try Equine Plus feeds see if they can find sonething for you. Also, a better bet, try Tigger Montague. just call her.


Thank you for looking into this stuff. I don't have enough brain cells left to keep up, but will appreciate any info you can put out on supplement sourcing.

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Purely-B Whole Food B Complex

$ 59.99

There is nothing in this world like Purely-B; The world’s only truly whole food B complex powder free of all petrochemical derivatives.


LINK https://www.northamericanherbandspice.com/shop/purely-b-whole-food-b-complex/?gad_source=4&gbraid=0AAAAACmcc2fVPHFQEZlEv-oZ5nrM2DiHU&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIm-Xm8YadhwMVmSStBh154AP9EAQYASABEgIp3_D_BwE

IBSPOT – Vitamin B-1 Thiaminne Pyrophosphate (100ml) additive free

$93.88 arrives July 24- July 31

• HIGH-QUALITY INGREDIENTS MANUFACTURED IN THE UK: Metabolics B1 Thiamine Liquid is unparalleled in its composition. Created by sourcing premium ingredients, meeting GMP quality standards, and undergoing thorough micro testing, giving you peace of mind that you are choosing the highest quality vitamin B1 liquid available for the best results.

• PURE VITAMIN B1 LIQUID: We use only the active, and highly absorbable forms of all the beautiful B Vitamins in our liquid supplement drops. This means they are free from added colours, flavours, and preservatives to promote healthy skin and hair, help your focus and concentration and support reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

LINK https://ibspot.com/products/vitamin-b1-supplement-b1-thiamine-pyrophosphate-100ml-additive-free?variant_id=8235436&gad_source=1


PYRO STIM® 7 Complex Thermogenic - 60 Capsules (60 Servings)


($1.00 / serving)

LINK https://www.gnc.com/energy-supplements/384595.html?srsltid=AfmBOoosFPI7brXLa3pkKAg9-glKyzG-xX10UDgEpaf7xGjBs_THibR2emE

Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCL) 9 mg **

Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin) 25 mcg **

Chromium (as Chromium Citrate) 0.75 mcg **

Pyro Stim® Proprietary Blend 700 mg **

Energy Complex (Caffeine Anhydrous, Caffeine Time-Release, Green Tea (Camellia sinesis) Leaf Powder) 0 **

Theacrine (as TeaCrine®)(25mg), Cayenne Pepper (Capiscum annum)(40,000 HU)(Capsi-Cuts®)(25mg) 0 **

Yohimbe Bark Ext. (Pauinystalia yohimbe)(9mg), QU995™ Quercetin, Evodia rutaecarpa Fruit Ext. (Evodiamine) 0 **

COGNITIVE FOCUS Blend: choline Bitartrate, Alpha-GPC (L-Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine), DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol Bitartrate) 0 **

Ginkgo biloba Leaf Ext., GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid), Phosphatidyl Serine Powder 0 **

Insul-Thyroid Support Blend: L-Tyrosine, R-ALA (R-Alpha Lipoic Acid), Gum guggal Ext. (Commiphora mukul), 0 **

Kelp Whole Plant (Laminaria digitata), Chromium Citrate 0 **

Hydro Shed Blend: Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos pungens) Leaf Powder, Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Root Powder, 0 **

Buchu (Agathosma betulina) Leaf Ext., Niacin 0 **

Cortisol- Adrenal Support Blend: Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) Leaf Powder, Rhodiola rosea Root Ext. (10% Total Rosavins), 0 **

Ashwaganda Root Powder (Withania somnifer), Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) Powder, Magnolia officinalis Bark Ext. 0 **

Absorption Agents: White Willow (Salix alba) Bark Ext. (Salicin), Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) Fruit Ext. (BioPerine®) 0 **

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I try to insure that folks know that when I'm slamming a product or guru or retailer that I'm not slamming the person who was trying to hep.

Regarding Purely-B.

Pardon my Sardonic Jordanica - but it really isn't fucking pure if it has ANYTHING ELSE ADDED TO IT - IS IT?

Torula Yeast? Sometimes called brewer's yeast. Where did it come from. Most brewers use antibiotics to stop the brewing at several stages in the process. If it were organic then since there is practically no difference between Candida and Saccharomyces then why would ANYONE eat any form of yeast where Queen Candida will simply consume the cell wall material to make more of its pathogenic self?

Royal Jelly Honey Bee Sex Goo powder doesn't seem attractive to a vegan.


AYFKM? Are you Fucking Kidding Me? Does anyone know what is in RAW MUSHROOMS. I do hence the AYFKM. Bye, the bye: Candida will cannibalize the cellulose and Beta Glucans from ANY fungal source including 'healthy' mushrooms to grow more of itself. What the fuck up is with this Paul Stamets CIA mushroom cult?

Roasting Maca = Peruvian turnips doesn't get rid of the anti-thyroid goitergens. Even the ancient peruvians who didn't have lab science had the good sense to FERMENT them before eating. Too many health nuts READ about maca then started choking it down RAW because it was 'good' for them. I would like to hover over their hospital beds when they are in thyroid crisis for their deceived efforts to mock them for bad choices and NEVER doing the hard work to see that alterNOTive medicine is a fraud.

Red Sour Grape. Fine. Everyone can see that I'm FULL of sour grapes, but when I want a PURE B complex, I'm looking for the B complex not some guru mix of schizophrenic potpourri produce.

and this was only ONE product...

stay tuned.

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So that folks can understand the situation without all of my hystrionics:

We tried all other forms of purported active B1 with zero results. This includes the drug-grade Thiamine in liquid or powder form. This is what led me to think that it had to be the rice bran ALONE (the reason for me going off on a Pure supplement with SIX OTHER INGREDIENTS) to be the deciding factor.

My frustration went through the roof when something THAT SIMPLE: just PURE rice bran could not be had here in the US. Or at least the A.I. didn't want me to have it.

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I'll save everyone the hystrionics a second time where I could be like a lawnmower with NO SAFETY GUARDS, just to say that ANYTHING from GNC can NEVER be taken seriously.

Thanks to Wayne for putting in the effort. Nothing is ever lost when I can demonstrate why something posing as a health supplement can actually be the Opposite of that in chemical evaluation.


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Pat - I included the GNC product so you could comment on it. Hey I like antibiotic laced yeast!!!!

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Honest to dog, I wear most people out.

Butt, Good Sire, if you wish to slappeth my face with the Ingredient Gauntlet and desire for me to have at it, then I oblige to tear off its nether bits and leave nothing unbitten when we let slip the Dogs of Whar.

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We will beging the autopsy on the GNC supplement with a WHY? incision.

Our objective was to find an ACTIVE thiamine. What this means for many B vitamins is that they have to be phosphorylated. Methylation has achieved cult status among the MTHFR gene mutated and among the Autism crowd, however no one I have followed since 1986 EVER talks about the genetic damage that prevents some of us from turning a USELESS substance into an Active substance in the form of:

Thiamine pyroPHOSPHATE


and Pyridoxal-5-PHOSPHATE.

Witches to say that you could get the shit like the carcinogenic Thiamine mononitrate; or riboflavin; or PyridoINE hydrochloride that they spray on breakfast cereal to meet government guidelines (on what the fuck - I don't know) BUT THEY WOULD REMAIN TOXINS BECAUSE THEY COULDN'T GO THROUGH THE PHOSPHATE SUBSTITUTION PROCESS.

With that as a background - and you will have to have looked into this since 1986, then you can see that the GNC Energy Sucking Supplement opens with

Pyridoxine HCL. The wrong fucking form.

B12 is the popular METHYLcobalamin which is fine IF you have the genetic ability to ADENOSYLATE it and your autism won't be switched into Apeshit Mode by the methyl group if you happen to be an OVER-METHYLATOR to begin with.

Two strikes.

Should we continue this balled game?

VERY CURRY ASS with the Chromium Citrate. I never knew it existed. I might even consider it as a safe mineral supplement if I can get more information on it. For decades Chris Whatshisname has been warning that Chromium Picolinate was invented by the government to harm your kidneys. Chromium Nicotinate will make your fat cells X-plode (you NEVER want to physically harm your cells). Chromium Cruciferate is the only thing that I have used and recommend, however the maker Ecological Formulas was bought out some time ago by a bigass corporation and they just discontinued their Selenium Cruciferate so we are once again watching the dismantling of support that MIGHT have been helpful to some.

Anytime they claim a proprietary blend I just get that blank stare and walk away.

Anhydrous Caffiene? That's a damned DRUG!

Green tea powder? Tea has more fluoride than any other plant on the planet.

Theacrine? Don't know and don't care what it is. Don't want it.

Cayenne pepper? I put it on most of my meals, which means that I control the dose

Yohimbe sounds like somethin' you be yelling at dah boyz in dah Hood: Yo! Him be stealin' yo tires, bro!

Choline bitartrate would be fine if it wasn't extracted from cow's brains.

Alpha-GCP - didn't the Webb telescope just image that at the far reaches of the galaxy?

DMAE - yes, I know some of these are weirdass teased out bits of the phosphatidyl choline complex, but why not just take sunflower lecithin mixed with oil and be done with all of this PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE DISTILLATION OF SINGLE MOLECULES? Hasn't anyone got the creepy feeling that alterNOTive medicine couldn't have pulled these 'supplements' out of their asses without the FULL INFRASTRUCTURE OF A PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY BEHIND THEM?

Ginkgo Biloba leaf was NEVER used in the chinese pharmacopoeia. It is a blood thinner.

GABA is a growth hormone stimulator. Not a good idea if you have cancer.

Phosphatidyl Serine felt good when I was taking it but was too damned expensive and of course the DRUG ACTION of these teased out molecules never lasts.

Tyrosine can give an insanely painful headache to those who are sensitive.

R-enantiomer of Alpha Lipoic Acid is supposed to be the good stuff but curiously I and a few other people feel like total fucking shit after taking it. So much for it being the cure-all.

Gum Guggal. I didn't know that Google had its own brand of gum?

Whole Kelp is fine but they don't say how it is processed. Seaweed is notorious for harboring free living viruses, soaking up heavy metals like a sponge, and having all sorts of snails and shit on the surface which would bring untold marine parasites like flukes some of which may have no known cure. So, Whole Kelp is a useless goddamned label.

Hydro Shed Blend means it will make you piss. Diuretic. What if you don't NEED to lose fluid? They always assume that you are overweight, have high blood pressure, high blood sugar, so they tailor their pandering to that customer base.

Buchu? Don't know, don't care. If I have to look something up, I'm disinclined to take it.

Holy Basil fine if you can tolerate it.

Rhodiola? Why? just WHY?

Ashwaganda usually herniates my tongue when I try to say it and it seems like the name of a female rap star. Why?

Reishi Mushroom is supposed to be a Traditional Chinese Medicine cure all. Damned near took me out. There is a point where your hypersensitivity to ANYTHING fungal precludes you from consuming - anything fungal. I don't care if a bunch of shave-heads from an ancient monestery said that this was a miracle cure in Chynuh thousands of years ago. Those days are over. I haven't seen cordyceps in the lineup yet but that one is something I wouldn't be in the same room with.

Magnolia bark? I didn't know flowering trees were related to canines.

Absorption Agents. FUCKING SERIOUSLY? That would be the underanged action of YOUR FUCKING DIGESTION !!!!!

What is it that they use?

This is where you find that they are pulling on your dicks like a garden hose on a retractable reel: White Willow Bark Extract. Salicin. WHY ARE THEY HIDING THAT THEY PUT ASPIRIN IN THEIR FUCKING MIX?


Anyone that goes to those lengths to OCCULT what they are doing inside a product with too many fucking things in it already is working for the Udder Side.

Acetasalycilic Acid (a salicylate just like thimerosal) MAKES EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES TO BLEED !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is THAT how they are inducing 'absorption' ??? By making your gut and your kidneys and your liver leaky? Louis? Louis Leakey evolved the apes.

This sounds like the makings of SEPSIS BY COMPROMISING THE GUT BARRIER.


Dear Friends (and fiends that might be stalking) this is one of those times where my good buddy Wayne pushed me into the Octagon to go no-holds-barred with the ingredient list and my endless slatherings of rabid regurgitation of a lifetime collection of Jeopardy useless facts may have given both him and me an insight in to a selective weighting of why some folks (not all) might be extremely susceptible to SEPSIS:


So, if for nothing else this romp into Autopsy Land was worth it.

lastly even the Are You A Vedic gurus thousands of years ago knew that there were two types of people: One's that benefitted from black pepper in their Yogi Tea and those who didn't. Black pepper is a cytochrome inhibitor that is used in turmeric and other herbal remedies to allow a longer hang-time in the body so that it can be 'absorbed' (back to that shit) better. What should be happening is an investigation as to why those cytochromes were deranged in the first place not just covering them up by disabling them.

Sew. I hope this was of some benefit to someone somewhere. For me it was cathartic to get the autopsy on GNC out of my system. I really wanted to do it but I have to budget my time for these multi-page rants. It turned out that I will always defer to our Little Red Hens and it seems that following Wayne's suggestion was just the right thing to do to point this Rot Willer onto the rotting bones.

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Jul 11Liked by Patrick Jordan

Patrick look at the price and the shit that they put in it...:



Also i put this ( rice bran usa )in yandex and it give this...:


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I followed many dead ends until I came up with this:

Rice Bran Manufacturers & Suppliers from USA

1 product(s)


FOB Price: 150 - 190 USD / Tons

Minimum Order: 560 Ton/Tons

Port: Port of Cleveland

Type Hay

Variety Alfalfa Hay

Use Cattle, Chicken, Dog, Horse


We want to eat it, they want to use it as animal bedding.

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50 Units • €1.30 per Unit.

Product available and in stock

Rice bran enzymatically treated for better absorption. Rich in polysaccharides and proteoglycans such as Arabinoxylan.

BioBran is a food supplement prepared from rice bran and enzymatically treated (with the shiitake mushroom enzyme) for better absorption. Rich in polysaccharides, proteoglycans such as Arabinoxylan, and other Hemicelluloses, this natural compound can be used by vegetarians and does not contain genetically modified ingredients.

I'm so heartened to know there aren't any GMOs in there but then... where did the CORNSTARCH come from?


Per tablet: 250 mg MGN-3 Arabinoxylan, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Corn Starch, Dextrin, Cocoa Powder, Glycerol and Fatty Acid Esters, Tricalcium Phosphate, Silicon Dioxide.

Made in Japan. At least we know that all governments around the world are trying to choke their own people.

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Jul 11Liked by Patrick Jordan

The simple question... why they dont do with only the ingredient that we whant??

They have to put all the poisons in there and make a some how cheap product ( good) in to an expensive one ( poison) and makes us pay... direct sales ( the product /poison ) indirect sales ( more poisons from the greys and the whites...) to the efects that the direct sales are doing...

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I think this is a point of alienation between my work and folks who think that alterNOTive is anything but the cleanup crew for allopathy. They adulterate because if you are smart enough to find a remedy they want to deny you the ability to sustain that level of health. We have no friends but us. This is why I've been trying to source food rather than 'supplements'.

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Jul 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

You know I'm just having fun with you:

Less money for the same Bad Shit.

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Jul 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

I am not offended. I need a nudge at times to get me to think. I'm type A personality and I confuse my self all the time because my mind is going faster then my processing. I read something and after a while I have to retrace and read the previous sentence again.

So far, I've not cured this quirk of mine.

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Better to read twice than to not be able to read at all and wait for the movie to come out.

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Jul 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

Would it make a difference for freshness if it is vacuum packed? This company is in Vermont but you would have to contact them regarding the source.


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yes it would until the package is opened. I keep everything in the refrigerator to minimize spoilage.

I just emailed them for Country of Origin.


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