i must admit, if i had a war song, it might be 'killing in the name of' by Rage against the machine or 'Welcome to the machine' by Pink Floyd for a 'war chill-out' (cognitive dissonance) version! But then i sit 'Confortably Numb'...
'Us and Them' by Pink Floyd... 'Dogs' by Pink Floyd, 'Dogs of war' by Pink Floyd... etc... etc...
i mean we spend our whole life dying, isn't it so cool to have the best soundtracks ever in order to die slowly and painfully... the jaws managed to make dying and killing... cool!
AI generated is the last and final nail in the coffin of humanity, loosing abililty to create, AI do anything for you now (nothing is created, only copied and remixed and resold has new, like the jaws like to do and have always done), learned helplessness to its fullest! Lost of autonomy and self-abilities... don't need to write, to read, to draw, to design, to learn, just wish out loud, the genie in the boottle, up the ass... we don't need no education! Another brick in the coffin! oh well, you don't even need to live now!
Now I know what people mean when they tell me that they are more depressed after reading my Stacks than before they even knew me!.
I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
KEEP IT COMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was going to compliment your work by saying:
But look at what the Jaws sharks did to that word:
prosaic /prō-zā′ĭk/
1. Consisting or characteristic of prose.
2. Matter-of-fact; straightforward.
3. Lacking in imagination and spirit; dull.
Prose is non-rhyming POETRY. How the fuck do you turn what Dante called the highest form of human communication: Poetry into something DULL !!!! ALL IN THE SAME DEFINTION?
'pro' always means 'commerce' so yes, ''pro-se'' lol rings a bell?
when one is pro-se ('procès' in frenchI it's a lawsuit, trial, for a stupid person, that can't read 'prose', and don't understand words... poetrial isn't it?!
Old French ''pöeterie, pöetrie'', from Medieval Latin ''poētria'', from 'poēta' (“poet”), from Ancient Greek 'ποιητής' ('poiētḗs', “poet; author; maker; craftsman”).
so isn't a poet, a maker of verse (a maker of bible verset lol God?!!! remember: verso! the Debil Devil!)... inverso/perverso... a manipulator ('mani-' is 'main' in french, so it is hand-crafted, w(h)itch crafted!)... a politician or poelitician! A salesman, a conman! conman the Barbarian, so let's go to the BAR ;) in french 'barre' is the sheep's wheel!!! it has over 40 fucking meanings!!!!
*Language, particularly written language, not intended as poetry.
*Language which evinces little imagination or animation; dull and commonplace discourse.
*(Roman Catholicism) A hymn with no regular meter, sometimes introduced into the Mass. (so you mean the whole of the fucking Bible?!... oh no, below, it is oppose to verse/verset... but isn't 'verso' a per-version??!!!!).
i'm stll having fun!
prose (as opposed to verse)
Antonym: vers
So oppositon of verso, but 'verso' is the 'verso' (left?! wrong! Baksheesh!) so 'prose' is 'recto'... right/rights hence law/trial/tribunal matter
For *provorsus, from prō + versus, vorsus (“turned”):
straightforward, right onwards, straight, direct
Synonym: rēctus
remember 'pro' is always 'commerce/war/law'... 'proversus' is synonymous to 'rectus' hence 'rights'!!!
we have both side of the same coin/con?! looks like op-position is hope-position, right or wrong/left! Open-position, you turn right or left lol so you spin like a tourette machine! turn it on again! Spindle like the ship wheel, spin doctors (above the ship's captain)
what's a 'pro-ver-b' then?!!!
what's a 'process' if not a 'progress'... pro-cession (a mass?! a session of pros, a money collection, a session of pros (wrong/left) and cons (rights/right) )
And notice it's a live performance and not a studio version. Incredible performance. I have read in comments after a concert in 1970 that this music shocked the audiences when they first heard it. I bet it did! I think they had nightmares afterwards. Interesting how we are so acclimatized to this type of music to such degree that it's effect on us is not as shocking as it was then. I do not hear such powerful i.e. shock you to your core music these days.
I'm 99.99999999999% sure most students in High School would fail the test you alude to. And 90% sure most student in Junior High Schools would fail it .
In Czech when we get hurt and feel the pain we exclaim AU! Two wovels, made /conjoined into a dipthong. A translator would have to have a superb command of language to translate the French version of AIE, or the English OUCH into Czech while doing a live translation indeed.
Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd left a dark hole in my soul when I listened to it in college in mid seventies. The monotonous methodical humming of a machine as the background is ominous and evokes DREAD in the mind of the listener. DARK soulless, terryfying world is what I see in my minds eye . I feel as if we are living in THE MACHINE now.
The links made me want to pull my brains out of my skull like in the videos.
IF Glenn Kealey was right and the earth is a supercomputer that wants to experience every possible thing that can happen then it needs its plugg pulled.
It's always Happy JEW Year for THEM... JAWS with GOLDEN Teeth... Red Oktober feast?! Always Goy blood...
Go(o)d is Evil and Evil is Go(o)d... Goo dies... Gold is Evil and vile... 'Eveil' in french is 'to wake up'!!! E-veil, to take out the veil/vile... to reveal (french: 'réveil' is to 'wake up' ('rêve' is 'dream'), to ''re-voile'' (voile=sail), to re-sail, to re-cap, to sail again, to sell again, 'selle' is 'saddle', so to saddle up, to commerce/to post, so sad-dle...
see how crazy and deep it can go and i keep it short!
There is a whole thing about 'veil', 'voile' ('sail' in french, hence 'sell'), 'vol' (to rob/steal) and 'viol' (to rape), 'violin' is to rape your ears! so 'sail' and 'sell' sound like 'sel'... french for 'salt' and it does give 'soldat' hence 'sold' (link to gold, god, good, goods, old, bold, etc...)... to wake up is linked to make up, to make up is to lie, to lie down is to go to sleep (as opposed to wake up/réveil/éveil), to 'éveil' is to reveal evil?! to become aware/awake (wake board for sail/sell), to be come a-war-e, at war with vile evil live life...
yes, this one is a tough long one! i've blogged (in french) in many long articles (like Clint!) the Wheels of the Words... it goes crazy and far... very far, where no man has gone before! (i'm still good, my coloscopy was done by a woman!)... verso is the back, the ass... hence perverso.. oh i forgot... 'ver' in french is 'worm' (plural: vers) (vers= 'towards')... so parasite!!! here i open a whole new can of worms... let's not go there, you've summed up that enough!
from Old French ver, verm (“worm”), from Latin vermem (“worm”)... you know 'vermine'! or 'germ', or 'german' (jews really!) giving 'guerre'-man (guerre=war)... oh, i cannot to stop!!!!
Ancient cultures such as the Yahoodim had an advanced level of viewing things. We are familiar with the Moibus Loop or the Klein Bottle = infinite contiguous surfaces in 3D but the Jews had a legend that if you ran out of the North Gate of Hell and went far enough and long enough you would come back to the south gate of Hell.
That creepy little analogy tells me of advanced geometry and insights into the traps we are in beyond which the average cubicle worker has ever strained their mind.
I was always interested in linguistics and how spoken language affects us as humans. The sound coming out of one's mouth once they vocalize a word is a sound wave and when it reaches our body it makes us reverberate. I remember you saying that it's the pronounciation that makes the spell effective. Not only do words create/evoke an image in our mind, but it is also the vibration of the sound that once it hits our body it makes it vibrate i.e. it has a specific cymatics effect on the cells of our physical body.
Remember what the GRIMOIRE tells us:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
This is not a professional opinion. I'm just a simple tile setter trying to survive in hell. I can give you a bid for installing heat shielding ceramic tile on your house to protect you from the heat of hell. I'm professional in this field. I am uninsured and unlicensed though. Cash only. I'll take gold.
----- actually, you finished the decode of what the Egyptian Magi claimed. I always repeated it because if the Udder Side thinks something is important then we need to pay attention, but I always joked about it being the difference between trying to summon a god or demon (but I repeat myself) and getting the name wrong. Old Hah Zah Zel is having his nails done in Hell waiting for his next commission, and some white-bearded, fat-belly with a pointy hat is yelling for Ah Zah ILL !
Fellow demons are like: Is that for you?
Azazel is like: Not me, I don't know who they're yelling about.
Then I bring it into the "J"esus fraud where there was no "J" before 1600 so there never was a Geez Us.
But it was always about my lameass jokes and summoning. I didn't consider until what you highlighted should be the obvious that different illterations MUST have differen cymatic signatures.
There you go again, Mr. Linguini. Putting it on the table for us.
Interesting how the Yahoodish legends cross over with the Egyptian legends. The Hu was the primordial god of Egypt where all creation was called into existence when the mantra of huuhh whoooo was uttered.
I did a piece on Dr. Who (but I think that's the stack that got un-created.
I'm all for the space shuttle tiling, but that didn't work out so well for that group of twins that all went up and got civilian jobs later. Would you take my old tooth with the crown on it?
One meal of linguini with pesto will cover one hour of my labor. Let's shake on it. I'm easy. Although I like a good chunk of anything KYLLED on the prairie with hoofs and horns and four legs. No meat from a hairy two-egged 👿 čert (Czech for demon) on my plate. No sirreee! I wonder where is demonl in the hierarchy of hell anyway? He is not SATAN! Čert in Czech folklore is humanlike creature that is hairy, hoofed, with a snout and horns. It is a chimera, and is considered D'ábel's helper or SATAN in Czech. The d' is pronounced dj where the j is pronounced like the y in yoke, but more forcefully where the tongue is pressed against the palate and air expelled through opened lips. The a' is loong like in aaaahh! Get it?
I cannot disagree even when I should disagree.
It is either us of "them".....
Let loose the dogs of WHAR!
Die free or die trying!
WAR PIGS by BLACK SABBATH is my war song.
i must admit, if i had a war song, it might be 'killing in the name of' by Rage against the machine or 'Welcome to the machine' by Pink Floyd for a 'war chill-out' (cognitive dissonance) version! But then i sit 'Confortably Numb'...
'Us and Them' by Pink Floyd... 'Dogs' by Pink Floyd, 'Dogs of war' by Pink Floyd... etc... etc...
Welcome to the machine... made with AI
i mean we spend our whole life dying, isn't it so cool to have the best soundtracks ever in order to die slowly and painfully... the jaws managed to make dying and killing... cool!
AI generated is the last and final nail in the coffin of humanity, loosing abililty to create, AI do anything for you now (nothing is created, only copied and remixed and resold has new, like the jaws like to do and have always done), learned helplessness to its fullest! Lost of autonomy and self-abilities... don't need to write, to read, to draw, to design, to learn, just wish out loud, the genie in the boottle, up the ass... we don't need no education! Another brick in the coffin! oh well, you don't even need to live now!
Aren't you grim?
Now I know what people mean when they tell me that they are more depressed after reading my Stacks than before they even knew me!.
I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
KEEP IT COMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was going to compliment your work by saying:
But look at what the Jaws sharks did to that word:
prosaic /prō-zā′ĭk/
1. Consisting or characteristic of prose.
2. Matter-of-fact; straightforward.
3. Lacking in imagination and spirit; dull.
Prose is non-rhyming POETRY. How the fuck do you turn what Dante called the highest form of human communication: Poetry into something DULL !!!! ALL IN THE SAME DEFINTION?
The A.I. has been with us since the beginning.
Lacking in imagination and spirit; dull.
hence Prozac :)))
'pro' always means 'commerce' so yes, ''pro-se'' lol rings a bell?
when one is pro-se ('procès' in frenchI it's a lawsuit, trial, for a stupid person, that can't read 'prose', and don't understand words... poetrial isn't it?!
Old French ''pöeterie, pöetrie'', from Medieval Latin ''poētria'', from 'poēta' (“poet”), from Ancient Greek 'ποιητής' ('poiētḗs', “poet; author; maker; craftsman”).
From ποιέω (poiéō, to make)
A maker, inventor, lawgiver
Doric/Aeolic ποιϝέω (poiwéō)... looks like 'power' and control!??
from Proto-Indo-European *kʷoywós, from *kʷey- (“pile, stow, to gather”)
Sanskrit चिनोति (cinoti, “to arrange, pile up”)
Proto-Slavic *činiti (“to instigate, perform”)
to pay
to avenge
so isn't a poet, a maker of verse (a maker of bible verset lol God?!!! remember: verso! the Debil Devil!)... inverso/perverso... a manipulator ('mani-' is 'main' in french, so it is hand-crafted, w(h)itch crafted!)... a politician or poelitician! A salesman, a conman! conman the Barbarian, so let's go to the BAR ;) in french 'barre' is the sheep's wheel!!! it has over 40 fucking meanings!!!!
so what is a 'barman'!!!
*The AI... 'ouch!'... what is 'ouch' in french... AIE!!!
that's what you say when you get hurt!!
aïe!!!... you scream out of pain
*in Quebec: Ayoye
leads to 'Ahoy'!!!
*Used to hail (scream at) a ship, a boat or a person, or to attract attention.
(humorous) Warning of something approaching or impending.
*To hail with a cry of "ahoy".
*"aye aye", if a commissioned officer is in the boat;
So... to h-AI-l a ship! is to stop/control a ship? to programm a ship?! To board/hoard a ship?!
oh wow! thanks, we are having fun!
*from Latin prōsa (“straightforward”) from the term prōsa ōrātiō (“a straightforward speech
*Language, particularly written language, not intended as poetry.
*Language which evinces little imagination or animation; dull and commonplace discourse.
*(Roman Catholicism) A hymn with no regular meter, sometimes introduced into the Mass. (so you mean the whole of the fucking Bible?!... oh no, below, it is oppose to verse/verset... but isn't 'verso' a per-version??!!!!).
i'm stll having fun!
prose (as opposed to verse)
Antonym: vers
So oppositon of verso, but 'verso' is the 'verso' (left?! wrong! Baksheesh!) so 'prose' is 'recto'... right/rights hence law/trial/tribunal matter
For *provorsus, from prō + versus, vorsus (“turned”):
straightforward, right onwards, straight, direct
Synonym: rēctus
remember 'pro' is always 'commerce/war/law'... 'proversus' is synonymous to 'rectus' hence 'rights'!!!
we have both side of the same coin/con?! looks like op-position is hope-position, right or wrong/left! Open-position, you turn right or left lol so you spin like a tourette machine! turn it on again! Spindle like the ship wheel, spin doctors (above the ship's captain)
what's a 'pro-ver-b' then?!!!
what's a 'process' if not a 'progress'... pro-cession (a mass?! a session of pros, a money collection, a session of pros (wrong/left) and cons (rights/right) )
one of the definition of 'prorsus' is to turn in a right/direct line!!! WTFF!!!
and now all we need is LOVE/PROZAC! Most people are on it anyway!#
My prozAC/DC is hells bells
You're only young, but you're gonna die
I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives
I'm gonna get you, Satan get you
If you're into evil you're a friend of mine
'cause if Good's on the left,
then I'm stickin' to the right
Hell's Bells, Satan's comin' to you
Hell's Bells, he's ringing them now
Hell's Bells, the temperature's high
Hell's Bells, across the sky
Hell's Bells, they're takin' you down
Hell's Bells, they're draggin' you under
Hell's Bells, gonna split the night
Hell's Bells, there's no way to fight, yeah
Ow, ow, ow, ow
Hell's Bells
NAW! AC?DC is too soft for me. Too many American rock bands sounded like reruns and screaming instead of singing.
Rage Against the Machine does not do it for me either.
Give this a listen.
Everyone after Black Sabbath were copycats
fine piece, the Iron Man link.
HEAVY stuff!
And notice it's a live performance and not a studio version. Incredible performance. I have read in comments after a concert in 1970 that this music shocked the audiences when they first heard it. I bet it did! I think they had nightmares afterwards. Interesting how we are so acclimatized to this type of music to such degree that it's effect on us is not as shocking as it was then. I do not hear such powerful i.e. shock you to your core music these days.
Proto Slavic *činiti *
Každý den činím malé kroky ku zlepšení mého zdraví.
Every day I take small steps to better my health
*činím* is first person singular conjugation of the verb činit
Tomorrow we will have a test on conjugation of intransitive verbs.
Just having fun. Ther is no test tomorrow.
uh... teacher? does the test require blood, stool, or urine?
You's Funny!
I'm 99.99999999999% sure most students in High School would fail the test you alude to. And 90% sure most student in Junior High Schools would fail it .
OK! OK! I'm aking these numbers up, BUT, I'm 99% sure I'm close.
In Czech when we get hurt and feel the pain we exclaim AU! Two wovels, made /conjoined into a dipthong. A translator would have to have a superb command of language to translate the French version of AIE, or the English OUCH into Czech while doing a live translation indeed.
If I'm reading you right, then your kind have an affinity for Gold = Au.
The Fry People seem to have an affinity for the A.I.
The AngleGrinders seem to have never lost their Cockney accent as they are always wanting to lay down on the 'ouch, gov'nah.
Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd left a dark hole in my soul when I listened to it in college in mid seventies. The monotonous methodical humming of a machine as the background is ominous and evokes DREAD in the mind of the listener. DARK soulless, terryfying world is what I see in my minds eye . I feel as if we are living in THE MACHINE now.
I'll see your Black Sabbath and raise you a Brown Sabbath
oh 'sabbath' is 'saturday', saturday... satan day, sa-turn-day
i was going to raise with 'white sabbath' not knowing what it was!
oh well! who cares!
before you raise with a red sabbath (yes, there is lol), i said to myself, there might as well be a fucking rainbow sabbath... and there is!
LIKED the comment ONLY for the Saturn connection.
The links made me want to pull my brains out of my skull like in the videos.
IF Glenn Kealey was right and the earth is a supercomputer that wants to experience every possible thing that can happen then it needs its plugg pulled.
War Pigs. My my fine selection.
It's always Happy JEW Year for THEM... JAWS with GOLDEN Teeth... Red Oktober feast?! Always Goy blood...
Go(o)d is Evil and Evil is Go(o)d... Goo dies... Gold is Evil and vile... 'Eveil' in french is 'to wake up'!!! E-veil, to take out the veil/vile... to reveal (french: 'réveil' is to 'wake up' ('rêve' is 'dream'), to ''re-voile'' (voile=sail), to re-sail, to re-cap, to sail again, to sell again, 'selle' is 'saddle', so to saddle up, to commerce/to post, so sad-dle...
see how crazy and deep it can go and i keep it short!
There is a whole thing about 'veil', 'voile' ('sail' in french, hence 'sell'), 'vol' (to rob/steal) and 'viol' (to rape), 'violin' is to rape your ears! so 'sail' and 'sell' sound like 'sel'... french for 'salt' and it does give 'soldat' hence 'sold' (link to gold, god, good, goods, old, bold, etc...)... to wake up is linked to make up, to make up is to lie, to lie down is to go to sleep (as opposed to wake up/réveil/éveil), to 'éveil' is to reveal evil?! to become aware/awake (wake board for sail/sell), to be come a-war-e, at war with vile evil live life...
You are a vortex of opposite day reversals!
I'm worn out and you were easy on us.
yes, this one is a tough long one! i've blogged (in french) in many long articles (like Clint!) the Wheels of the Words... it goes crazy and far... very far, where no man has gone before! (i'm still good, my coloscopy was done by a woman!)... verso is the back, the ass... hence perverso.. oh i forgot... 'ver' in french is 'worm' (plural: vers) (vers= 'towards')... so parasite!!! here i open a whole new can of worms... let's not go there, you've summed up that enough!
from Old French ver, verm (“worm”), from Latin vermem (“worm”)... you know 'vermine'! or 'germ', or 'german' (jews really!) giving 'guerre'-man (guerre=war)... oh, i cannot to stop!!!!
you are exposing the fundamental flaw with everything that they do:
If you look up the definition of a dollar, it is 100 cents.
If you look up the definition of a cent, it is 1/100th of a dollar.
If words take you around in a circle then words are meaningless.
It is a spell to keep you occupied so that you don't look beyond the spell.
simply explained!
Ancient cultures such as the Yahoodim had an advanced level of viewing things. We are familiar with the Moibus Loop or the Klein Bottle = infinite contiguous surfaces in 3D but the Jews had a legend that if you ran out of the North Gate of Hell and went far enough and long enough you would come back to the south gate of Hell.
That creepy little analogy tells me of advanced geometry and insights into the traps we are in beyond which the average cubicle worker has ever strained their mind.
I was always interested in linguistics and how spoken language affects us as humans. The sound coming out of one's mouth once they vocalize a word is a sound wave and when it reaches our body it makes us reverberate. I remember you saying that it's the pronounciation that makes the spell effective. Not only do words create/evoke an image in our mind, but it is also the vibration of the sound that once it hits our body it makes it vibrate i.e. it has a specific cymatics effect on the cells of our physical body.
Remember what the GRIMOIRE tells us:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
This is not a professional opinion. I'm just a simple tile setter trying to survive in hell. I can give you a bid for installing heat shielding ceramic tile on your house to protect you from the heat of hell. I'm professional in this field. I am uninsured and unlicensed though. Cash only. I'll take gold.
We have so much in common!
You're a simple tile-setter.
I'm a simple Irish-setter.
You were interested in linguistics.
I am too with a really nice Pesto sauce!
----- actually, you finished the decode of what the Egyptian Magi claimed. I always repeated it because if the Udder Side thinks something is important then we need to pay attention, but I always joked about it being the difference between trying to summon a god or demon (but I repeat myself) and getting the name wrong. Old Hah Zah Zel is having his nails done in Hell waiting for his next commission, and some white-bearded, fat-belly with a pointy hat is yelling for Ah Zah ILL !
Fellow demons are like: Is that for you?
Azazel is like: Not me, I don't know who they're yelling about.
Then I bring it into the "J"esus fraud where there was no "J" before 1600 so there never was a Geez Us.
But it was always about my lameass jokes and summoning. I didn't consider until what you highlighted should be the obvious that different illterations MUST have differen cymatic signatures.
There you go again, Mr. Linguini. Putting it on the table for us.
Interesting how the Yahoodish legends cross over with the Egyptian legends. The Hu was the primordial god of Egypt where all creation was called into existence when the mantra of huuhh whoooo was uttered.
I did a piece on Dr. Who (but I think that's the stack that got un-created.
I'm all for the space shuttle tiling, but that didn't work out so well for that group of twins that all went up and got civilian jobs later. Would you take my old tooth with the crown on it?
Is the crown porcelain or gold?
Got silver? I like silver too!
One meal of linguini with pesto will cover one hour of my labor. Let's shake on it. I'm easy. Although I like a good chunk of anything KYLLED on the prairie with hoofs and horns and four legs. No meat from a hairy two-egged 👿 čert (Czech for demon) on my plate. No sirreee! I wonder where is demonl in the hierarchy of hell anyway? He is not SATAN! Čert in Czech folklore is humanlike creature that is hairy, hoofed, with a snout and horns. It is a chimera, and is considered D'ábel's helper or SATAN in Czech. The d' is pronounced dj where the j is pronounced like the y in yoke, but more forcefully where the tongue is pressed against the palate and air expelled through opened lips. The a' is loong like in aaaahh! Get it?
Video doesn't work. Is this from our friends in East Palestine or Middle East Palestine?
took longer than I thought for them to shitcan it.
It was of the Blessed of Gahd Is Ra EL dropping U.S. ordinance on innocent people in canvas tents and burning them alive.
You know - same old shit - different day...
Makes a difference to SEE it rather than hear about it.
Tox Doll Ears at work.