Also kicked for my High school football team. Butt, I can also be an asskicker. Devil's ass is big so I can't miss. How many points do I get for kicking the rattailed schmuck out of hell into OBLIVION?
Oh man I have many jumbled thoughts. First goddamit I actually subscribed to that Bay Lyme group years ago (I have friends in CA and in fact in desperation as one does I travelled to see doctors there many moons ago). Now a days as soon as I see things like Stanford or MIT I shudder, live and learn, well hopefully keep living and learning the hard way.
Curious with a/the vitamin D connection. I can only think of a couple of genuine chaps in the UK that I saw chatting with Ivor Cummins a few years ago now I think. The video is pulled now, looks like the podcast is still live. Anywho the video was lovely and I kinda wanted to adopt a couple of them as cool uncles when I watched it. They are “Dr. David Grimes is a treasure, and here he’s joined by the learned Dr. David Anderson and Chris Williams”. Wish I could help more and boy oh boy I wish I understood and knew more but slowly slowly hopefully.
Sorry yes video long gone sadly, oddly the podcast still plays. I haven’t been able to find any other video copy of it out there. Guess I could ask Ivor Cummins, I do love a video where you see the whole debate.
and I will send the paper on spirochetes where they KNEW in the 1900s !!! that antibiotics made things worse.
The reason I am so brutal is that THERE ARE NO EXCUSES.
If an idiot farm boy from Illinois can uncover all of their lies then these 'professionals' that 'specialize' in this topic should either know or get the hell out of the business.
Dhar Puh has its tendrils in ALL higher education so if you think of the University of ILL Annoyed and Stanford and MIT and all of the Poison Ivy Leaguers as decentralized military outposts then that is what you can expect to come out of them.
I make lists for the express purpose of wildly scratching things off the list when they are done to give me a sense of satisfaction that I have accomplished something. But like a Geni's curse MORE TASKS appear on the list after the last one was scratched off. So, it isn't about time. We have had time stolen from us. It is about effort put into a task and who you spend your time with.
If it is spent with controlled opposition gurus then it would have been better if you sat on a pillow considering the lint in your navel.
If you spend it with trusted people who have already done the heavy lifting then a lot of preliminary work that you would have done on your own can be understood at a glance (not skipped - we all have to ascend the rungs of the ladder one at a time) and you can get to your goal quicker.
This is why I give both sides of any story when they are available to me. This is why I always provide references so that people can confirm or deny my conclusions for themselves. There are a lot of topics that I have an unwavering opinion on that has alientated me from even some of my closest people, but I am open to different views in case I am wrong. With no ego attached to this statement:
"I am rarely wrong."
When I am I admit it. That is the ESSENCE of science = HONEST inquiry into the unknown.
So, you never have to take me at face-value, or 'believe' me. You can consume what I offer based on my filtering of what I consider non-bullshit in order to get closer to your goal faster.
Controlled opposition and blatant lies are the rule not the exception, so if you start from that premise, trust no one and question reality itself then you will always have a true heading.
No one needs to be as smart as I am (and rare few are) because some of my best people had/have a gut sense of what is right and wrong and in the end, the details never matter if you simply know:
Ok I didnt finish the entire article. One thing Im certain of is that when alt or not ive medicine comes up with something that works, the NIH puts out a study on it. In those studies they reluctantly admit the shit works then proceed to say that there needs to be more studies to draw more conclusions ie. Figure this shit out so we can update our bio weapon to go around this mechanism. That said the Induced Native Phage Therapy seems to be effective. Please do a deep dive on it and see if you can call bs or validate it. They use horsetail ash which contains silica that has nano gold particles in it naturally. They use one of those homeopathy plates with a coil to imprint a frequency on the ash in capsules. 3 days of taking these magic pills and the native phages have been released and have killed all spirochetes in all forms in the best hiding places the body can offer. It seems to be something we could do ourselves. Its the patented genetic and electrical fingerprint testing for the borrelia that we dont have the resources or data to pull off. Thats just to confirm it works / and confirm you have an infection. Then the challenge of preventing becoming re-infected by other people , mosquitos 🦟 , ticks, or your pets etc.
I just saw a video of a guy who claims that the NIH is now finally admitting claims that he made ten years prior on Morgellons and he feature the paper that came from the NIH website.
The problem is that the NIH is a repository for studies they do not do them or even endorse them just to place the paper on their site. Only federally funded studies that are commisioned for them can be considered arising from the NIH.
For the prostitutes that do studies on relevant topics and then vomit the "We need more Money." mantra, they are under the guise of being independent but might be on the backdoor payroll.
You are 100 percent that they are studying what people are doing to fight their bugs so that they can have Darh Puh do a software upgrade.
You and I have discussed the Native Phage activation and it does seem promising but we need a trusted third party advanced lab to confirm the claims. This is what is lacking in ALL published 'science'. NO ONE is rigorously confirming the experiments of anyone else.
I acknowledge that we are in a sea of 60Hz hurt, but I still have serious reservations about the use of electronic medicine. I will not ignore it, but there has to be a better Amish way.
Consider it from this point of view: They are trying to balm the world back to the stoneage. When infrastructure and utilities are down and all of the batteries are run out, where would anyone get a high tech electronic remedy for the Lyme that WILL STILL BE HERE after the lights go out?
I don't need high tech confirmation that we are all infected let alone what I consider a scam of some external device telling you whether or not you have eradicated them. If they are gone YOU'LL KNOW IT!
Here's the thing about phages: They can linger in the mucous like immune memory cells so even if we did get reinfected which is a given then there should be enough reserves to fight the next round of buggers.
I've only been bitten by mosquitoes THREE TIMES this entire year in ILL Annoyed. I think Billy Goat did something to the little pollinators.
I can attest to the efficacy of DesBio homeopathic series for Lyme. They also are available for H. Pylori, Mycoplasma, Bartonella, Babesia, EBV, CMV, etc. Ordering requires a certified practitioner, however, one may speak with one through their site.
When I transcribed Crookshank I made it clear in my notes that although he was a giant in all of history that his flawed conclusion of the need for variolation needed to be made known.
When I got Lida's textbook, 40+ years of my previous education vaporized within the first ten pages of her work. My criticism of her work developed the more I read in that she was an academician. She had top-level DESCRIPTION of spirochetes but NO EXPLANATION on how to DEFEAT THEM based on her collected knowledge.
She did say in the video that they were easy to kill in the test tube with peroxide which is helpful, but it also highlights the fact that WE are not glass vials so the spirochetes use our own Super Oxide Dismutase to protect itself from oxidation then hands the proteins back to us as prions.
No help there.
All the knowledge in the world is just Jeopardy trivia if we can't use it to defeat our enemy.
If she was alive she'd be dead cuz that is what happened to Montanieur with COVID when he spoke against the bullshit. They called him demented and senile despite the fact he had got a noble prize for virology.
and…...despite all that above it is not even recognized “chronic” by the CDC and the definition for lyme “arthritic knee” matches perfectly the one of syphilis -unless they revised it-. I hate the folks at the Bay Area Foundation, I am not sure if I hate them more than the CDC liars. Nice commentary, it brought me back to my rabid days of lyme.
This piece is another powerful dose of the naked and terryfying truth.
I am reluctant to share this article as the TRUTH is too much for most to handle, but share I will.
My conscience will not allow me to be silent. Ommission by silence is on par with LYING. Silence is tacit agreement and I do not agree.
That's a sign of courage.
The choice is either seeking out huddled fellow sufferers in hell to start a chorus of wailing and gnashing of teeth for all of eternity, or...
to find those few friends that will plot:
"now... I'll raise the devils tail... and you kick him in the ass..."
I played soccer so I can kick hard.
Also kicked for my High school football team. Butt, I can also be an asskicker. Devil's ass is big so I can't miss. How many points do I get for kicking the rattailed schmuck out of hell into OBLIVION?
Near as I can tell if you can do that then we can take over.
Hold the pigskin right for me and I'll get it between the goalposts. I'm fired up.
Oh man I have many jumbled thoughts. First goddamit I actually subscribed to that Bay Lyme group years ago (I have friends in CA and in fact in desperation as one does I travelled to see doctors there many moons ago). Now a days as soon as I see things like Stanford or MIT I shudder, live and learn, well hopefully keep living and learning the hard way.
Curious with a/the vitamin D connection. I can only think of a couple of genuine chaps in the UK that I saw chatting with Ivor Cummins a few years ago now I think. The video is pulled now, looks like the podcast is still live. Anywho the video was lovely and I kinda wanted to adopt a couple of them as cool uncles when I watched it. They are “Dr. David Grimes is a treasure, and here he’s joined by the learned Dr. David Anderson and Chris Williams”. Wish I could help more and boy oh boy I wish I understood and knew more but slowly slowly hopefully.
Thanks for the linkage
Whoopsie. Video unavailable and the transcript link is broken.
Sorry yes video long gone sadly, oddly the podcast still plays. I haven’t been able to find any other video copy of it out there. Guess I could ask Ivor Cummins, I do love a video where you see the whole debate.
We started calling them Lyme Illiterates.
Once you see Lida's work (I bought her $250 text) you can't accept that antibiotics are anything BUT a plan to embed and make contagious ALL disease.
Do I have your email? If not then drop a line to:
and I will send the paper on spirochetes where they KNEW in the 1900s !!! that antibiotics made things worse.
The reason I am so brutal is that THERE ARE NO EXCUSES.
If an idiot farm boy from Illinois can uncover all of their lies then these 'professionals' that 'specialize' in this topic should either know or get the hell out of the business.
Dhar Puh has its tendrils in ALL higher education so if you think of the University of ILL Annoyed and Stanford and MIT and all of the Poison Ivy Leaguers as decentralized military outposts then that is what you can expect to come out of them.
I totally need to re-prioritise my time. So much I want to learn and dig in to…
And thank you for offering to share and help further. I have sent you an email 🍇
I make lists for the express purpose of wildly scratching things off the list when they are done to give me a sense of satisfaction that I have accomplished something. But like a Geni's curse MORE TASKS appear on the list after the last one was scratched off. So, it isn't about time. We have had time stolen from us. It is about effort put into a task and who you spend your time with.
If it is spent with controlled opposition gurus then it would have been better if you sat on a pillow considering the lint in your navel.
If you spend it with trusted people who have already done the heavy lifting then a lot of preliminary work that you would have done on your own can be understood at a glance (not skipped - we all have to ascend the rungs of the ladder one at a time) and you can get to your goal quicker.
This is why I give both sides of any story when they are available to me. This is why I always provide references so that people can confirm or deny my conclusions for themselves. There are a lot of topics that I have an unwavering opinion on that has alientated me from even some of my closest people, but I am open to different views in case I am wrong. With no ego attached to this statement:
"I am rarely wrong."
When I am I admit it. That is the ESSENCE of science = HONEST inquiry into the unknown.
So, you never have to take me at face-value, or 'believe' me. You can consume what I offer based on my filtering of what I consider non-bullshit in order to get closer to your goal faster.
Controlled opposition and blatant lies are the rule not the exception, so if you start from that premise, trust no one and question reality itself then you will always have a true heading.
No one needs to be as smart as I am (and rare few are) because some of my best people had/have a gut sense of what is right and wrong and in the end, the details never matter if you simply know:
"Here Be Monsters."
Ok I didnt finish the entire article. One thing Im certain of is that when alt or not ive medicine comes up with something that works, the NIH puts out a study on it. In those studies they reluctantly admit the shit works then proceed to say that there needs to be more studies to draw more conclusions ie. Figure this shit out so we can update our bio weapon to go around this mechanism. That said the Induced Native Phage Therapy seems to be effective. Please do a deep dive on it and see if you can call bs or validate it. They use horsetail ash which contains silica that has nano gold particles in it naturally. They use one of those homeopathy plates with a coil to imprint a frequency on the ash in capsules. 3 days of taking these magic pills and the native phages have been released and have killed all spirochetes in all forms in the best hiding places the body can offer. It seems to be something we could do ourselves. Its the patented genetic and electrical fingerprint testing for the borrelia that we dont have the resources or data to pull off. Thats just to confirm it works / and confirm you have an infection. Then the challenge of preventing becoming re-infected by other people , mosquitos 🦟 , ticks, or your pets etc.
I just saw a video of a guy who claims that the NIH is now finally admitting claims that he made ten years prior on Morgellons and he feature the paper that came from the NIH website.
The problem is that the NIH is a repository for studies they do not do them or even endorse them just to place the paper on their site. Only federally funded studies that are commisioned for them can be considered arising from the NIH.
For the prostitutes that do studies on relevant topics and then vomit the "We need more Money." mantra, they are under the guise of being independent but might be on the backdoor payroll.
You are 100 percent that they are studying what people are doing to fight their bugs so that they can have Darh Puh do a software upgrade.
You and I have discussed the Native Phage activation and it does seem promising but we need a trusted third party advanced lab to confirm the claims. This is what is lacking in ALL published 'science'. NO ONE is rigorously confirming the experiments of anyone else.
I acknowledge that we are in a sea of 60Hz hurt, but I still have serious reservations about the use of electronic medicine. I will not ignore it, but there has to be a better Amish way.
Consider it from this point of view: They are trying to balm the world back to the stoneage. When infrastructure and utilities are down and all of the batteries are run out, where would anyone get a high tech electronic remedy for the Lyme that WILL STILL BE HERE after the lights go out?
I don't need high tech confirmation that we are all infected let alone what I consider a scam of some external device telling you whether or not you have eradicated them. If they are gone YOU'LL KNOW IT!
Here's the thing about phages: They can linger in the mucous like immune memory cells so even if we did get reinfected which is a given then there should be enough reserves to fight the next round of buggers.
I've only been bitten by mosquitoes THREE TIMES this entire year in ILL Annoyed. I think Billy Goat did something to the little pollinators.
I can attest to the efficacy of DesBio homeopathic series for Lyme. They also are available for H. Pylori, Mycoplasma, Bartonella, Babesia, EBV, CMV, etc. Ordering requires a certified practitioner, however, one may speak with one through their site.
I remember reading this when I was fighting to find a lyme therapy.
But I never actually tested them in me.
Lida's video was interesting.. I finally dl-ed and saw it..
If she'd been around still maybe she would have "called" someone good to check out thatvaccines are fraud too..
It seems that the Persian Flaw is engineered into every human ape.
Lida and her chlamydia vaccine. Even Edgar Crookshank said that they should have just stuck to variolation.
I, however, strive to eliiminate all flaws by being a perfect asshole all of the time.
From the feedback I get, I'm totally successful at it.
..snd .. in addition even with Lida's flaws she delivered a major insight for your raising above "the ape-ing level".. Us bethanfuled..
When I transcribed Crookshank I made it clear in my notes that although he was a giant in all of history that his flawed conclusion of the need for variolation needed to be made known.
When I got Lida's textbook, 40+ years of my previous education vaporized within the first ten pages of her work. My criticism of her work developed the more I read in that she was an academician. She had top-level DESCRIPTION of spirochetes but NO EXPLANATION on how to DEFEAT THEM based on her collected knowledge.
She did say in the video that they were easy to kill in the test tube with peroxide which is helpful, but it also highlights the fact that WE are not glass vials so the spirochetes use our own Super Oxide Dismutase to protect itself from oxidation then hands the proteins back to us as prions.
No help there.
All the knowledge in the world is just Jeopardy trivia if we can't use it to defeat our enemy.
If she was alive she'd be dead cuz that is what happened to Montanieur with COVID when he spoke against the bullshit. They called him demented and senile despite the fact he had got a noble prize for virology.
there's something poetical about:
If she was alive - she'd be dead.
ha ha ha…..
Here's Mel and Aron on Plumb Island 6 years ago.
that was a good one.
I remember it from 6 years ago.
one of the Hens still has to send me links to new posts because I was signed up when I first found them but NEVER got notices.
and…...despite all that above it is not even recognized “chronic” by the CDC and the definition for lyme “arthritic knee” matches perfectly the one of syphilis -unless they revised it-. I hate the folks at the Bay Area Foundation, I am not sure if I hate them more than the CDC liars. Nice commentary, it brought me back to my rabid days of lyme.
dogs of a rabid saliva pack together.
It's too late in the game for those who have the greatest attention of the pub lick to NOT know what we know.
no mercy.