Since 2008 (in public) I have been raging against certain ideas.
When I feature the discussions that I and others are having in my comment sections it is not a personal attack. I was taught by Morning Lark that People Can Own Their Thoughts or Be Owned BY Their Thoughts. So my attack is on the thought not the person. What makes this bad is if a thought was GIVEN to the person by the Cunt Trollers so that it isn’t an original thought that was developed and genuinely held by the Thinker, then that is a danger for themselves and others.
Thoughts, like viruses, can be contagious and damaging.
This is why I have raged against certain thoughts because there is an inherent weakness in Love. It doesn’t conquer all. It is so weak that it is conquered by all.
Bad thoughts are contagious while GOOD THOUGHTS are rejected out-of-hand by the syphilitic corpses that walk among us.
Kids: I’ve been doing nothing but THIS for 25 years.
That’s a quarter of a century.
I have neither time nor patience for people to Get It and come up to speed. The pool table is already cleared and the only thing left standing is the 8-ball. Either we’re ready to fyght back or folks are sitting on landmynes wondering if they should shit or get off the Clay Moore.
Liked by Patrick Jordan
How do you know you lack sufficient power/force for godhood?
Because we're having this conversation...
Ask 100 people what any word means and you will get 1013 answers.
This is why I started redefining things specific to me:
"God is that which is more powerful than me right now."
IF I had the power the Universe itself would not exist.
We speak, therefore I AM KNOT.
Having studied the ancient martial arts, before the magnetic field of the plane-it was altered, humans were able to do MIRACLES. Dumbing down, harming brains, destroying memory and physically altering our bodies took away specific functions like us being able to generate 600 V like an electric eel.
THEY did that because they FEARED (past tense) us due to what we could have done.
That threat has been neutralized so they just pick us off one-by-one with diseases or en masse with whars.
If I had The Power there would be no rhetoric or warning, THEY would wink out.
I dont think you can have a one-sided coin. The existence of good necessitates the existence of evil. Life is supposed to struggle, and what better struggle than the eternal war between good and evil? A warrior without an enemy to fight is a warrior without meaning. Humans were always able to do miracles, they still can. However, humans, in the plural. Think about how airplanes fly. Can you think of an experiment to prove or disprove that flight was impossible for so long, simply because the masses did not believe in it, and then the industrial revolution opened up the possibility in their mind, and the universe created the physics needed to make it so?
A herd of peoples belief trumps your individual belief to remove the powers that are, but should not be. That simple, in my opinion. Now you understand the significance of the demoralization flowing from every nook and cranny.
The only way i could decide someone lacks the power to be a god, is to meet a god and compare. Otherwise, you just cant know for sure. You can heal with your hands right now just by touch, how about that being a godlike power.
Now I will cover what triggered me:
I dont think you can have a one-sided coin.
In a SIM where they forcefeed nonsense like Quantum Theory with Wave/Particle Duality, The Big Bang Theory, GOD (for God’s sake!) and a host of other patent NON-PROVABLE NONSENSE, then, I, as Fox Mulder said, Am Open to Extreme Possibility.
The coin analogy fails if only DUALITY (a trap warned against by the Taoists) is the only thing considered.
The Tao (annoying spledt and pro-nounsed as DAO) has two dynamic countervailing forces and what I call The Spots That Taint. In the chinese philosophy there is never just dialectic.
So too in coins: Obverse, Reverse, and EDGE. Inside and Outside. How many ‘sides’ to a coin are there? Seems like 5 to me so why are humans TRAINED by their Masters to only talk in terms of EITHER/OR?
Because that is what you do with an animal you are going to slaughter then eat. You off-load it into a circular corral where they can naturally move in circles to the left or right (it’s their choice…) but there is ONLY ONE EXIT TO DETH.
So, there are some practical considerations for the One-Sided Coin dilemma: The analogy of the coin has been represented wrong from the start. Now that that Miss Coin Ception has been destroyed lettuce move on to the One-Sided question.
The topic is that of godhood.
Can God indeed make a rock so big that even he/she/it can’t move it?
Heard that one when I was a kid yet never heard a valid answer to it.
Let’s consult my main man Epicuris:
Is god willing to prevent Evil but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able but not willing?
Then he is Malevolent.
Is god both able and willing?
Then whence cometh Evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
It’s pretty sick when you move from coins to gods and still come up with Snake Eyes on the dice roll…
In December 1926 Albert Einstein wrote to Max Born that “[t]he theory produces a good deal but hardly brings us closer to the secret of the Old One. I am at all events convinced that He does not play dice.” Einstein was reacting to Born’s probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics and expressing a deterministic view of the world.
This itself is problematic when we constantly try to peel back the Fractal Onion to find that if we’re in a SIM then GOD in the classic sense DOESN’T EXIST. On that level then if there is no god then there is no Dice.
Didn’t I just rage against things like Quantum Muck Can Nix?
And why isn’t non-provable spelt with an “e”?
So we are stuck with the Jordanian Definition of God:
”That which is more powerful than me at this time.”
The quote being a little ditty (not a P-diddle) that I put in my previous stack from whence this discussion arises:
So for the sake of two people discussing High Level points and since we are currently in Jordan World, then my definitions are the point of departure. If someone else has their own definitions then they can be established but if there is no concordance then within the framework of debate/discussion you cannot argue the difference between apples and orangutans.
This is an orange rang you tan.
This is a babe with an apple.
No argument there: I’ll take the babe. You can have the monkey and the fruit.
Oh… LOOK! by pure chance and accident of the Universe, a link to the book evolved on the picture. Which is pure coincidence because I haven’t sold a single book in the month of Janus!
Sow lettuce say that I attained Godhood in da Hood. Wouldn’t that mean that BY DEFINITION IF *i* WANTED A ONE-SIDED COIN, I COULD HAVE ANY DAMNED COIN THAT I WANTED?
Is this reductio ad absurdum? or is it a valid premise? If it is valid to speculate then we have to reconsidered EVERYTHING from Subspace Technician’s opening declaration.
I (setting oneself up as their own point-of-reference) don’t think (I think therefore… I AM? a god? a Karafree consciousness in a wheelie cart? Consciousness was, after all, the very diving board from which these interactions sprang, sprung) that you (as in me as either a: wannabe god? or a prisoner in a pod? or a member of the general You at large?) can (denotes ability but in what frame? Reality where ‘laws’ of physics apply unless they are of the Quantum Religion? or SIM where all crazy shit is possible?) have (as in a thing inherited from Reality or SIM? or BE CREATED BY THE GREAT AND POWERFUL JORD?) a one-sided coin. (Why not? If I were indeed god and I had control of reality physics or SIM programming I could have a Dr. Who tesseract coin folded in four dimension and pay for long distance calls across the known universe with broken payphones).
See? Problematic just with the first sentence deconstruction.
To be clear I’m not dissing SST.
This is the kind of anal lysis I’ve been doing for 25-years without a break and if your head hurts just after this minor foray into the Mind of Madness the imagine what it’s like inside MY mudpellet after a quarter of a century. Oh… those long distance universal calls only cost a quarter.
But we haven’t even got to the thing that riled me up!
The existence of good necessitates the existence of evil.
Again with no vitriole (oily sulfuric acid) directed at SST because I’m about the mind virus not the mind that holds it: This one thing had me chewing up and spitting out anyone who said/wrote that like Dis gnawing on Brutus, Judas, and Cassius in the 9th Circle of Dante’s Hell.
Nothing disturbs me more than this INFANTILE thought-virus that was OBVIOUSLY given to the entire planet before SST and I ever had an exchange.
Because it takes all of the tedious setup of the deconstruction of what godhood is and what assumptions we have made of Reality or the SIM, we can now EASILY slip into the mode of: DIALECTICS LIKE: LIGHT MUST HAVE DARK, etc. OR ANY SORT, NEED NEVER EXIST OR BE CONSIDERED IN THE PRESENCE OF A GOD.
Unless… the creation of Evil BY GOD is that stone which the Git can’t lift…
Isaiah 45:7; King James Version
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace,
and create evil:
I the Lord do all these things.
A GOD, by definition would be able to CREATE a one-sided coin, good without evil
except… for that pesky Hasatanic congruency:
Satanic Creed:
Good is Evil.
Evil is Good.
Only through Sin that mankind who has lost itself, find itself again.
Talk about your Equity, Equality, and Inclusion…
ALL that is Evil in the world (and I contend that it is ALL EVIL) is Good.
It’s all good, mon. No worries. Be hoppy.
So, what that dialectic does to a mind like mine that went to the trouble of defining what God is, FORCES us to go beyond the occulted meaning of a word that was GIVEN TO US, since God IS GOOD, and the Satantist (and Gnostics) rightly observe that GOOD (God - good god!) is EVIL, it is merely a schizophrenic manifestation of the same entity.
What is Good?
Ready for the Zen Koan of Bohdi Jordahn?
Iddn’t that whiplash to the mind?
Within the framework of our discussion the current Reality/SIM is all evil all the time like a radio station broadcasting on 666 jigawatts frying our brains.
So… Nothing (as in: there are no objects or thoughts within Reality/Sim) is wholesome, has merit, is beneficial.
but the
eye-wiggling other ‘side’ of that coin (notice there are NOT two sides to the 2-D representation of 3-D objects that can shift their perception over space/time?) is that NOTHING IS GOOD.
Wich is to say that instead of this universe of something that is just an award-winning shit show, if there was NOTHING, NO THING, VOID, EMPTINESS, SILENCE, ABSENCE OF ALL DUALITY… then
THAT would be GOOD.
A state of vacuum. A state of no-state. Sure would be a whole helluvalot more relaxing.
This brings us back to the deconstruction of the Yahoody-inflicted/infected myth:
The existence of good necessitates the existence of evil.
Does it? Must it?
What in the name of God (would that be me?) compells ANYONE to BELIEVE that anything that they learned Here (in Hell) has ANYTHING to do with Reality?
Here’s the thing I was trying to M.C. Hammer home in the SIMmering SubStack:
Just because you analyzed and accepted the WAY THINGS ARE, does NOT mean that that is they WAY THEY SHOULD BE!
That is the cardinal sin that I will not forgive anyone of.
We’ll go back to my buddy the Baboon and the Leopard. You LEARNED that the leopard will have some BBQ ribs with or without hot sauce because that is HOW NATURE WORKS.
Good for you. You observed. You described.
The Ken Wheeler Sin is to describe without explaning.
MY explanation is that just because that is a valid and common observation it doesn’t mean that it is right or should be so. We take that template and use a multi-ton press
to squeeze that onto my contention that just because you were TAUGHT dualism, just because you SEE dualism, just because you can DESCRIBE dualism, just be cause we are HELD HOSTAGE by dualism -
doesn’t mean that it is fucking right.
Doesn’t mean that that is the way it has to fucking be - not on my watch - and I’m not even god - yet…
Does anyone else feel my rage for the very existence of that oft-vomited dialectic?
It’s Yahoody control to dumb you down past the point of extreme possibility, to
Capitulation to what seems to be overwhelming power
Resignation that there is nothing you can do about it
Acceptence that that is the way it was, is, and always will be.
For me, it’s just a repeated meme (mind virus) that I have raged against for decades. I will never tolerate it as long as Nothing doesn’t exist.
In 2008 someone had the audacity to claim that everything being good all the time would be BORING.
Bore the fucking hell out of me!
I’m pretty sure that I took that idiot off of my mailing list that very day. Because with a surgical mind like mind that works like a parallel processor, the INSTANTANEOUS thought of people in all of the heinous wars who were brutally tortured and killed JUST LIKE MY MOTHER IN WHAT IS FALSELY CALLED: “healthcare and modern medicine”, left such a taint, a stain, a repulsion for anyone who would think that you MUST have dark to gauge the light, you MUST have evil to know what good is, leads me to finish with: You MUST have your balls cut off so that you can’t propagate unforgiveable ideas.
My heart and soul ache from the things I’ve seen and experienced. There is no healing. There is no correcting that. And never should be. The Newclear furnaces of Hate and Rage should burn until Evil is vaporized. So, some ape that vomits something that they learned from the very Enemy of Existence itself without having done the deep investigation to its origin and what it means becomes the Enemy of Existence.
Notice to the Principal is Notice to the Agent.
Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal.
What if OUR universe was only good?
Good in the classical sense that most people might accept as a common standard not the Jordanian or Satanian version.
Where every day was beautiful and the air smelled like orange blossoms or vanilla or cucumber vines with green metallic flower bees in the bright yellow flowers. Where pathogens didn’t destroy crops - meaning: Yahoods with their poisons causing superbugs and superweeds spawned by those poisons. Where nothing broke down and nothing needed to be fixed because there wouldn’t be any machines! or A.I. ! or humans that were antithetical to life, and goodness, and beauty.
What if?
No one goes there because they’ve never seen it, experienced it. They don’t DESIRE IT.
Why would a film that is a documentary about The SIM within The SIM written/stolen by two dudes that are now dames echo the very sentiment that you are EXPECTED to accept, resign yourself to, capitulate to?
Could it be that you are being manipulated at the very level of your thoughts so that your ACTIONS that manifest Reality are UNDER OUTSIDE CONTROL?
With something as simple as the fatalism of dualism.
The ideas that follow these flawed premises fall apart on their own just from the inertia of what was established earlier.
Life is supposed to struggle,
Says who? You or your Masters? Either way the polarization that That Is How Life Is Supposed To Be sets you up as my Enemy.
Earlier I defined in SIMmering that my Enemy is defined as:
Anything that opposes me.
If, on my way to exerting MY WILL on the Universe or MY attainment of godhood, ANYTHING gets in my way then by definition it has declared itself The Adversary, the Hasatan, The Enemy.
and what better struggle than the eternal war between good and evil?
Seriously? Are you totally at ease with capitulating, resigning, and accepting that forever and ever EVIL WILL THRIVE and that our only Raisin De Eater as the French say is to have a bite of that Shit Sandwich and ask for SECONDS?
A warrior without an enemy to fight is a warrior without meaning.
Absurd on the face of it since the premise of this exchange was Godhood.
ANY God that would promote Perpetual Whar (the Menekian Religion) is insane. Anyone who would follow or accept that God and philosophy is insane.
Let’s try this re-evaluation:
That we were caught in an undeclared whar.
That most humans are abject pussies not able or willing to fight (this includes professional Sol Diers who are merely mercenaries that whore to authority and money).
That we are required to fight until the Enemy is defeated utterly.
all notwithstanding, there is nothing ‘good’ or honorable, or right or righteous about being immersed in whar or being a warrior.
It’s fucked. It needs to be seen as fucked. Labeled as fucked. And fucking shut down as quickly as possible. Yet in 5784 years people have just stepped onto the stage, toed the line that was put on the floor for them, delivered their lines, and then their corpses were dragged off Stage Left.
In that Orange Blossom World where there is no metallurgy (supposedly taught to Man by the Nephilim) and no machines, IF something like aggression would have to be acted out it would be HAND-TO-HAND. See the above for the reference to humans being cowardly pussies that don’t know how to fight.
Butt… in a PERFECT WORLD there would NEVER be a reason to fight.
This kind of turning of the Rubics Cube puzzle solutions leaves no quarter for arguments to the contrary of a Perfect world. The only arguments offered are for things to revert back into animal aggression and chaos because that is the COMFORT ZONE of the Damned.
Humans were always able to do miracles, they still can.
Magickal Thinking. If that were true then this Stack and my entire substack wouldn’t exist. My hundreds of Ewe Toobs would never have been made. 25 of my books would never be written. My mother would still be alive. Evil people would not.
No, the only Miracle is that humans still walk upright after having been sprayed like the roaches that they are.
However, humans, in the plural. Think about how airplanes fly. Can you think of an experiment to prove or disprove that flight was impossible for so long, simply because the masses did not believe in it, and then the industrial revolution opened up the possibility in their mind, and the universe created the physics needed to make it so?
I infer from this expansion of the meaning of Miracles that it is the collective consciousness and the multiple Opposable Thumb Puppets that are credited with said undefined Miracles.
The entirety of my life’s work was to show that Humans are nothing but husks run by a superior intelligence in the form of Neurosyphilis. They are polluted, infected, steered-organisms no different than the ants with Cordyceps operating under the influence of a bug that directs them on how to infect the entire colony below them.
Work, Jobs, Industry, Infrastructure were created SOLELY to serve the Hive. This is why businesses are shutting down at alarming rates. People will be without a livelihood unable to support themselves and their families because the totality of ‘econmies’ were total lies. So the building of Pyramids or Hoover Dam or aeroplanes or any other thing that requires technology and machines is SOLELY under the control and for the benefit of The Bug.
the universe created the physics needed to make it so?
There is a skip between the premise of discussion being Godhood Junior Achievement and The Universe as if the Universe were an inanimate neutral third party. The Universe didn’t create anything. Gods or SIMs or Gods running SIM are by legend the things that set the Primum Mobile in motion and then things start degrading under Entropy, that, for some fucking reason, was designed into that ‘wonderful’ universe which is why cars rust and must be replaced every 10-years because God and The Universe loves Planned Obsolescence.
In a Perfect World there would be no need for innovation or improvement.
That’s the idea behind: Perfection.
The One-Sided Coin.
It seems anyone who leans on the Crutch of fixing broken shit, at a fundamental level in themselves or their brain-parasite must really HATE good, wholesome, perfect things.
A herd of peoples belief trumps your individual belief to remove the powers that are, but should not be. That simple, in my opinion.
A statement like that is no longer capitulation, resignation, or acceptance of the HIVE MIND it is FULL INTEGRATION.
Scary as fuck. I was at a concert where the masses rushed the stage. Nothing worse and more Evil (and steerable) than a Swarm.
The reason why Evil persists is twofold: There has ALWAYS been more of Them than there are of Us and the individual comes with the risk of being so individual that they can’t integrate with a group of like-minds to work towards what would obviously be a common goal. This is why the Evil Fucks always talk about Strengths and Weaknesses then PLOT on how to use each as a tool against us.
Strength: Not part of the Hive.
Weakness: Does not play well with Others.
Strength: Small numbers of Girillas can equal a 10:1 force multiplier of high-tech outfitted organized Trupes.
Weakness: They outnumber us.
In a Perfect World there would be no Wants because all NEEDS were met. Individuals need not be targeted and asserted against because a MOB desired something that the individual didn’t.
That’s the darkness where the analogy above ultimately leads even if the implication was that the masses can somehow overcome adversity, pull together, and accomplish something remarkable.
Like “WE” went to the moon….
The notion of the Can-Do Spirit of Man-unKind falls flat on its face because if that was true then we wouldn’t be having this conversation and the entire world wouldn’t be falling apart at the seams.
Now you understand the significance of the demoralization flowing from every nook and cranny.
This Mass demoralization concept strengthens the notion that the UNDIVIDUAL is superior in every way to the Herd. An Undividual cannot be demoralized by an outside Evil force, or by the POLARIZATION induced into the Herd by that Evil force. Evil need not pressure the non-conformists directly. Induction of the masses on their fellows in the group that are not aligned, attempts to force all of the outliers to point in the same magnetic moment direction of the majority.
That’s the beauty of demoncracy: The Mob Rules. If you don’t like it: Fuck you! We outnumber you and we voted.
The Herd is easily demoralized and that magnetic re-polarization spreads like a disease to all others around them.
Everything can be We Uponized against us, especially The Hive Swarm that is a steerable weapon.
When I do these deconstructions I always have the guidance of the Protocols to explain what it is they do and why and how they do it.
Oh, LOOK! another book just magickally appeared! Complete with a link that might earn me and Fran Zetta a buck a piece. We try to keep the cost of saving your own ass down.
Protocol 1:27. Our triumph has been rendered easier by the fact that in our relations with the men, whom we wanted, we have always worked upon the most sensitive chords of the human mind, upon the cash account, upon the cupidity, upon the insatiability for material needs of man; and each one of these human weaknesses, taken alone, is sufficient to paralyze initiative, for it hands over the will of men to the disposition of him who has bought their activities.
The big reveal that, to this day I think practically no one truly except a few gets, despite me hammering it for years is that THEY FEAR UNDIVIDUALS. THEY FEAR GENIUS.
Protocol 5:11. The second secret requisite for the success of our government is comprised in the following: To multiply to such an extent national failings, habits, passions, conditions of civil life, that it will be impossible for anyone to know where he is in the resulting chaos, so that the people in consequence will fail to understand one another. This measure will also serve us in another way, namely, to sow discord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us, and to discourage any kind of personal initiative which might in any degree hinder our affair.
if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord.
We must so direct the education of the GOYIM communities that
whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in despairing impotence.
The strain which results from freedom of actions saps the forces when it meets with the freedom of another. From this collision arise grave moral shocks, disenchantments, failures. BY ALL THESE MEANS WE SHALL SO WEAR DOWN THE "GOYIM" THAT THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO OFFER US INTERNATIONAL POWER OF A NATURE THAT BY ITS POSITION WILL ENABLE US WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE GRADUALLY TO ABSORB ALL THE STATE FORCES OF THE WORLD AND TO FORM A SUPER-GOVERNMENT.
Is anyone else out there shouting by now that in a Good World, a Wholesome World, a Perfect World where it was fashioned in Our Image not that of anal micromanaging, narcissistic biocidal maniacs that NONE of this Herd Control and Jen No Side would be… so NONE OF IT WOULD NEED TO BE ‘CORRECTED?
Always coming back to the premise that just because this is the way things ARE does NOT mean that is the way that they are meant to be.
SST then gives us their definition of God:
The only way i could decide someone lacks the power to be a god, is to meet a god and compare.
Quickly we see that our definitions don’t match. It took us to nearly the end of their comment; which is why definitions must be had before the debate, discussion, or argument begins.
a god
The Judeo-Christian trap of: I AM The MOST High. So as to imply that there are other gods in the heirarcy/pantheon. But it is POWER not PERSONALITY that decides leopard or baboon. Predator/Prey. God/Lackey.
Zeus was a two-bit piece of shit. But his entire FAMILY at Olympus GANGED UP ON HIM and bound him. The Powers of Hell gave him thunder and lightening and he’s been top of the shitheap ever since.
[Well, I’ll be jiggered! ANOTHER book with a $2 markup just suddenly appeared out of nowhere with a link attached! Who’da thought that I already covered their revelation of Energy/Power being the sole determinant of their Control structure?]
Everyone has already MET their God, defined by Jordan as: That which is more powerful than me at this time.
A Horse is more powerful than a man which is why there are two rating systems: Horsepower and Manpower. But a horse can be controlled by a man.
Machines are rated in Horsepower. Many machines are more powerful than man. Don’t believe me? Then DON’T try to hold onto the shaft of a motor when you turn it on because I don’t want the liability of a fool trying to prove something wrong.
The Cunt Trollers exert more power than most people can conceive of, yet it is wielded in the same way that a rider controls the horse or the engineer or user controls the machine. In and of themselves those in control are just two-bit pieces of shit that merely have hold of the reigns or the accelerator pedal.
Those in control of the power are not even gods in the classical sense but STILL MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU OR I.
Anyone surprised that I included myself in that declaration? I did at the outside. The entire scope of this investigation was the Nature of, Acquisition of, and Utilization of Godly Power. Of course I’m not there. Wink. Blackness. Remember? If I had the power, then this excessively long Substack would not have existed. Nor would computers or consciousness that anything ever existed before the achievement of Winkhood.
Some might think: I don’t want HIM being God !
Probably not. But think about this: If I were then. Wink. Blackness. You would never have been consulted. You would never have had a choice.
Is that terrible?
The alternative is an ETERNAL battle with the forces of evil where there are no warriors and everyone lies down like pussies to take their punishment.
We already know what choice the world made.
So, you’ve met your god. I just made the comparison for you.
Now what are you willing or able to do?
Otherwise, you just cant know for sure.
But now everyone has known. The choice was been made 5784 years ago. No one is aspiring to become God because they already have one. They KNOW they have been doomed to Hell because they’re already there. And since they superficially learned the “rules of the game” they are satisfied to play it out for eternity because the certainty of a outcome of certain doom is far more soothing to an infantile mind then wondering what might happen if they took the reigns or smashed the machine or stood up as a single In Surge Ant against the entire Hive Swarm.
That we all know for sure, because we’re all here - now.
Wink. Yup. Still here.
You can heal with your hands right now just by touch, how about that being a godlike power.
This closing statement of faux altruism shows that my premise and points were never understood from the beginning. Doesn’t surprise me none. Been raging against this embedded mindset for 17-years in public without a break.
No, I CAN’T heal with my hands because the ones who hold more power than me now DESTROYED THAT ABILITY.
Does anyone in their right mind (my mistake) honestly think that anyone who could do miracles with their hands would leave this hellhole in the shape that its in?
Let’s get back to the duality of the Tao. In martial (I typed: marital) arts you are taught how to kyll and to heal. Energy Out vs. Energy In. The Old Masters could kyll from a distance without touching. A Chi Gong master was recorded to move the legs of a paralyzed man from 10-feet away.
These are not ‘godlike’ powers this was our BASELINE that was taken from us.
Even if they hadn’t retarded us and castrated our ability to heal self or others, the DOOM that SST implied for us is that it would be a NEVER-ENDING battle of the forces of darkness cutting everything down, with us sorting through the bits of the meat grinder to try to put the shit back together. Sorry…
ALL of the legends of Hell have spontaneous regeneration so that the exquisitness of the torture can be felt anew for all eternity.
Some have and might now think that my views are Luciferian. But even that Lackey is beneath me. “I will be AS god.” said Lux Fere; who didn’t even aspire to be GOD. Just ‘a god’ like SST had penned. We will dismiss the notion of the Gnostics and Satanists that God and Dis are the same thing. It just really muddies the dialect that people are so comfortable chosing a side on, then terminating other humans over those disagreements…
So in anyone’s conflict over my position regarding my intention of supplanting:
A god, The Adversary, or The Most High, the answer is simple:
Wink. Blackness.
Comment revised and reposted on substack Machiavellian Man @
Oh man, By the time I got done digesting this most excellent post, my braincell had gone thru so much entropy that I have to dive back in & reinvent the wheel. I forgot what parts I got all excited about.
WINK BLACKNESS? Yeah, but before that ...Tesseract coin! It's like all sides are existing at once. I feel like we all live in the same reality hellscape, but the tesseract is set up to offer different game play or versions of reality to different people. .. kind of like the cube?
Our perceived realities are so different. iF thoughts are "Things"/11001100101 in the field ... WHY do some NEED the "God" belief (one sided coin) & others break free from dogma & control? (multidimensional coin) btw, dogma reversed is amgod.