When my mother was on dialysis and I saw the Dante’s Inferno horrors that were the Standard Operating Procedures (not the Standard of Care) for that INDUSTRY, I consulted not only Public Health but the Rules and Regulations governing that INDUSTRY since I was educated and sent to the CFR = Code of Federal Regulations by the #2 man at public health. NO law has Force and Effect unless the RULES are promulgated in Federal or State Registers.
I found that Medicare had published what I considered to be the finest codified methodology for patient care anywhere in medicine. It’s perfection could bring tears to your eyes. When I tried to hold a billion dollar for-profit (obviously) GERMAN parent corporation with mycelia embedded in the YewKnighted States of Shumeria to those regulations I was head-on collided with the freight train of:
”Those are INTERPRETIVE REGS not Substantive Regs.”
Anyone who followed the work of Ralph Winterrowd would immediately know what that meant but I had to be guided through it by my tutor in Public Health.
Interpretive regulations were GUIDELINES on how it’s SUPPOSED TO BE.
So when I had brokered a meeting with Public Health, the coporation, and myself (NO ONE else from the patients and family at the unit showed up) I was not part of the gathering of corporate whores who with winks, nods, rubbing of the hands, and positioning of their bowl-shaped hats made it clear to #2 that they had no intention of doing anything except business as usual because
Substantive regulations had never been submitted/approved.
Interesting, that. Since it was Dickhead Nixon that entered Dialysis and Kidney transplants into Medicare in 1972.
Interesting THAT. Since that was the same year that the W.H.O. came out with their Memos that said they could use viruses to destroy kidneys.
In the early 2000s when I started straining against windmills, not only were there no FUCKING RULES with force and effect of law, but the compensation per patient per treatment from medicare had not changed since 1972 yet SEVERAL corporations were making high millions to BILLIONS of dollars off of the blood-letting.
This story is the prequel to the story that comes next.
Now, I live in the Grain Ghetto of ILL Annoyed. Nothing but cunt tree. As far as the eye can see there is nothing but Corn and Beans, Corn and Beans, maybe a little wheat, Corn and Beans. The checkerboards look more like Green Borg tech (it’s all GMO abominations) circuits than it does ‘agriculture’.
But this is the mid 2000’s. You would think that aerial crop-dusting would have been a 1930s novelty. But, no, the crypto-yids that live out here hire (all of the freaks hire their chemicull wharf air done, and nearly none of them even live in the cunt tree anymore) airplanes to spray death on their fields.
The waste of product alone is phenomenal, and the drift of toxins is alkymyst and sorcerer flaying and burning worthy.
I had a verbal agreement with one of the pharmwhores to let me know when he was going to contract a barnstormer so that I could protect myself and my crops. That lasted a few years. Then no more warnings.
Everytime this religious motherfucker would spray or contract spray whether on the ground or by air, I swear that they would consult the Weather Channel to make sure that the wind was blowing right at me.
Since I reported the same matriarchal intercourser to the USDA I was told that since the chemical companies are given a blank sheet of paper by CON gress to write their own legislation that the whore lawyers then draft VAGUE language on the use of RESTRICTED USE chemicals, such as to not spray during high winds.
Just what the fuck is a high wind?
I could report drift that causes damage to the EPA that is STILL hobbled by the vaguery but then they have no ENFORCEMENT power so it would have to be referred by them to a court.
There was nothing I could do when the Crop Dusters were circling his remote fields over the past years. But this year motherfucker flew RIGHT OVER MY HOUSE.
I went out with a video camera and documented that some cock-headed maniac with HUNDREDS OF GALLONS OF TOXIC FUNGICIDE was buzzing my house well below the 500-foot limit imposed on dwellings… well… more on that in a bit.
I had no idea if his nozzles leaked or if he had engina trouble if his glide path would land him safely in my roof.
I, of course, reported it immediately to the FAA who then contacted me for more details.
NO. I could not see the “N” number on the plane that is supposed to be visible and didn’t even show as a blur on my videos. No, I didn’t know the pilot or the contracted company. The pharmwhore who has this done moved away years ago and never warned me of subsequent pollutions. The pharmwhore put the land in trust to a son-in-law as is the case with most who want a tax dodge or some other benefit.
So, what started in July ended in September with a letter saying that they couldn’t do anything. In that time it was explained to me that the 500-foot rule applies ONLY to when a crop duster takes off and lands.
Basically, like a murr durring with impunity die all lie sys corporation the crop dustwhores can do any fucking thing they want between takeoff and landing.
Geographically there was never any reason to fly right above my acreage. They were doing it out of convenience due to wind patterns to get aligned with the field a half a mile away - until the pilot saw me recording…
BECAUSE THE SUBSTANTIVE RULES ON AGRICULTURAL AERIAL SPRAYING ARE SO FUCKING VAGUE YOU COULD THROW THE ENTIRE CONGRESS THROUGH THEM, unless they are over a town or city with a dense (undefined) population where they would have to make an ARBITRARY DECISION ON HOW HIGH THEY SHOULD BE OVER PEOPLES’ FUCKING HOUSES, then they can buzz whoever, however they want.
Sure you can make a complaint about noise or fly over, but it won’t go anywhere because just like the suits in the Die ALL Lie Sys corporation these aviation companies and pilots KNOW THERE ARE NO RULES.
Motherfuck me. How do we even know that they aren’t Tear Your Wrist doing something nefarious?
Silly me. THEY ARE!
Just because something is sanctioned by a Failed State doesn’t mean that it is legitimate and safe.
So, I had known for 20-years that ‘laws’ are made to protect CRIMINALS. My only goal was to send a message to the company that I had no access to (the FAA is not ALLOWED to tell you who the motherfuckers were buzzing your house with no numbers on their fuselage) that mine is a no fly zone. Here’s the advice I got from the FAA agent: you can’t be taking pot shats at aircraft or DRONES THAT CAN GET EVEN CLOSER because that is a FEDERAL OFFENCE! He actually said that the FAA
New one to me. I knew that from the suface to the center of the earth and from the surface to the heavens rule of ownership of land was just a myth that they tell children to sell deeds, but I din’t know that they were now claiming they owned EVERYTHING.
So, I had asked for in writing and in conversation what kind of LEGAL DETERRANT to airspace invasion could be used. I was counseled that anything put up to purposely injure an aircraft was a Federal Crime. You all know me. I don’t mince words. Mince meat, maybe, but I specifically asked what can be legally done. There was the vague suggestion of putting up a visible and reported windmill close to the house.
Time to leave Hamerica.
1893 poem (original)
O beautiful for spacious skies,
And crop dusters spraying
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the Pesticide-enameled plain!
America, America!
God shed His Chemicals on thee,
Till souls wax fair as polluted earth and air
And music-hearted sea!
O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern, impassioned stress caused by buzzing aerocraft
A thoroughfare for freedom of criminal air-pirates beat
Across the wilderness of the Grain Ghetto in ILL Annoyed!
America, America!
God shed His grace on thee
Shed something. Give that doG a comb.
Till paths be wrought through wilds of thought
like useless laws that drop your jaws
By pilgrim foot and knee!
O beautiful for glory-tale and gory stale
Of liberating strife, with the govern mente that don’t do nofin’
When once or twice, for man's avail,
Men lavished precious life! trying to defend land and airspace that didn’t belong to them.
America, America!
God farm-shed His air-space on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain,
The banner of the free! of the chemicull company!
O beautiful for patriotard dream
That sees beyond the years of hunkering down in a bunker with a stocked pantry and dry powder…
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
Because those in Ivory Towers don’t give a shit ‘bout noone.
America, America!
God shit His grit on thee
Till nobler men keep once again
Thy whiter jubilee!
Using White Privilege of the Royals of Angelish Land and their North African Cousins to celebrate “J”ew B’EL Lie.
So that no one thinks that my rants are isolated incidences of a sore anal sphincter from decades of unlubricated reaming…
Even though the premise for what is described in the video below is absurd and is fraught by stupidity to begin with: If you’ve got a million dollar home why the fuck are you in an HOA? How the fuck did your paperwork show that it was in foreclosure?
This shows the SYSTEMIC pattern that ALL LAWS were created with the express purpose of protecting criminals not the slaves paying tribute to the occupying millie tarry force. Shit like this bothers me so I turn it off halfway through, but it is worth your while to see the abject corruption of a Legislative State that is the chief criminal under which it administers its low-level theives.
Rant over.
Until tomorrow.
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
The Sun won’t come out, Tomorrow.
They’ll chemtrail yet another Day!
Make that, "Time to leave North Hamerica" because you wouldn't want to move to Chinada.
My place is in grain ghetto of Iowa nothing but corn and soy, cattle(goy) feedlot, schwein confinement, chicken barns, grain hopper and livestock pot tractor trailer. If you want to smell death, walk into a hog confinement in July, jammed into pens with concrete floor slats with piss and shit droppings through the slats. Crop dusters buzzing overhead. The only wildlife around town are a few ravens and ton a blue jays.The blue jays are acting violent and angry, loud and pissed off all day.