While my Substack has been blocked by a deranged "Karen" maybe I can torment PJ. Anything digitized is of the devil. I want to go back to an analog world.
Out here in the sticks of Quebec, I have an analog electric stove from the 1960s (never yet had to change a fuse), a really analog wood stove from the 1940s, 2 analog refigerators (1980s) and 4 analog room radiators (1980s). All functioning perfectly even with the subzero temperatures during the winter when the uninsulated house is closed for the season. The only digital device is the CD player from the late 1980s (before planned obsolescence was built in to every appliance) which still runs well.
Oh, and an ipad which is 8 years old now and probably won't last much longer.
I just realized that I'm a Stickman in the Sticks of the Grain Ghetto of ILL Annoyed!
That is so affirming for me.
I've got a 1980s dryer that is superior in EVERY WAY to the brand new junk.
New refrigerators have PRESETS for temperatures so you can't even control the compartments, and when you turn the monkey buttons it only makes things worse.
Remember audio cassettes? Dial telephones? NO electric door locks on cars and crank handles to roll the windows? On Star can't lock you in that vehickle and drive you in the lake. Remember that woman's Tesla that drove her in the lake?
Big UK dealership is publicly complaining they have to ration sales of fuelled cars or they get fined, heavily, due to “net zero”. So anyone ordering a non-ev car now has to wait until February for delivery, I’m assuming new reporting period.
And of course for our own good our new Uk “leaders” want to ban smoking outside pubs. Yeah. That makes so much sense. Probably nothing to do with wanting to kill off further the meet-ups of English folk to chew the cud as it were.
The only slight bright spark on fuel is Sweden who are now scrapping the green tax on air travel and have removed the green levy on car fuel.
Sadly me feels it is all merely chess moves… ok today’s rant finished!
There was an old car buy back decades ago in the Ewe Ess. They took all of the classic cars without GPS out into the desert and poured acid in the engine blocks so that they could NEVER be used. This is a generational plan.
Babylonian name change AriEL Sharon=AriEL Scheinermann says .....Don't you worry about Hamerican pressure on israEL, we "jews" control Hamerica, and the Hamerican people know it.....spoken to Shimon Peres on Yisrael radio 2001
The problem is in the mind of the Small. They can't conceive of the magnitude even though it is undeniably apparent. During the first continental congress George I look like the Sphinx Warshington put a referendum that the official language of the New Jerusalem be HEBREW.
They knew back then. It has always only ever been Planetary Military Occupation.
Apotheosis of Warshington on ceiling of capitol dome by vatican artist Constantino Brimini, draped in purple, maidens on each side, paid for with tribute.Page 3 in thy protocols has photo of Washington Sphinx.
It JUST occurred to me. .... Humanity is the #1 planned obsolescence "product" that the corpseration produces. Each generation dies suddenly faster then the last. They've cornered the market!
Edit: Even that word is weird. Obsoulessence .....Out a Body SOUL ESSENCE
It's accelerated selection. When you are in a breeding program for plants or animals you want the best traits:
Resistance to toxic chemicals
Physical stamina to slave labor
Low I.Q.
so their methods have produced Gen Z and Gen Alpha where it is claimed the kids of today ALL HAVE HYPER ANXIETY.
Bad adrenals is the HALLMARK of bred-down cattle. In order to get them to move around the pen to go to slaughter, the workers are not allowed to shout (could kyll the cattle dedd) so they just wave pom poms at them to get them to quietly move in the direction desired.
While my Substack has been blocked by a deranged "Karen" maybe I can torment PJ. Anything digitized is of the devil. I want to go back to an analog world.
Wow crappy substack!!
And hear hear I do love me some pen and paper
Ah... Thomas Crapper the inventor of the flush toilet (in Whiteyville - the Arabs had them in the 1300s....)
I have notebooks that when stacked make a pile 3-feet tall.
I say that before my naughty mind instantly went to: Pen and paper are good for working things out when you go to the toilet....
Out here in the sticks of Quebec, I have an analog electric stove from the 1960s (never yet had to change a fuse), a really analog wood stove from the 1940s, 2 analog refigerators (1980s) and 4 analog room radiators (1980s). All functioning perfectly even with the subzero temperatures during the winter when the uninsulated house is closed for the season. The only digital device is the CD player from the late 1980s (before planned obsolescence was built in to every appliance) which still runs well.
Oh, and an ipad which is 8 years old now and probably won't last much longer.
I just realized that I'm a Stickman in the Sticks of the Grain Ghetto of ILL Annoyed!
That is so affirming for me.
I've got a 1980s dryer that is superior in EVERY WAY to the brand new junk.
New refrigerators have PRESETS for temperatures so you can't even control the compartments, and when you turn the monkey buttons it only makes things worse.
Remember audio cassettes? Dial telephones? NO electric door locks on cars and crank handles to roll the windows? On Star can't lock you in that vehickle and drive you in the lake. Remember that woman's Tesla that drove her in the lake?
I forgot my analog washer and dryer from 1988. Still going strong.
I know young people who pine away for the 1970s.
A couple of randomness…
Big UK dealership is publicly complaining they have to ration sales of fuelled cars or they get fined, heavily, due to “net zero”. So anyone ordering a non-ev car now has to wait until February for delivery, I’m assuming new reporting period.
And of course for our own good our new Uk “leaders” want to ban smoking outside pubs. Yeah. That makes so much sense. Probably nothing to do with wanting to kill off further the meet-ups of English folk to chew the cud as it were.
The only slight bright spark on fuel is Sweden who are now scrapping the green tax on air travel and have removed the green levy on car fuel.
Sadly me feels it is all merely chess moves… ok today’s rant finished!
There was an old car buy back decades ago in the Ewe Ess. They took all of the classic cars without GPS out into the desert and poured acid in the engine blocks so that they could NEVER be used. This is a generational plan.
Babylonian name change AriEL Sharon=AriEL Scheinermann says .....Don't you worry about Hamerican pressure on israEL, we "jews" control Hamerica, and the Hamerican people know it.....spoken to Shimon Peres on Yisrael radio 2001
Thus the "beauty" of dual citizenship politicull confukkery.
Those dual ones exact forced tribute from thee,if ye refuse, ye are Gordon KULLED
Exactly... Blackmailed too.
The problem is in the mind of the Small. They can't conceive of the magnitude even though it is undeniably apparent. During the first continental congress George I look like the Sphinx Warshington put a referendum that the official language of the New Jerusalem be HEBREW.
They knew back then. It has always only ever been Planetary Military Occupation.
Apotheosis of Warshington on ceiling of capitol dome by vatican artist Constantino Brimini, draped in purple, maidens on each side, paid for with tribute.Page 3 in thy protocols has photo of Washington Sphinx.
Screw the painting and the purple as long as I can get some maidens.
The way my luck goes they would be 90-year-old dowagers with dentures.
It JUST occurred to me. .... Humanity is the #1 planned obsolescence "product" that the corpseration produces. Each generation dies suddenly faster then the last. They've cornered the market!
Edit: Even that word is weird. Obsoulessence .....Out a Body SOUL ESSENCE
It's accelerated selection. When you are in a breeding program for plants or animals you want the best traits:
Resistance to toxic chemicals
Physical stamina to slave labor
Low I.Q.
so their methods have produced Gen Z and Gen Alpha where it is claimed the kids of today ALL HAVE HYPER ANXIETY.
Bad adrenals is the HALLMARK of bred-down cattle. In order to get them to move around the pen to go to slaughter, the workers are not allowed to shout (could kyll the cattle dedd) so they just wave pom poms at them to get them to quietly move in the direction desired.
Was I talking about cattle?
You were most definitely taking about chattle!
Chattle Cattle,
Hear that Rattle
Chains of the enslaved
Moo and Low
off to the Knackers you go.
so pacified you never get enraged.
That's sooo sad. It paints such a bleak picture. La la la la la!