I'm still not 100% certain IF they are just using bug shit OR the whole damn amoeba critter/bugger in the vax bug juice. Sounds like they throw whatever it takes into the mix to "manage" our "health" care.

Forget it. I'm just gonna assume that it's WAAAY worse than anything that I can imagine.

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Sep 14Liked by Patrick Jordan

That self sufficent one sayeth the farm hath beds that can produce more than one wants in a season. Doth the self taught one liketh the savoury green stick because I do. The 80ish neighbor woman giveth me some robust tender samples not twig hard coarse grocer type and they were goodly morsels of flavour. The piss scent pleaseth me as well

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The Artist - formerly known as the self-sufflated one.

With the new Pharmwhore chemiculls my bumper crops bumped down from 20 to 12 pounds.

My lilac bushes are dying. The lilly of the valley look like they've been flamed throwed. My comfrey leaves were so small I harvested them thinking they were horseradish but my horseradish is A.W.O.L.

We'll be eating bugs or globalists soon.

I learned from Ruth Stout how to harvest the SGS's: you run your hand towards the base of the stalk and work your way up, bending as you go, until the plant tells you that there is no tough stuff. I have male hybrids as well as the standard plants. You can get a stalk of edible quality over an inch-thick on the hybrids and on both you can get EDIBLE stalks up to 18" long!

Here's my recipe for Asparagus; Put in mouth. Chew.

Butt seriously, if you take a paring knife and remove the sheild leaves up to the heads you can wash them thoroughly and eat them raw.

If you want them cooked then bring the water to a boil, have your spears prepared by shaving off the shield leaves, then toss them in the water, let it come back to a boil and take them out right at 4 minutes and they will be perfect every time.

There is a risk of dental floss if you put a monster-sized one in the water for too long but a short cook rarely wraps around your teeth like nylon rope around an outboard propeller.

Back in the day before liquid aminos (Braggs started smelling like fusarium fungu on their soybeans) went bad, I would saute asparagus in coconut oil with a large squirt of soy sauce. I've used coconut aminos but there's something funky about their fermentation.

I've anaerobically fermented asparagus with the obligatory carrot plus fresh oregano or horseradish leaves. We all know what happened to the horses. Both taste great. Sometimes I saute the asparagus with oregano and a TINY bit of cayenne pepper for flavor not heat.

Since I'm always pressed for time becasue I'm an impotent man, I typically boil up a pound or two at a time, then cool them down and put them in the refrigerator to eat cold. Nothing like a cold Asper Rag Gus.

I take great satisfaction that since my definition of Hell is that it Stinks, then when I eat asparagus I can contribute to other's experience here in Hades covered in Tartarus Sauce.

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Sep 14Liked by Patrick Jordan

Much pleased with thy answer, and when I depart from hades tartarus, may my meat and drink be boiled then cooled asparagus and the piss that cometh my uncircumcised member in abundance.

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Dude: Waaay to much information in that last post....

Never tell them that you intend to leave Uncle Satan's Bed & Breakfast.

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Well I will keep eating asparagus.....I cook them high heat with lemon in cast iron pan because I keep thinking they might have some salmonella friend.

So Asparagus is bad or good......uh.????

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That's a new 'twist' I will have to try.

Unless they are salmonellizing the chemtrails then since I wash my hands before, during, and after going to the toilet I don't think I'll get migrant worker bug. The Dhar Puh bug is a whole nother story.

The strange thing is that I'm in apple harvest now so I clean out the ears and belly buttons of all apples. You wouldn't belief how dirty the stem funnel is on even commercial apples. Some of these 'home grown' smell like stinky toe jam.

I can't imagine what the boys in the lab have cooked up.

On the good/bad dialectic: This is why Sandwich Lady and I came up with the CytoMitoGeno pathology. Unless you are eating too much of something (I was eating it twice a day every day for a month) or eating off of your blood type diet, then there are no good/bad foods. There is just cytomitogenopathology.

Asparagus is one of those ancient plants that has been here before the dinosaurs.

For those who don't believe in dinosaurs it's still true: The plants were here before the creatures were made-up.

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Got it but ....I BUY my asparagus . I would say I eat asparagus 4 times a month at the most.

It is the classic tale of the reply gents give you......everything in "moderation".

The range of quantifying moderation is very loose no?

I love it when people say that. Do you know that my definition of moderation could be plain strict nonsense forbidden for some or a shit load for others?

Anyhoo...just follow your gut instinct.

My father in law , I always mention him because it is a case that should be studied.....he is 95 years old. Brain wise still 70% cognitive. His decline is prbly due to lack of oxygen because he has cardiac failure for 20 years. I swear bugs inside are keeping him alive.....citomyto.....my ass.....this man drinks a 2 lit bottle of Root Beer every 2 days. He is addicted to it.

That places us to 30 liters a month or 360/365 liters of RB a year.

No diabete.

Never exercised a single day in his life.

He just lost his mobility because he eats too much. Trufully loosing 50 lb would help his CHF.

So this....human ingest 96 GALLON od root beer a year. That is all certified HFCS by the way as ingredient #2 (brand Great Value).

These are the things that make me go hmmmm about our reality.

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I'll See your ass and raise you a cytomitogeno...

At 95 he didn't get as many Starter Chemicals as most so his system may not have been pre-damaged.


His system is an abject mess and so no one ever gets 'sick' unless they have a functioning immune system. He may go to 100 when the machinery finally shuts down because it can't function anymore in its destroyed state. Length of suffering here is no indication of abundant life. Especially if you have CHF and can't move. Might as well be a slug.


He has double coding genes for cytochromes that detoxify poisons faster than you and me.

The Root Beer might be a cat eating grass because Sassafras is PURE MEDICINE in its original form even though the FDA tried to ban it. Of course he's not getting the real thing, but the smell told his body that it was a sick subtitute for what he needed.

The world is so backwards and twisted that he would probably kick it if he took the natural stuff whereas folks like me would melt like the Wicked Which if I tried one sip of the fake shit.

Don't waste a moment of chanting on this 'reality'.

It isn't.

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Sep 15Liked by Patrick Jordan

Best not to use acids (lemon, tomato) in cast iron as they will damage the finish of the pan over time.

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Don't use the Brown Blotter, man...

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Sep 15Liked by Patrick Jordan

I'll probabaly regret this question but, what is the Brown Blotter?

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It is well-established that those who really were at Woodstock - don't remember it.

There was some Bad Acid circulating amongst the Flour Chilrens that led to a public service announcement: "Don't use the Brown Blotter, man."

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This highlights the curse of an associative mind/memory.

Plus stretching to make a joke.

Richard Simmons, however, never needed to stretch...

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Sep 15Liked by Patrick Jordan

Thank you for my continuing education.

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Sep 18Liked by Patrick Jordan

I got the joke right away. But I was a terrible acid- head in the early-mid 80s 🤣

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Gweyneth I use mine on the daily basis. I even wash them with soap. It is a big divisive argument between my sister-in-law and myself and has become a joke almost. My cast iron is so seasoned that you will have to soak it in Caustic Soda to etch it. The secret with cast iron is to get it oiled asap after cleaning it. I was telling my husband that I can pretty much ditch all my cookware and just keep the cast iron ones. :-)

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I've been vexed by seasoning pans.

They say that linseed oil is the best because it gets turned into armor plating.

I've used walnut oil with success but it tends to get brittle and wear off.

Animal fats seem to leave pans gummy.

It seems that coconut oil will not re-layer the pan and might work at breaking down the oxidizable oils.

I once had to take an orbital sander to the inside of a pan to clean it up.

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I use beef tallow or lard

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That's the part that corn fuses me.

The pans that I've seen using animal fats are soft and sticky. Flax oil makes it like a polished gym floor.

Is your finish glossy or dull?

If it sheds food like a waterpark slide is the surface hard or gooey?

What brand of cosure lard are you using?

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Sep 15Liked by Patrick Jordan

I confess, I also use detergent but always oil the pans/pots after cleaning. Some of them are over 60 years old. My sister-in-law has used her cast iron Dutch oven for years to make tomato spaghetti sauce and the interior is badly etched.

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Do you put on fresh oil then heat it again?

Do you put on fresh oil and walk away?

What kind of oil?

has your SIL tried shaking the oven vigorously to erase it and then trying a new sketch?

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I use ghee and walk away. But not an Etch-a-Sketch

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