Oct 3Edited

As the person that spells science as psyence, thank you kindly for the education. It is abundantly clear to me that THey have no ethical boundaries. Following up the information with the Star Trek episode and Evanescence was brilliant. Entertainment tells stories that people always ignore. THey tell us what THey are doing in every venue of entertainment, including the shows meant for the youngest of children. The venue I ignore is the news, generally a bullshit scsript.

With the Star Trek episodes mention of harmonics and the follow up of the song Lithium, my mind went straight to frequencies. Cellular frequencies as sound waves and the debate of 432 hz and 440 hz in music. In the story of Gojira, the Japanese name for Godzilla, the story states that Godzilla was led to the top of the volcano by frequencies. Those damn electronics all have the rechargeable lithium batteries. The more I think I am screwed, the more I feel like I have nothing to lose. I'm just going to keep my dissident cap on at all times. I already know my social credit score will be off the chart graphed at a downhill slide with the apex at zero.

Never in a million years would I have gotten from quartz to lithium without your assistance.

Thanks again.

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For those of us with incontinence of the mind and mouth there is always the: And... FURTHERMORE (cue Amy of Evanescence...)

Thing of it is I just wanted to get a nice clip of Scotty bemoaning the burnt out dilithium, but that compliation of Star Trek Discovery series where all the ships went ded then got blowed dup reel guud shocked the shit out of me, then I shrugged and said: Predictive programming. J-man that's bold and cold.

What version of Gojira was the frequency one? I've only just seen the black and white original as an adult once so I don't have all of the scenes in memory.

Dear Dee, we are at the Point of Know Return. We don't have credit scores because they are in negative integers. Even if you weren't the TH-miner that you are digging like a Data Dog, just talking with me puts you on a Guilt By Association list.

I'm kinda like the CPU taking in all of the 'interrupts' of every bit of data in the system, so I would never have arrived at the lithium unless Ms. MaGoo had told me about the Blackrock deal. It's kinda like Einstein working at the Patent Office. You'd have to be a fool to not know the import and scope of things coming through.

You've always operated in Continuum and that's evidenced by how you instantly recognized the significance and integrated it into your own understanding and work.

This is why the Gods shut down babylon for that One Thought level of cooperation. They must be scared shitless of us. Yes they have the tech to snuff us like a cigarette butt, but that only shows the level of fear that we evoke for creatures that weild that much power.

Notice: I didn't say that they were powerful.

They are no better or different then malicious babies in diapers that found Daddy's ghun in the closet then points it at anything that moves.


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Oct 3Edited

Years ago I was looking at volcanos as a form of technology. To my eye, some are a pyramid covered with dirt, stone, brush etc. The ring of fire is full of volcanos and I found the word Gojira and did not know what it meant. So I looked it up and wiki had a page on Gojira (can't find it today). I KNOW I read it so I asked the AI and the AI says "It sounds like you’re referring to a plot element from one of the Godzilla movies. In the 1984 film “The Return of Godzilla,” Godzilla is indeed lured to a volcano using a special frequency. This tactic is part of the human efforts to control or contain the giant monster1."

I just looked up Godzilla, and damn, Godzilla is a metaphor for the atomic bomb, a chimera, a hermaphrodite, partheogenic. Here is the link.


This Iran/rain/reign and Israhell story. Take a look at this video footage. Looks like 4th of July fireworks to me. City in the foreground, incindiary devices land way back on the horizon which makes me think cgi. Where is any video footage from a citizen? Just the same old Hollywood/Bollywood crap presented to the North East West South as N.E.W.S.

If it were intercontinental ballistic missile, if there is such a thing, supposedly travels at 15,000-17,000 mph. 17,000 mph is the supposed speed of the supposed ISS. I seriously doubt we would be able to see it and photgraph it. I just rewatched the vid, its a hoax.

Netanyahu is wearing a yellow ribbon bin shaped like the breast cancer pin. THey wear this on bs events like the gay nightclub shooting in FL years ago. The pin in FL was rainbow colored. In NZ it was worn when the volcano blew on Whites Island. That pin was white. This bs event is Juish, yellow star...yellow ribbon pin.


Just another Hollywood/Bollywood created for tv event to mind phuck the masses.

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Air strike was fake coming from Iran, missles are super fast, these were moving slow. Is Nasrallah really dead? No body will be shown, closed casket. Never showed Soleimani's body either, just a bloody hand with dirt and damp grass stubble.

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I agree, I call it fireworks as that is exactly what it looks like to me. Another character sent to some island/country to live out the rest of THeir life as THeir character has been removed from the public stage. Nobody died and nobody got hurt. I am not a fan of the nobody got hurt as accidents do happen but THeir storyline is always bullshit from the get go.

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I spent some time in the geology lie bury at the University of ILL Annoyed. One book that captured my attention said that the only reason that volcanoes appear is because the crust was weakened by a meteorite impact.

Laurence Gardener said that "J"esus was NOT a carpenter. The Kraftsman was a guild member of masonry were they had the secrets of metallurgy using volcanoes as their furnaces. Then he gave a few examples like the smoke by day and pillar of fire by night as their 'guide' to get them to the promised land.

The 1990s version had a parthenongeic female God Ziller and I thought: Wow. The Trans-agenda was already being coded all the way back then.

I'm glad you brought up your firecracker observation here.

All the world's indeed a stage

and we are merely players

Performers and Portrayers

each another's audience

Outside the Guilded Cage.


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I can always trust you to come through.

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You are Always very Welcome My Friend!! I have then at hand ( Very important material...)s o it´s some how easy to do a quick search...

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Someday, some way....We'll have to get Patrick to write a stack on frequencies. He blew my mind when he noted the frequency of doing a simple hand gesture....Devil horns is like 66hrtz? I forget....But when you mentioned..... " Godzilla was led to the top of the volcano by frequencies. " Something inside me KNEW that there's more to this than meets the A.I.

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Make it relevant to me and we'll work on it together.

I wrote earlier that frequency is just a small part of the picture of VIBRATIONS.

At the molecular level you have oscillatory, translational, and rotational vibration. Frequency cannot be thought of or spoken of (but it is) without wavelength and my entire time in college chemistry the equations ALL were based on wavelength NOT frequency.

450 nm (nanometers) is the WAVELENGTH OF INDIGO LIGHT (Thank you Rooster) that runs many of our cytochromes (isoenzymes that do oxidative/reduction processes to make hormones or detox the body) The P-450 cytochromes are known by many people who study health to that level.

So FREQUENCY is never an issue in that aspect of it. It is always wavelength.

It's like talking about different sides of the same coin but you have to admit that a coin does have three sides...

The Obverse, Reverse, and EDGE.

As long as we talk about wavelength to distance the talk from the David Icke The Whole Universe is Vibration boolsheet, then I'm fine with it.

I still want to know what year Go Jeezerah was doing the freak dance up dah hill.

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Thank You, ...... Never mind, TOO complex for me to wrap my braincell around.

This doesn't appear to be a topic that can be Farm Boyed up enough to make any cents :) I was fascinated with the Devil signs of it all & then I started thinking about yaga poses. ... now i'm thinking about shotgun shells vs. .22 bullets. That's a ripple put into the "fabric of time".....Probably NO?

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23 hours later & I am retracting this statement.

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your shot ghun made of 22s put in a plastic cartridge comment never made it to my inbox.

Yoga has secret hand signs associated with the body pretzel stuff. Mostly yoga is LYMPH MASSAGE through motion. I spent a year in yoga before my liver cleanses and left the class just as stiff as the day I joined. You can't move impacted lymph. The body is like a Chinese puzzle box, you can push and pull on the right parts of the interlocking parts but if you don't do it in the right sequence IT WILL NOT OPEN.

Ken Wheeler said that Space and Time do not exist. They are a construct. A METRIC not a physical reality. Isn't it interesting that the Yahoody religionists like Fuzzy Head made such a big deal of them?

Barking up the wrong tree. No coon in them branches.

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It was a sleeper cell message.

I wasn't thinking of Yoga for HEALTH. Heath as a word is so close to DEATH.

I want PROOF that we are not DEAD already. A little Electricity & even Frankenstein walks.

Yoga sounds like newcage Chi Gong. Chinese puzzle box makes sense to me.

Ken looses me. But I DO believe that Time is a construct... The SIM that we are kept in.

There is something with water/rivers & time that would be nice to figure out. Water is the LYMPH of the body river system??

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I ditto your wish! I think frequencies play a huge role in this realm!

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There you go AGAIN!

I was thinking about your and your damnable frequencies whilst I was warshing my dishes (takes over an hour...) and thought, my gurl needs an ejumakashun on what EMF really is. Then I thought of the two visual insertions I would put into the Stack to make my point.

electroMAGNETIC frequency.

The distractors focus ONLY on the frequency part with no discussion of the MAGNETIC PART THAT IS INSEPARABLE FROM THE ELECTRIC PART.

That's why I was following Wheeler until he went pro-Family nuts.

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Just today I heard the wavelength of purple was the shortest (might not have been the word they used, but rather what went into my mind.) I have listened to Kenny at Theoria Apophasis as he has done many vids on magnetism but when it is all said and done, I am as clueless as when I sat down to watch.

When I think of music I think frequencies of sound waves and its vibrations.

In the black book, the story of Jericho where the buildings came a tumbling down, down, down. I think that is a metaphor for frequency sound waves/vibrations. It's the only way that story makes any kind of sense in my mind.

I think of everything having a frequency/wavelength/vibration, even a rock. Don't ask me where these ideas come from, I call my mind "IT" and IT just doesn't ever like to shut the phuck up.

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Infra red (heat) is long wavelengths, then as you go to the blue spectrum they wavelengths get shorter because the frequency is faster/higher.

Kenny made some astounding discoveries. If you know a tiny bit of physics you can appreciate what he's done.

But his videos are a different thing. Every next video is the promise of giving out a NEW SECRET of magnetism, but what he does in every video (there's thousands of them) is repeat the same thing that he told you in the last one.

I shake my head at his followers that drool over each new video as if it were something new/special, because it is clear that they never understood a damned thing that he said a thousand videos ago. They are enthralled by the Dan Ackroid fast talking language like Ectoplasmic Manifestation even though they don't know what it means and can't even spell it despite hearing it for a thousand previous videos.

He's dropped me only a FEW breadcrumbs in the comments.

His book on magnetism is a free download if you want to save it offline.

Most things have a resonant frequency that if sustained can cause destruction of the object:

The opera singer breaking the glass.

The soldiers stamping across a bridge.

Tesla and his pile-driver that started a mini-earthquake.

Buddhist monks that hum to levitate stones in a natural auditorium to focus the sound.

There are many videos on "acoustic levitation".

I have a problem with the 'frequency/vibration' thing because it is a range of discrete waves that can lift something or make it resonate or shatter it. So when you say everything has a frequency that is part of the new age stuff that I try to get out of Jeannettes vocabulary because there are a LOT of frequencies in everything.

Frequencies can SUM to make a different discrete different 'frequency' (collection of tones) or nullified if they are OUT OF PHASE.


this particular video is new to me so I had never seen the wooden skewer trick before. Freakamonious.

Keep in mind that the controllers new all of this before it was ever released into the public so they have had millennia to we upon eyes it against us.

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In discussion of wavelength I forgot to include the the purple is just shorter in the VISIBLE spectrum.

keep going into the ULTRA Violet and then you start getting cell damage from its ability to ionize tissue. X-rays are next as even short and more destructive. Gamma and Cosmic rays can punch holes in cells.

You can piggy back high frequency on low frequency and all of a sudden you've got FM radio that is shorter than visible light. This is why they call certain BANDS 'Short Wave' radio.


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I have a friend that went to a funeral in a Masonic Lodge. She needed to use the restroom and walking back the long hallway she tested to see if the side room doors were locked. One was open and she entered. On the wall were Egyptian looking drawings that she said appeared to be about levitation. As she was perusing, her illegal entry was discovered. She asked the man "is this where the levitation is taught?" She was told she did not belong in that room and was quickly herded out.

I was told that it takes around 100 years for THem to create all the laws directed to us on new technology before it is presented to us. In the meantime, THey are using the said technology. This was told to me when I questioned if some of the old amazing buildings of the past could have been created with 3-D Technology.

Not only was that video beautiful, it was freaking amazing. I had been reserving the word "science" for cooking and baking, and now that definition must be expanded. Thank you kindly!

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Die lithium die!

funny that in german 'die' is 'the' (feminine), in french it's equivalent to 'la'... tralala!!!


'meaningless syllables used when humming a tune'

what die fuck?!!!

die Frau ― the woman

die you witch woman, die!

i'll be there for you... i'll die(re) for you!

oh but there is more in fact!!!

From Middle English 'dee', from Old French 'de' (Modern French 'dé'), from Latin 'datum', from 'datus' (“given”), the past participle of 'dō' (“to give”), from Proto-Indo-European *deh₃- (“to lay out, to spread out”). Doublet of datum.

'date' hence 'time' hence 'debt' hence 'moneye' that you give, give your time, your life (hence your death/dead/debt/die)... to jew-piter without pity!

plural of Dice!!! fucking jewish roulette!

in latin, it's a frecking 'day'! dies!

what die fuck?!!!


carpe fucking die-m!!!

from Proto-Indo-European *dyḗws (“heaven, sky”)



(“Jupiter”, literally “Sky Father”)

the fucking father of death!

Zeus pater, is die father

fuck, i need therapy again, sorry die-rape-y, please die God strike me down now, so i can be free from this shit hole, wtf, it's beyond bipolar, beyond schizophrenia, it's fucking oblivion of the mind...

other definitions:

-The cubical part of a pedestal; a plinth.

-A device for cutting into a specified shape.

-A device used to cut an external screw thread. (Internal screw threads are cut with a tap.)

-A mold for forming metal or plastic objects.

-An embossed device used in stamping coins and medals.

(semiconductors, plural also dice) An oblong chip fractured from a semiconductor wafer engineered to perform as an independent device or integrated circuit.

-Any small cubical or square body.

one word, one definition?! one world, one defilation

definition 1 is funny:

(intransitive) To stop living; to become dead; to undergo death.

how one become dead lol you are dead or you are not? oh sorry i'm becoming dead, even worse, i am undergoing death :))) oh what the fuck them all... what die fuck die-m all!

now i need an ice cold shower to calm down!

anyhow... initially my comment was 'vasoline... genius' ;)

thanks for that!

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I love it when some Fruit of Jack comes along & DIEsects languish/language!

It's over my head, but I find it fascinating none the less.

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Heavy stuff. I had to pull out my Soupy Sales Secret Decoder ring from my 1960s box of Cracker Jack to keep up, but we could explain it to you.

You would get it.

Then by tomorrow you'd be like: Who are you guys and what are you doing in my living room?


Chloe, give that nice stickman back his eyeball...

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Your 1000% correct .... on ALL counts!

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OK... can I have my eye back....

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Maybe with an equally as fascinating trinket as a little gift exchange.

The eyeball may be a bit worse for the wear :)

Consider it a sacrifice to the winged eyeBa'al god?

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That's the ticket! I should have worn one of those australian hats with the dingleberries around the rim so she could go for those instead.

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well, i do suffer from brain damage! I could have put it a bit better indeed with more references... but that would have ended up as a stack article lol about 10 pages! but in languages you can mix words, letters, change and rotate them (like rhotacism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhotacism) and it works, hence one could replace 'die' by 'the' in different languages and see some interesting words and meanings and connexions, but i forget i've been at that for a few years now, so i tend to take short cuts

so 'diesect' does work! you have to kill/die to diesect, and only people from a sect would do that! 'Dis-sect'... 'Dis' is 'Mal' (=bad/evil in french) so it is although 'evil cuts' and it cuts badly! i could go for ever and digress.... it's the wheel of the words, the R-oman roulette! Utter madness... i think someone said that 'one word should only have one definition' ;) , witch is only logical Mr Spook! 🤪🔫

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You are indeed a Savant. I'll leave off the Idiot part.

I really like how you disected JM's Die Section.

Seems like we've all been Section 8ed.

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I see a trend happening in the dain bramage dept. here on this stack. :)

If Patrick needs a decoder ring......THAT means your brain is of the HIGHEST CALIBER!

I appreciate the breakdown & link..... Someday I'll be able compute it?? :)

Perfect emojis!! My language is languished down to sigil magik! 😂

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I tell everybody that it only boils down to one thing:

They Bad. Us Good. Hammer, hammer on the head!

Beyond that it's just trivia.

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So it's a matter of Whack a Mole & good music in the background?

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As long as it isn't:




we're good. My preferred theme would be:


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What hath I wrought, that bringest about thy wrath?

Excellent demonstration that language is nothing but black magicks to put us under a spell. No wonder the Cistercean monks took the vow of silence.

Any thing we say can and is held against us.

Excellent expose on the Die that taps and screws us with precision.

If we are in Hell then according the legend the only way we could get here is to be dead. Is that what they mean when they talk about LIFE *after* DEATH?

A civilian invented a soybean based spray foam that could stop any fire. The Navy has been using it for decades but it has been hidden from commercial use.

For the Lack of Knowledge, My people are in the swamp in the next Parish over.

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yes, LIFE after DEATH is that we are experiencing right now: death, a slow death (you like that the slow food movement, which must be slow star-vation/famine?!) from birth to LIFE... that is why in fact they don't lie/die, we have the wrong dictionaries!

Proof of HELL! yeah! and It's the bottom line! because Pat Jordan says so! (oh i'm that damn(ed) good!)

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There was a scifi short story where a group of astronauts were on a troublesome planet. One of them encountered whatever and would say: Well, I'll be damned. The other would always respond, "You probably will..."

We used to repeat that on the construction sites.

My variation became: "I already am..."

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I guess lithium is not a cure for syphilis, specifically the mental derangement that happens when the spirochete that causes syphilis gets in the brain. But, immediately when I saw the first part of this post, using water to put out a lithium fire... I was reminded of one of your earlier posts, where you showed people undoing a lithium battery and throwing the lithium in water to watch it explode. Gave me a security idea.

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It IS curious that they let people carry cellphones onto airplanes ... But LIMIT the amount of WATER that you can carry on. Hmmmm.

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we can take on lithium battery computers... I guess you might get noticed trying to take your battery out of the computer, and breaking down that battery. You can fill a thermos with water once past security, sooo, you actually do have access to a good deal of water.

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I stand corrected. I also hear that you can bring on a big jug of water IF you claim it's for medicull reasons. Lithium for medicull reasons + medicull water= BOOM in da brain. The lithium is probably already in the water source. ... Wait! I forgot witch lithium we were talking about. Lol

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I refuse to accept any bipolarbear disorder label. It's the means to get the lithium poison in the brain & deplete of magnesium. ... i.e. BOOM in brain, mechanism of action helped along with "chemical imbalance".?

....think Adderall. 4 salt compounds.

It's all the same madness. DESTRUCTION of structures. ... More chemicull imbalance. BOOM from battery helped along with SALT. It's a verbal metaphor for mass destruction. ....Make it stop!

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What is bipolar anyway? What is schizophrenia? This is why i. Mention spirochetes...whats the connection?

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Speaking of being in the water source... They've been telling us this is so. It gets pissed out.

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Pissed out into the water source ... The REAL recycling of it all.

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Lordy you give ME a headache just thinking about that oxymoronical Moibus loop! I'm supposed to be the one that gives everyone else a sense of hopeless despair. Where's my therapist's speed dial?

Oh, fuck it... my serotonin's too low to even care...

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That is a very serious and practical consideration but the second video in this post covered only SPONTANEOUS thermal runaway reactions.


So the laptops, vapes and other Satanic Flashbulbs had gotten over 212 F and went off on their own. The metal can only react with oxygen at that trigger point. Water puts all bets off.

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Oh yeah...THAT is why they make the Chinese children test all the vapes before leaving the factory ... In case they blow up. NO water needed.

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well, that and so that folks who live in the most unsanitary conditions can spread oral, respiratory, and alimentary diseases with no one guessing what turd whirled country they came from or how they got there.

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Life is gross. Ever wonder what they REALLY put in out toilet paper? I just have sooo many questions. Lol

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Sometimes my mind drifts there but then I have uncontrollable seizures and realize that my Costco economy sized horse tranqs are out again.

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When you are confronted with people who have debilitating brain disease that somehow become 'normal' when a toxic soft metal is given to them, you have to wonder if it is working on the host neurochemistry or some bug-in-the-head?

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And the Science says We the Peeps are TARGETS.

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Sounds like a gameshow. Where's Richard Dawson?

And the Science says.....

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Zackly… Maybe this gameshow needs a DOG to point to the answers… A POINTER! Ha haa harf!

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… chamber

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