I feel that everyone should read an article like this to see how capitalism: the pearl of everyone’s desire is: the most demonic, rapacious, wasteful, idiotic, offensive nonsense ever spawned on equal-footing with the otherisms that all came from the same source.
Although the bastards shut me down for having an Ad Blocker…
This is just one example of 350,000 vehicles disabled by The Plan to keep us immobilized. There are graveyards in many deserts where vehicles from Long, Long, Ago have been abandoned as scrap.
But the buy-back perhaps in the 1990s has offended me since then. They bought back Old Clunkers, took them out to the desert, then poured acid in the blocks so that NO ONE could ever use them again.
Of course it was because a 1940s Chevy didn’t come stock with high-tech surveillance or tubes for you to blow into to make sure you weren’t drunk before you turned the key. But it’s so much more than that.
ALL gasoline enginas can get ONE-HUNDRED MILES TO A GALLON. But they don’t. Why not? Because it was INTENDED that they don’t.
So the Narcissistic PSYCHOPATH gaslighting is to blame the consumer, blame the user, blame the one who ‘owns’ (oxymoron) the vehicle that has to be LICENSED for the pollution where factories that MAKE the vehicles and VOLCANOES put out more emissions in a day then the travelers on the roads.
Diesel invented his engina to run on VEGETABLE OIL. So, while Folks Vagon shitcanned 350,000 units because of Das Frauden Testin’, how much of Das Emissions vast Petro Lee Ate Him? vs. Das Cooking Fluid?
One of my sci-fi novel theories is that massive deposits of ‘ore’ are nothing but melted cities or vehicle graveyards that have gone through enough Great Resets to have integrated into the matrix so that they can be mined again.
When I consider the infrastructure and organization of what is called Seive ILL Lie Say Shun, the only conclusion is that it was set up by hostile alien creatures that are idiot savants with a hardon for deth and destruction. No other explanation suffices.
that aerial photo tells it all. There is also a airplane cemetery somewhere in AZ I think you can google it on hot air balloon view.
"The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization."
Ralph Waldo Emerson