Jun 3, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

There are no near death die hard laughter hardly ever coming my way but do actually frequently do so when I reading the original talent that so few and far between men likes are so few but clearly is in the soundscape of sanityscapemaster S:t Patrick of the Jordan.. .. The land of al-Urdani as the Jordanians call their soil is but in the valley rift of the river Jordan and the flows actually is close to the well beknownst as the fountain of well situated with wyrd/urd/Wyrd/Urd/"word" by the root of the***** is the "wyrd rots tree" of the "world tree"/earth axis/core spinner central center of central point to word spin word spinning around with Patrick extraordinaire the great leader of relief from burst s if sane energy innerly earnestly seeking relief and Pat the back of Pat for his genious.. ..even how ever genuinely (relieving) quirkly alone he is of mastering words and though..

The Jordanians of al-Urdani and the norse norns of urd*, verdandi** and skuld*** have the original saint of patty Jordan to thank as the first of the “piercing into the ru of what comes ur as Runes are the “ru/Odin piercing into the well of what there coumes out**** or ur+da – be+ru+ni


**(beingness/varande (swe)/pasresent)

***and shoulrd/skuldr/skuld/"shoulders" (future cargo to carry on your shoulders pending what word/past and verdandi/present choices made may give your shoulders to "burden/enlighten"..

**** (ur/out of – da/daa/då/”then/past times cultural tradition heritage)

**** (ru is “into the ur” - and “ur is out from it with its ru flowing up/out)

*****(wisdom consciousness built "wyrd-tree" and as the ash yggdrasil ("iyg+d(e)raas+syyl")

ur da be ru ni:

(urdha bervnni)' is a powersful norse language acroamatic cipher with the hyper tight dual reality bonded logical paired as ur – ru in a “dance of reality logic” in the higher school of fishing though from toth it is though of in May flower bees to be..

' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urðarbrunnr

Bare with my only slightly developed skills of "real English mother tongue skills" to nestle myself into selfwrestling with

..it will have to do with my norse laden mother tongue.. ..'on par' with 'the par for the course' ..'par se'.. ..since 'se' being the country code of swe that is as it is or as issy as it can..

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Man, I missed your Word Salad tossed with some nice balsamic vine garfish with some crab meat mixed in and served with a side cup of holiday sauce!

Let me, however, establish one thing: You can call me Patty, you can even call me Paddy me B'y, but don't EVER call me Late for Dinner - however, knowing you, you could probably dig deep into the Runes to find that it is the name of my Native American Spirit Guide or something so I will leave it up to your capable discretion.

The humor, as it were, is merely a survival mechanism on two levels: The shit we face is lethal and relentless and soul-destroying so a few laughs at the Devil kinda take the edge off, but it serves the other purpose where if you laugh at the Devil it diminishes the power of the Beast. I'm the kind of guy who would step on his tail and then when he spins around ready to smite whoever dun it, I would point at you!

I never knew the origin of the now obviously bastardized apellation of Jordan. It is increasingly more curious now that the Land of UR has been brought into the picture. My Ann Sess Tores from the Emerald Isles, hence my given name of the man who chased the snakes out of the Land Of Ire where there were no snakes to begin with, practiced what is commonly known as "Kick ass - and take names." So whereas my kith and kin (I've got a lisp) had mundane country names the adoption of the Yordan probably came from the ones that went to the unHoly Land to mix it up with the Saracens, et. al.

So probably not really my family name but we'll run with it because I was entrapped in the system with it.

The inversion of UR to RU is making me eyes go all Warner Bros cartoon spinny. It's so obvious when you push our puppy-like noses into it, but I had never noticed it before!

All thanks to your mother and her tongue since you talk engrish gooder than we done do.

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I'm a cut to the chase guy - Shoot them in the back.

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but... but... "That's unsporting and illegal" they say as they chute peepholes in theys backs and use stealth weapons and drones to maintain ritual purity...

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I told the 311 mental health guy "I prefer up close and personal with an axe macheter ice pick or hands around their fucking throats. I dont need a gun" I I screamed at the mother fucker like a Marine drill instructor. I'm a big boy I made him feel really uncomfortable. I was like, "if it wasn't so fucking God damn corrupt maybe we wouldn't be so depressed you stupid. mother. fucker." I got in his face about it. With two armed sheriffs standing there. As I explained the fucked up legal system that I'm dealing with, no fault of my own.

I've been calling all these Jew lawyers and threatening them. That's why they sent 311 over. Usually I'll call the police department in that jurisdiction and tell them that "this fucking Jew lawyer is engaged in fraud and he's about to get policed" I'm working on how to do citizens arrest on judges and lawyers. You have to notify the sheriff you probably have to give a lot of notice and file charges with everybody against whatever criminal your prosecuting.

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Something went through my family twice this past winter. All of us. One by one. Put me down hard the first time. It apparently came through my son at his Montessori. Right as they rolled out their RSV bullshit in the media when they were jabbing all the school kids. A new student showed up and I could almost smell the jabbiness in her fear addled mother. Then we all got sick, one by one. The false binary choice of germ and terrain (both warfare models) is in need of harmonization.

So the Boston health department could allegedly, not show transmission 100 years ago. Whatever the maniacs are doing, and they’re “working hard” at something, the vampire said it was a genocide, (take the mRNA and change to make “spike”) and similarly, we should not dismiss gain of function, which I would suggest is largely to facilitate airborne transmission through o2 and UV.

I love you man, but take it easy on the no-virus people. Nobody that I can find has done such a substantial meta-analysis. Now can we define what a human (hue-man) is?

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I will reply In Toto (and your little dog too!) later but I wanted to seed this link:


it's worth watching the entire thing to see the Demon Hotez say that RSV was known for decades to be a serious threat of autoimmune provocation. The damned thing used to kill military nobs that took it.

You can always PM me and we can go over particulars of what may have hit your family.

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In layman's terms from my experience, my friends have I have been getting sinus infections. We don't talk about it cuz it's not like really a pleasant thing because you can't go out on dates. But if I mention it they go yeah I had that and this is like five people I know. One took antibiotics and it went away but then when he stopped it came back. And I'm thinking why is this going on? Is it covid or is it some sort of weaponized staph infection that's been genetically engineered with the cold virus or whatever the carrier may be to weaponize staph infection which everybody has up their nose.

So when they jam that q-tip swab way up your nose they might be injuring you and shoving staph infection into the injury. I tend to use colloidal silver, a couple drops of turpentine on sugar cubes kills parasites. Vitamin C if I have it. Pine needles. Stinging nettles. Chaga mushroom. Foraging leafy greens from my garden. Sunlight. Exercise. Rest. I try to stay clean even though I'm in survival mode. All I know is I'm not getting any kind of vaccine of whatever the fuck it is. People are out of their fucking minds.

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Their outta their fucking minds because that is why their brains leaked when they got poked with a swab in the OLFACTORY BULB THAT HAS ONLY ONE CELL LAYER BETWEEN YOU AND THE OUTSIDE WHIRLED! But I really did like the chinese that opted for the butt biopsy.

Mayo Clinic admitted after 100 years that chronic sinus infections were from fungus so that is why antibiotics and radical surgery never worked.

These days the fuckshits make chimeric vaccines where they duct taped in the corona bullshit into Adenovirus. But that's what they SAID they did. We have no idea what they really did. It could be chronic Adeno chimeras, fungus, Staff, Staph, or GODNOSEwhat.

If y'all have essential oils and diffusers then I would rotate remedies that address bacteria, fungus and virus. Only virus that have proteolipid capsids will be affected but that's worth the try. Unless of course viruses don't exist then at least you will smell nice...

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

i put hydrogen peroxide in my diffuser, along with tea tree, red thyme and oregano oils . virus or no virus, i am strong like bull.

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Tell me about Red Thyme.

What kind of peroxide? Was it food grade or brown bottle?

I avoid inhaling oxidizing agents because lungs in general are very delicate with emphasis on mine being damaged from living and working on the farm. This is the same reason why I don't use UV lights in air cleaners. I will use Ozonators in enclosed spaces like items in bags to sterilize them and diffuse it through liquids and do my best to not be around there until the radicals have spontaneously broken down.

That being said: oxygen radicals are the very thing that the body uses to protect itself from the Outside Whirled so it would be effective.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

In my judgement viruses are likely to exist because: "Nature is Red in Tooth and Claw." However, one of the functions of Terrain is to repel or defeat viruses. If there is any delicate chemical process supporting cell, organ and organism, there will be invaders seeking what they need by pirating that process.

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What you quote is what the Pentagon calls: Full Spectrum Warfare.

Stephanie Seneff is now on the side of Viruses Are Our Friends - They Helped To Make Us crowd.

My jury is out. I'm all about the eviction of squatters and parasites. The tossup between mice with an intact biome and the so-called sterile gut mice is that the sterile gut mice are healthy, brave, adventurous but can't stand a bout of starvation. The others are Fat Dumb and Timid.

I'd rather be Skinny, Smart and Angry... I feel my best when I knock down that which is eating me.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

Nature being Red in Tooth and Claw doesn't rule-out that some life forms are symbiotic, etc., only that some aren't at all levels of life processes.

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I'm hearing you.

My caution is from the conditions like DARPA being able to kak out a Pathogen Of The Week via their tabletop gene sequencers so whatever 'natural' organisms were out there that we could have used as references those days are gone/never to return.

And in addition to that is the sad state of the human immune system where an organism like strep will get infected with a phage so that it puts off a toxin so that the white blood cells try to disable it with their only tool: superoxide that literally melts the host tissue so the process is falsely called Flesh Eating Bacteria when it is the over-response of the host immune system to a threat that 'eats' the host tissue.

Stealth Science that lies to us is just as dangerous as the things they are lying about.

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Absolutely! The Big Pharma is a Big Parasite that pirates the human (and animal) life processes.

Interesting analysis of fleshing eating bacteria. Sounds right on my first hearing, just now!

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I feel relief when folks like you 'get it' because this is the kind of thing that is covered up by the likes of the psyop: There are no viruses. They natter on and on about these nebulous TOXINS that cause bad TERRAIN but they never say where the toxins come from. There are toxigenic and lytic phages = viruses that infect bacteria. The lytic/lysogenic phages are our friends. They destroy the pathogens. But the toxigenic phages MAKE the pathogens. This is why I had to harmonize 'germ' theory with terrain theory because they were never separate. So, you can tell integrity in the people you're getting information from if they give both sides of any issue but especially if they are smart enough and humble enough to get information that supercedes their preconceived biases.

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I had a "friend" who bragged that she stopped washing her hands after taking a dump, because there are no such things as germs!!! I thanked her for warning me not to eat around her, or visit her home. I would say to her, Why can't you see that these concepts are Not mutually exclusive?

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Flesh-eating bacteria is staph infection which is up everybody's nose. What do they do they jam a q-tips swab up your nose. They may have genetically engineered it to be carried on to some cold virus or whatever carrier to make it more spreadable. But I could see if staph infection gets in your lungs and starts eating your lungs up that's a problem. I mentioned above about sinus infections and how my friends and I have been getting them. But I don't know if that's covid or whatever the fuck it is. All I know is I deal with it and it goes away.

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Now you're getting it. Clemens Von Pirquet obsessively vaccinated himself and studied what happened. He concluded that a form of Serum Sickness could be called Kidney Eczema. Rarely to people think of what has been done to us on the inside until they go to a docked whore who tells them they have stage 4 cancer.

Exit: Stage Left.

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Yeah. Arguing that the perpetrating predators behind the PlanDemic can ONLY be defeated by "no virus" ideology or its opposite, serves the PlanDemic conspirators.

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every day I'm overwhelmed with the prescience of this skit:


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It can't be better than Fred Sanford goes to court

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Liked by Patrick Jordan

I think your idea is more credible than either of the two.

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This is what I tell everybody. If you didn't trust Jews you wouldn't be having these problems. There would be no discussion about circumcision or vaccines. We'd be out gardening and doing more productive things instead of pilpulling what's in the syringe and nobody here not a doctor, can tell me what's in any vaccine. The only ones who know are the Pharisee pharmacists who put this toxic brew together.

What idiot allows some Jew to stick a needle in his kids arm? Regardless of what's in the syringe. Children have become walking voodoo dolls with pins and needles stuck in them all because Jews suggest this is what needs to be done. This was long before the covid simulation.

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That's the creepy thing of it: It started out as a suggestion. Then even in Jenner's time = 1800, the ones that had half-abrain called it the Ingrafting of Beastial Disease. So then the Yahoodies started Info Wars and then when the resistance got too strong then they brought out force and even killed people over it.

Wait... was I talking about 1800 or 2018?

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Apr 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

It is almost as if life is diverse and interconnected 🤣 🤣 . The idea that it is one or the other or one or the other does not exist, is as ridiculous as suggesting the same for 'nature' vs. 'nurture'.

In my theorising about universal needs, I was able to account for diversity and avoid dichotomies by conceptualising 'variable absolutes'. This is very much an AND rather than an OR concept. Take a common understanding of an absolute, like we need to maintain the exchange of gases (understood as breathing for humans). But there is variability within this, both between individuals or species and within an individual life, depended on activity, age, etc. The recognition of this allows the conceptualisation of needs for life as universal, and avoids the limitations of culture and species differences that serve to divide us.

Sorry, got off topic a bit...prompted to go this way relative to the dichotomy challenge. Thanks for sharing this article 👍

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There is NOTHING off-topic in Continuum.

You made cogent points that are missed by nearly all hominids at this point in history.

What the Taoists called the Yin-Yang each with a spot that taints is DYNAMIC balance. It is not static. It is in constant motion. Pushing/pulling. Falling away/filling in.

Dialectic is used solely as a control mechanism to get people to dogmatically align with one thought so that they can be manipulated.

To a certain degree I think that the average ape likes to be led by a nose ring.

Some of us don't even like metal touching our bodies.

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