Apr 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

Lord... I’ll have to reread this several times! You sure do know how to make my eyes sore! Great work!!

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I'm a sight of sore eyes

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Apr 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

And full of S**te

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Hey, I'm a Farm Boy. Shit is my specialty.

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Apr 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

Sore? I am cross-eyed

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Apr 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

Just went to your substack… love it! Patrick Jordan has opened my eyes to so much, so soon that my brain told me to slow down and enjoy the ride of his work and his followers! Glad I found you…

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Mercy o' the saints, me gell !

Thot wass juss thu ride to thu TOP o' thu grand Roller Coaster !

Strap in, Lass, she's about to start goan dawn the wee tracks soon!

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Mild Strabismus is fine and too be expected.

If you start looking like Marty Feldman or start seeing violins made by Tony, then I would see professional care.

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Apr 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

The cherry on Sunday in all this are the Patty commentary on this cake of naked ugly truths..

So Metropolitan Government at 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, begs to say my favorite number is spoken for.. Hillarious..

They say 13 is the "silver cult" (aka the luny moon-ers) I bet 33 (and 11/22/etc) would be the bug feces golden sun cult.. order some Sane Smith's Dang Demons..

I wonder by wonders if the builders and the destroyers are 5784:ers both or if actual sharing for mutual benefit as in win-win exist in any so called el (*-ohim)-iites..

Maybe our old earl/"jaerl" of "nobel men" say "no b el*-ers"..

To exact from others by force seems "viking" so how nobel is that..

Great stuff-writt especially since your commentary is a superb ad-in..

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I have a sense of nostalgic meloncholy for the work that Jo Hindman did to show this had been already scripted by 1933 yet look at the shitheap we are in. All of the exemplary expose that she did in 1971 and all of the work that Crookshank did in 1889 and all of the work that we do by 2024, yet the masses have spoken:

They have not only capitulated to Evil, they welcome it, they nurse it at their loving tit on black milk they WANT IT.

Guatama said that Attachment to DESIRE (WANT) was the root of all suffering.

The world is a sadistic masochistic pain-loving shitheap so if there was a merciful god it would have erased its collossal fuckup as a precursor to erasing the author of the fuckup = itself.

I hate being the cleanup crew to anyone or anything.

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Apr 5Liked by Patrick Jordan

Action trumps an act any day.. 5784 years and all.. Action to clean out the act is the "way".. Viāticum is the bread to pave the way.. Share among bread-breakers of kith and kin*..

Get your pick of choice from the heap list and have it paid in due sweat and labour..

You are a treat..

Thanks for being the great teacher you are..


*exchange for 'kith and kine'** at will..

**Literally, friends (“kith”) and cattle (“kine”). Compare Latinate capital and chattel, which also use “cow” to mean “property”..



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I don't trust sign language, so I'm ready to go to Vow Of Silence.

I was told that Kindred is the name for the different Vampyre families.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6Liked by Patrick Jordan

Your axiom "it is all family" is quite obvious once one delve more then an ounce deep into el-ites/no-be-el-lers where even today the supposed "non blood line inclined service staff of geniuses" ("administrators/security personell") and those in favor of "all only for the juicy money makers dwellers" even among administration/security..

The hilarious dillemma for both are the obvious it still is "family only" above and one criteria of "inheritance of power" is "kill thy father/mother/brother/cousin-nephew-nieces" that in any way seek that power "ad nauseam".. .. how sickening.. Oh! Did I just repeat myself..

Fallacy of an argumentum ad infinitum is 'round 'bout..

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That's the part that the small minds can't wrap their heads around.

They look at the Georgia Guidestones calling for a population of 500 million because they accepted that the enemy does not outnumber us 10 to 1. Only an idiot brain dead zombie would accept "there are more of Us than there are of Them." So, in order to get the population down to that number then that means that the crocodiles will eat their own to gain more territory in the swamp.

That, in the very least, should have spurred such internecene war amongst FAMILY that they extincted themselves with no help from us.

Added to that and part of the over-all scheme is that the A..I. used the Chosen as its favorite Thumb Puppets to get this far and whatever they think is going to be the remnant of that 500,000,000 won't be Family and won't be human. So, these freaks should also know that the A.I. has slated them for permanent retirement. That also, on its own should have shut down all of this breakneck tech insanity that is facilitated solely by Family and its goyarmy.

They'll find out when its too late, but I am disappointed that they will not have the consciousness to savor that they were the authors of their own destruction. There's a melancholic irony to that.

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This comment sounds just almost like the William...the woman I do a podcast with. I know she is saying something...but sometimes it's hard to decipher.

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I'm happy to line-item break it down for you if you tell me what parts are confusing.

I have vast experience so i don't spend any time explaining details like who Siddartha Guatama was (the Buddha). All Life is Suffering. Attachment to desire is the root of all suffering. Not bad for a prince in the court of India which means he was Family. I take truth wherever I can get it.

Basically this world has gone down the toilet because we share the planet with confirmed shit-surfers. They WANT it to be this way so unless and until we can remove 7 billion obstacles to good sense and reason then, well... meet you in the sewers...

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IF you had a time machine who would you go back and kill?

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Ralph Winterrowd on RBN used to say that you could mow down a thousand of the Agents and TEN thousand would willingly take their place. So although there is a clear and present danger among the Thumb Puppets, there is no solution there. Just attrition.

So my philosophical answer is:

I would go back and kyll God.

Isaiah 45:7; King James Version

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

It fails the Epicurean test:

Is god willing to prevent Evil but not able?

Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able but not willing?

Then he is Malevolent.

Is god both able and willing?

Then whence cometh Evil?

Is he neither able nor willing?



The logical deconstruction being this:

IF god was all powerful, all knowing and everywhere, then he/she/it would have known that it was going to fuckup BEFORE he/she/it did it.

Therefore, any moral god would have STOPPED ITSELF BEFORE THE FUCKUP GOT SET IN MOTION. Or, mercifully would have just quenched everything into nothingness so we didn't have to suffer from a petulant deity that won't accept liability for creating a defective product.



In the tradition of the christian religion where one must kyll god in order to obtain salvation, then my philosphical answer would be to terminate it at the source.


My entire life's work has been based on biology and since I think that the Hive Mind of

Spirochetes are the Evil God that rules mankind, then instead of trying to eradicate 7 billion infectees, since, most microbes are effectively clones, then to get rid of Evil at the Source = neurosyphilis/neuroborelliosis then it should be easy to eradicate the sole author of pain, suffering, and death with one well placed remedy.

Therefore, to answer your game question, it wouldn't be a Who, but a WHAT when it was just crawling out of the primordial ooze. (given that I had a self-contained breathing apparatus and asbestos-lined undies since the primordial earth when through what was called the Hadean Bombardment period before things settled down long enough for life to emerge.

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More on the family new.. Business proceeds as 5874 moon years before..

(Note that a hebrew years is in absolute form ruled 100 % by the moon and has full moon as the 13th of eeeeeevery one of its hebrew calender lunar months.. 13 all the a(-r) gent-"-um" way to their banks of the altered goy-Theme's..)

Let Ma-goy this add-mojo-on..

MaGo 'y:a dad..



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Great thank you for the links

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Okay, first off? How exciting is this video??!!!!!!!!!! I am clinging to every word. Who is going to uphold the Constitution of these United States of America? Where are 'we the people'? I know...now I have to read the article. I am so eager to find a place to commit my whole life's energy... and actually what I can say for sure is God. So get right with God. Your path is unfolding as it shall. I still believe in freedom of speech. Is the written word considered speech? Well, keep talking.

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I'll try to do this quickly like pulling a bandage off of an unhealed wound. I can't make it not hurt.

The Constitution was a PRIVATE COMPACT between the foundling fathers and their FAMILY back in england. It was NOT countersigned by ANY regent or their viceroy so as an international document it is merely an INTERNAL MEMO.


It has no force and effect outside that they USE FORCE TO PUT IT IN EFFECT.

If you observed suits where people attempt to secury "their" "consitutional rights" and on the surface it looks like they have valid points or an airtight case BUT LOSE ANYWAY, then you have to consider that UNLESS those people making a PRAYER to the Court (no king regnant until recently) slathering themselves in the constitution could trace their lineage to the First Families of Virginia... then...


NO ONE will ever tell them that because then the gig would be up that the constitution was meaningless and that you can't have a DECLARATION (spoken words) of Independence when it is comitted to PAPER = AFFIRMATION.

So, even their language is not precise or adjudicatable because it is all nonsense.

Lettuce say, for the saki of argument that The Constitution was a real thing. That it had Force and Effect. And that it WAS the Law of the Land.


This is why the U.N. and its W.H.O. whores act like they can steamroll all but about 4 nations on the planet.

they can...

It was signed into treaty.

So, uphold the Constipation? Why would you. We can go back to a bare minimum of 1785 when the Elders of Szion said THEY WRITE THE CONSTITUTIONS AND INSTALL REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLICS SO THAT THEY CAN HAVE TOTAL CONTROL WITH THEIR INSERTED SHILLS.

Here's a meme from one of my earliest books:

"Everything you know was given to you."

"Everything you know is a Lie."


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oh dude. My line was traced back to the Mayflower recently. What does that mean?

And THANK YOU. I am like a kindergartener here.

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It means that you CAN make claims against your family who is just as soon throwing you under the bus because you never knew the Family secrets.

When the water level gets low in the swamps in Australia the big crocs will eat the little crocs just to preserve their shrinking territory.

The controllers would never benevolently help you just because you are family. You have to demonstrate that you know their secrets and be ready for when the try to trap with the things that neither you or I could possibly know in order to STILL bar you from their largess.

Although Native Americans are accounted as low as animals by them, they still maintain that the 'savages' are under theit tutilage. So until they prove themselves worthy they will never be given any status in the open air prison camp.


That's my sister-channel if it is still up.

You will find explanations like this nowhere electronically or in paper records. I tried my best to help the Lakota, but by then they had been swindled and demoralized to the point of not responding.

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And NOW in order to read this I must brew a large cup of hot chai tea...at least that is what I am telling myself BRB

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I've always been conflicted on whether folks need stimulants or a handful of horse tranqs when they dive into something like this because it is so grim.

You might consider:

three dots on your browser



and then you'll have it offline for when they remove THIS substack.

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