I feel that everyone should read an article like this to see how capitalism: the pearl of everyone’s desire is: the most demonic, rapacious, wasteful, idiotic, offensive nonsense ever spawned on equal-footing with the otherisms that all came from the same source.
Most of the mexicans around here north of sioux city work on feedlots, dairy's and chicken barns drive unregistered cars. Us gringo's should do likewise. 2 blocks from my place a house of mexicans, 3 cars, 1 suv with old nebraska plates in iowa
Before the age of 3D printers a skilled machinist could replicate parts or there might be workarounds or repairs to parts that were cast that can't be copied. The body work can be done with lead and epoxy. There is much that can be limped along. If you are familiar with Truth Stream Media, Mel took a suggestion (I never get credit) that I put in their comments to take up the theme of Planned Obsolescence. Since they are both scholars they took it into realms that I would never have been able to develop. It's a two part series and it explains WHY the GOVERNMENT ENFORCES a throwaway economy. Then blames their slaves for all of the waste.
Good Grief, Charlie Daws!
What a brilliant Idea.
If the supreme court reverses its ruling that it is illegal to sleep in your car...
wait! If VW still owns the car, then folks could sleep in them because it won't be THEIR CARS!
I think you have solved the homeless Cry Sis.
Most of the mexicans around here north of sioux city work on feedlots, dairy's and chicken barns drive unregistered cars. Us gringo's should do likewise. 2 blocks from my place a house of mexicans, 3 cars, 1 suv with old nebraska plates in iowa
Curious that those in In Force Ment know their own (criminals) and leave them alone.
If you or eye tried anything like that we would be disappeared.
Land of the Freaks Home of the Brazen.
"The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
which one was the one who said "not with a bang but a whimper"?
The Hollow Men by T. S. Eliot
I don't want to seem like Ray Cyst, but all of those poets look alike to me...
that aerial photo tells it all. There is also a airplane cemetery somewhere in AZ I think you can google it on hot air balloon view.
Aircraft. Lordy that's a lot of chemtrail metal just sitting there...
Doesn't Cuba rebuild all these old cars? Or do they have the old presses and stamping plants from America in days gone by?
Before the age of 3D printers a skilled machinist could replicate parts or there might be workarounds or repairs to parts that were cast that can't be copied. The body work can be done with lead and epoxy. There is much that can be limped along. If you are familiar with Truth Stream Media, Mel took a suggestion (I never get credit) that I put in their comments to take up the theme of Planned Obsolescence. Since they are both scholars they took it into realms that I would never have been able to develop. It's a two part series and it explains WHY the GOVERNMENT ENFORCES a throwaway economy. Then blames their slaves for all of the waste.
Good read