One of our Little Red Hens sent this link:
New Discovery Identifies “Don’t Eat Me” Protein that Allows Lyme Bacteria to Evade Body’s Immune Response
Stanford University/MIT/UCSF study funded by Bay Area Lyme Foundation offers new direction for tick-borne disease research, paving the way for potential new discoveries
Palo Alto, CA, May 7, 2024—Bay Area Lyme Foundation, a leading sponsor of Lyme disease research in the U.S., today announced a study finding a new mechanism of immune evasion used by Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the bacterium that causes Lyme disease. This study is the first to identify the specific Borrelia protein that acts as a “don’t eat me” signal to the body’s immune system in people with Lyme disease, offering insight into how the bacteria may persist in Lyme patients and introduces an entirely new research direction toward potential future treatments.
New Mechanism so as to coverup all of the previously exposed mechanisms such as Outer Surface Proteins that are FUNGAL TOXINS that shut off the immune system like a light switch. And the currently undescribed mechanism of how spirochetes take Vitamin D to change it from an immune enhancing molecule into an immunosuppressant.
Hint: if you want to further our work then get us how the Vitamin D trick happens.
The fuckers persist because Dhar Puh has ENGINEERED into their pet evasion properties AND there has never been a way to kyll spirochetes for 5784 years.
“It’s an interesting combination of elements. Making him a tough little Son Of A Bitch.”
“And you let him in.”
In this study, researchers found that P66, a known Borrelia surface protein and one of the IgG Western Blot testing “bands” used for diagnosis, can inhibit an important portion of the immune response.
66 ? Seriousfuckingaly?
“Patients need both a robust immune response
So imagine people like Bruhner (who might have had good intentions - I wouldn’t know) and others APOLOGIZING for telling their follower to use something like Teasel that forces the spirochetes out of the tissue where he, like others, claim that the IMMUNE SYSTEM WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM.
smash a hornet’s nest unless you’ve got armor and a FUCKING BACKUP PLAN!
I mean: God Unmighty! These failsafes engineered into the the fucking buggers AREN’T NEW. They’ve been there for the express purpose of preserving the best Buy Oh We Upon ever fucking invented and deployed, so who in their right fucking mind would say: “Release the Kraken! And may Zeus have mercy on your immune system.” ?
Goddamned stupid. But I’m just a farm boy that’s been at it for 16 years in the public and enough followers to make up a rugby scrum.
and antibiotics to eradicate an infection – antibiotics alone are not usually sufficient.
OK. Notes on Bay Area Lyme Foundlings:
Addressing the mechanisms of immune evasion could help patients more efficiently eradicate the infection,” said Wendy Adams, research grant director, Bay Area Lyme Foundation, who also notes that persistent Lyme disease impacts more than two million Americans today.
Harmful bacteria entering the body are usually targeted by macrophages—immune cells which look for invaders to engulf and eliminate. However, this study shows that P66 is a bacterial “don’t eat me” signal encouraging the macrophage to ignore the bacteria by binding to a receptor on the macrophages’ surface called SIRP-alpha. This type of “don’t eat me” signal is a known mechanism in cancer and more recently, atherosclerosis.
Truly, my friends: I feel alone in a roiling sea of fucking stupidity. Having been introduced and humbled by the Genius of Mel Thornberg (may she rest in peace) who put together that CANCER *IS* SPIROCHETES! and that any hardening of the arteries was already labeled nanobacteria infection (Bartonella, Brucella) by the Finns and NASA, then this is a clear one-to-one association with named diseases and their causative agents.
Specifically, the human “don’t eat me” signal protein CD47 binds the SIRP-alpha receptor on macrophages to signal that the cell shouldn’t be destroyed.
This is called Self. If a white privilege cell can recognize Self then it won’t eat your body. Now what happens if ‘auto-immunity’ is induced? All bets are off with yon white privilege cells going caveman on anything it touches or sees. Could this too, be a drangement induced by the #66 Let’s-Fuck-With-Jimmy upgrade to syphilis?
Drugs that prevent CD47 from binding SIRP-alpha have been tested in clinical trials for the treatment of some cancers.
Isn’t this the fuckshit that they always vomit all of the time with wasted tox doll ears spent on chasing invented ghosts to keep you off the trail of:
Lyme in the very least was fitted with Don’t Eat Me Armor so the very thing that CAUSED the cancer won’t be eaten but it’s OK to let the white privilege cells to ATTACK HOST CELLS IN THE HOPE(?) THAT THEY MIGHT TAKE OUT CANCER CELLS IN THE PROCESS?
Or was this an unspoken nod that it *might* allow the immune system to also kick spirochetes’ asses? *** They do have tails so they might have asses.
There are a number of asses present based on the insanity of this ‘work’.
One of the study’s senior authors Irving Weissman,
Vell, of course, Uyving would be in on it! Same last name as Chaim the founder of dah Vice Man Institute in the homeland, who became the first president of the country that’s name translate to He Struggles With God!
MD, professor and director of the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at Stanford University and a Bay Area Lyme Foundation scientific advisory board member, explains that this study is a discovery of how an established protein can protect the bacteria with which it has co-evolved.
Dr. Weissman is renowned for his pioneering work in identifying “don’t eat me” proteins and his lab discovered all 4 known mammalian “don’t eat me proteins”: CD47, CD24, PDL1 and B2M. He is also the founder of companies which have developed or are developing therapeutics that target these mechanisms in cancer and atherosclerosis.
The pattern usually happens this way: Invent a disease - have it named after you. The We Upons developer Villy Burg Doofus had his Buy Oh Weapon named after him. Could Burgdorfer and and Weissman be cousins?
So, of course you can FIND the Don’t Eat My Ass Pro Teens if you MADE them, and then you can invent a company that pretends to PALLIATE against the thing that you made. I don’t do network analysis of humans, but it would probably be easy to find a funding and contact trail back to clandestine services with these people.
Researchers hope that blocking P66 activity, like blocking CD47’s activity in cancer, could help unleash the immune system in recognizing and fighting Borrelia bacteria.
Oh, look, there: they said it. see *** above.
Reseach and Hope go together like fish in a pool of gasoline and a good smoke. Non-filter tip.
About Lyme disease
The most common vector-borne infectious disease in the US, Lyme disease is a potentially disabling infection caused by bacteria transmitted through the bite of an infected tick to people and pets, and may also be passed from a pregnant mother to her unborn baby.
… and by sex to make the baby, and by tears, and by sweat, and by blood, and by sneezing, and by touching a door handle that had blood, sweat, tears, and snot on it…
If caught early, most cases of Lyme disease can be effectively treated,
Fucking godamned lie of 6 millennia.
IF you blast it with antibiotics then just like the Hexheimer Yahoody brother’s Lie of using mercury, antimony, and arsenic to make syphilis ‘go away’ you have merely bursted the shit into cystic and other forms where the outward signs go away but the fucker is now capable of spreading a non-visible plague by:
sex, blood, sweat, tears, snot, etc…
but it is commonly misdiagnosed due to a lack of awareness and inaccurate diagnostic tests.
Who are these Bay City Roll Whores?
LACK OF FUCKING AWARENESS? Or NAT SHUN ALL See Curity Letters telling doctors that if they admit the Buy Oh Weapon release that they or their families will be Palestined?
Inaccurate diagnostic tests? You mean the ones that were DESIGNED TO BE INACCURATE?
Fuck me with that proverbial stick.
There are approximately 500,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year,
Makes Convid look like a goddamned romp in a sandbox.
according to statistics released in 2018 by the CDC.
Uniformed Military with a Sturgeon Gen Her Rail, giving fake stats. It’s more like the ENTIRE POPULATION OF THE PLANET IS INFECTED BY NOW.
As a result of the difficulty in diagnosing and treating Lyme disease, up to two million Americans may be suffering from the impact of its debilitating long-term symptoms and complications, according to Bay Area Lyme Foundation estimates.
Well, just roll with that. That’s one out of 150 people with this shit. THAT’S a Pan Day Mick.
Don’t worry though. They made a wax job based on those fungal toxins that will make you as sick has having the disease, so they’ve got your back on this one.
This piece is another powerful dose of the naked and terryfying truth.
I am reluctant to share this article as the TRUTH is too much for most to handle, but share I will.
My conscience will not allow me to be silent. Ommission by silence is on par with LYING. Silence is tacit agreement and I do not agree.
Lida's video was interesting.. I finally dl-ed and saw it..
If she'd been around still maybe she would have "called" someone good to check out thatvaccines are fraud too..