It occurred to me as I read my PRINTED calendar that Rosh Hashanah was on October 3rd and Yom Kippur was on October 12th.
The phrase OCTOBER SURPRISE is part of our language but we often don’t question what it is or why it is.
When it is casually looked into you might get some deflection that it has something to do with a media distraction before a US presidential election, but that just seems like a lame coverup.
I was sent this video with the warning that it was horrific.
Obviously innocent people being burnt up in canvas tents by insane Yahoodim dropping balms on them. Probably for the reason that Jimmy Dore ‘joked’ about that maybe some of the children MIGHT through rocks at their tanks.
So it occurred to me that the October Surprise is a historical celebration of the Yahoody New Year by some act of demonic sacrificial international whar crime so that things start out Good for them. Given that the Satanic Creed is:
Good Is Evil
Evil Is Good
What they are doing - what they have ALWAYS done - is called Total Whar. There are no Rules of Whar. There are no International Laws. THEY invented all of that so that posturing fools and barking yap dogs can claim that THEY are breaking Their own rules, while the fools and dogs do NOTHING to stop them.
When’s the last time YOU celebrated the New Year by balming refugees in their tents?
The ONLY answer to Total Whar is… Total Whar.
It's always Happy JEW Year for THEM... JAWS with GOLDEN Teeth... Red Oktober feast?! Always Goy blood...
Go(o)d is Evil and Evil is Go(o)d... Goo dies... Gold is Evil and vile... 'Eveil' in french is 'to wake up'!!! E-veil, to take out the veil/vile... to reveal (french: 'réveil' is to 'wake up' ('rêve' is 'dream'), to ''re-voile'' (voile=sail), to re-sail, to re-cap, to sail again, to sell again, 'selle' is 'saddle', so to saddle up, to commerce/to post, so sad-dle...
see how crazy and deep it can go and i keep it short!
There is a whole thing about 'veil', 'voile' ('sail' in french, hence 'sell'), 'vol' (to rob/steal) and 'viol' (to rape), 'violin' is to rape your ears! so 'sail' and 'sell' sound like 'sel'... french for 'salt' and it does give 'soldat' hence 'sold' (link to gold, god, good, goods, old, bold, etc...)... to wake up is linked to make up, to make up is to lie, to lie down is to go to sleep (as opposed to wake up/réveil/éveil), to 'éveil' is to reveal evil?! to become aware/awake (wake board for sail/sell), to be come a-war-e, at war with vile evil live life...
Let loose the dogs of WHAR!
Die free or die trying!
WAR PIGS by BLACK SABBATH is my war song.