If there was a way to check back to all my comments on the bazillions of stacks (is there?) you'd see that I've said it hundreds of times here over the last three or four years.
"Please stop calling them elites! They're NOT better than us!".
I call them pond scum. But since the topic is ripe, to close friends, I say these so called 'Elites' are less than the creatures stuck to the gum stuck to my shoe.
For all the wrongs on pen name Clif High his meta research amd polymath etiquette parallels Es-ant-giga-ant Patrick the Jordanese and as such are great complement with servicing bovine bull crap meter sensors..
As I do agree too much with both of 'em I all to many times gain weight of glass to sight eben dark murky thus occulted spectres..
Clif is hip on Elohim-worshippers woefull as bearer of Shem - Clif pin-pointing amongst' em Rabbinical councils, Sanhedrins and other banking-moon-eyed changers cloaked or else name-changered ass-alike's..
As Elohim is plural case, Eloah is singular..
Beware of cargo-cult trails as beware of source material handed in several layers of processing.. Mine too..
To dis cover is to dis believe.. To believe is to be lie 'ved..
El wold be akin to a cargo-cult marvel master - a tech and bio-tech wizard created as a being with a multitude of bio-superior traits.. God is an Epinomis to the worshipping.. As it seems likely' They' came in space craft cargo shipped along with tech wizardry and Yahweh was allotted some earthling human flee-a-lot at times needed to fleece and cull them since among other traits this cargo-cult master felt rejieved to be calmed and smoked high on burnt abdomen fats and smoke of burnt flesh - as a good cat he tortured his source-mouce in hyper fear untill finally ripping out the adrenal hyper-renal glands first (predator adrenochrom high fly) ingest different adrenochrome stratas aka chemically destilled extracts of purified bottled emotions..
Eloah had mortal meat suits but lived longer and had superior physique and wizardry tech like raouch and cherubs just like in "star wars" and biotech ontop in their pocket (crisper-burn-out-genes tech) ..
Biglini got many work assignments from the Vatican but finally his litteral digging for first sources leads to revealing the naked monkey emperor da-poop as occulted leaders of Stockholm syndromed cargo-cult-hyper-sociopathic followers of the landless dessert dwellers of Yakoub..
Thou most banned one, which one of thy 700 page works has the most material on chaldea bibull egypt israel rome con, a purchase of thy recomendation is on the menu.
From the practical end of the books, but also because I finished them maybe in 2012 so I have no idea what is in them. I used to be able to pull up pages to memory as if they were snap shots, now my mind comes up with:
404 Page Not Found!
I can't blame it on age because young people are that bad, and I've noticed the decline acclerating with new farm chemicals and different chemtrails.
With quite a large amount of showing the Family lines based on what Lenormant wrote.
The other title that has an expose of Family is Same Pig Different Lipstick. These are not single thesis books but have a hole lotta other stuff mixed in.
I put a bunch of titles that Fran Zetta and I collaborated on because we're both hurtin' in Bidenomics. This month I sold ONE BOOK. There have been months when I sold nothing. Compared to Jone's millions and Ick's speaking tours. So any investment would be full of grate.
Assaulted and Lipstick combo is the plan. If they say 1 book sold for the month August, they do lie, I bought thy elders and silent weapons first week in August and recieved August 15.
I Miss Represented because I'm already adapted to their sick little game.
Sales are always paid in arears. (that sounds rude). So, they let sales accrue for a month and then wait until the 17th of each month, then send a payment. If your amount is $5 or lower THEY WILL NOT SEND YOUR MONEY.
It's electronic for gossling's sake!
I've had them withhold $10.
They will also NOT put any last minute sales at the end of the month on that ledger but for 28th through end of the month they tag it on to the NEXT MONTHS payment that is also 47 days behind.
I could go with a printer, have the books sent to me, then send them out when customers order, then drive 10 miles round trip to pay for goy shipping rates because big corporations get discounts and China ships OVERSEAS FOR ONE PENNY.
Ore, I could just let them do the whole pacakge deal and take my cut. As you say there is no accurate accounting of how many of my books were ordered, printed or denied.
However, that is S.O.P. here in hell so I just roll with it.
A common shadow banning/milking is to "target with a middle man spoof" of da tribe milking and erasing trails to letting the real recipient milked + squashed.. Pat likes veggoes though..
Pen name "Jim Stone" of famed hated by el atys /w family akin in entourage was a tech+data ingeneer wiz and yet detected the most egregius man-in-the-middle thefts..
I recon to contact Pat and synch order-payment-confirmation by public stack postings as refference with hale-Mary possibility of detecting the scums "obliettine la billette de toialette" aka moon-eye intended Pat 's - ys way...
A common shadow banning/milking is to "target with a middle man spoof" of da tribe milking and erasing trails to letting the real recipient milked + squashed.. Pat likes veggoes though..
Pen name "Jim Stone" of famed hated by el atys /w family akin in entourage was a tech+data ingeneer wiz and yet detected the most egregius man-in-the-middle thefts..
I recon to contact Pat and synch order-payment-confirmation by public stack postings as refference with hale-Mary possibility of detecting the scums "obliettine la billette de toialette" aka moon-eye intended Pat 's - ys way...
In the olden days when I first had Cafe Press as a printer you would see the name and country of the person who ordered. Then they started blanking the name. Now with Lulu the ONLY thing that you get is the country in which the order was placed.
One of our top people put in an order after having bought every other title the past year, and they REFUSED HIS ORDER because the shipping address came up as IS rA eL. kINDA odd when he lives in Your Ropa.
I have an image from youth of going to the 55 gallon drum of a garbage can lifting the lid to a smell that can only exist in Hell and seeing the bottom literally crawling with maggots.
My pick after reading all to-gather goes to imbred-maggots. Psycho, Nuts, Shit or even anus (I used crimi-anal a lot) have their very important function when nature is healthy. And that is what you have opened my eyes to in comments alone. I need to be even more aware of what words I use. Thank you.
Page 63 in your elders of szion....The goy are the stooges who are supervised by trained Yahood, who in turn are getting their instructions from the Elders, who are getting their instructions from the Bugs in their heads.....Douay version Ecclesiastes 5:7...If thou shalt see the oppressions of the poor, and violent judgements, and justice perverted in the province, wonder not at this matter: for he that is high (goy stooges-trained yahood) hath another higher(elders) and there are others(bugs) still higher than these:
That is an EXCELLENT find and I think that Huey Looey and Douay have a better story telling scheme.
For 16 years now, when I try to tell people what you summarize so easily the MK trope is always: The Elites are just bad people who are in it for the money.
Syphilis is called The Great Pretender because it looks like many other diseases.
The reason, of course, is because it is the CAUSE of all of those diseases.
You have to admit that it is EXCELLENT CAMOUFLAGE because people are looking at everything BUT the syphilis. I also firmly maintain that the bugs speak to the host and tell it to not notice it.
Last part of douay ecclesiastes 5:7....For those in high places have others who are higher, and there are others more eminent, over these....sacredbible.org latin english
I like to call it un dependent for fun but me and Franny arrived at autonomous.
Dante Alighieri was a pen name. The last names means: Alliegiance to No One.
It took me DECADES to learn that because all of what we are told is occulted (covered up) and we've been trained to just take things at face value. That is one of the most dangerous behaviors around.
I learned the Free-thing from Clint Richardson. He was tying it to franchises. You are free to do anything within a franchise just as long as it is in the rules of the fanchise.
The best explanation is that you have the freedom of your prison cell.
You can stand on your head, jump on your bed, crawl the ceiling if your toenails haven't been clipped. But you're still in a cell.
Liberty is just as bad.
That means when you are a crewman on a ship, when it comes to port you can leave and do your business but you damned well better be on that boat when it sets sail again.
How is that what the apes think "Liberty" is?
The Protocols mock the ones that adopted their French Revolution, Liberty, Fraternity, and Kissmyassity..
So Christendom and heathendom is squarly honersjtood by Scandinaves as the '-dom' of it all is "current honourstood as conviction/passing-a-djudgemt made by a judge..
Meaning the oral or written law the masters hijacked as" the house"/"domus/domicile/" dome" always wins..
Thus freedom is "on the house" (as long as the house wins on continued interaction" of courseclaiming the right to ajudicate on your behalf without your right to demad theor head had on a silver platter as a pawn for their "free on the house card calls"..
To "call (Swedish: Kallelse)" count among meanings "a call to accept an apponted job" (aka "a call to duty (to perform)
It is all a matter of (word magi) form hence their interest to" jail you" by you filling in the "information" (boxed off in blocked boxes) on any and all "application forms" or forms of norice in any form..
In olden days the "cooperative local food marts/shops litterally said" God is the merchant's/the (psyygnut's/) families "church" degraded to in normal parlance mostly be construed as "ka regular mans) house"..
Even if you ever consider going, could you also put me into a list and let me know where I can visit your angry comments and thoughts. I have also learnt so much more from you by confrontation and smelling a rat than by happy flowery heart loving comments that fully agree on each top-pick.
If there was a way to check back to all my comments on the bazillions of stacks (is there?) you'd see that I've said it hundreds of times here over the last three or four years.
"Please stop calling them elites! They're NOT better than us!".
I would say: Bless you my Igloo-Dwelling friend, however To Bless means to sprinkle with blood so, I'll just say: Beauty, eh?
I call them pond scum. But since the topic is ripe, to close friends, I say these so called 'Elites' are less than the creatures stuck to the gum stuck to my shoe.
gumshoe /gŭm′shoo͞″/
A sneaker or rubber overshoe.
An investigator, especially a detective.
A detective; a private eye.
Also known as a Private Dick.
Great job as always Pat..
My on plied thought-add-on mile:
For all the wrongs on pen name Clif High his meta research amd polymath etiquette parallels Es-ant-giga-ant Patrick the Jordanese and as such are great complement with servicing bovine bull crap meter sensors..
As I do agree too much with both of 'em I all to many times gain weight of glass to sight eben dark murky thus occulted spectres..
Clif is hip on Elohim-worshippers woefull as bearer of Shem - Clif pin-pointing amongst' em Rabbinical councils, Sanhedrins and other banking-moon-eyed changers cloaked or else name-changered ass-alike's..
As Elohim is plural case, Eloah is singular..
Beware of cargo-cult trails as beware of source material handed in several layers of processing.. Mine too..
To dis cover is to dis believe.. To believe is to be lie 'ved..
El wold be akin to a cargo-cult marvel master - a tech and bio-tech wizard created as a being with a multitude of bio-superior traits.. God is an Epinomis to the worshipping.. As it seems likely' They' came in space craft cargo shipped along with tech wizardry and Yahweh was allotted some earthling human flee-a-lot at times needed to fleece and cull them since among other traits this cargo-cult master felt rejieved to be calmed and smoked high on burnt abdomen fats and smoke of burnt flesh - as a good cat he tortured his source-mouce in hyper fear untill finally ripping out the adrenal hyper-renal glands first (predator adrenochrom high fly) ingest different adrenochrome stratas aka chemically destilled extracts of purified bottled emotions..
Eloah had mortal meat suits but lived longer and had superior physique and wizardry tech like raouch and cherubs just like in "star wars" and biotech ontop in their pocket (crisper-burn-out-genes tech) ..
Biglini got many work assignments from the Vatican but finally his litteral digging for first sources leads to revealing the naked monkey emperor da-poop as occulted leaders of Stockholm syndromed cargo-cult-hyper-sociopathic followers of the landless dessert dwellers of Yakoub..
Eloah "being"
Atys - A Te - U S
Yahweh=a drug-addled addicted wierdo:
Yashoua a pervert? Or just an drug-addled addict? Or maybe the interviewer/-ee are..?
Dude. The Original Cargo Cult.
We don't have to go to Sitchin, the Thorah has enough in it to support everything that you outlined.
Your likes comes to my inbox and your replies are dissapeard into "shadowry shadows"?
This reply and for two weeks no reply e-mail notices arrived but your likes happly 'twas e-mallled me..
Thats frunny..
How odd, Howard.
They play different people differently.
One of our Stackarinos can't place a like, but sees the posts.
Thou most banned one, which one of thy 700 page works has the most material on chaldea bibull egypt israel rome con, a purchase of thy recomendation is on the menu.
thanks, will get Rise and Fall P and A
That's a nice recommendation.
From the practical end of the books, but also because I finished them maybe in 2012 so I have no idea what is in them. I used to be able to pull up pages to memory as if they were snap shots, now my mind comes up with:
404 Page Not Found!
I can't blame it on age because young people are that bad, and I've noticed the decline acclerating with new farm chemicals and different chemtrails.
If eye reed you write:
The thing that gets you closest to the Black Magicks Origin of everything that is fucked up on this planet (that would be everything) is Assaulted.
With quite a large amount of showing the Family lines based on what Lenormant wrote.
The other title that has an expose of Family is Same Pig Different Lipstick. These are not single thesis books but have a hole lotta other stuff mixed in.
I put a bunch of titles that Fran Zetta and I collaborated on because we're both hurtin' in Bidenomics. This month I sold ONE BOOK. There have been months when I sold nothing. Compared to Jone's millions and Ick's speaking tours. So any investment would be full of grate.
Assaulted and Lipstick combo is the plan. If they say 1 book sold for the month August, they do lie, I bought thy elders and silent weapons first week in August and recieved August 15.
I Miss Represented because I'm already adapted to their sick little game.
Sales are always paid in arears. (that sounds rude). So, they let sales accrue for a month and then wait until the 17th of each month, then send a payment. If your amount is $5 or lower THEY WILL NOT SEND YOUR MONEY.
It's electronic for gossling's sake!
I've had them withhold $10.
They will also NOT put any last minute sales at the end of the month on that ledger but for 28th through end of the month they tag it on to the NEXT MONTHS payment that is also 47 days behind.
I could go with a printer, have the books sent to me, then send them out when customers order, then drive 10 miles round trip to pay for goy shipping rates because big corporations get discounts and China ships OVERSEAS FOR ONE PENNY.
Ore, I could just let them do the whole pacakge deal and take my cut. As you say there is no accurate accounting of how many of my books were ordered, printed or denied.
However, that is S.O.P. here in hell so I just roll with it.
As abpve this post - here reprised:
A common shadow banning/milking is to "target with a middle man spoof" of da tribe milking and erasing trails to letting the real recipient milked + squashed.. Pat likes veggoes though..
Pen name "Jim Stone" of famed hated by el atys /w family akin in entourage was a tech+data ingeneer wiz and yet detected the most egregius man-in-the-middle thefts..
I recon to contact Pat and synch order-payment-confirmation by public stack postings as refference with hale-Mary possibility of detecting the scums "obliettine la billette de toialette" aka moon-eye intended Pat 's - ys way...
A common shadow banning/milking is to "target with a middle man spoof" of da tribe milking and erasing trails to letting the real recipient milked + squashed.. Pat likes veggoes though..
Pen name "Jim Stone" of famed hated by el atys /w family akin in entourage was a tech+data ingeneer wiz and yet detected the most egregius man-in-the-middle thefts..
I recon to contact Pat and synch order-payment-confirmation by public stack postings as refference with hale-Mary possibility of detecting the scums "obliettine la billette de toialette" aka moon-eye intended Pat 's - ys way...
In the olden days when I first had Cafe Press as a printer you would see the name and country of the person who ordered. Then they started blanking the name. Now with Lulu the ONLY thing that you get is the country in which the order was placed.
One of our top people put in an order after having bought every other title the past year, and they REFUSED HIS ORDER because the shipping address came up as IS rA eL. kINDA odd when he lives in Your Ropa.
I think the A.I. is having a psychotic break.
Meaning they come intended in-as such as salted!?
It's the true meaning of Salt Pork.
but it's coshure pork.
Spot on a zeebravado..
Dang.. Your likes gets through but no egmail alerts of your replies comes in..
New yolk times..
I never call "them" that.
I call them psychopaths.
I m so tired of hearing that idiotic name all around but expecially on substack. I am about to end my unpaid subscription to this platform.
By calling them the name you elevate to status. EL..evate....hmmm
The terms psychopaths starts almost to sound too good for them.
Maggots...imbred maggots that is what they are.
Can you still visit me without a subscription?
I would heartily miss you.
I have an image from youth of going to the 55 gallon drum of a garbage can lifting the lid to a smell that can only exist in Hell and seeing the bottom literally crawling with maggots.
Inbred Maggots.
I'm crawling.
How 'bout Psycho-nauts!?
Or why nut psychonuts!
Now... when you say: "arrested" you mean in the french: "to be detained in definitely in an oubliette."
Psycho Naughts.
My pick after reading all to-gather goes to imbred-maggots. Psycho, Nuts, Shit or even anus (I used crimi-anal a lot) have their very important function when nature is healthy. And that is what you have opened my eyes to in comments alone. I need to be even more aware of what words I use. Thank you.
Language is a trap.
Page 63 in your elders of szion....The goy are the stooges who are supervised by trained Yahood, who in turn are getting their instructions from the Elders, who are getting their instructions from the Bugs in their heads.....Douay version Ecclesiastes 5:7...If thou shalt see the oppressions of the poor, and violent judgements, and justice perverted in the province, wonder not at this matter: for he that is high (goy stooges-trained yahood) hath another higher(elders) and there are others(bugs) still higher than these:
Damn! Yer a'fearin' me.
Were we separated at birth?
That is an EXCELLENT find and I think that Huey Looey and Douay have a better story telling scheme.
For 16 years now, when I try to tell people what you summarize so easily the MK trope is always: The Elites are just bad people who are in it for the money.
Syphilis is called The Great Pretender because it looks like many other diseases.
The reason, of course, is because it is the CAUSE of all of those diseases.
You have to admit that it is EXCELLENT CAMOUFLAGE because people are looking at everything BUT the syphilis. I also firmly maintain that the bugs speak to the host and tell it to not notice it.
and they obey.
Last part of douay ecclesiastes 5:7....For those in high places have others who are higher, and there are others more eminent, over these....sacredbible.org latin english
Who's watching the Watchers?
Beastia ex Machina? Ralstonia metallodurans? Hive Queen? Spirochetes? A blending of bits of all into 1 in underworld?
You jumped my shark with your edit.
I was going to post: All of the above. It's a continuum.
None but the sharpest minds would be able to fathom something like that because we've all been forced to think compartmentally.
I got the mentally part so far.
Back in May, I left the following comment on another substack. It bears repeating.
I do wish we would stop referring to these beings as the "Elites". They are just gilded dross on the basest and most worthless metal.
"All that glisters is not gold;
Often have you heard that told.
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold.
Gilded tombs do worms enfold."
Wow! I didn't know all of those lyric to Stairway to Heaven.
All Hail Led Zeppelin, my favourite Rock Blues band.
2 words you destroy in the elders.... independence= IN DEPENDENCE and freedom= free (to be) dominated
I learned the spellwork from Ralph Epperson.
Inflammable means that it can light up.
In dependence follows the same scam.
I like to call it un dependent for fun but me and Franny arrived at autonomous.
Dante Alighieri was a pen name. The last names means: Alliegiance to No One.
It took me DECADES to learn that because all of what we are told is occulted (covered up) and we've been trained to just take things at face value. That is one of the most dangerous behaviors around.
I learned the Free-thing from Clint Richardson. He was tying it to franchises. You are free to do anything within a franchise just as long as it is in the rules of the fanchise.
The best explanation is that you have the freedom of your prison cell.
You can stand on your head, jump on your bed, crawl the ceiling if your toenails haven't been clipped. But you're still in a cell.
Liberty is just as bad.
That means when you are a crewman on a ship, when it comes to port you can leave and do your business but you damned well better be on that boat when it sets sail again.
How is that what the apes think "Liberty" is?
The Protocols mock the ones that adopted their French Revolution, Liberty, Fraternity, and Kissmyassity..
Dom is domus-/domen-/domicile- - related..
As in relative related relatively adjoined..
So Christendom and heathendom is squarly honersjtood by Scandinaves as the '-dom' of it all is "current honourstood as conviction/passing-a-djudgemt made by a judge..
Meaning the oral or written law the masters hijacked as" the house"/"domus/domicile/" dome" always wins..
Thus freedom is "on the house" (as long as the house wins on continued interaction" of courseclaiming the right to ajudicate on your behalf without your right to demad theor head had on a silver platter as a pawn for their "free on the house card calls"..
To "call (Swedish: Kallelse)" count among meanings "a call to accept an apponted job" (aka "a call to duty (to perform)
It is all a matter of (word magi) form hence their interest to" jail you" by you filling in the "information" (boxed off in blocked boxes) on any and all "application forms" or forms of norice in any form..
Sign (you "X" aka deaf language/ASL) here please!
In olden days the "cooperative local food marts/shops litterally said" God is the merchant's/the (psyygnut's/) families "church" degraded to in normal parlance mostly be construed as "ka regular mans) house"..
Etymology 2
dom (plural doms)
A title anciently given to the pope, and later to other church dignitaries and some monastic orders.
"Borrowed from Latin" domus"
aka dominus/dominate/domain/(mafia) "Don"\et al.
Don Corleone is more like this mafioso
Idk.....i m still hamging out here because of u and 2 more people
Even if you ever consider going, could you also put me into a list and let me know where I can visit your angry comments and thoughts. I have also learnt so much more from you by confrontation and smelling a rat than by happy flowery heart loving comments that fully agree on each top-pick.