Connection Machine asked me (as she often does with a leading question before getting to her point) “Why won’t you take Eve Her Mock Tin?”
My standard reply is always: “It’s a pharmaceutical. You don’t know what is in it regardless of what the label says.”
I’m offended by the perpetual use of the phrase balm s’hell all the time. To the point where we all have shell-shock and just don’t giveafuck any more because it is all bad all the time - and always has been.
I don’t know Yeadon.
I don’t follow cult of personality even though he says he’s not part of the Big Name Crowd.
Stackers and Stackettes: No one is inviting ME on stage for an enema of truth so whoever these people are they’re a damned sight more visible than Lil’ Old Shadowbanned Me.
Reverse psychology is a persuasion technique where you advocate for the opposite of what you want someone to do, hoping they will do the opposite of what you tell them and choose what you actually want them to do (Cherry, 2023). It's essentially a strategic attempt to play on someone's natural inclination to resist being told what to do.
Who but a Yahood would invoke Opposite Day to manipulate behavior?
Researchers often refer to this as “strategic self-anticonformity” (MacDonald et al., 2011). By presenting a reverse or counterintuitive suggestion, the hope is that it triggers a reaction where the person feels a need to assert their independence or make a choice contrary to what was suggested.
Reverse psychology works because of a phenomenon called reactance. Reactance is our tendency to feel uncomfortable when a choice is taken away or our independence feels threatened. In response, we react or rebel against that perceived threat (Brehm, 1966; Steindl et al., 2015).
The term operant conditioning1 was coined by B. F. Skinner in 1937 in the context of reflex physiology, to differentiate what he was interested in—behavior that affects the environment—from the reflex-related subject matter of the Pavlovians. The term was novel, but its referent was not entirely new. Operant behavior, though defined by Skinner as behavior “controlled by its consequences” is in practice little different from what had previously been termed “instrumental learning” and what most people would call habit. Any well-trained “operant” is in effect a habit. What was truly new was Skinner's method of automated training with intermittent reinforcement and the subject matter of reinforcement schedules to which it led.
What NO ONE talks about (unless you spend three years in the lie bury system of the University of ILL Annoyed is that Pavlov USED ACID IN THE DOG’S MOUTHS (TRAUMA) TO FORCE THEM TO SALIVATE BEFORE WRINGING A BELL OR BRINGING OUT FOOD.
Kinda belly floops that notion on it’s peepee from a very high diving platform - don’t it?
‘Consequences’ to a Yahoody run Planetary Millitary Occupation is: Do what we say or we will harm or kyll you.
Reverse psychology works because many naturally want to assert autonomy and independence. If they feel pressured to do something, they want to assert their sense of control by acting oppositional.
This persuasion tactic is rooted in two similar psychological principles:
Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon where someone may think or believe something yet act inconsistently with their thoughts. For example, a rebellious teenager may be an athlete who cares about their health, but they decide to smoke cigarettes at a party because it is considered cool.
Reactance theory explains why people are motivated to protect their sense of freedom when they feel that their freedom is being threatened. In other words, people react to certain rules by rebelling against them. For example, research about reactance theory shows that people often get uncomfortable or aggressive when they feel like their freedom is threatened, so restore their sense of freedom by rebelling against the threat
With a steady diet of Paradox all day every day for life people think they are exercising Cognitive Dissidence.
From a link above but I kept it separate because it is a particularly insidious technique:
In marketing: An ad might say, "This product is definitely not for everyone," to create a sense of exclusivity and desirability. A limited-time offer might be presented to imply the product is almost sold out in order to create a sense of urgency and encourage people to buy. And we’ve all heard the “while supplies last” tactic.
Forbidden fruit technique: Highlight the forbidden nature of a particular behavior or choice, making it more appealing by framing it as something they shouldn't do.
I call this the Hand In the Cookie Jar behavior. Mom will say to the child: Don't eat any cookies before supper! Of course, Junior is going to take that as a cue to build up a scalable fortress of box leading to chair leading to countertop on which the cookie jar sits to do exactly what he was told NOT to do.
That’s not reverse psychology that is just how fucked the human brain is wired.
But if USED as reverse psychology, the El Atys tap into the fuckedness of the human mind to get the NON-CONFORMISTS TO DIP THEIR HAND INTO THE JAR OF I’ve Her Meck Ton.
Butt why?
Because someone you don’t know told you to take something you don’t know because it goes against the machine that told you NOT to take it and was making it unavailable! (for a limited time only, not for you!)
Throughout the Plandemic I envisioned a world of toddlers stamping their feet and demanding cookies!
In my book
I outlined how IVM was an IMMUNE STIMULANT, while HCQ was an immunosuppressant. Either one during a situation of unknown origin had a 50/50 chance of either helping or hurting with the 50% that dropped off the twig unable to blog about: “bad idea…”
Butt, it comes down to my foundational premise.
Put aside the piles of HCQ that were set on fire in other countries to create that cookie jar desire. Forget about the testimonials FROM MORE STRANGERS that the shit worked. Focus ONLY on the phact that the intent of the Reactionary Non-Conformist seeking Autonomy was running FROM the Pharmaceutical Companies into the loving arms OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES.
How fucking stupid can the Grape Ape be?
That fucking stupid.
So, this was just me being me. Enter Yeadon (toxicologist) who did look into the LABELED ingredients and effects to find that it is a fertility destroyer.
Big balm shell suprise there…
I’ve been saying for over a decade that the Grey Coats (alterNOTive gurus) were just the second part of the seine net to capture the fish that escaped the White Coats (allopathy). THEY’RE WORKING TOGETHER as either Useful Idiots or top-flight agents.
Reverse psychology can be used in various settings, including marketing, therapy, and relationships. It is often used in parenting to get children to comply with rules, but it can also be used in a workplace setting to influence coworkers or employees to take specific actions. However, it is essential to note that reverse psychology can be helpful and harmful, depending on the situation and the intent.
Lettuce eggs am mine the word:
Marketing. They marketed the hell of the Plandemic even to the point of using Electronic Mind Control to get people to buy toilet paper as proof of concept that whatever they were beaming was damned near 100% suck cess full.
Therapy. In the Jordanian Universe there is Somato-Psycho NOT psychosomatic, so if someone has a Brain Bug or some organic physical damage then their Mud Pellet will be fucked up and TALKING ABOUT IT WON’T CHANGE THE UNDERLYING CAUSE. Anyone who can be tricked by words has a pre-existing brainfuck.
I tried to convey to the Chiefs and Head Men of the Oglala Lakota Nation that IN PRINT the ‘Indians’ were considered to be CHILDREN under the TUTILAGE of the State. Unless and until they demonstrated that they had matriculated though knowledge of that relationship and action to emancipate, then they would be stuck there forever. [There’s more to it, but this is to emphasise the point in the article.]
So, when the article says that reverse psychology is used by PARENTS on CHILDREN you must take a broad read of the labels to include the Nanny State trying to wipe out the Vermin by getting them to eat the sterilizing poisoned bait themselves.
Very Cost-Effective.
Workplace. Slaves work. It is so far beyond being ‘given’ a ‘job’ by an ‘employer’ so that you can ‘make a living’ to breed more slaves for the HIVE.
WORK/JOB has never been anything other than Hivemates serving the HIVE for ITS purposes. That you are allowed to scrape along and maybe have some entertainment before The Inevitable is notwithstanding.
Nearly all of the material in the articles is identical as if it was composed by a Chatbot with a few variations that have to be teased out of the mess.
Discourage the desired behavior. ("You shouldn't do that.")
Forbid the desired behavior. ("Don’t do that.")
Suggest that the person couldn't do the desired behavior. ("I bet you couldn't do that anyways.")
Downtalk the desired behavior. ("I would never pick that.")
Compare the desired behavior unfavorably to something else. ("You should do this because it's so much better than that.")
It’s important to know when this strategy might be the most effective, however. Reverse psychology tends to work best on people who typically resist conformity. For people who are more compliant, making a direct request is usually much more effective.
Here’s the problem: The Controllers used ALL of the techniques to insure full coverage of all of the reactant types. Apes fell for it like flies in RAID. The MYTH that this works against non-conformists is false on the face of it. TRULY UN-DEPENDENT PEOPLE ACT AUTONOMOUS WITHOUT FOLLOWING ANY HERD. The trick here was to create a false dialectic: The Conformists vs. Non-Conformists. But what ended up happening is that the falsely labeled Non-Conformists CONFORMED to the Non-Conformist agenda at the risk of their gonads all the while I’ll bet they were raging against the Controllers for Their De-Population Agenda.
After 24 years of this shit (have you ever noticed that this and shit share the same letters?) I have no pity for those who behave this way. I’m shadowbanned, sold one book last month, never been on speaking tours, am completely unknown and may be the only thing between what passes for survival and total Anne Eye Hill A Shun.
Isaiah 24:18; King James Version
And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake.
I’m an anti-natalist so no one should be breeding new hive mates anyway. So the Aunty Fertility bit is of no consequence to me. But, Goddamn! Read the quote on the the chess moves thought out three steps in advance, a grab a pair of balls and one or two braincells on your way out the door to battle.
oh… and Yeadon did make the marvelous comment that THIS WAS NOT ABOUT MONEY! IT WAS ABOUT THE EXTERMINATION OF VERMIN.
My vitamin guru brother insisted I take IVR about 4 years ago and against my intuition I took it once as a prophylactic. But I believe that IVR is a one off. I ended up writing an skeptical article about IVR about a year ago which got like 10,000 hits. Obviously, it was of no benefit to my brother who took it, high dose Vit. C by IV, chlorine dioxide, and who knows what else but died the precise type of hospitalized death he dreaded. I've had scads of vaccine shots when inducted into the army and then sent to an overseas war. None afterward. I believe there is a ray of hope, however thin, for humanity after reading your article.
Demon Patrol NEVER gets old.
Brah-fukking-Voh !!