Sep 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

Thank you Patrick for teaching us how to think. I am amazed at your incredible ability to analyze and process information. When you couple that ability with your superb, albeit uniquely odd style skill of communicating, mostly due to your sense of humor, makes you one heck of an affective teacher.

Reading your conclusions is exhilarating.

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Thank you for thanking me.

If you only had an idea of the chaos in that odd head of mine that has to be calmed long enough to get out a semi-coherent sentence, then you would be in the shops picking out a nice designer straight-jacket.

I see everything in Continuum. In order to slow the maelstrom then organize the items in a serial fashion takes a lot of effort.

If she had anything of value to offer we could add it to what is clearly not working in a world where bugs can be made on tabletops with gene sequencers.

It seems that what is being offered is self-hypnosis to pretend that the roof isn't leaking and that the drip, drip, drip into the bucket under that non-leak is actually music.

Homey don't live in the Fantasy Ghetto.

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Sep 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

We do indeed live in a world of artificially created reality - as you say - a FANTASY.

I hate living in this hideous construct. Hate it because I am trapped here. I want answers to:


I want to BURN their asses for their crimes!

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I, on the other hand, my good man, would like to burn not only their asses but every other stinking part of them...

... then stir the ashes just to make sure...

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Sep 27Liked by Patrick Jordan

Hear! Hear!


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I don't ever want you to think that I'm a contrarian.

I only eat vegetables...

Butt, the way I remember the story about Captain Long Hair is that he was captured and chained to some pillars so in the mind-virus meme of self-sacrifice that permeates their writing he took himself out while trying to take them out.

To be clear: I'm not about being that altruistic.

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Me neither!

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Sep 26Liked by Patrick Jordan

The self taught one delivers the goods on posts and comments. I have many saved offline. My vote for top comment from self taught one, and all forced tribute slaves must read, is an older post titled goofer dust with the topic to pay taxes (military tribute)..Go read it, memorize it, stew in bitterness at thy pathetic slavish existence.

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Sep 28Liked by Patrick Jordan


Ya think :-)

Still laughing over here. Thanks!!!

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I'm so harsh.

Takeaway (and not chinese restaurant with MSG)

Get good nutrition.

Have gentle sex with fewer partners.

Maybe the gonorrhea will go away on its own.

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Sep 28Liked by Patrick Jordan

Good. Keep it harsh. WTF with these two paid cyborgs ............ha ha ha

This one and her other half are beyond a mental cell.

I saw one where she was taking a shower. Using ACF (apple cider vinegar) and baking soda. It was about "clean hair" without chemicals for healthy scalp. True...good natural remedy. Just a bit over the top .............LMFAO

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Paid cyborgs...

with lithium grease and slow battery charge?

Wait - what? Shower? What episode? I'll have to study it.

I'm picturing a Stick Man in the shower but when you're only 2-D it's hard to get wet. Maybe it will move me up in the rankings... no... wait... shadowbanned. I'm fucked. Which is a metric that I use for others. If they are telling the truth, but have successful affluent (effluent?) platforms, then why are there MILLIONS of Little People (dwarves from the Wizzer of Odd) deplatformed or shadow banned but the Chosen Few are untouched? Techt mebbe like we say in the Apple Latchin's.

Please practice some restraint and forgiveness. Ever since the discovery at Sapo Hill mankind has been cleansing with yeast-pee and grade school science project volcano fuel.

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Wicked Peed On Us says:

Mount Sapo is a fictional mountain supposed to exist somewhere near Rome, presumably in Italy. It appears in a fanciful rewriting of the history of soap, and it is often claimed to explain the origins of the name. The tale occurs in a number of online sources, including the website of The Soap and Detergent Association.[1]

The story about Mount Sapo explains that upon its slopes, ancient Romans used to sacrifice animals as burnt offerings. Wood ash from the fires of their altars mingled with the grease from the animal sacrifices, forming a primitive kind of soap. This soap found its way to the clays of a nearby stream, where local people found that it helped them get their laundry cleaner. Soap gets its Latin name, sapo, from the name of the mountain.

This narrative is probably a hoax. There are many reasons to find it improbable:

No record of any place with this name appears in the history of Rome, nor in the current Italian geographical names.

Some versions of the story credit Mount Sapo to an "ancient Roman legend," but this legend does not appear in classical mythology.

The word sapo is known only in Late Latin, and makes its first appearance in the Natural History of Pliny the Elder. In book 28, chapter 51, Pliny writes:

Prodest et sapo, Galliarum hoc inventum rutilandis capillis. Fit ex sebo et cinere, optimus fagino et caprino, duobus modis, spissus ac liquidus, uterque apud Germanos maiore in usu viris quam feminis.

There is also soap (sapo), an invention of the Gauls for making their hair shiny. It is made from tallow and ashes, the best from beechwood ash and goat fat, and exists in two forms, solid and liquid; among the Germans both are used more by men than by women.

This narrative suggests that Pliny the Elder was unaware of soap's detergent properties, and that his readers might be unfamiliar with the name of the commodity, and its uses. Soap was not used in Roman baths; soapy water would make the public bathing areas lathery.

The etymology of soap is fairly straightforward; it comes either from a Gaulish word *sapo- or a Germanic word *saipa-. Both of these words are cognate with Latin sebum, meaning "fat" or "tallow."

Ancient Greeks and Romans did not burn the edible flesh of animals in burnt sacrifices; they instead took the edible parts, including meat and fat, for themselves, and left only the inedible bones and entrails for the gods. What was burnt at a Roman sacrifice would have made but a small amount of soap.


What makes this perfect is that I was making a joke that the Baileys were making up their clean-up in Aisle 5 routine out of nowhere. Turns out that although that fat guy who writes 7/8ths of all Wicked articles claims that Sapo Hill is an INTERNET LEGEND, I heard it ever since I was a kid and took it as true never knowing that like "J"esus, Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Toof Phairy it was a TOTAL FRAUD!

Is there ANYTHING in this Hellish Landscape that isn't complete bullshit?

So, whereas I was mocking the made up hygiene routine, it turns out that everything is made up. That is closure. That is symmetry. That is fucked beyond all belief.

What is beyond BEYOND is that the urban legend is based on ANIMAL SACRIFICE TO THE GOD-THINGS.

When you tug on that loose psychotic thread in the Tapestry of the Mad the whole thing unravels but out pops a crazy naked mummy for that Jump Scare effect.

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