I was going to answer a comment/question posted by our most-excellent Dictionary, when I thought: Screw it. I'll Stack it instead. Folks haven't gotten it in 16 years so I might as well dance in front of them naked and vomit chicken heads because no one will notice.
This was the original message that came in my email:
wörterbuch commented on your post Human Compost.
EL Atys? define meaning thou most banned one
This is what was waiting for me when I got to the SubStack:
3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Patrick Jordan
EL Atys? define meaning thou most banned one, disregard the question, Ifound this in your silent weapons....ILU AMON ATYS
Little Red Hens are born - not made. Self Made.
Within a short period of time an inquiring mind not only asked a pertinent question BUT ANSWERED IT THEMSELF by investigation.
My reply to the original question:
The mindless hordes vomit:
The Elites this! The Elites that!
As if it means something, but it ends up being a left-hand honorific title.
Why would you call them WHAT THEY WANT TO BE KNOWN AS?
Why wouldn’t you call them: Those Motherfucking Wannabe Controllers?
See? Say it like it is.
Another class of idiots refer to a multitude of in-bred gits as: The Royals.
Diving Right Of Kings my anal sphincter!
Either "All Men are Created Equal" or they aren't.
Problem is: the entirety of the humaned race are so pathetically stupid that you can rub their noses in the Talmud all day long that says the Chosen are Humans and everything else are below animals. Sub-animal on a sub stack of caste systems.
Therefore, what it MEANS is: "All CHOSEN are created equal."
The tip of the assburg.
The Protocols celebrate their control mechanism of DIVISION OF LABOR.
Just like a beehive: Queen that keeps them all under a chemical thrall. Worker sister clones that double as Soldiers to deal with threats. Drones are stingless (isn’t that apt?) male sperm donors.
The human animal can't tell that it has been hypnotized by chemicals issued via Central Control.
The human animal ACCEPTS that division of labor is necessary and useful for Society (Hive).
The human animal SERVES that Hive even to the point of sacrficing itself to it (wars, waxjobs, etc) so completely o-fucking-blivious to the fact that THEY ARE NOT PART OF THE HIVE THEY ARE SLAVES.
They accept The Ruling Class, The Working Class, and Those That Protect Us.
All such patent total bullshit. Words can't contain the nookeear flames that engulf me.
It upset me so much to hear The Elites so often even said with disdain as that one quote Dictionary gave us that words don't hurt the 'Elites', that years ago I went to phonetics to decrypt it.
The Egyptian Black Magi said that the PRONUNCIATION of the words were more important than any other part of the spell.
EL Ites.
EL = the mesopotamian god-thing.
Atys = Princes (in Egyptian).
The Princes of EL.
I know that a mind of Dictionary’s caliber is going OMFG!
I've been preaching this for nearly 16 years but can't seem to get past the Adamantium-impregnated skulls of the non-humans.
Then it is just a hop-skip&juxtaposition to arrive at:
ILU = Lilu, Lilituv, Lilith = Baba ILI = the Gate of the Great God ILU. Iraq = Mess of po tame eye uh again. Moon Goddess.
Amon = part of the trinity of Amen Atom Ray. Egypt - again. Sun God.
Atys = Princes.
ILU Amon Atys = Princes of the Moon and Sun.
But Dictionary already found that out, thus the edit to the comment.
For someone who studies the Protocols and has jumped feet-first with a deep sea diving suit on into my work, it is a foregone conclusion that the Elites are not some class of wealthy representing all flavors but ONLY FAMILY.
People love to quote Jorge Karlin but do they get it?
"It's all one big fucking club - AND YOU'RE NOT IN IT."
Elites my ass.
Well... maybe... waitaminute...
No. Not my ass either.
I never call "them" that.
I call them psychopaths.
I m so tired of hearing that idiotic name all around but expecially on substack. I am about to end my unpaid subscription to this platform.
By calling them the name you elevate to status. EL..evate....hmmm
The terms psychopaths starts almost to sound too good for them.
Maggots...imbred maggots that is what they are.
If there was a way to check back to all my comments on the bazillions of stacks (is there?) you'd see that I've said it hundreds of times here over the last three or four years.
"Please stop calling them elites! They're NOT better than us!".