Sep 21Liked by Patrick Jordan

I believe it would ignite a fire in many people that hasnt burned for centuries. The pioneer in people cant resist the thought of ungoverned open land, unclaimed and possibly only inhabited by disposable savages and demons. People would become insatiable/unstoppable in their mission to set eyes on this new territory and claim it for themselves. Imagine millions of people plotting to escape all around the world. Disaster for the elite advances.

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Where'd all of our slaves go?

They got out the Ice Hole.

Who's going to make our food and products?

We can have the bots do it.

Who's going to repair the bots when they go bad?

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I really enjoyed all the speculation & theorizing in the last comment section.

🗺️Flat, 🌎 GloBALList, 🌐SIM construct ... It matters NOT. None of us get out alive.

It's pretty cool that we could have a conversation about it. Thanks Patrick, for hosting that space! ♡

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Remember how they pushed ConYid: We're all in this together?

Do you know the concept of the Crab Bucket? wished I would have put that in this Stack.

"Crab mentality, also known as crab theory, crabs in a bucket mentality, or the crab-bucket effect, is a mentality of which people will try and prevent others from gaining a favourable position in something, even if it has no effect on those trying to stop them."

One crab will crawl over the other crabs in an attempt to get out of the bucket. The ones below it will PURPOSELY grab on to its legs and PULL IT BACK IN THE BUCKET SO THAT IT CAN'T EVER GET OUT.

Now... poisonally, I'm all fo having some See Food on da menu, if they all like dat. Doan matter if theys cuzins and shit. Grab my leag when I'm tryin' to get out da bucket and theys some tartar sauce reddy for yo ass!

It is the nature of Science to consider ALL possibilities then narrow them down to the least likely. The ULTIMATE crab bucket would be the SIM from which there is no escape.

I try not to dwell on that one.

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Whatever crabmeister. .... I'm getting out of the bucket. I'm not in the game to live long & prosper. I take chances , hit pavement...HARD. I'm bustin out.!... Jailbreak! ... You coming?

Oh, Yeah....You HOSTED....... a space..........It may not exist..... But, there's a binary footprint left somewhere. It's provable. Don't be difficult! :)

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ah... difficult....

so you noticed my most prominent attribute?

I worked hard on it.

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Sep 21Liked by Patrick Jordan

I wonder if ant colonies have this same motivational fire…

I believe most will wont escape but a few will see the other side. A sort of exodus except without the Israelites.

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We MUST bust thru the ice wall! How cool would THAT be??

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See the Fire Ant.

Be the Fire Ant!

Burn, Baby, Burn!

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The problem with all Hive insects (including humans) is that they are held under a pheromone thrall by the queen. Drugs. They have no will of their own, so escaping isn't even a concept.

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Sep 21Liked by Patrick Jordan

It sure is fun to fantasize and keep hope alive. ( << grips warm blanket in safe space)

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If you think about it, then this is the perfect prison: Van Allen belts won't let you go up. The russians drilled 8 miles down and didn't go anywhere. The Arctic is cold and rough, and the Antarctic is just plain brutal. I was thinking of going to the South Polish until I saw the -120F thing and remembered when I was in -70F wind chill.

Never went.

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Sep 21Liked by Patrick Jordan

Also elon’s boring company. I think he knows he has to bore out to move freely because over land there is so much military they wont allow him to go colonize anything.

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I need more details because I'm not familiar with what you are referring to.

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Sep 21Liked by Patrick Jordan

Read the book “ Deep hot biosphere” its about fossil fuels not being a limited resource and how theyve kept that a secret this whole time. Then you realize putin is sitting on as much if not more oil than the suadi’s this wasnt proven until recently with putin driving the price down to record lows before biden. theyve drilled down waaay deep since then. 18+ miles oceans of oil precious metals and microbes beyond comprehension.

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this is the most outrageous thing I've heard in a long time.

Any oilman will tell you that when the well runs dry, just wait and the space will refill.

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Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

My uncle (Patrick as a matter of fact!) was an Alberta oilman and said zacktly that!

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I'm just an Oilman from Alberta....

to be sung to the tune of Lineman for the County by Glenn Campbell.

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Sep 21Liked by Patrick Jordan

Everything below the 40th parallel is off limits to unauthorized civilians Via antarctic treaty agreement.

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It's for our own good...

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Because Antarctica is where the passage to the larger earth is located. They all get along in that treaty. 185 nations at war off and on with each others get along in that area and…..“space”. WHY? Because civilizations, expecially this last one, was built on such lies.

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My suspicion is that it is a way out, they want to gatekeep it, but there is something more powerful than them that they fear that has the sense that godgaveapissant that won't let them out to pollute the rest of the territory. I want to go where these sick fucks are afraid to go.

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Oh i agree with this 100%

But in the mean time they build up stories and spin off of the stories on Antarctica.....while I think some of those might have a percentage of truth.....even the ancient alien theories build on the same shit.

Aliens and blue ball in space.

My suspicious is the enclosed system is very fragile and death is over keeping the lies.

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I think space aliens are the LOOK OVER THERE! distraction to keep you occupied with something that has nothing to do with the escape route. If there is infinite land beyond the wall then I wouldn't consider the inhabitants (if there are any) to be 'aliens'.

If there really were space aliens I would staple up some visqueen plastic, put in some fans and mock up a level three zone to do an awe topsy. Only then would I accept the notion of green blood over green cards.

I always bring up the Aunty Artika thing due to the infinite land beyond postulate, but supposedly the other guarded exit is in the north that supposedly leads to the chewy center of the hollow. That is a little more like Dante's 9th circle to me so it has a little less appeal.

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You must have lost some customers too with that previous post Patrick.

ha ha ha.

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That's the Odd Thang. When I do scathing diatribes on other topics my subs go up and down like an uppy-downy-thing. So far talking about a 'neutral' topic like Flat Dearth, it's remained relatively stable. I think people really want to know the extent of the scam.

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Well it is hard to get the heliocentric model beilivers to sit still to listen to the inconsistencies. Unfortunately.

As a former Heliocentric model beiliver what got me to be open minded was the gradual doubt on the moon landing.

It took me a while to let that sink in.....i watched a 3 hrs documentary that literally shuttered every point including the rebuttals. I was sold on the moon landing was not exactly on the "moon".

On the other hand, the flat earth theorist made a lot of good, logic points but there are missing elements and tyey totally reject every NASA image.

We know NASA manipulates tge images but actually clues are in the manipulations.

So if we could demonstrate an alternative 3rd or 4th model and all collaborate we might actually be able to come up with some ground breaking truth.

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I lost my helioglobin virginity when they started showing galaxies at the very limit of the known/observable universe but claimed that they couldn't image tranquility base from ground based scopes, or Hubble.

I complained about that openly on Ewe Toob.

I shit thee not, within a couple of months there were SUDDENLY pictures of the moon bases from the satellite that is supposedly BEHIND the moon. That is the only way that they could get those pictures because...

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I watched a similar documentary on Einstein wife and for me that also changed the constructed lies about Einstein we were fed to as young people. He is skillfully described as a misunderstood genius at first who suffered prejudice. I know understand this is a practice employed by history books that works on young people psyche. Young people always feel misunderstood, bullied and life is unfair…..that sort of thing. And this is a tactic used worldwide to indotrinacte specific seeding.

I also think historical characters were built to be heroes instead than villlains and vice versa. I think this is one of these cases.

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Interesting psychological explanation.

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Sep 22Liked by Patrick Jordan

This is one of those subjects I don't dwell on too much, simply because we know they've lied to us about everything, alldeetiem, up until and including today.

In the grand scheme of things, considering the horrors being visited upon this once beautiful planet or plane t, I don't think it matters one iota. What difference will it make?

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That's where the dialectic is craftily crafted to get people as Artermix says: caught up in the Demoncrap vs. Rapepublican debates of Flat vs. Not Flat.

If that is the ONLY talking point with no ACTIONABLE INFORMATION (something I harp pon all the time) then it is just mental masturbation to pass the time until They take you out of this Mortal Coil.


IF we are hashing out WHERE we are with a PLAN to get the fuck out of Dodge, then it has PURPOSE.

For me it is POINTLESS to live here, and as the Gnostics/Cathars and all other non-denominational anti-natalists would say: It is SIN to bring CHILDREN into this Hell Zone, then it is the ONLY thing that matters: To know Where we are, How we got here, Why we are here, and then plan to blouw this popsicle stand.

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