Even with an irrevocable trust.... The state makes claim of your assets upon death. They can do this if you've ever collected Medicare, Medicaid & possibly even SSD.
It's ALL CRIMINAL! You're basically paying the state back for anything they have taxed you on & collected in your time of need or "gained" past your years of labor. It's all Bigtime Bullshittery!
I hope you have absorbant carpets for the drool after the jaw-drop.
Did you get it reset? or did you need some help picking it up?
I must not have gotten that far in the video.
Irrevokable means that YOU can't voke it or re-voke it.
The Pirates never said anything about taking your shit, your ship and your booty at sea.
How our ancestors never snuffed this when it was a tiny smoldering cigarette butt is beyond me.
I've said many times that there is irrefutable proof of hostile extra-terrestrial life:
Opera and Country Music.
Since we're not going to debate the existence of ETs then we have to consider that ANY race from ANYWHERE in the Galaxy, Universe, SIM, or hellucination that spends this much time GLEEFULLY inventing ever-more complicated ways to rape someone then rape them after the raping is unfathomably and undescribably INSANE. Only now do I know why the U.N. has a protocol for First Contact that involves attempting to unalive the aliens. If more show up then the excuse will be that it was an accident. But they wanted to know FIRST if they even could be kilt. I don't fancy starchildren with no underwear in plaid skits but this is one of two times that I agree with the U.N.
Haha, Klaus snob is helping me with the reset so I KNOW I will be happy. I'll still own nothing ... on paper. Maybe the conversion rate on the innerweb will make my ones & zero's appear larger in the side view mirror?
I forget which part got me triggered or disgusted on the trust thing. Trusts are filed thru tiny hats & ultimately end up in the government filing system.
There IS irrefutable proof of hostile extra-terrestrial life: Genesis1 2:4?
So the U.N. has the same agenda as you? Never would I have ever ..... Nice. Take out the Alien assumed Godthing descending from the sky? I like it.
Do you think they all wear kilts?? Lol Kilts are kinda cool.
You are so astute, lassie. I think you're exaggerating on how impaired you are.
The SECOND U.N. point that I support is the eradication of farming.
Pharming is literally killing everything on the planet so if all industrial farming stopped now, it would be heaven. No chemicals, no superbugs, no superfungus. No guys looking like they're in their third trimester pregnant with twins driving brand new John Deeres. Just piece and quiet.
But knowing the Ones Who Fuck they would probably outlaw poking a stick in the ground to plant a seed.
Back to the How To Greet An Alien protocol to sort things out.
Aww Thank You! Best compliment EVER! I have moments that I blow my own mind. Ya know when folks are in hospice & all of a sudden they get a boost of energy & start talking LUCIDLY to family or nurses & playing cards ... Then they die? THAT happens to me.... except, I don't seem to ever die. Strangest phenomena ... also, It's a full moon/eclipse cycle. AND my pain level is only at a 4 today...That helps...A LOT! My mind is a freaking mystery.
Don't worry, tomorrow things may go back to normal :).
The eradicating of farming. would kill off everybody dependent on supermarkets. Me included. Good riddance?? LOl. I couldn't support myself solely on planting my own crops....poke hole, drop in seeds....pull weeds....drop dead. Haha, The hawks would be feasting in my corpse I couldn't trust my body to cooperate. Eh, It's only life..... Seriously tho, I ABSOLUTELY get what yer saying!
Now about that Alien protocol. They're doing a damn fine job with them illegals! They got this. I trust the completely to greet them & give them cell phones & a $1500 food card & luxury hotel w/ free parking for their spacecraft.
Corn is all GMO. The kind of corn isn't what anyone would eat. It is a commodity for making ethanol and those biodegradable packing things. It might be used as animal feed.
so in that sense the meatasauruses might be impacted (like a bowel) but that is only those who eat animals that are GMO that are fed GMO grains.
Good riddance to all of them.
Soy beans are the same way. ALL GMO. A commodity for making soy oil and plastics and making mice REALLY want to eat the insulation on the wires of your new washing machine or car so that either will burn up or down. maybe you could eat GMO tofu but more likely it is fed to the pharmed salmon that the pharmed/GMO humans eat.
Wheat is not supposed to be GMOed but OOOPPPSS, Sorry, USDA/FDA/EPA it got loose. So even if it didn't have 23,000 allergens that never existed in the original plant they 'burn it down' with glyphosate to harvest the seeds that were grown from seed that was treated with mercury to keep the fungus down.
Gluten Allergy is just the tit of the iceborg.
A LOT of folks would go hungry not because there wouldn't be organic options but because those GMO people can't exist on clean food. They would simply refuse to eat it. Then the organics wouldn't be able to keep up with those how might convert so people would be struggling to feed other people which would then cause people to attempt to feed themselves which is how it was before the bowl-shaped Mad Hatters shat in the punchbowl.
I like your cynical sardonic concise and correct view on the Alien Invasion.
Yeah, THAT shoulda been its own stack. I don't think people realize the depth
of the food crisis as you so eloquently stated.
If the great farming poisoning fails ... Put folks in charge of fending for themselves & a greater failure will ensue.
I had a GMO'd "friend" in NY that lives & thrives on gummy bears & junk food...born & raised on shit food. She straight up said that she'd probably die if she had to eat REAL food. Her system would reject it.
Take out food transport on top of THAT & Landlocked people would be screwed. Eating zee bugs is not an option ..... This is when they say that men will wish for death but it won't come.??
I remotely take care of a 95 year old lady in Texas who was going to be my mother in law until her daughter died of cancer after I took care of her for 3 years. I had to move her from assisted living to a nursing home in December 2023. Once in a nursing home she no longer has the right to order supplements through me she wants to take. They are an outlawed substance and she can only have her crappy oxalate, lectin rich food causing arthritis, and whatever her "doctor" orders for her to make money. Nursing home is just a doctor monopoly over a captured patient. She no longer has "agency" to make her own decisions. Her son could exert power over this but only wants money.
My place is in grain ghetto of Iowa nothing but corn and soy, cattle(goy) feedlot, schwein confinement, chicken barns, grain hopper and livestock pot tractor trailer. If you want to smell death, walk into a hog confinement in July, jammed into pens with concrete floor slats with piss and shit droppings through the slats. Crop dusters buzzing overhead. The only wildlife around town are a few ravens and ton a blue jays.The blue jays are acting violent and angry, loud and pissed off all day.
Here is new video of Suzanne Humphries author of Dissolving Illusions about vakkcines. She relates all the times there have been actual attempts on her life as well as constant threats for opposing vax xxxines. Dr. Coca Cola is the interviewer
When Rebecca Carley and I interviewed her on RBN in the early 2000s she was focused mainly on aluminum. That is an important topic and people like Seneff like to focus on just one thing at a time. But in the words of Machspeed a Veillian Man: Nothing happens in isolation.
It's the doctor-label that gets the red circle on people.
I'm the one who used Joe Spenner's work to expose the 1972 WHO memos on air, in print, and on the Net but the UN made a hit-piece on Rebecca because she had an MD.
The cowardly fucks daren't go up against a Farm Boy.
My jaw is on the floor!
Even with an irrevocable trust.... The state makes claim of your assets upon death. They can do this if you've ever collected Medicare, Medicaid & possibly even SSD.
It's ALL CRIMINAL! You're basically paying the state back for anything they have taxed you on & collected in your time of need or "gained" past your years of labor. It's all Bigtime Bullshittery!
I hope you have absorbant carpets for the drool after the jaw-drop.
Did you get it reset? or did you need some help picking it up?
I must not have gotten that far in the video.
Irrevokable means that YOU can't voke it or re-voke it.
The Pirates never said anything about taking your shit, your ship and your booty at sea.
How our ancestors never snuffed this when it was a tiny smoldering cigarette butt is beyond me.
I've said many times that there is irrefutable proof of hostile extra-terrestrial life:
Opera and Country Music.
Since we're not going to debate the existence of ETs then we have to consider that ANY race from ANYWHERE in the Galaxy, Universe, SIM, or hellucination that spends this much time GLEEFULLY inventing ever-more complicated ways to rape someone then rape them after the raping is unfathomably and undescribably INSANE. Only now do I know why the U.N. has a protocol for First Contact that involves attempting to unalive the aliens. If more show up then the excuse will be that it was an accident. But they wanted to know FIRST if they even could be kilt. I don't fancy starchildren with no underwear in plaid skits but this is one of two times that I agree with the U.N.
Haha, Klaus snob is helping me with the reset so I KNOW I will be happy. I'll still own nothing ... on paper. Maybe the conversion rate on the innerweb will make my ones & zero's appear larger in the side view mirror?
I forget which part got me triggered or disgusted on the trust thing. Trusts are filed thru tiny hats & ultimately end up in the government filing system.
There IS irrefutable proof of hostile extra-terrestrial life: Genesis1 2:4?
So the U.N. has the same agenda as you? Never would I have ever ..... Nice. Take out the Alien assumed Godthing descending from the sky? I like it.
Do you think they all wear kilts?? Lol Kilts are kinda cool.
Wait .... one of TWO times?
You are so astute, lassie. I think you're exaggerating on how impaired you are.
The SECOND U.N. point that I support is the eradication of farming.
Pharming is literally killing everything on the planet so if all industrial farming stopped now, it would be heaven. No chemicals, no superbugs, no superfungus. No guys looking like they're in their third trimester pregnant with twins driving brand new John Deeres. Just piece and quiet.
But knowing the Ones Who Fuck they would probably outlaw poking a stick in the ground to plant a seed.
Back to the How To Greet An Alien protocol to sort things out.
Aww Thank You! Best compliment EVER! I have moments that I blow my own mind. Ya know when folks are in hospice & all of a sudden they get a boost of energy & start talking LUCIDLY to family or nurses & playing cards ... Then they die? THAT happens to me.... except, I don't seem to ever die. Strangest phenomena ... also, It's a full moon/eclipse cycle. AND my pain level is only at a 4 today...That helps...A LOT! My mind is a freaking mystery.
Don't worry, tomorrow things may go back to normal :).
The eradicating of farming. would kill off everybody dependent on supermarkets. Me included. Good riddance?? LOl. I couldn't support myself solely on planting my own crops....poke hole, drop in seeds....pull weeds....drop dead. Haha, The hawks would be feasting in my corpse I couldn't trust my body to cooperate. Eh, It's only life..... Seriously tho, I ABSOLUTELY get what yer saying!
Now about that Alien protocol. They're doing a damn fine job with them illegals! They got this. I trust the completely to greet them & give them cell phones & a $1500 food card & luxury hotel w/ free parking for their spacecraft.
Lettuce define what 'pharming' is these days:
Corn is all GMO. The kind of corn isn't what anyone would eat. It is a commodity for making ethanol and those biodegradable packing things. It might be used as animal feed.
so in that sense the meatasauruses might be impacted (like a bowel) but that is only those who eat animals that are GMO that are fed GMO grains.
Good riddance to all of them.
Soy beans are the same way. ALL GMO. A commodity for making soy oil and plastics and making mice REALLY want to eat the insulation on the wires of your new washing machine or car so that either will burn up or down. maybe you could eat GMO tofu but more likely it is fed to the pharmed salmon that the pharmed/GMO humans eat.
Wheat is not supposed to be GMOed but OOOPPPSS, Sorry, USDA/FDA/EPA it got loose. So even if it didn't have 23,000 allergens that never existed in the original plant they 'burn it down' with glyphosate to harvest the seeds that were grown from seed that was treated with mercury to keep the fungus down.
Gluten Allergy is just the tit of the iceborg.
A LOT of folks would go hungry not because there wouldn't be organic options but because those GMO people can't exist on clean food. They would simply refuse to eat it. Then the organics wouldn't be able to keep up with those how might convert so people would be struggling to feed other people which would then cause people to attempt to feed themselves which is how it was before the bowl-shaped Mad Hatters shat in the punchbowl.
I like your cynical sardonic concise and correct view on the Alien Invasion.
Yeah, THAT shoulda been its own stack. I don't think people realize the depth
of the food crisis as you so eloquently stated.
If the great farming poisoning fails ... Put folks in charge of fending for themselves & a greater failure will ensue.
I had a GMO'd "friend" in NY that lives & thrives on gummy bears & junk food...born & raised on shit food. She straight up said that she'd probably die if she had to eat REAL food. Her system would reject it.
Take out food transport on top of THAT & Landlocked people would be screwed. Eating zee bugs is not an option ..... This is when they say that men will wish for death but it won't come.??
(❁´◡`❁) Happy happy, Joy joy!
Make that, "Time to leave North Hamerica" because you wouldn't want to move to Chinada.
I had a confab with my fellow secessionists and we agreed that the Maldives would be good, except the beaches that allow bikinis.
I remotely take care of a 95 year old lady in Texas who was going to be my mother in law until her daughter died of cancer after I took care of her for 3 years. I had to move her from assisted living to a nursing home in December 2023. Once in a nursing home she no longer has the right to order supplements through me she wants to take. They are an outlawed substance and she can only have her crappy oxalate, lectin rich food causing arthritis, and whatever her "doctor" orders for her to make money. Nursing home is just a doctor monopoly over a captured patient. She no longer has "agency" to make her own decisions. Her son could exert power over this but only wants money.
A good friend of mine: Patrick Jordan would say: Say it like it is, then there is no debate.
She was kidd Knapped by a criminal cartel. Her family is Evil.
My place is in grain ghetto of Iowa nothing but corn and soy, cattle(goy) feedlot, schwein confinement, chicken barns, grain hopper and livestock pot tractor trailer. If you want to smell death, walk into a hog confinement in July, jammed into pens with concrete floor slats with piss and shit droppings through the slats. Crop dusters buzzing overhead. The only wildlife around town are a few ravens and ton a blue jays.The blue jays are acting violent and angry, loud and pissed off all day.
Yo, Dicshun Nar Rhee! Shout out to muh Main Man in da Hood.
Sounds like my neck of the Canuckistan woods.
Neckin' in the woods again...
Here is new video of Suzanne Humphries author of Dissolving Illusions about vakkcines. She relates all the times there have been actual attempts on her life as well as constant threats for opposing vax xxxines. Dr. Coca Cola is the interviewer
LINK https://www.brighteon.com/28d99fce-a04b-45f0-b496-2efa0f6cc3ad
When Rebecca Carley and I interviewed her on RBN in the early 2000s she was focused mainly on aluminum. That is an important topic and people like Seneff like to focus on just one thing at a time. But in the words of Machspeed a Veillian Man: Nothing happens in isolation.
It's the doctor-label that gets the red circle on people.
I'm the one who used Joe Spenner's work to expose the 1972 WHO memos on air, in print, and on the Net but the UN made a hit-piece on Rebecca because she had an MD.
The cowardly fucks daren't go up against a Farm Boy.