... Wayne did it AGAIN!
The reason why I brag on our Little Red Hens is because of their (in the voice of Ricardo Montlaban) SUPERIOR INTELLECT.
Wayne and I converse a bunch in the background on his Sepsis Project. As we were discussing details on one of his new discoveries that I will not spoil here because he has a new Stack in the making, I tripped over something that I had clues to but never considered before.
It obliterates the very foundations of modern medicine and the lies that we’ve been told.
I could be wrong or missing something because this is a brand new thought that definitely *I* have never thought, so I don’t know if anyone else had ever considered it to this point; however, currently in my adrenaline-addled mind I can’t see how MediSin can stand in the face of such a foundational lie being exposed.
the email I just sent to Wayne:
Until I see your article and source material, then I'm working on assumptions.
The antibody/binders would target only the toxins released by the microbes in the bloodstream to stem the tide of sepsis, but that is independent of the things SHEDDING the antigens. That would require a different intervention. I say that for clarity because antibiotics really don't work.
Some are just bacteriostatic = prevents growth. Some are cell-wall removers which in the world of Lida Mattman means that the disease is still in the body, the immune system can't recognize it or react to it. Cytokine storms are OVER-reactions to invasion and can cause the host to take out itself with just the trigger being the 'mild' infection.
Talking this out, though makes me wonder why everyone doesn't die instantly from antibiotics like penicillin since it makes the buggers shed their coats and that is the DEFINITION OF ENDOTOXIN !!!
I think you've in a few minutes been able to fuck up the entirety of all of their lies that they've spread since Flemming!
Fuck me with a stick- man - but this is HUGE. I don't want to over-blow it in case I'm missing something, but this is such a revolutionary thought that it's like the A.I. will have to do a reset just to cover up this Glitch!
I'm compelled to Stack just this bit of it to get more input from the Stackarinos!
What I was going to say before I interrupted myself was that if the bacteria is not growing then less endotoxin will be shed overall so only the endotoxins being shed or have the potential to be shed by the bacteria still in the bloodstream will be a finite TITER.
[The italics text was not in my original email. I was typing in a frenzy, my phone was wringing and sow was my head…]
So an antibiotic that was bacteriostatic would have an effect on overall TITER. Then I was going to followup with the idea that if the penicillins that make the cell walls fall off, then the Cell Wall Deficient forms would no longer be able to contribute endotoxins on a multiplying basis...
but then the Great White Whale of Mo' Be Dicked came up from the Abyss, bit that whaler in two and kaked out the rotting and tar-covered wood.
IF the entirety of the blood infection had their cell walls removed - the cell walls that are the SOURCE OF ENDOTOXINS - then that release should be catastrophic just from the action of the antibiotic.
[not in original email]
The part that I’m not sure about is if you’ve got cell walls falling apart that are releasing LPS (lipopolysaccharide) poisons like a starship hit with a disintegrator beam… is how completely do the LPS have to be liberated from the cell-wall matrix to be antigenic? How much LPS is broken off from the other constituents of the cell wall by the antibiotic? Are white blood cells contributing to overall LPS release as they try to clear the space-debris? Will a glut of cell wall material force a white blood cell to over-react? or be suppressed?
These, my friends are BASIC physiology questions the likes of which I have never seen addressed in my now 25 year (quarter of a century) ten-year here in Hell Central. IF these questions are not asked that means that those who arbit what is called medicine are either fools or criminals. If these questions are not answered the criminals may or may not be fools. So as to imply they are covering it up on purpose.
There are two things that cause Serum Sickness that was alternatively called: Drug Fever: Vaccines and ANTIBIOTICS (which are also put into vaccines). The Serum part of it first discovered from an immune response to Horse's Blood is one separate part of Serum Sickness/Drug Fever, however, immune reactions to drugs are VERY COMMON. About as common as Wayne made us aware of how prevalent SEPSIS IS !!! The Silent Kyller that is ignored/downplayed by the players that have been hiding that their fucking system NEVER WORKED IN THE FIRST PLACE !!!
This calls into question: EVERYTHING!
Are you ready for this fuckingshit?
Sepsis is the third leading cause of death in U.S. hospitals ... - AAMC
When the University of Kansas Health System first started tracking this data, it found that there was a 49% mortality rate for patients with sepsis. Now, the mortality rate for patients who come into their emergency department with sepsis is 5%, Simpson says.
When I assembled data for my books the stats were:
Heart Disease
Doctor caused. If we are not even looking for it, the glaring admission is staring us right in the lap like a boiling hot cup of McDonald's coffee!!!!!
{I always forget to plug my shit. I guess it proves that I’m not part of the Bris Crowd, otherwise I’d be plastering my shit everywhere — that sounds rude - I might think of re-phrasing it - now that I think of it: it is actually what they do so I’ll let it stand.}
Doctor-Caused includes what is called Medical Errors = Whoops! Shit! we kilt Granny... but it also includes deth by medication. Antiboitics are the #1 drug of choice by the kyllers so I think this was right under our noses as big as a Easter Island statue!
I'll solicit the Stackarinos to weigh in on this but I would venture to say that at least SUB-LETHAL SEPSIS is induced EVERY TIME ANTIBIOTICS ARE USED!
I remember you posting material that EVERYONE has a baseline of continous sepsis, it's just that it hasn't kilt us yet!
I told a local goy (mid to upper 50's) in 2021 the vax was a culling of the herd. He walked away when I spoke it. I don't know if he took it, but I heard he has pancreas cancer.
Oh I like this, interesting!
Right gonna jump in with probable “jumped the gun” leaps of conclusions…
- “natural supplements” detox/kill bugs protocols. Do they cause sub-clinical sepsis levels? Is that what so called Herxheimer is?
- if so is the use of the type of binders often recommended (charcoal et al) of any use?