I told a local goy (mid to upper 50's) in 2021 the vax was a culling of the herd. He walked away when I spoke it. I don't know if he took it, but I heard he has pancreas cancer.

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i have heard the pancreas is the seat of the soul/psykhe;

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do you know in what tradition? like indian from india, etc?

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is a Taoist thing;

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My operating procedure is: If it sounds bad - then it's true. No doubt in my mind he's reaping what he got raped with.

Pancreatic cancer is horrific. My aunt (a nurse) had it and couldn't stand the smell of food cooking. Her daughter had to cook outside of the house and bring it in. Nobody lasts long with that one.

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i can think of a few options to try; but; omg; this is insane; true to be right under the nose;

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are you referring to options in place of Aunty Buy A Tick?

If so, then feel free to fill up the comments with lists and if you have preferred products then put in links.

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Oh I like this, interesting!

Right gonna jump in with probable “jumped the gun” leaps of conclusions…

- “natural supplements” detox/kill bugs protocols. Do they cause sub-clinical sepsis levels? Is that what so called Herxheimer is?

- if so is the use of the type of binders often recommended (charcoal et al) of any use?

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We're all going to find out at the same time because Wayne just gave me teasers.

Even if the natural stuff kilt the buggers we are still dealing with whatever endotoxin was liberated before they were sent home.


It's so obvious when it's finally revealed, but how can it be covered up for so long with no one else calling it what it is:

Hexheimer IS SEPSIS!


I had no clue back then, I just knew that it was that everyone especially the alterNut gurus were not accounting for the poisoning that THEY CAUSED!

I like the way you are thinking: Binders like charcoal in the gut. However, charcoal can't pass the gut wall so it stays in the gut. Wayne was referring to pharmaceutical binders in the blood. We'll have to wait for his Stack on that.

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Golly 7 years ago! Thank you for sharing the link one I’ve not watched yet. And here’s to your clever grey matter combined with Wayne and redhens adding more pieces to the puzzle - I’m in awe of your knowledge base and digging and thinking!

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I get by with a little help from my Hens.

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There are many binders that can work - one of them binds by electrostatic attraction. More later

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I have yeast overgrowth (candida) due to prescribed antibiotics which wiped out anaerobic bacteria causing oxalates, brain fog, fatigue and nerve pain. I control it with turpentine (can't be constipated when taking it as candida has to have some place to go). Past week I have tried eating Cream of Rice cereal with Neem honey. It backfired and created symptoms of what is called "dumping" - shoulder pain, arthritis pain in hands and feet, and some brain fog dopyness. This could not have been a "die off" because I was feeding the candida with sugar. I would call it a candida surge. I had no Herxheimer fever, chills, etc. There never has been any research to determine the mechanism of action of what "dumping" is, but it is painful.

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It must be an


collection of us all having different backgrounds while having similar experiences and the insight that long-suffering and long-studying gives for me to be able to see clearly that

'dumping' in the case of yeast is yet another chemical poisoning.

Acetaldehyde is what candida puts off. It is poisonous and a brain toxin that acts like alcohol intoxication. Aldehydes like the embalming fluid formaldehyde are quite toxic to humans and have to be processed in the liver which is why I am obsessed with liver health.

I love how you destroyed the MTHY of die-off/herxheimer by bringing in Feeding the Beast into the equation.

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Never inject anything.

Chronic alcohol abuse is a contributing factor.



Endotoxins in commercial vaccines


Sub-lethal concentrations of heavy metals induce antibiotic resistance via mutagenesis


A survey of the concentrations of eleven metals in vaccines, allergenic extracts, toxoids, blood, blood derivatives and other biological products

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So a Flat-Pat idiom corners Lida Mattman (vaccine-lover-babe) and her morhology of "stagnat and or morp-hing-e* physiological form (morph and phorm "reads equal").. It seems Flat-out-super-Pat has the morhology morphingm/phorm-variability equal to "a bacteria in 'another phorm actually seem as a virus/fungus/other-fun-names-for-in-u-ni-cellar-orga-nis-em' s no-men's.. Bacteria can "turn" fungus can "turn" viro-like can "turn" multicellulas and vices of verses in over-bent-hell..

In Germany a medical alternative un-commonly but someplaces used is the field of pleomorhic medicin..

It cusses out the forms of unicellar morph-phorm's of unicellar's whom cretine-ates poisonous affeccing effects thus sickens no-men's the doctor cares and they seek to push the micro-robed-robber into a form ("plea-morph them") less harmfull or the form the body has mutual benefit of said passenger chosing to be around..

As salt is a pleomorhic agent pushing latic acid bacteria to multiply and rotten-tomatoe-bbuturic-microbe like staphylococcu-asses et al will be pushed aside but seemingly maybe not dissapear..

In a way that is maybe pleomorphic for the staphylococcus to go into a mode lesser affecting and them saff'sgoleuogcockers is atleast less invited to the party to produce microorganism-piss-ant-pee cyto-minetic-overloading the blood with exotox-teens..

I know pretty much nothing more then Pleomorphic medicin aims at morphing bad-ass-unicellar-actors into "good workers guy" according to their operational method..

Lets snuff what is said and pause em/me here/hier..

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