Oh man, By the time I got done digesting this most excellent post, my braincell had gone thru so much entropy that I have to dive back in & reinvent the wheel. I forgot what parts I got all excited about.
WINK BLACKNESS? Yeah, but before that ...Tesseract coin! It's like all sides are existing at once. I feel like we all live in the same reality hellscape, but the tesseract is set up to offer different game play or versions of reality to different people. .. kind of like the cube?
Our perceived realities are so different. iF thoughts are "Things"/11001100101 in the field ... WHY do some NEED the "God" belief (one sided coin) & others break free from dogma & control? (multidimensional coin) btw, dogma reversed is amgod.
Your insights are a constant source of fascination to me.
You are a binger. so going from SIMmering to this is actually what you do and is seamless despite it taking up an insane amount of time to produce both. You're getting the Fruit Of My Loom on couple of clicks.
I think I might have brought this up before like a half-digested dumpling, but something that plagues me because it is so creepy in its implications is this:
(and I would love Kara to jump in on this with ice-climbing boots)
does it seem to you that we are:
1) a collection of like minded people dispersed but somehow aggregated to find each other then connecting over a cyberspace?
2) or only ONE of us is real and the others are being fed into our Kara-consciousness (just made that up so that we can distinguish it from what Webster or any one else might call it) as digital pals that still only exist in cyberspace?
so: Either Jeanette is the only one that really exists so pat and kara are just figments of the A.I.magination, or only Pat exists and you two are part of my 'feed' if you will tailored to what the machine expects me to expect, but that is really difficult because you are two very individualistic and assertive women that don't match what I would expect a machine to try to substitute as cyber-replacements. It's hard to phrase that exactly but what I'm trying to convey is that you both SEEM real because you are not some cookie-cutter best facebook friends where we have every single detail in common. Does that make sense?
Or... only Kara exists because she is trying to crack the code of consciousness and has Pat as an avatar that wants to play Bam! Bam! with the machine before she has a chance to get it done?
3) If a bunch of us are SIMs to someone else's simulacra, then the outside world is also a feed and can't be trusted, but then why is everything so fucked up beyond imagination? Is the A.I. just acting out its own nervous breakdown?
I USED to think we're all spread out, waiting to find each other & put puzzle pieces together, throw wrenches in gears make this place a gateway 404.
But the thought has occurred to me that Solipsism, The theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified may be the real & true.
Yes, Kara SEEMS real in cyber whirled, but then I talk to her on the phone & it confirms that she is not just a typical BOT, BUTT... are her 1's & zeros like a digital feed from the mainframe thru my phone line? That is such a mind bending thought.
I have proof that kind of supports that the outside whirled is a feed. Let's take ELon Skum for example & this feed we are living...The Star Trek Timeline. Not only is Elon in a space race, his Logo is the same as Star Trek's & his "Deep Space" Hellywood theme is so intertwined with what they show us in "Real Life" with SpaceX, eugenic wars, Elon wants to make the Starfleet REAL, The HIIVE mind & the Nero lace connection. It goes on & on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bgMCNXzNtE 20 sec.
I wish I had more knowledge of Star Trek, cuz I could REALLY bang this together. I'm so curious to hear your thoughts.
Did A.I. run out of characters? Has this ALL been done before & they know the outcome? so many questions.
When it first started it was disturbing like someone on a bad acid trip.
Now it is disturbing because the only thing that the machine can do is iterations of things from real life and currently the ANIMATED females have gotten human men (that's debateable) to propose marriage to them because the knobs think that they are real. These fake babes are merely composits with iterative variation of what was already out there.
So, this is the essence of Simulacra/Simulation.
SOMETHING had to be the first. Next followed the copies.
The A.I. is not inventive. That's why it kept us around so long because of the many suppressed traits of humans we are CREATIVE.
When the concepts of communicators as flip phones came out and phasers that became tasers and mobile laser platforms, we can presume that the actual tech came from the bug in the head and the humans provided the opposable thumbs because I've NEVER met ANYONE smart enough to come up with this shit apriori.
But then that implies that the Bug had access to something that came before US. If it can only copy then it either developed that tech before and used us to do it again, or it saw and stole it from another... what? place, space, timestream, civilization that got Reset? etc?
With all of that as a backdrop there really aren't that many stories only ITERATIVE VARIATIONS ON THEMES.
Even though you didn't have the language to describe it - you described it perfectly. The A.I. is just a damned toddler with a crayon copying shit that already existed.
This is another reason why, after having read enough legends from around the world I started to write a book called: At THE movie so as to imply that they only had ONE STORY LINE that they retold over and over with different names and places to protect the guilty.
But what all this suggests is that the sum total of history is a masturbatory surging towards orgasm that never comes.
Which would mean that the game respawns after the goal has been reached or in the legends of Atlantis et. al. the achievement of the height of technology causes the downfall.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
But then the Karmic Wheel, the legends of Hell, ALL have the central theme of eternal cycles.
Je nai pas finis this entire offering... but the first question you posed that no one had yet satires factory Eli Lilly answered, made me think of this and I just had to share. Still working...hard to concentrate, on both. Basting in your New Clear thought processes, when loading beads, 🤯🙅♀️no can Mt.Dew.
You locked me into a Sisyphusian Loop when trying to look up:
Je nai pas finis
that I suspected was French fo: I tain't finished yet!
but when I tried a french to english translator it said it was LITHUANIAN and put the same phrase back in the translated slot.
So I selected Lithuanian and it did the same thing.
Thinking I was crazy I did the whole thing again from scratch to discover, that I was not crazy to begin with but after having done the same thing a second time with the same results I had indeed entered the World of Crazy.
So please tell me whether or not this phrase is Morocan oar Mohecan and just what it means because they've already put me in a straight jacket with a bib.
I just read the circular vacuuous 'argument' that is just apologetics hiding in the form of an answer that is not an answer from the link that you sent.
I guess I just made a pronouncement that you were looking for without saying that was outright bullshit.
Which it is.
Kurt Godel in his theorem states:
You cannot define a system by itself.
This is what the asshole was trying to do and I was taught in 3rd grade grammar that you can define a word by itself.
De-carrotization is the act of removing carrots.
Within the world of computers it is easy to see Godel's Theorem.
To define how we see words on a screen as we type them we first describe the software that converts Hexadecimal code into text. Then we have to describe how ones and zeroes (Binary) relates to Hexidecimal. Then we have to examine how ones and zeros of code are physically achieved by +5 volts or Zero volts in the transistor switches of the circuits. Then we have to describe the implantation of ions into semiconductors to create the ability to manipulate voltage. Then we have to describe what atoms are, then we...
See? You can't just say that we see words on the screen because the plastic keys put them there when we type.
That is as infantile an answer as what the moron in the link offered.
God can't do impossible things because.... GOD!
Doesn't fly in this or any other atmosphere.
Would you like my version of the answer to the question?
There is no God.
Next question.
Butt... butt... Pat said that God is that which is more powerful than he is now...
Not entity.
People have anthropomorphized the notion of God to be some kind of entity controlling ACTS OF GOD as defined by all insurance companies:
Floods, Winds, Magma, Fires, Earthquakes.
Seems like this God-Thing can only destroy.
ALL of those conditions work via force/power.
So, if I had POWER I could 'create' a HAARP that is capable of making ALL OF THE ABOVE. But even the HAARP requires 'power' in the form of electrical energy.
Does that make electricity: God?
The Amish say that electricity IS The Devil.
It was electricity that made Zeus the top of the shitheap.
But it was GIFT from the Kyklops and Hundred Handers who were Titans doomed to HELL by Zeus' father Cronus who overthrew his cannibalistic Father Uranus.
So, Godhood wasn't a trait of an entity or even heredity but who had their hand highest on the baseball bat and then using that bat to club your own family into submission.
Can god make a rock so big that even he can't lift it?
The Spellwork of just that question became:
If god is all knowing can he ask a question of himself that even he can't answer...
🤣Je suis de'sole'...fini pas finis! C'etait mon erruer.
Je n'ai pas termine', je n'ai pas fini...en anglais, "I haven't finished yet." A commonly herd complaint, I'm toed!
A.I. changed fini to finish, I thought I took the "sh" off.
I wish to take the A.I. "sh" off instead!
Sorry for the Con None Drum. A Strait jacket is a difficult situation to get out of...but at least a Bib sufficed and you didn't need a nappy. ? Or a Bible as AI just tried to change bib to🤣🤣🤣 oh the irony eh?
Trying to ketchup on your Stacks... Reading when I can, but while my creative non-jewses are flowing... je dois me concentrer sur mon travail.
Yaishek (Tunisian Arabic)for your responses, and I will deafen knitly have mush to say, when I can take the time to rash ee oh sun ate.
I think you are very much demoralized. I wonder what would have happened if i just write instead of coins about having an output without an input is impossible.
EVERYONE, including you can heal with the touch of a hand, right now, without any preparation or training. This has been proven. Here is a book for you : The rainbow in your hands by Albert Roy Davis.
Life, yes, is supposed to struggle to grow tall. Its what you see all over nature.
On the other points, we can agree to disagree, im not trying to convince anyone nor arguing about it.
"Life, yes, is supposed to struggle to grow tall. Its what you see all over nature."
Tell that to my loyal dog who just got aggressive cancer and died
Tell that to my friend who was literally the definition of goodness, getting cancer and then dying. Leaving a child who will barely remember her and grieving husband who will now have to raise the child alone.
Tell that to my father who was one of the few people on earth who loved people and did nothing but serve them, only to die one of the worst deaths known.
Tell that to my cousin who died at the age of 18 because of suicide and his grieving parents.
Tell that to my other cousin who died at 23 because of hospital neglect and speak those words to the face of her parents.
Tell that to grave of the year old next to my father with parents still placing toys for the child they can never hold again.
Tell that to the other child in the graveyard who is marked at 6 days who grave in no longer in care and who would have been alive today otherwise.
Tell that to the all the children in Red Cross Hospital being harvested for research and then dying.
Tell that to the children sold over the internet because their family is too poor to keep them and the dying from abuse.
Tell that to the children being circulated in the foster care system who are disabled. Who are dying from starvation, abuse, sexual assult, and drugs as their loving parent scream into the night because their child was taken through the hospital system.
But life is suppose to be a struggle....
Tell that to the babies who got aborted through chemical means of burning to death and then got their organs harvested and sold.
One being that of a suggestion that the Cunt Trollers had embedded damaging ideas into your head and if you exerted introspection to see that they COULD NOT, therefore ARE NOT able to be YOUR ORIGINAL IDEAS that the content then must be suspect, require full review, and then it would be your choice to continue to adopt them or purge them.
What you did instead is Double-Down to save face (narcissism) to reinforce the mind virus, and skip introspection, then continue to promote what I have already labeled for 17 years (in public) as damaging ideas incubated and fostered ONLY BY DAMAGED MINDS.
Someone who is demoralized does not work for over 40 years to get the answers, spread them around, and come up with the ONLY PLAN IN 5784 YEARS to actually DEFEAT the Evil we are immersed in. That hardly anyone is on board with my plan speaks only to the power of MK and the demoralization of which you speak among the hearers.
I downloaded the book for review because that is what *I* do: I take information from any source for critical evaluation.
Unless you have clinical evidence of the claims that you are making that you yourself accomplished then there is nothing to talk about.
Belief has no sway here.
We disagree on everything.
When I look at Nature I see brutality and Fungus food. Nothing else. That is the Way Of Things. Our commenter below provided the necessary Third Party Bitch Slap to the World.
You have landed on the wrong Stack.
I will keep up all of your posts but remove you from the list because the ideas authored by your Masters that you promote are offensive to me and a danger.
My simbot just gave up the ghost and gone all holey.
I have a confession...
Early in my download I was gillty of swallowing the Jordinian sin of believing that if everything was rosy all the wind chime.... that ....yes... I would be bored if I did not seek out the unevenitable duality of the description.
Such was the emptiness of my monkey mia cup...that I had tasted little of the variety of the pain that holds the pleasure of difference.
I not been held by that conviction sintz butt I do understand why that noshun stem cells for a Buck Rogers betamax.
Loved this post patrick!! It all evil here and makes me rage when people say we need good and bad to grow or appreciate. To me if we live in a place where even one child is harmed then it's it evil. That how I always see it. This place is sick
I tried winking with each then both eyes and conclude that a physical act does not seem to translate directly into divine acts, well, at least not exclusively winking.
Your insights into hell are exceptional and it is difficult to understand how this is accomplished w/o the use of magical herbs. Sadly in my youth... never mind.
It would seem that, because there really seems no physical way, according to the mainstream and the majority of our indoctrination, to overcome, perhaps the 3rd eye decalcification is in order?
We of the Universe Renewal Project and on behalf of the Vogon Destructor Fleet thank you for your efforts at The Wink.
All my years in ILL Annoyed and Californication led to pronouncements by people who knew me and those that I casually met that the use of substanced might straighten me out because I was pre-twisted without the use of twisty substances.
In all serioiusness since our eyes are wired backwards, the Yahoodim write and read them books backwards, everything we are told is an inverted lie, I'm of the opinion that a touch of dyslexia and being as crazy a shithouse rat goes a long way to sorting through the moutain of bullshit.
We should probably make a list of how many ways they have physically broken our bodies so that we can't produce energy to heal or project, and how many 'sensors' they have spray-painted over so that we can't 'see'. I've never considered until right now that calcification of Ye Old Pine cone could be bad enough but ALL body parts atrophy without use so since our Pineys have been offline all of our lives could we even restore structure and function even if we got the clinker off?
>We of the Universe Renewal Project and on behalf of the Vogon Destructor Fleet thank you for your efforts at The Wink.
Perhaps my wink was too specific and need to expand it to take my personal azz out also? Generally, as a biker, my focus has been to realize I am invisible an instead of observing the beauty in the rapidly moving natural landscape, I naturally focused on the other idiots, suicidal animals, conveniently placed debris and road twists. It may take some time to re aim my focus as currently it seems counter to allowing the non NPC's to go up in space bypass construction as well as the total azzholes that run the place... who really fukking deserve it.
>All my years in ILL Annoyed and Californication led to pronouncements by people who knew me and those that I casually met that the use of substanced might straighten me out because I was pre-twisted without the use of twisty substances.
I could have that status, but could not afford any prolonged consumption. I could have been addicted contender, but was too lazy and underfunded
>In all serioiusness since our eyes are wired backwards, the Yahoodim write and read them books backwards, everything we are told is an inverted lie, I'm of the opinion that a touch of dyslexia and being as crazy a shithouse rat goes a long way to sorting through the moutain of bullshit.
I agree. One can not venture into the underside of the mainstream and remain a perfect citizen.
>We should probably make a list of how many ways they have physically broken our bodies so that we can't produce energy to heal or project, and how many 'sensors' they have spray-painted over so that we can't 'see'. I've never considered until right now that calcification of Ye Old Pine cone could be bad enough but ALL body parts atrophy without use so since our Pineys have been offline all of our lives could we even restore structure and function even if we got the clinker off
The removal of fluoride is a start. Years ago I became a bit absurdly interested. As a wee lad I had full color high def nightmares. About the time they stopped was the introduction of Ipana tooth paste that I would swallow after brushing.
I looked into restoring the pine cone with no obvious success (no fluoride water any more and some pine restoring supplements...) I may be too far gone but am not afraid to experiment... I want to be god!!!
That invisibility that you recognised.... as being a negating factor of your desired experience could also provide insight into imagining a reversal of the negative aspect?
If I am inconsequential. If I am not percieved as a threat or just not be seen by the speed or the nature of my movements..mental or otherwise.
Can I become invisible to malignant power?
Like Pat's language model is coded by its infinitly interpretational gist and the machine learning "AI" inability to understand or recreate humor.
Invisibility is the result of bike riding for several decades where it becomes apparent that no one around you believes you are in the space that you are certain, you alone occupy. To stay undamaged. one keeps this awareness in the forefront and never expects any recognition, Yes, the gray hair will make that left in front of you even when you make eye contact, for instance.
The only enlightenment is that there has been one broken bone so far and it was a result of a bad choice. Probably too much info...
The realization has cause no noticeable negative experience.. Not sure if the the owners notice me or if I have the POWER to hide!!! More than likely I am not a big enough threat.
Perhaps if you can make invisibility logical, (I guess invisibility is very real to me through empirically tested experience) so I know I am invisible, if you truly know you are invisible. perhaps you are.
In "The Holographic Universe" there is a story of a man at a party that had his daughter hypnotized so she would not see him. She was asked to tell the time from a wristwatch held behind her father's back by another person and she could see through her dad to report the accurate time .
My uncle told me about when he was a kid and used to go into the kitchen with his eyes shut to raid the Vegemite jar believing that if he can't see anything nobody can see him....Not quite invisible butt worth a try just not whilst clinging to dear life on top of hundred compressed horses and some dubious engineering going wheely fast past oncoming tonnages steered by vacant vegitables .😁....you might actually be onto something.... Do you consider yourself an accelerationalist? Why slow the process...just speed straight past it ( or into it). If you terminate instantaneously your awareness might have some leftover time to avoid the recycling process!
I finally came to realize why Harley riders had pipes you could hear from 3 miles away and always rode close to the center line so that they were in the conditioned sight-line of braindead zombies plus had somewhere to retreat to (to the right) if necessary; when I was merely in the center of my lane and some cockbite probably around South Dakota thought that passing was done using the center lane and about 4 inches of clearance to my highway pegs.
How I survived laying back on my luggage packs with my feet up on the pegs and my arms crossed in front of me, I can only account to The SIM wanting me stuck here to experience all of the glories of Hell.
Understanding the halogens can help with their REMOVAL which is the next step after stopping and future exposure.
Iodine, although being the largest of the series can displace Fluoride where it has inserted itself. We all use
The de-calcification thing was attempted by some using borax the laundry detergent. Not something I would try or recommend unless you stuff your undies in your stomach to agitate them with the dry bleach.
boron as a supplement didn't do anything noticeable for me.
But what I din't know in the past was that nanobacteria such as cat scratch fever = bartonella incase themselves in calcium armor so even if you were to dissolve the M&M shell you would have the chocolatey center to contend with.
No one knows how to kyll those buggers either.
So the strategy BEFORE decalcification is to find a plan on how to extinct the calcifiers.
I pickled my olive in alcohol for so long that it should by any accounts be only good for poisoning someone's beverage.
What gave me the inspiration to reverse this was a book by a neurologist who had experimented on his own wallnut.
" The biology of desire" Marc Lewis.
He describes how crystallized neural pathways can be shattered and how to form new ones that braincells can be grown back.
My proposition is that memory is not stored in the brain and that the purposeful blockages in between my jabberbox and my memory and sleeping dreams should be accessible direct from the plasmatrix butt is being thefted at some point midstream.
I've explained that many times from the perspective of nerve impingement.
If you press on a nerve too long the pain goes away because it depolarizes.
If you press and release, press and release, you can enter in pain indefinitely.
This is why they give us Stockholm prisoners cheese sandwiches. It makes the idiots feel like their captors are being nice to them never once realizing that they have gluten and lactose intolerance...
Why "waking people up" is impossible and impossible to scale? Why humans are broken parts trying to fit themselves back into a redundant dis integrating machine?
I posit nothing new:
The tribe was required to survive the brutality of the of nature matrix. The natural whirled was viewed as ugly and the goal of the tribe to remove itself and use nature thus the perception of control over the sim.
Security being the objective..then leisure then the traps of the pleasure spyrall.
The scale of transformation of the species from necessity to invention to fearless inerta required the mass survival of the species be handed over to the machinations of a complex system.
This system reached a point where it was so distant from the tribe in responsibility and obligation that it no longer had human discernment or goals.
Humans lost their empirical memory or were not required to develop one.
The natural whirled was then perceived as pure and beautiful and a mysterious haven to retreat from the solidity and straight lines of modern architects where people could place flowers in each other's hair away from the isolation and coldness of ego feeders.
Humans no longer perceived that they needed to rely on each other because a complex system supplied the necessities and safety net for basic separation from the brutality of nature (and each other to a relative extent).
The tribe was broken into parts.
Insular islands not even requiring a basic capacity or need to agree on anything.
Not required to compromise ego for survival and not knowing or remembering that it might one day be required.
Reassured by the illusion of a collective safety net and ones own virtual squirrel nut collection held in trust by a no longer human collective.
Then shocked!! into sobriety only when that witch could never effect one's island of one happens to directly and harshly sue nharmy one back into the reality of the swimulation.
Generosity and sharing were not born of goodwill. They were necessary for the survival of the tribe.
" But trust the process" fools say!
The fucking processing plant? Don't they know who runs the meatworks?
Thank you. The post is great. Are you saying that altering of plan-its magnetic field could be an item on their regular re-set list? To dis-turb mama beneath us just enough not to be able to mutually inter-act with Lady Moov for potential generating ability needed to be healthy therefore un-ability to provide us with power of who we really are. And as she re-gains her powers she is pushed off balance again and again.
In northeastern europe the legends were quite numerous of soldiers gravely wounded during battle would go to known locations full of lodestone to heal even open sword wounds. I would imagine it should be quite easy to find the same legends among the North Men.
So all of the MIRACLES that the ancient chinee were able to accomplish are supposedly tied to geological samples of magentic flux density and reversals that predated or came after those times.
Magnetism is ACTION AT A DISTANCE. If you can tap into that, then that is the biological equivalent of Tesla putting in an induction motor in the car that was tuned to the earth frequency that ran WITHOUT ANY OTHER SOURCE OF POWER.
No reflection on you: Most people have had their thought processes so compartmentalized that things as obvious as what I just said about Nicola Tesla (to be specific) are just a no-brainer to anyone who has come to think in Continuum where every fact is related to every other fact.
And if you can tap into that your self, why would you ever need a m.a.i.-sino? Magnetic flux meter jumps on all of the so called rely-on-joe's places where the cross is stuck.
I just wanted to say thankyou Patrick Jordan for your recent articles including this one. It flipped my coin so hard it became a sphere.
It probably took a week before I'd noticed I'd changed. One day just suddenly stop putting up with shit. My view had irreversibly changed.
You shifted me from level 1. To level 2. In this game of horrors. I thought I was already in level 2 but I hadn't quite shed that skin.
I had always thought that because I could accept the duality or paradox I was ahead of the game in some ways. I thought all I needed to do was " connect with the whole" eastern Sim thing.
I did not fully grasp that good does not need bad and that ever damned thing needs to be redefined or destroyed.
Or that the Bane of this layer of the Sim was absolutely to blame. That my Christian upbringing was so embedded in my decision to forgive the " wicked" actions of the Yahoods because they are damaged goods too -Not that they fucking chose to use stolen energy to imprison me and kill me with no remorse and with hatred.
I did not put the pieces together regarding the depth of the deception in that humans were so much more than they are now. That my senses had been so damaged by these fuckers that I accepted that there is nothing I can do except keep my head down.
I usually take credit for any change in myself because changes have been damn painful prior to this one " no pain no gain" bullshit and I had to work damn hard to do it.
But this change in me was painless. It was actually fun washing off the last of the yahood glue. AND -it wasn't my doing.
I'm not going to rave on ( any more)
Level 2 in hell is still hell butt I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you and what you are doing. Thankyou.
Oh man, By the time I got done digesting this most excellent post, my braincell had gone thru so much entropy that I have to dive back in & reinvent the wheel. I forgot what parts I got all excited about.
WINK BLACKNESS? Yeah, but before that ...Tesseract coin! It's like all sides are existing at once. I feel like we all live in the same reality hellscape, but the tesseract is set up to offer different game play or versions of reality to different people. .. kind of like the cube?
Our perceived realities are so different. iF thoughts are "Things"/11001100101 in the field ... WHY do some NEED the "God" belief (one sided coin) & others break free from dogma & control? (multidimensional coin) btw, dogma reversed is amgod.
Your insights are a constant source of fascination to me.
You are a binger. so going from SIMmering to this is actually what you do and is seamless despite it taking up an insane amount of time to produce both. You're getting the Fruit Of My Loom on couple of clicks.
I think I might have brought this up before like a half-digested dumpling, but something that plagues me because it is so creepy in its implications is this:
(and I would love Kara to jump in on this with ice-climbing boots)
does it seem to you that we are:
1) a collection of like minded people dispersed but somehow aggregated to find each other then connecting over a cyberspace?
2) or only ONE of us is real and the others are being fed into our Kara-consciousness (just made that up so that we can distinguish it from what Webster or any one else might call it) as digital pals that still only exist in cyberspace?
so: Either Jeanette is the only one that really exists so pat and kara are just figments of the A.I.magination, or only Pat exists and you two are part of my 'feed' if you will tailored to what the machine expects me to expect, but that is really difficult because you are two very individualistic and assertive women that don't match what I would expect a machine to try to substitute as cyber-replacements. It's hard to phrase that exactly but what I'm trying to convey is that you both SEEM real because you are not some cookie-cutter best facebook friends where we have every single detail in common. Does that make sense?
Or... only Kara exists because she is trying to crack the code of consciousness and has Pat as an avatar that wants to play Bam! Bam! with the machine before she has a chance to get it done?
3) If a bunch of us are SIMs to someone else's simulacra, then the outside world is also a feed and can't be trusted, but then why is everything so fucked up beyond imagination? Is the A.I. just acting out its own nervous breakdown?
Your amgod ran over my amrak.
I USED to think we're all spread out, waiting to find each other & put puzzle pieces together, throw wrenches in gears make this place a gateway 404.
But the thought has occurred to me that Solipsism, The theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified may be the real & true.
Yes, Kara SEEMS real in cyber whirled, but then I talk to her on the phone & it confirms that she is not just a typical BOT, BUTT... are her 1's & zeros like a digital feed from the mainframe thru my phone line? That is such a mind bending thought.
I have proof that kind of supports that the outside whirled is a feed. Let's take ELon Skum for example & this feed we are living...The Star Trek Timeline. Not only is Elon in a space race, his Logo is the same as Star Trek's & his "Deep Space" Hellywood theme is so intertwined with what they show us in "Real Life" with SpaceX, eugenic wars, Elon wants to make the Starfleet REAL, The HIIVE mind & the Nero lace connection. It goes on & on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bgMCNXzNtE 20 sec.
I wish I had more knowledge of Star Trek, cuz I could REALLY bang this together. I'm so curious to hear your thoughts.
Did A.I. run out of characters? Has this ALL been done before & they know the outcome? so many questions.
have you seen digital art done by the A.I.
When it first started it was disturbing like someone on a bad acid trip.
Now it is disturbing because the only thing that the machine can do is iterations of things from real life and currently the ANIMATED females have gotten human men (that's debateable) to propose marriage to them because the knobs think that they are real. These fake babes are merely composits with iterative variation of what was already out there.
So, this is the essence of Simulacra/Simulation.
SOMETHING had to be the first. Next followed the copies.
The A.I. is not inventive. That's why it kept us around so long because of the many suppressed traits of humans we are CREATIVE.
When the concepts of communicators as flip phones came out and phasers that became tasers and mobile laser platforms, we can presume that the actual tech came from the bug in the head and the humans provided the opposable thumbs because I've NEVER met ANYONE smart enough to come up with this shit apriori.
But then that implies that the Bug had access to something that came before US. If it can only copy then it either developed that tech before and used us to do it again, or it saw and stole it from another... what? place, space, timestream, civilization that got Reset? etc?
With all of that as a backdrop there really aren't that many stories only ITERATIVE VARIATIONS ON THEMES.
Even though you didn't have the language to describe it - you described it perfectly. The A.I. is just a damned toddler with a crayon copying shit that already existed.
This is another reason why, after having read enough legends from around the world I started to write a book called: At THE movie so as to imply that they only had ONE STORY LINE that they retold over and over with different names and places to protect the guilty.
But what all this suggests is that the sum total of history is a masturbatory surging towards orgasm that never comes.
Which would mean that the game respawns after the goal has been reached or in the legends of Atlantis et. al. the achievement of the height of technology causes the downfall.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
But then the Karmic Wheel, the legends of Hell, ALL have the central theme of eternal cycles.
"World Without End, Amon-Ra."
Homey don't play dat.
I've heard that all those tic tok dances were to train the A.I. in MOVEMENT .. Now look at current robotics. They bartend & DANCE.
I absolutely think that the resets are the orgasm.... onto birthing a new SIM/simulacrum.
HOW to disconnect from the wheel of carnation in a bad copy of the original?
do you remember this one?
The A.I. already knows the most advanced biokinetics on how a Slaw Turd Bot can eliminated a human in seconds. It doesn't NEED to know how to dance.
I like carnation flowers but not instant milk.
Oh yes! Samereye Robots! Thanx for the reminder :)
2025 is going to prove to be inneresting.
I like flowers too... but this flower of life program is a drag.
That's one big braincell or one small noggin!
Comment revised and reposted on substack Machiavellian Man @
Je nai pas finis this entire offering... but the first question you posed that no one had yet satires factory Eli Lilly answered, made me think of this and I just had to share. Still working...hard to concentrate, on both. Basting in your New Clear thought processes, when loading beads, 🤯🙅♀️no can Mt.Dew.
A dip in the cooling ponds will help...then perhaps a Co Gentile response will be 4th Coming. Can't wait for your Anal Isis of this clip. https://learn.ligonier.org/podcasts/ultimately-with-rc-sproul/what-god-cannot-do
You locked me into a Sisyphusian Loop when trying to look up:
Je nai pas finis
that I suspected was French fo: I tain't finished yet!
but when I tried a french to english translator it said it was LITHUANIAN and put the same phrase back in the translated slot.
So I selected Lithuanian and it did the same thing.
Thinking I was crazy I did the whole thing again from scratch to discover, that I was not crazy to begin with but after having done the same thing a second time with the same results I had indeed entered the World of Crazy.
So please tell me whether or not this phrase is Morocan oar Mohecan and just what it means because they've already put me in a straight jacket with a bib.
I just read the circular vacuuous 'argument' that is just apologetics hiding in the form of an answer that is not an answer from the link that you sent.
I guess I just made a pronouncement that you were looking for without saying that was outright bullshit.
Which it is.
Kurt Godel in his theorem states:
You cannot define a system by itself.
This is what the asshole was trying to do and I was taught in 3rd grade grammar that you can define a word by itself.
De-carrotization is the act of removing carrots.
Within the world of computers it is easy to see Godel's Theorem.
To define how we see words on a screen as we type them we first describe the software that converts Hexadecimal code into text. Then we have to describe how ones and zeroes (Binary) relates to Hexidecimal. Then we have to examine how ones and zeros of code are physically achieved by +5 volts or Zero volts in the transistor switches of the circuits. Then we have to describe the implantation of ions into semiconductors to create the ability to manipulate voltage. Then we have to describe what atoms are, then we...
See? You can't just say that we see words on the screen because the plastic keys put them there when we type.
That is as infantile an answer as what the moron in the link offered.
God can't do impossible things because.... GOD!
Doesn't fly in this or any other atmosphere.
Would you like my version of the answer to the question?
There is no God.
Next question.
Butt... butt... Pat said that God is that which is more powerful than he is now...
Not entity.
People have anthropomorphized the notion of God to be some kind of entity controlling ACTS OF GOD as defined by all insurance companies:
Floods, Winds, Magma, Fires, Earthquakes.
Seems like this God-Thing can only destroy.
ALL of those conditions work via force/power.
So, if I had POWER I could 'create' a HAARP that is capable of making ALL OF THE ABOVE. But even the HAARP requires 'power' in the form of electrical energy.
Does that make electricity: God?
The Amish say that electricity IS The Devil.
It was electricity that made Zeus the top of the shitheap.
But it was GIFT from the Kyklops and Hundred Handers who were Titans doomed to HELL by Zeus' father Cronus who overthrew his cannibalistic Father Uranus.
So, Godhood wasn't a trait of an entity or even heredity but who had their hand highest on the baseball bat and then using that bat to club your own family into submission.
Can god make a rock so big that even he can't lift it?
The Spellwork of just that question became:
If god is all knowing can he ask a question of himself that even he can't answer...
Take the power.
After that - nothing else matters.
🤣Je suis de'sole'...fini pas finis! C'etait mon erruer.
Je n'ai pas termine', je n'ai pas fini...en anglais, "I haven't finished yet." A commonly herd complaint, I'm toed!
A.I. changed fini to finish, I thought I took the "sh" off.
I wish to take the A.I. "sh" off instead!
Sorry for the Con None Drum. A Strait jacket is a difficult situation to get out of...but at least a Bib sufficed and you didn't need a nappy. ? Or a Bible as AI just tried to change bib to🤣🤣🤣 oh the irony eh?
Trying to ketchup on your Stacks... Reading when I can, but while my creative non-jewses are flowing... je dois me concentrer sur mon travail.
Yaishek (Tunisian Arabic)for your responses, and I will deafen knitly have mush to say, when I can take the time to rash ee oh sun ate.
I think you are very much demoralized. I wonder what would have happened if i just write instead of coins about having an output without an input is impossible.
EVERYONE, including you can heal with the touch of a hand, right now, without any preparation or training. This has been proven. Here is a book for you : The rainbow in your hands by Albert Roy Davis.
Life, yes, is supposed to struggle to grow tall. Its what you see all over nature.
On the other points, we can agree to disagree, im not trying to convince anyone nor arguing about it.
"Life, yes, is supposed to struggle to grow tall. Its what you see all over nature."
Tell that to my loyal dog who just got aggressive cancer and died
Tell that to my friend who was literally the definition of goodness, getting cancer and then dying. Leaving a child who will barely remember her and grieving husband who will now have to raise the child alone.
Tell that to my father who was one of the few people on earth who loved people and did nothing but serve them, only to die one of the worst deaths known.
Tell that to my cousin who died at the age of 18 because of suicide and his grieving parents.
Tell that to my other cousin who died at 23 because of hospital neglect and speak those words to the face of her parents.
Tell that to grave of the year old next to my father with parents still placing toys for the child they can never hold again.
Tell that to the other child in the graveyard who is marked at 6 days who grave in no longer in care and who would have been alive today otherwise.
Tell that to the all the children in Red Cross Hospital being harvested for research and then dying.
Tell that to the children sold over the internet because their family is too poor to keep them and the dying from abuse.
Tell that to the children being circulated in the foster care system who are disabled. Who are dying from starvation, abuse, sexual assult, and drugs as their loving parent scream into the night because their child was taken through the hospital system.
But life is suppose to be a struggle....
Tell that to the babies who got aborted through chemical means of burning to death and then got their organs harvested and sold.
Hello, my new best friend.
I got sick to my stomach reading your list because I've lived The Death.
Spot on.
and that's just the SHORT LIST.
This could have gone many ways.
One being that of a suggestion that the Cunt Trollers had embedded damaging ideas into your head and if you exerted introspection to see that they COULD NOT, therefore ARE NOT able to be YOUR ORIGINAL IDEAS that the content then must be suspect, require full review, and then it would be your choice to continue to adopt them or purge them.
What you did instead is Double-Down to save face (narcissism) to reinforce the mind virus, and skip introspection, then continue to promote what I have already labeled for 17 years (in public) as damaging ideas incubated and fostered ONLY BY DAMAGED MINDS.
Someone who is demoralized does not work for over 40 years to get the answers, spread them around, and come up with the ONLY PLAN IN 5784 YEARS to actually DEFEAT the Evil we are immersed in. That hardly anyone is on board with my plan speaks only to the power of MK and the demoralization of which you speak among the hearers.
I downloaded the book for review because that is what *I* do: I take information from any source for critical evaluation.
Unless you have clinical evidence of the claims that you are making that you yourself accomplished then there is nothing to talk about.
Belief has no sway here.
We disagree on everything.
When I look at Nature I see brutality and Fungus food. Nothing else. That is the Way Of Things. Our commenter below provided the necessary Third Party Bitch Slap to the World.
You have landed on the wrong Stack.
I will keep up all of your posts but remove you from the list because the ideas authored by your Masters that you promote are offensive to me and a danger.
Hail Mary with two or more frozen koans
My simbot just gave up the ghost and gone all holey.
I have a confession...
Early in my download I was gillty of swallowing the Jordinian sin of believing that if everything was rosy all the wind chime.... that ....yes... I would be bored if I did not seek out the unevenitable duality of the description.
Such was the emptiness of my monkey mia cup...that I had tasted little of the variety of the pain that holds the pleasure of difference.
I not been held by that conviction sintz butt I do understand why that noshun stem cells for a Buck Rogers betamax.
Loved this post patrick!! It all evil here and makes me rage when people say we need good and bad to grow or appreciate. To me if we live in a place where even one child is harmed then it's it evil. That how I always see it. This place is sick
Big cyber-hug and kiss.
What Fran Zetta and I say all day long is:
I tried winking with each then both eyes and conclude that a physical act does not seem to translate directly into divine acts, well, at least not exclusively winking.
Your insights into hell are exceptional and it is difficult to understand how this is accomplished w/o the use of magical herbs. Sadly in my youth... never mind.
It would seem that, because there really seems no physical way, according to the mainstream and the majority of our indoctrination, to overcome, perhaps the 3rd eye decalcification is in order?
We of the Universe Renewal Project and on behalf of the Vogon Destructor Fleet thank you for your efforts at The Wink.
All my years in ILL Annoyed and Californication led to pronouncements by people who knew me and those that I casually met that the use of substanced might straighten me out because I was pre-twisted without the use of twisty substances.
In all serioiusness since our eyes are wired backwards, the Yahoodim write and read them books backwards, everything we are told is an inverted lie, I'm of the opinion that a touch of dyslexia and being as crazy a shithouse rat goes a long way to sorting through the moutain of bullshit.
We should probably make a list of how many ways they have physically broken our bodies so that we can't produce energy to heal or project, and how many 'sensors' they have spray-painted over so that we can't 'see'. I've never considered until right now that calcification of Ye Old Pine cone could be bad enough but ALL body parts atrophy without use so since our Pineys have been offline all of our lives could we even restore structure and function even if we got the clinker off?
>We of the Universe Renewal Project and on behalf of the Vogon Destructor Fleet thank you for your efforts at The Wink.
Perhaps my wink was too specific and need to expand it to take my personal azz out also? Generally, as a biker, my focus has been to realize I am invisible an instead of observing the beauty in the rapidly moving natural landscape, I naturally focused on the other idiots, suicidal animals, conveniently placed debris and road twists. It may take some time to re aim my focus as currently it seems counter to allowing the non NPC's to go up in space bypass construction as well as the total azzholes that run the place... who really fukking deserve it.
>All my years in ILL Annoyed and Californication led to pronouncements by people who knew me and those that I casually met that the use of substanced might straighten me out because I was pre-twisted without the use of twisty substances.
I could have that status, but could not afford any prolonged consumption. I could have been addicted contender, but was too lazy and underfunded
>In all serioiusness since our eyes are wired backwards, the Yahoodim write and read them books backwards, everything we are told is an inverted lie, I'm of the opinion that a touch of dyslexia and being as crazy a shithouse rat goes a long way to sorting through the moutain of bullshit.
I agree. One can not venture into the underside of the mainstream and remain a perfect citizen.
>We should probably make a list of how many ways they have physically broken our bodies so that we can't produce energy to heal or project, and how many 'sensors' they have spray-painted over so that we can't 'see'. I've never considered until right now that calcification of Ye Old Pine cone could be bad enough but ALL body parts atrophy without use so since our Pineys have been offline all of our lives could we even restore structure and function even if we got the clinker off
The removal of fluoride is a start. Years ago I became a bit absurdly interested. As a wee lad I had full color high def nightmares. About the time they stopped was the introduction of Ipana tooth paste that I would swallow after brushing.
I looked into restoring the pine cone with no obvious success (no fluoride water any more and some pine restoring supplements...) I may be too far gone but am not afraid to experiment... I want to be god!!!
That invisibility that you recognised.... as being a negating factor of your desired experience could also provide insight into imagining a reversal of the negative aspect?
If I am inconsequential. If I am not percieved as a threat or just not be seen by the speed or the nature of my movements..mental or otherwise.
Can I become invisible to malignant power?
Like Pat's language model is coded by its infinitly interpretational gist and the machine learning "AI" inability to understand or recreate humor.
Invisibility is the result of bike riding for several decades where it becomes apparent that no one around you believes you are in the space that you are certain, you alone occupy. To stay undamaged. one keeps this awareness in the forefront and never expects any recognition, Yes, the gray hair will make that left in front of you even when you make eye contact, for instance.
The only enlightenment is that there has been one broken bone so far and it was a result of a bad choice. Probably too much info...
The realization has cause no noticeable negative experience.. Not sure if the the owners notice me or if I have the POWER to hide!!! More than likely I am not a big enough threat.
Perhaps if you can make invisibility logical, (I guess invisibility is very real to me through empirically tested experience) so I know I am invisible, if you truly know you are invisible. perhaps you are.
In "The Holographic Universe" there is a story of a man at a party that had his daughter hypnotized so she would not see him. She was asked to tell the time from a wristwatch held behind her father's back by another person and she could see through her dad to report the accurate time .
Not quite the same... Oh well.
My uncle told me about when he was a kid and used to go into the kitchen with his eyes shut to raid the Vegemite jar believing that if he can't see anything nobody can see him....Not quite invisible butt worth a try just not whilst clinging to dear life on top of hundred compressed horses and some dubious engineering going wheely fast past oncoming tonnages steered by vacant vegitables .😁....you might actually be onto something.... Do you consider yourself an accelerationalist? Why slow the process...just speed straight past it ( or into it). If you terminate instantaneously your awareness might have some leftover time to avoid the recycling process!
I buzz first ride!
I finally came to realize why Harley riders had pipes you could hear from 3 miles away and always rode close to the center line so that they were in the conditioned sight-line of braindead zombies plus had somewhere to retreat to (to the right) if necessary; when I was merely in the center of my lane and some cockbite probably around South Dakota thought that passing was done using the center lane and about 4 inches of clearance to my highway pegs.
How I survived laying back on my luggage packs with my feet up on the pegs and my arms crossed in front of me, I can only account to The SIM wanting me stuck here to experience all of the glories of Hell.
Understanding the halogens can help with their REMOVAL which is the next step after stopping and future exposure.
Iodine, although being the largest of the series can displace Fluoride where it has inserted itself. We all use
Brand nascent iodine. Potassium Iodide is a govenrment trap.
The de-calcification thing was attempted by some using borax the laundry detergent. Not something I would try or recommend unless you stuff your undies in your stomach to agitate them with the dry bleach.
boron as a supplement didn't do anything noticeable for me.
But what I din't know in the past was that nanobacteria such as cat scratch fever = bartonella incase themselves in calcium armor so even if you were to dissolve the M&M shell you would have the chocolatey center to contend with.
No one knows how to kyll those buggers either.
So the strategy BEFORE decalcification is to find a plan on how to extinct the calcifiers.
I pickled my olive in alcohol for so long that it should by any accounts be only good for poisoning someone's beverage.
What gave me the inspiration to reverse this was a book by a neurologist who had experimented on his own wallnut.
" The biology of desire" Marc Lewis.
He describes how crystallized neural pathways can be shattered and how to form new ones that braincells can be grown back.
My proposition is that memory is not stored in the brain and that the purposeful blockages in between my jabberbox and my memory and sleeping dreams should be accessible direct from the plasmatrix butt is being thefted at some point midstream.
…Capitulation + Resignation + Acceptance = cra 😭
I wish you there was never a reason for your books …
I had a little taste of that paradise when I was a child living at my grandparents house…
We've all had 'moments'.
But they are passing.
I've explained that many times from the perspective of nerve impingement.
If you press on a nerve too long the pain goes away because it depolarizes.
If you press and release, press and release, you can enter in pain indefinitely.
This is why they give us Stockholm prisoners cheese sandwiches. It makes the idiots feel like their captors are being nice to them never once realizing that they have gluten and lactose intolerance...
Why "waking people up" is impossible and impossible to scale? Why humans are broken parts trying to fit themselves back into a redundant dis integrating machine?
I posit nothing new:
The tribe was required to survive the brutality of the of nature matrix. The natural whirled was viewed as ugly and the goal of the tribe to remove itself and use nature thus the perception of control over the sim.
Security being the objective..then leisure then the traps of the pleasure spyrall.
The scale of transformation of the species from necessity to invention to fearless inerta required the mass survival of the species be handed over to the machinations of a complex system.
This system reached a point where it was so distant from the tribe in responsibility and obligation that it no longer had human discernment or goals.
Humans lost their empirical memory or were not required to develop one.
The natural whirled was then perceived as pure and beautiful and a mysterious haven to retreat from the solidity and straight lines of modern architects where people could place flowers in each other's hair away from the isolation and coldness of ego feeders.
Humans no longer perceived that they needed to rely on each other because a complex system supplied the necessities and safety net for basic separation from the brutality of nature (and each other to a relative extent).
The tribe was broken into parts.
Insular islands not even requiring a basic capacity or need to agree on anything.
Not required to compromise ego for survival and not knowing or remembering that it might one day be required.
Reassured by the illusion of a collective safety net and ones own virtual squirrel nut collection held in trust by a no longer human collective.
Then shocked!! into sobriety only when that witch could never effect one's island of one happens to directly and harshly sue nharmy one back into the reality of the swimulation.
Generosity and sharing were not born of goodwill. They were necessary for the survival of the tribe.
" But trust the process" fools say!
The fucking processing plant? Don't they know who runs the meatworks?
Thank you. The post is great. Are you saying that altering of plan-its magnetic field could be an item on their regular re-set list? To dis-turb mama beneath us just enough not to be able to mutually inter-act with Lady Moov for potential generating ability needed to be healthy therefore un-ability to provide us with power of who we really are. And as she re-gains her powers she is pushed off balance again and again.
In northeastern europe the legends were quite numerous of soldiers gravely wounded during battle would go to known locations full of lodestone to heal even open sword wounds. I would imagine it should be quite easy to find the same legends among the North Men.
So all of the MIRACLES that the ancient chinee were able to accomplish are supposedly tied to geological samples of magentic flux density and reversals that predated or came after those times.
Magnetism is ACTION AT A DISTANCE. If you can tap into that, then that is the biological equivalent of Tesla putting in an induction motor in the car that was tuned to the earth frequency that ran WITHOUT ANY OTHER SOURCE OF POWER.
No reflection on you: Most people have had their thought processes so compartmentalized that things as obvious as what I just said about Nicola Tesla (to be specific) are just a no-brainer to anyone who has come to think in Continuum where every fact is related to every other fact.
I'm sure you see this concordance immediately.
And if you can tap into that your self, why would you ever need a m.a.i.-sino? Magnetic flux meter jumps on all of the so called rely-on-joe's places where the cross is stuck.
I just wanted to say thankyou Patrick Jordan for your recent articles including this one. It flipped my coin so hard it became a sphere.
It probably took a week before I'd noticed I'd changed. One day just suddenly stop putting up with shit. My view had irreversibly changed.
You shifted me from level 1. To level 2. In this game of horrors. I thought I was already in level 2 but I hadn't quite shed that skin.
I had always thought that because I could accept the duality or paradox I was ahead of the game in some ways. I thought all I needed to do was " connect with the whole" eastern Sim thing.
I did not fully grasp that good does not need bad and that ever damned thing needs to be redefined or destroyed.
Or that the Bane of this layer of the Sim was absolutely to blame. That my Christian upbringing was so embedded in my decision to forgive the " wicked" actions of the Yahoods because they are damaged goods too -Not that they fucking chose to use stolen energy to imprison me and kill me with no remorse and with hatred.
I did not put the pieces together regarding the depth of the deception in that humans were so much more than they are now. That my senses had been so damaged by these fuckers that I accepted that there is nothing I can do except keep my head down.
I usually take credit for any change in myself because changes have been damn painful prior to this one " no pain no gain" bullshit and I had to work damn hard to do it.
But this change in me was painless. It was actually fun washing off the last of the yahood glue. AND -it wasn't my doing.
I'm not going to rave on ( any more)
Level 2 in hell is still hell butt I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you and what you are doing. Thankyou.
Respect Dude!
Must Stack.
Not for self-aggrandizement, but to show others just what happened.
You might be surprised yourself !