Sep 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

Dashing the head of infants against the stone same as SMOM oath smashing infants heads against the wall, rip up their women with child and rip open the stomachs and wombs of their women in SMOM oath, plus Bergolio all the way back to Pius the 12th wearing skull caps, Ratzinger wearing fish head cap with 6 point star of PisraEL flag embroidered on. I look at rome and pisraEL as 2 shem clans plus so called Josephus(pen name) hanging around Vespesian and Titus. There is probably a black cube in the vatican if one looked hard enough plus Yslam black cube at Mecca with some black meteorite inside and black cube on Solovyev(Shapiro) kremlin propagandist head in pisraEL plus all the puppets at wailing wall with skull cap proves its all the same bug driven madness.

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You know: I worked for 16 years to have someone - anyone pick up on what to me after 24 years was so blatantly obvious. You not only pick up the breadcrumbs but you assemble them like molecular puzzle pieces to make a slice then integrate the slice into the loaf that it all came from.

The PATTERNS of the SMOMs and ShemClan Inc. are UNDENIABLE.

Sure, it takes hard work and years to assemble this data, but when presented, fully formed to the masses it is as if the MK kicks in like a modern welding helmet with light-reacting filters and suddenly they can't see.

I was in a cathedral in Mexico and going up the stairs to another level there were pictures of all of the monsignors/cardinals that all had the Ashkenadzi ski slope.


Old Joe cracked it open for me, and once you surrender to the notion that there are more of THEM than there are of us, and we are SURROUNDED, and that they RUN EVERYTHING, then you actually can finally relax. Because all of this time we have been lied to for a purpose of Opposite Day lulling us into a sense that there were more of us, and that we could surround them, and that we could only have control back if we prayed, and worked, and voted harder.

All of the illusions crumble and then you can see that THEY are just pawns of the Bug and the entire pageant has been put on for the express purpose of hiding the BUg in plain sight. I will never admire or envy them but you have to admit that their millennial plan WAS brilliant...

until We came along.

Full speed ahead, my friend, and DAMN THE TORPEDOS!

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

Ignatius of Loyola paintings same slope as Mexican monsignors. Mexico current selected puppetess Claudia Sheinbaum. I'm thinking Magufuli is the only statesman the last 70 years that was not a puppet. Henry Makow (yahood) says after Magufuli proved with sample of goat, papaya and motor oil the fake bullshit, Magufuli told WHO to get the hell out of Tanzania. The outnumbered doctrine and full planet occupation control is 100% fact and only taught here. Our ancestors failed to crush this plague in its early stages, and if past lives reincarnation is true, we failed to crush it. Kealey mentioned the possibility what he called 'creation' would discipline the 'satrap' (bug/s) usurping creation. Hard to find any evidence of 'creation' disciplining its imposters(bug/s) with fake history books. Evil will destroy itself as the post says, I agree, is probably what Kealey meant.

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From Wicked Peed On Us:

"Claudia Sheinbaum is a Mexican politician, scientist, and academic who is the president-elect of Mexico, the first woman to be elected to the position. She is a member of the left-wing Morena party and a Jewish descendant of Lithuanian and Bulgarian immigrants."

Why wasn't there any: Capaso, Muchachos? How deed a Gringa get into our cabinet? Eets like having a Yahoody in the Pile of Wood. Did you vote for her, hefe? No!

Did you vote for her patron?


Then how in the name of diablo deed she get into officio?

For me, you could tell by Mr. Magu's smile that it wasn't the duper's grin of a Narc shining you on. He was truly amused at the abject idiocy of the world and was having fun with the Plague-Meisters. I got a sense that I would like to hang with him just for the sheer pleasure.

"Live Free Or Die; Death Is Not The Worst of Evils. " John Stark.

Kealey had the most unique alternative narrative to the Abramic Shuck & Jive, however he was married to an advertised MK Sex Slave, so we have to be discerning with the 90% truth 10% lie upper limit.

I have NEVER seen any evidence that Nature has ever intervened during aggregious actions that put even the biosphere at risk.

My considered opinion after all these years is that Evil is the most powerful force in the Universe. Love has no power. Hate/Force is the only thing that shapes this reality. Survival of the Fittest means the mind as well as physical strength so based on that humanity is slated for extinction.

Evil might practice autophagy I just want to accelerate the process. Can't wait on Nature.

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Sep 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

Yahoodess gringess Sheinbaum from Lithuania and Bulgaria, got it, I have another for thee, Ehud Barak=Ehud Brog born on kibbutz in pisraEL from Lithuanian parents. No evidence of punishment of evil is bitter reality. Let hate drive thee to crush thine enemies, see them driven from before thee, and hear the lamentation of their women. Nevertheless, if thy farm be overun by the plague, blaspheme thy way to the gate that sayeth, Abandon all hope, ye that enter(reenter?) here.

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And people say that *I'm* bad....

God, you're grim !

It's refreshing.

It will be more like:

"Honey, I'm Home!"

[re-entry. fuck. the very thought is repulsive.]

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Sep 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

repulsive no doubt self taught one, grip thy lumberjack tool for a massive blow at gate sign and walk ye off to valhalla

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Off topic but what do you make of this?


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Sep 10Liked by Patrick Jordan

A comment on slavland chronicles....Joseph Biden was openly a halachic 'jew' until at least 2005, when he voted in the U.S-commanded Iraqi election of 2005 brandishing his Iraqi 'jew' great grandfather's torah as proof of Iraqi descent. It was extensively covered by cnn, but all that was erased on cnn's website by 2008. His fanatic 'jewish' mother dragged Biden's father to live on a kibbutz.

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But... Butt... it CAN'T be!

I saw him on TV saying that he asked his father if you could still be a Sigh On Nist if you were a Crickshun.

I restarted my photo essay of The Tribes. I keep starting and never finishing what should be easy for the non-cerebral to get.

NO ONE in the public eye has ever been anything other than Family! saith the Most Banned One.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Patrick Jordan


Can I have some more of that suueet billabong desert..

Quite the blistering poetry that one..

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I don't mind dry heat.

Thing of it is: When the pond completely dries up the old crocs will have burrowed under the mud where they just Lie in Weight until the rains come.

No wonder why the religious nuts say that we come back as animals. They live totally shit lives. Giraffes eating thorns has GOT to be some kind of reincarnat punishement.

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