Jun 20·edited Jun 20Pinned

Hey Kids,

It got late, I got tired. I did a short edit towards then end about 'being cautious'.

My neanderthal neighbor had similar advice when the topic of Mad Cow was brought up.

Honest to Gawd his advice to me was: "Well... if you're going to eat beef - just be careful."

Must be a meme for putting microcephalics to sleep.

They ran the DNA on pound packages of beef, and since everything is run through the same grinder they found up to 1000 discrete signatures of DNA in just one package. That means if the USDA covers up Bovine Spongioform Encephalopathy as they have been reported to do, then you have a guaranteed lottery ticket of getting mad cow because the government, the industry, the local meat store and my neighbor are fucking idiots that should be in medieval dungeons just for sport.

But these hypno memes are recycled in ones that you've heard too many times within the past cycle in Hell: Be Safe!

I hear an uncorking sound representing the plucked skulls of any idiot animal that reflexively vomited that trigger phrase for the past 4 years.

There's no way to avoid their dangers until they are stopped.

Oh... look Muh Sheen Ghuns!

Oh... dear maybe we should duck?

Oppsss. No, they were aiming low... Oh that was too bad.

OK, perhaps we should jump?

No, that didn't work either...

Shoot! NO! I didn't mean THAT, I meant darn it - dag nab it - where's my white hanky? Boys? Boys? Truce... I surren ----


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Jun 20Liked by Patrick Jordan

"the phages could have been already in the dog or were in her cut from her tropical vacation"....or a vaccine she had for her trip or a vaccine the puppy had...they did keep referring to the dog as a puppy, so I am wondering what shots it had recently???

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My dear friend. You have such a surgical mind.

If this had any hint of a millie tarry influence to it at all there could have been releases of the phages via shots to people or pets since each of them shed on the other.

Plausible deniability of any connection since it is:

common, but rare, and random.

As random as a Lot and Serial Number deployment.

Thanks for keeping it real.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Patrick Jordan

I confess my ignorance of phages and am remedying it. My actions are a reflection of my thanks to you for sharing your insight.

I just read the website from the link below and it is absolutely bonkers!!! They have a chronic illusion of control. Instead of sitting back and just learning from nature, they jump in after the first thing they see and go down a completely delusional path. They are like a child running after something cute and shiny they just saw…fixated on having it…no matter where it takes them (or others)…straight down the rabbit hole into Wonderland!!!

I have been excited at the recent reveal of vaccine fraud to those who have been blinded by its sacred status. I know it’s way too slow but I thought at last with the shedding of this illusion the way can be opened up for getting to the basis of health.

But now I suspect that they couldn’t care less if vaccines lose their sacred status because they have been brewing up their replacement…phage therapy!!!! Not learning ANYTHING from their failure with ‘vaccines’ (unless they didn’t fail and achieved exactly what they wanted 🤷‍♀️). [I actually don’t give them the credit for being so intentional in their harm…I think they are ultimately stupid and indifferent to life…therefore constantly and inevitably harm it, seduced by control (power/status) and money].

This website is a masterpiece of manipulation. They are clearly looking for their hallowed phage therapy to go from number three to number one in the fight against infectious diseases.

It is winter here and my lips are drying out from my constant proximity to the blazing fire. I think you will appreciate the analogous experience in communicating about Hell.

I am sharing this with a reminder (for myself and everyone else) to stay hydrated and breathe in the fresh air that can be found away from the heat and flames.


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Jun 20Liked by Patrick Jordan

It rather begs the question of which vaccines She had before she travelled.

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Here we go again... another one of y'all getting right to the heart of the matter. I just stacked on the idiots trying to prove viruses don't exist by using Fetal Bovine Serum the most phage-polluted substance on the planet next to whey. So, I'm really humbled by you ladies bringing to attention what I totally missed in my sleep-deprived diatribe.

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I'm on board with the theory of COMETS could cause the release of noxious gasses to rise from the earth, perpetuating the seas to boil & skies turning red. If THAT is what it takes to cleanse this place of evil (& learned ignorance) ... I'm on 1000% board!

Excellent post!

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That's a relief!

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Jun 20Liked by Patrick Jordan

Praying for a BIG COMET to save us from this perpetual hell. I'm tired of it all.

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It looks like your Otto-Correct might have kicked in when you typed in the word:


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Jun 20Liked by Patrick Jordan

You are hilarious. Otto-Correct.

You are not a dumb farmboy.

You're highly literate.

The man with the brain size of a planet.

Chuckle! Chuckle!

Love your humor.

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Johnny Carson said that you should never laugh at your own jokes (while he was laughing at his own jokes), so I have to admit that I was cackling at what I wrote myself. It's great to be playing to a fine audience.

I'm here every evening and on weekends I do matinees.

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