUFFERING, then Dying is SALVATION!

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The smartest woman I went to college with said that her university professor said that in order for Entropy to take energy out of a system it had it tie it up in potential energy like building more complex things such as proteins, DNA, cells and organisms. His notion was that the world is so complex because of the loss of energy. Supposedly there is enough energy stored in a human body to be a Hero She Muh but it's difficult to extract.

On the other hand...

Gustav LeBon said that the conservation of matter and energy is total bullshit and in the words of Jordan:

"Things either burn to a grinding halt, or grind to a burning halt."

The shitshow machine should be running down like a windup toy soon, but it doesn't so there has to be over-unity energy that the Enemy is tapping into.

Love you edit. Fred Flinstone had a Gay Old Time.

You are 100% on the life = suffering, death is the end of the prison sentence, but it still leaves us with the 5784 year old question: What happens next?

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I think we're on the wind down stage... OR the burn it down stage. I'm thrilled at this point. I don't wanna be Happy/gay like the flintstones or frogs!

Tapping into the lay lines to harvest energy is a theory I've heard. Also DNA holds lotsa data... which converts to energy... Kinda...In a way. Doesn't it? Their stealing our loosh juice!

What happens next? ... Onto the next dreamscape....or partition in the hard drive. Mario goes to the next level. We're screwed ...Or Lag-bolted!

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Could we be Fallen Angels ? Free will (Wheel?) baby hehe who knows? Not me, i do not know but lots of thoughts. And then there is 'City of Angels" movie with Meg Ryan (Ryan Meg mb). That one seared itself deep into my brain. Connecting a few more dots, there is Jonathon Kleck. Not sure where to go with his message etc but he also says we are Fallen Angels and have freewill. i dont know. But as per JM comment- hmmm mb death is also the opposite of what we fear it is. I am planning to float myself as smoothly as possible to a much better place - i can almost see it some daze.

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HI Bev, Don't Fear the Reaper. Here in the west, we have been trained to fear death ( For medical $$, experiments & training for docwhores)...In the east, They KNOW death is not to be feared & something to look forward to. Check this out ...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z73K2TnsLFw It will bring you comfort from fear of letting go of the matter whirled we got encased in. EVERYBODY should see this. It's 28 short minutes.

Also, I've been pronounced dead & my cadaver donated to a medical college...Long story, All documented. But know THIS ... Being dead is the PRIZE at the end of this delusion... from my personal experience anyways. PS. We are just as alive on the other side.... but without the PAIN & suffering. Like when you leave your body in dreamtime. Peace.

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You're not cheering me up girl. I wanted blessed blackness, peace and quiet.

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We ALL have WANTS.... LOL 😂 Unfortunately, Energy seems to be a constant. The best we can do is "HOPE" that we get a better deal on the next go round. I'd be happy just being a ROCK. & NOT one on a dog walking path! Lol :)

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I think that the whole energy thing is an illusion as well.

IF there were such a thing as entropy where everything burns down, then none of what we see in nature or especially political assaults should exist at the level that it does. It's easy to see that energy is being siphoned off from someone else such as paying Tacks His to fund a non-earning mom with 13 kids. But that's just the surface. The political and millie tarry power increases beyond anything that I know humans capable of. I will never bring in the Space Alien meme but there is huge, dark knowledge being funneled to the Thumb Apes that allow them to have a brief brush with something the defies what science and physics say should be able to happen at the level, intensity and sustainability that is shown.

Maui was just a tiny display of what I'm talking about.

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Have you ever gone somewhere & FELT the energy being sucked right out of you? I'm a huge beLIEver in energy transmutation. Ever been on stage & the audience GIVES you their energy & you feel GREAT?

I never feel great at Tacks time. Aligned with that week they tend to start wars & shit.

👽 aLIEns are something that they are not telling us. I've never been butt probed by one so I can't speak to nature of their being. Space.. probably not. Xtra territorial...probably so.

Ancestors...Maybe.... ANTcestors from underground where some of these fires may have originated from... Maybe ?? here's a name for them, starts with an S. I forget. MIND WIPE!

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People, Places, and Things.

I was once sent a 'healing stick' that was wood with 'minerals' epoxied to it. It got a bad vibe and instantly felt uneasy. I figured it was a talisman so I disassembled it and sent it away.

I can't remember which book I put it in but Tacks Time is aligned with when a cuckoo bird puts its parasitic eggs in the nests of other birds.

Goddamned fitting.

Aliens are given Green Cards to match their blood type.

Fires undergraound? Starts with "S"?


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We always have to begin with definitions:

Angels? The jewish legends are that Angels (messangers of god) were merely the spoken words of god that appeared and disseminated. Therefore the extrapolation is that if there was any word or 'being' that went 'bad' that it came from the God-Thing itself.

Isaiah 45:7; King James Version

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

So if we are the personification of God being Naughty then from my perspective we are blameless. Therefore what is the definition of:


Fallen from where? How? Why?

I have no memory, no superpowers, no connection to what the Gnostics called a Demented Alien Mind Parasite (the god-thing).

The very notion of spirituality is foreign to me. There are some people who are said to have a God Module in their brain that taps them into whatever spiritual means (again: an undefined word that people are allowed to assign their own private meaning to). I guess I either don't have one or mine isn't infected by the parasite that makes people religious.

Float or not I just want the hell out of Hell.

The notion of Freewill is just another level of control to make the plebes think that they have something they don't. Freewill means that you act as thou wilt.

Where have we heard that before?

THEY (the satanic motherfuckers) do that all day every day.

We are under the threat of pain, imprisonment or deth if we don't pay Tack His. No freewill there, except to choose to dye instead of feeding the demons.

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The Big IF, about Death... is that we have been led to beLIEve that we are reincarnated back into the program, construct, prison, whatever this place is. If that is the case, then death is not necessarily the answer. We need to know what we are up against. My feeling about the NDE's is that it may still be part of the construct, and a FALSE experience. So we need to KNOW how to escape the construct. TO delete the ALIEN INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM or the AI system that has been installed in the avatar that we are trapped in. EVERY NDE means that each of those people CAME BACK.. NOW wouldn't you think that if it was so great on the other side, and YOU KNEW that we all will get there.. THEN WHY THE HELL would anyone come back. They would know that all their loved ones will be arriving soon to the Other world.

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I think it' a numbers game. Everything here runs on numbers, symbols, & Sigils. To escape the cube ... there's got o be a method to the madness. It's Possible, that we need to unfold the SOB! I don't KNOW why anybody chooses to come back.... I got screwed..... I had NO FREE WILL. A.I. was still playing out my part maybe.

Maybe I'm a friggin walk in for all I know. IF that is a real thing. ??

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it truly is the biggest question.. I know for you and me, that we wouldn't CHOOSE this kind of hell to go experience and learn LESSONS.. WHAT LESSONS? I think that whole Idea is total mind control conditioning.. THAT we need to learn lessons. From what I understand about walk ins is that you choose to come in and you have a goal, usually to save or wake others. YES.. all language is part of the PROGRAM... and very few of us can stop the Thoughts and talking in our own heads. We are constantly speaking the language of the PROGRAM with every thought we think. HOW is that WITH KNOWING? or how is that CON scious ness. We think in language and symbols, not in pictures unless we are dreaming or day dreaming. If we think with the symbols given to us by the cube, then how is that PERSONAL consciousness?

Back to the walk in... If "walk ins" is a real thing.. THEN what are we choosing to come into? and why do we want to come in to wake up others?

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LESSONS infers that we remember. We get mindwiped, so That theory does not sit well with me. So we wait for the program or hard drive to shut down....It has to run it's cycles... Or ones & zeros till it goes dark screen I guess? I'd settle for a 404 page does not exist! Lol

Walk ins have never been proven.. seance tifically have they?

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Are you saying that I'm an Ass Head because my mind was wiped?

404 ! You are my favorite nutjob in the fruitcake. That's poetry.

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This is why I came up with: Same Pig-Different Lipstick.

A Walk-In is just a New Age rename for the Bodhisatva.

The program itself isn't creative. It's running on a small script of set paramenters and then JUST LIKE A FRACTAL ITERATION it just keeps cranking out MINOR variations for the grape apes to think that every New Age there is something new and just for them.

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There's a number of us (ooo, that doesn't sound right) that HATE NUMBERS.

So that's a problem from the start.

Unfold? How about we fold it in on itself like a Black Hole and let it self-snuff? Black Holes Anti-Matter.

You may have been screwed, I have been Lag-Bolted.

I think the A.I. keeps us around because it is bored.


Hell, I'm the guy who isn't part of the stage play that runs across the stage shouting at the audience: "It's a Stage Play! It's a Stage Play!" and then security comes after me from stage left like a 3 Stooges short.

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LOLOLOLOL!! Dammit! I was sippin coffee! ALMOST successfully!

SELF SNUFF! I Like it! Let's do it, all while screaming "it's a stage play"!

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clothing optional whilst streaking across stage.

Buy the Way: Not being a Thespian (or that other thing) I could never keep straight which stage was left and which was right from the actors OR the audience point of view. Given the political ram eye fuck cat shuns, it seems there is no difference whatsoever between Left and Right.

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I don't think it matters which way you stage dive... Just get off the fugging stage! Clothing ALWAYS optional! (Stage lights be HOT AF)

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Sew... what you are saying is that Jerry Springer is merely a fractal re-iteration of Real Life that people watch while they pretend to live real life.

Hold my fig leaf....

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See? We're caught on the same Flat Spot on The Wheel:


I know for a fact that our Modified Girl has a hole differential definition for that one.

Legend is that they found gooey blood in the bones of a T-Rex that was encased in mud tens of thousands of years ago in Mad Eye Gas Car.

Putting aside any arguments about Dine No Sores, IF that were true then does anything truly 'die'?

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…”helluvalot more satisfying than screaming at the Debil” what’s Debil mean here in this context? Because if you call someone debil in Slovak, you’re calling him stupid/ignorant/debil . I think debility is a mental condition… back to continue on reading

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Oh.... Sea... Now that's inneresting.

It's Ebonics for Da Debil !

Evil is ignorant and stupid. It has animal cunning and acquires the intellegence of the beings it consumes (We are Borg you will be assimilated) but in and of itself it's just a slug.

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What would a Mel Gibson "character" in any of his hit movies do? If Nature allows you to " Govern" yourself and a "fiction" pretends prevent that......WTF are YOU allowed to do........??? STAND!!!!!!!!!

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I'm hoping the answer is:

Slap yourself in the face like Curly Howard and then poke the perp in the eyes?

If not then the alternative is to use a hand gas-actuated nail gun.

Unless that was Glover.

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Heads up on the newly passed FISA-regulation opening your doors for a mere nothing with the help of totally nothing-Warrents as legal under FISA in order for it 'd to be used to invade and snatch at anyone's place counted anyone's 8 self for any-soo-vie-njet-thing on who-what-where-when:ce-ever..

My friend supporting me on my legal/lawful issues over my family's throwing gasoline on their brawl-fire of legal bratts-fight-with-forms-infighters, this my helper friend of an american in a state of uniteds be-er told me she will for securrity reasons on her behalf stop to utter even a word of opinion over phone/skype nor texts/vid's/post/anything from now onward.. She has had all too much sucess to leave any ya'll-smooth-hoodies happy with her talents..

She will ceed to help anyone and go to plant seeds instead and fend for and build her rural community hang out place instead..

Here 's a one guy with his heads up notice on the new-FISA-same-'ol-piggy-backs:


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In 2008 folks used to give me a left-handed compliment by saying: "You know that you are on the FEMA Red List?"

Like Solzhenitzen said if THEY knew that THEY were on OUR Red List then they might pause.

But they won't pause becuase no one has or will stop them.

So pulling out of media and trying to keep your head low won't make any difference since everyone was already on The List and they will come for you based on food chain level regardless of planting seeds in the middle of GPS located nowhere or not.

Business as usual on both of our parts.


We can only speak the truth, so we have no other options. Our social credit scores have already damned us to their Hell. So why stop now?

If we can't speak the truth then why even allow this shitshow to continue?

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