The people do not have any political representation, the military has bee co-opted, the police the same with lucrative pensions, and repubs have been bought off. In an article not published yet I explain we are not living in a democracy but an system of Capitalist Oligarchy where there are two cabals vying for the presidency. One are the Foxes who rely on cunning, illusion making, bribery, etc. and the other are the Lions who are accustomed to using force, power, but have been disabled because they have no army to back them. There is no civil war, no race war, no class war, but there is a struggle between these two cabals, more like the Gambino family vs the Genovese mafia family turf wars. In ancient Rome, vying rulers each had their own armies who fought it out. If the military leader of one clan won, they would seize on their popularity and want to assassinate the ruler who hired him. There is no such thing as elections as you know just a pretense of such. The people have no leaders either including Rump. The people need an oligarch to start building parallel banking, medical, and military systems just as the Romans had the Gracchi Brothers create a new Tribunal for the people. Lacking anything like that it is impossible for our voice to carry very far. But we can help those who are suffering from the murderous medical system.
problem is they study the bible as if it were history instead of propaganda and then when they read modern history or view documentaries they employ the same non-skeptical trust in it. So the Evangelicals continue to tell us the USA was founded as a Xtian nation but they do not hear that there were 17 appointed US presidents before Washington and they were mostly Free Masons (anti-Catholic anti Christian). There was no King David for Jesus to have descended from - there are no coins, no tax records, no birth record, no monuments, no letters about a King David (but now paid archeologists claim they have found a City of King David but still no coins, no tax records, etc. But, no matter to Evangelicals. BTW did you know that the Prophet Isaiah walked naked thru Jerusalem for 3 years to dissent injustice of government. Then a propagandist tacked onto his book of Isaiah a Second Isaiah about somebody named Suffering Succotash.
religion trains us to believe not just in Christ but in everything the state says and does. even the "protest"-ant churches don't protest. I'm a Christian but that means I am a believer and skeptic. Faith and doubt go together - you can't have one without the other. If you have no doubt you have no faith because faith is belief full well knowing the doubts. when i go to a church I pray with my eyes open looking up to heaven, not with my eyes closed and hypnotized.
Don't worry Wayne, the coins are being fabricated now. And very soon, they'll unearth some stone tablets they'll claim are those missing tax records. Satan has plenty of money and plenty of minions. And it/he/she pays well.
Lulu ships all over the world. Some countries are insane with their shipping and customs while other countries as long as they're books and below a certain price waive the customs.
By all means write a question at to find out.
Thou art a self taught one, that arbeitest thine way through the U of ILL Annoyed of UR BA na SHEM peign in which dwelleth 13 million volumes and 24 million items of all formats to findeth that rare tome of goodly knowledge of a Crookshank and Lenormant. Any others hast thou found?
The bulk of the most important stuff is represented in all of my books.
When I fell across references like the Egyptian Magi and pronouncing words in spellwork as just passing info in books I hadn't read cover to cover I try to put that out there when it fits.
I have an excellent bullshit sniffer, so since half of their collection is total garbage and half of that is of no practical interest to us then I only had to sort through 6 million objects in 3 years.
What I regret not having the time for is a book on Vitamin D and a book on Cosmic Rays that were as thick as chicago phone books that I simply couldn't even check out because during that time I was taking care of mom on dialysis.
The book that revealed Pavlovs's secrets had some other interesting stuff. If you keep bugging me I will try to track down the title of that one.
My vitamin guru brother insisted I take IVR about 4 years ago and against my intuition I took it once as a prophylactic. But I believe that IVR is a one off. I ended up writing an skeptical article about IVR about a year ago which got like 10,000 hits. Obviously, it was of no benefit to my brother who took it, high dose Vit. C by IV, chlorine dioxide, and who knows what else but died the precise type of hospitalized death he dreaded. I've had scads of vaccine shots when inducted into the army and then sent to an overseas war. None afterward. I believe there is a ray of hope, however thin, for humanity after reading your article.
That's a lot of coverage. As always: sorry about your brother. He did 'everything right'.
New sentence: it always brings me back to the Monty Python Skit: "How do you KNOW that she is a witch?"
If you operate from an ASSUMPTION that disease x,y,z is in play then treat based on that bias but are WRONG then the outcome may not be favorable.
All of my life I've wanted to build new not fix things.
All of my life I've been repairing broken shit.
If there is hope for humanatees the it will have to come from them fixing themselves and our work will give them the method of discerning the truth from 6 millennia of lies.
Maybe we should look at it this way: if the Pandemic were declared in 1950 everyone would have lined up for the shot. Thanks to the very few like you and your ICD 999 book, there was a small voice of resistance. It parlayed into about one third of the public refusing injections - what? a minor miracle! And that percentage is probably larger now. You need to keep banging those drums that the power elites hear from a distance and recognize the natives are still out there and they are mad.
My husband asked me in the fall of 2020, that since I was against the jabs, would I take Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, the implication being, that if so, I had been manipulated by the radicalized far right (whatever entity that is). I replied that there was no difference between any of them as they are all pharmaceuticals and thus, poisons.
Would you take something that you didn't make that was manufacturered by a known Jen Oh Sidal industry for a thing that has not been sufficiently been demonstrated might be any one of 5 things or nothing at all?
When put that way: duh...
I, however, do take poisons: Green Hull of the Black Walnut and a host of other natural substances that Buggers don't like.
There are three substances used as remedies in traditional chinese medicine: Food, Tonics, Poisons. After 5000 years you have to acknowledge that they might know a tiny bit more than Rockefeller Snake Oil.
Broadspectrum anti-bugger. Works against adult-stage parasites, bacteria and fungi. Not all of them but enough to make a difference. It is the Masque of the Green-Black Death on single celled parasites since it is high in tannins.
Over the years the message boards started filling up with people who were having sensitivity to tannins in foods, then salicylates, then phenols (the parent chemical of both). This has to be vaccine damage and other things they have done to us because ALL of those are LIFE chemicals that you CANNOT avoid and mankind has lived with for millennia.
So now I have to caution about that and the fact that antigenic crossover for those allergic to nuts might happen as well despite it being the HULL not the nut, but the proteins might look similar to a deranged immune system.
Some say that Black Walnut does not work against lyme but they are so mentally beneath me that I walk past them without pissing on them. Don't want to waste a good piss.
FILARIAL WORMS as taught to us by Alan MacDonald carry the spirochetes into the cerebral spinal space where they offload their migrant labor to create just about every brain disease known.
So, I use BW as part of any anti-bugger campaign because if you don't killy the wormys you can't killy the spirys.
Have you heard the 4 parts of the Day tapes?
Never heard of it. If it is more than an hour can you post a summary?
Demon Patrol NEVER gets old.
Brah-fukking-Voh !!
One of the best ever! More later.
1:12 min in
Move Dallas!
Not that way - the OTHER WAY!
but he STILL gets eaten.
The people do not have any political representation, the military has bee co-opted, the police the same with lucrative pensions, and repubs have been bought off. In an article not published yet I explain we are not living in a democracy but an system of Capitalist Oligarchy where there are two cabals vying for the presidency. One are the Foxes who rely on cunning, illusion making, bribery, etc. and the other are the Lions who are accustomed to using force, power, but have been disabled because they have no army to back them. There is no civil war, no race war, no class war, but there is a struggle between these two cabals, more like the Gambino family vs the Genovese mafia family turf wars. In ancient Rome, vying rulers each had their own armies who fought it out. If the military leader of one clan won, they would seize on their popularity and want to assassinate the ruler who hired him. There is no such thing as elections as you know just a pretense of such. The people have no leaders either including Rump. The people need an oligarch to start building parallel banking, medical, and military systems just as the Romans had the Gracchi Brothers create a new Tribunal for the people. Lacking anything like that it is impossible for our voice to carry very far. But we can help those who are suffering from the murderous medical system.
those who do not study history - are doomed
problem is they study the bible as if it were history instead of propaganda and then when they read modern history or view documentaries they employ the same non-skeptical trust in it. So the Evangelicals continue to tell us the USA was founded as a Xtian nation but they do not hear that there were 17 appointed US presidents before Washington and they were mostly Free Masons (anti-Catholic anti Christian). There was no King David for Jesus to have descended from - there are no coins, no tax records, no birth record, no monuments, no letters about a King David (but now paid archeologists claim they have found a City of King David but still no coins, no tax records, etc. But, no matter to Evangelicals. BTW did you know that the Prophet Isaiah walked naked thru Jerusalem for 3 years to dissent injustice of government. Then a propagandist tacked onto his book of Isaiah a Second Isaiah about somebody named Suffering Succotash.
religion trains us to believe not just in Christ but in everything the state says and does. even the "protest"-ant churches don't protest. I'm a Christian but that means I am a believer and skeptic. Faith and doubt go together - you can't have one without the other. If you have no doubt you have no faith because faith is belief full well knowing the doubts. when i go to a church I pray with my eyes open looking up to heaven, not with my eyes closed and hypnotized.
Don't worry Wayne, the coins are being fabricated now. And very soon, they'll unearth some stone tablets they'll claim are those missing tax records. Satan has plenty of money and plenty of minions. And it/he/she pays well.
Great comment. Emphasis on tribunals.
Your books, do you export? Apart from high postage costs, in UK, we also get hit with Customs Duty. Do you have ebook or PDF versions, please?
Lulu ships all over the world. Some countries are insane with their shipping and customs while other countries as long as they're books and below a certain price waive the customs.
By all means write a question at to find out.
I don't offer them in any other form.
Thanks, I will.
Thou art a self taught one, that arbeitest thine way through the U of ILL Annoyed of UR BA na SHEM peign in which dwelleth 13 million volumes and 24 million items of all formats to findeth that rare tome of goodly knowledge of a Crookshank and Lenormant. Any others hast thou found?
The bulk of the most important stuff is represented in all of my books.
When I fell across references like the Egyptian Magi and pronouncing words in spellwork as just passing info in books I hadn't read cover to cover I try to put that out there when it fits.
I have an excellent bullshit sniffer, so since half of their collection is total garbage and half of that is of no practical interest to us then I only had to sort through 6 million objects in 3 years.
What I regret not having the time for is a book on Vitamin D and a book on Cosmic Rays that were as thick as chicago phone books that I simply couldn't even check out because during that time I was taking care of mom on dialysis.
The book that revealed Pavlovs's secrets had some other interesting stuff. If you keep bugging me I will try to track down the title of that one.
My vitamin guru brother insisted I take IVR about 4 years ago and against my intuition I took it once as a prophylactic. But I believe that IVR is a one off. I ended up writing an skeptical article about IVR about a year ago which got like 10,000 hits. Obviously, it was of no benefit to my brother who took it, high dose Vit. C by IV, chlorine dioxide, and who knows what else but died the precise type of hospitalized death he dreaded. I've had scads of vaccine shots when inducted into the army and then sent to an overseas war. None afterward. I believe there is a ray of hope, however thin, for humanity after reading your article.
That's a lot of coverage. As always: sorry about your brother. He did 'everything right'.
New sentence: it always brings me back to the Monty Python Skit: "How do you KNOW that she is a witch?"
If you operate from an ASSUMPTION that disease x,y,z is in play then treat based on that bias but are WRONG then the outcome may not be favorable.
All of my life I've wanted to build new not fix things.
All of my life I've been repairing broken shit.
If there is hope for humanatees the it will have to come from them fixing themselves and our work will give them the method of discerning the truth from 6 millennia of lies.
Maybe we should look at it this way: if the Pandemic were declared in 1950 everyone would have lined up for the shot. Thanks to the very few like you and your ICD 999 book, there was a small voice of resistance. It parlayed into about one third of the public refusing injections - what? a minor miracle! And that percentage is probably larger now. You need to keep banging those drums that the power elites hear from a distance and recognize the natives are still out there and they are mad.
My husband asked me in the fall of 2020, that since I was against the jabs, would I take Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, the implication being, that if so, I had been manipulated by the radicalized far right (whatever entity that is). I replied that there was no difference between any of them as they are all pharmaceuticals and thus, poisons.
And I don't use poison.
Would you take something that you didn't make that was manufacturered by a known Jen Oh Sidal industry for a thing that has not been sufficiently been demonstrated might be any one of 5 things or nothing at all?
When put that way: duh...
I, however, do take poisons: Green Hull of the Black Walnut and a host of other natural substances that Buggers don't like.
There are three substances used as remedies in traditional chinese medicine: Food, Tonics, Poisons. After 5000 years you have to acknowledge that they might know a tiny bit more than Rockefeller Snake Oil.
I should modify my statement that I will take poison in a homeopathic dose.
Ah... but Parakelsus said that Poison is IN the dose...
sew... you're really only getting good vibrations.
I feel the beach boys coming on.
Be careful of those excitations.
Help me Rhonda.
unless you're from the South, then it's"
Hep me Ronder
"Green Hull of the Black Walnut"
Any specific manufacturer? Is that poison against the boring bugs?
I sell not products I get no kickback except from my tablesaw.
Broadspectrum anti-bugger. Works against adult-stage parasites, bacteria and fungi. Not all of them but enough to make a difference. It is the Masque of the Green-Black Death on single celled parasites since it is high in tannins.
Over the years the message boards started filling up with people who were having sensitivity to tannins in foods, then salicylates, then phenols (the parent chemical of both). This has to be vaccine damage and other things they have done to us because ALL of those are LIFE chemicals that you CANNOT avoid and mankind has lived with for millennia.
So now I have to caution about that and the fact that antigenic crossover for those allergic to nuts might happen as well despite it being the HULL not the nut, but the proteins might look similar to a deranged immune system.
Some say that Black Walnut does not work against lyme but they are so mentally beneath me that I walk past them without pissing on them. Don't want to waste a good piss.
FILARIAL WORMS as taught to us by Alan MacDonald carry the spirochetes into the cerebral spinal space where they offload their migrant labor to create just about every brain disease known.
So, I use BW as part of any anti-bugger campaign because if you don't killy the wormys you can't killy the spirys.