Legend is that the molybdenum-based ability to detoxify sulfur-containing substances like asparagus (99% water) is defective in most people unless they are from China.
I won’t be going to China to be sniffing that out as a fact check (or for any other reason) so we’ll just go with it being a genetic trait.
Theodore Baroody said that Asparagine the amino acid was ESSENTIAL for good and abundant health and although he never achieved cult status like that lawn gnome the MedEyeCull Medium-Rare pushing Celery, Baroody was adamant that people eat asparagus for health. I have permanent beds of it that can produce more than you want to eat in a season. The Chinese (they keep coming up) would say that too much of a good thing is worse than a bad thing.
Thing of it is: for some people asparagus can induce gout. I’ve never seen any mechanism of action on how that is, but one year when I had brought in 20 pounds in a short time and had to cook, or freeze, or ferment it, I was also trying to Mickey Mouse Sorcerer’s Apprentice it down Ye Olde Gob Hole as much as I could.
Done ate too much and ouch goes the gout.
It is self-limiting.
“Doctor! Doctor! I get gout when I eat too much A Spear of Grass!”
”Then don’t DO that!”
So, we’re channeling material on How Great Thou Artichoke is the Ass Pair Eye Gus was from 2008; but the Sandwich Lady sends me this from 2023.
Last Update: September 19, 2023.
Asparaginase is a bacterial enzyme that is used as an antineoplastic agent, largely in the therapy of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Asparaginase has many side effects, one of which is hepatic injury that is characterized by inhibition of hepatic protein synthesis, marked cholestasis and steatosis, which is usually reversible but can be severe and lead to death from hepatic failure.
Fuck me with a marinated asparagus spear! With those odds I’ll take my chances with the A.L.L. of the above…
Asparaginase (as par' a jin ase),
Who put the Djinnn in the asparadjinnnase?
often referred to as L-asparaginase, is a bacterial enzyme that acts to decrease tissue stores of asparagine, a secondary amino acid that is important in the growth of many cancers.
I’ve told this story before but it bears repeating. I met a grad student at the University of ILL Annoyed at Urbana, and he told me that he was studying cancer and therapeutics. They were developing and testing drugs.
I asked him casually, “So what’s the CAUSE of cancer?”
He replied, “We don’t know.”
I’ve always hated it when people talk in the Hive Swarm inclusive personal pronoun of WE. Who the fuck is this Wee?
I followed in a hiddenly vexed, but curious way, “How can you treat it if you don’t know the CAUSE?”
He said, “We work on developing drugs that work on the symptoms.”
I pressed, “But if you don’t know how to CAUSE it then how can you induce cancer in your test animals to try to treat them?” I already knew that in the lab the surest way to induce breast cancer in mice is to poison them with Nickel.
He was starting to get vexed, “We buy lines of mice that already have been bred to have cancer.”
Whateth The Fucketh?
I already knew that there were mail-order rodents that had specific genetic traits for whatever your black-heart desired.
“But if they’re already genetically predisposed to having cancer then what caused the gene defect that led to that?”
“We don’t care, we’re just developing drugs to fight it.” His attempt at aggrandizing himself and his work had been chainsawed at the base with a nice Dutchman cut that was going to drop that sequoia where *I* wanted it to go!
“But if you don’t know what causes cancer, and you don’t know how the genes got mutated, then how can you ever CURE the cancer?”
Total exasperation at this point led to the look up the skirt of the bearded fat-lady at the psycho-circus:
Holy Bed of Asparagus Spears, Batman! I have a way of squeezing what looks like hemoglobin out of turnips. What is the nature of a manageable disease? Well, they KNOW what causes cancer, they KNOW how to induce it at will, they KNOW that if they do then they have a patient for LIFE because there ARE NO CURES (that they will admit to) so if they just string you along on their hopium of farm eye sue tickles then they can MANAGE your disease that will always be there like a sword of Damn Oh Clease over your head that if you ever lose your insurance, or interest in being a SLAVE TO A PALLIATIVE. Then you’re cooked.
So when I read that Asparagine is a SECONDARY AA (not Al Co-Haul And On My Ass) I wonder: What the fuck is the PRIMARY? I wonder: why are they always targeting ESSENTIAL PATHWAYS in the human body that will fuck up a dozen or hundred more processes downstream just to prove that they can MANAGE cancer by KYLLING YOU?
The answer is above - that’s why I repeat it so often.
Asparaginase, prepared from E. coli, was introduced into cancer chemotherapy over 50 years ago and remains an important agent in the therapy of acute lymphocytic leukemia. Asparaginase has activity against other cancer types but is rarely used for other indications. Asparaginase was first approved for use in the United States in 1972 as an anticancer agent, with initial preparations being prepared from E. coli.
First time I’ve ever heard of it.
Pegylated formulations of E. coli-derived asparaginase (pegaspargase) became available and were approved for use in 1994 and are currently available under the brand name Oncaspar. Another form of pegylated asparaginase referred to as calaspargase pegol (brand name Asparlas) was approved in 2018 as therapy of ALL in children and young adults (ages 1 month to 21 years).
Yeah… Cancer in Chilrens. Because that wasn’t a thang until the Salk Sting injected cancer into everyone. Albert Szent Gyorgi who isolated Ascorbic Acid = vitamin C said that cancer USED TO BE an Old Persons’ disease born of 80 or more years of chronic inflammation.
These preparations can be given every two (pegaspargase) or three (calaspargase) weeks and have largely replaced standard asparaginase. Asparaginase made from other bacteria (Erwinia chrysanthemi)
Fireblight in apples and pears is caused by a member of the Erwinia genus. Until 2019 the FDA allowed the use of ANTIBIOTICS on ORGANIC FRUIT to keep the infections down. Jebus! The things that I know that just flow out of my fingers as I read a bullshit paper in realtime…
The reason why they stopped the Hanta Buy Yod Ticks is:
https://today.oregonstate.edu › archives › 2014 › apr › antibiotics-ban-nears-organic-orchards-have-new-tools-fight-fire-blight
The findings come as organic growers prepare for a probable ban on two antibiotics previously allowed by the National Organics Standards Board. At the end of this year's growing season, oxytetracycline and potentially streptomycin will no longer be permitted in organic orchards for…
is because they replaced it with a BIOLOGICAL.
Pantoea agglomerans strain E325...................... 7.0%
Other ingredients: ............................................. 93.0%
* Minimum Pantoea agglomerans sps 1x1 010 cfu/g
Did you ever notice how people in the 1970s looked healthy and active and ate like horses? Sure there were some overweight folks but those were the exceptions. Now everyone is running scooters through Walmart with their butt-cracks showing and Americans have been labeled as not ‘fat’ but GROSSLY OBESE.
What happened in the 1970s?
They tricked the entire Organics industry to control caterpillars and worms with Bacillus (the same genus as anthrax) thuringiensis, know by pharmwhores who lack more than one brain cell to read, spell, or say thuringiensis: as just Bt.
Bt is now a crystallized toxin produced by genetically-modified corn plants that has the same effect on worms and caterpillars eating the corn as it would if they were infected by the live BIOLOGICAL of the bacillus bacteria: IT PUNCHES HOLES IN THEIR GUTS makes the guts leak until they DYE!
Witches a good time to emphasize this for our good friend Wayne at
Since he is all about leaky gut leading to sepsis. Seems I got so caught up
in blaming the cholera toxins highlighted by Autism mom’s as opening
the Tight Junctions of intestinal cells, that I completely forgot to
Damn the involvement of the USDA, FDA, and all of the ORGANIC
Pharmwhores who poisoned us with live bacteria that punches holes
in our guts.
Although… they will say just like with DDT, etc. that it ONLY
affects insects not hu-mans.
To pick up these multiple threads just laying about in Continuum, we had the Bacillus assault in the 1970s to the present then the TETRACYCLINE and STREPTOMYCIN assault on your ORGANIC apples and pears for baby & Me until 2019. And people wonder why they have Stealth Lyme and Syphilis infections when they live a pure life and never take antibiotics and might not even eat meat that is guarateed to be antibioticiscized?
Oh… butt where is that asparagus that I requested a right buggering from?
As antibiotics ban nears, organic orchards have new tools to fight fire blight
April 10, 2014
CORVALLIS, Ore. - Oregon State University researchers have proven the effectiveness of two organic alternatives for controlling a disease that can wipe out entire apple and pear orchards.
Scientists found that spraying a
yeast-based product
Anyone you know have problems with unstoppable yeast infections?
and new water-soluble copper products
Me and the Hens have never been able to deterimine if Copper is Friend or Foe.
at the beginning of the growing season provided protection from the bacterial disease.
It seems that no matter how much you try to remain healthy that even your ‘friends’ such as organic certifiers are buggering you with the entire rubber-banded bunch of asparagi.
Butt, lettuce get back to the cancer drug…
was approved for use in the United States in 2011 under the brand name Erwinaze, and a recombinant form was originally approved in 2021 under the brand name Rylaze. Standard asparaginase is given either by intramuscular injection or, more typically, intravenous injection in doses of 25,000 IU/m2 three times weekly in 14-day cycles. Pegaspargase can also be given intramuscularly or intravenously, typically in a dose of 2500 IU/m2 every two or three weeks. Both standard and pegylated asparaginase are usually given in combination with other antineoplastic agents such as vincristine, mercaptopurine, methotrexate, daunorubicin, and prednisone. Asparaginase has many dose related toxicities including nausea, fever, hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria, wheezing), clotting abnormalities, bone marrow suppression, pancreatitis, hepatotoxicity and central nervous system toxicities.
Again, I’m not taxed with the repetition that with that list of options as side-effects for taking an EXPERIMENTAL drug from 1972 that I would take my chances eating… organic… food….??? FUCK - WE’RE FUCKED!
Some abnormalities of liver test results occur in
almost all patients treated with either asparaginase or pegaspargase.
Most typical is a decrease in serum albumin and clotting factors (including II, V, VII, VIII, IX, prothrombin and fibrinogen) due to inhibition of hepatic protein synthesis. Most patients also have a rise in alkaline phosphatase levels and a lower proportion have increases in serum aminotransferase levels and bilirubin. Symptoms of fatigue and anorexia may be present.
The inhibition of clotting factor and thrombolytic activity rarely results in excess bleeding, but paradoxically can also cause excessive clotting and a hypercoagulable state.
What OTHER “biological” has those EXACT paradoxical possibilities of bleeding out or clotting up in the past few years?
Serum aminotransferase elevations during asparaginase therapy are mild-to-moderate in severity (2 to 10 times the upper limit of normal) and self-limiting. The abnormalities typically arise after 2 to 3 weeks of therapy and resolve within 2 to 4 weeks of stopping.
Asparaginase and pegasparase can also result in a more severe and protracted form of liver injury marked by fatigue, dark urine and jaundice arising 2 to 3 weeks after starting the enzyme infusions and often between courses of therapy. The hepatic dysfunction is accompanied by hepatic steatosis which can be severe and accompanied by jaundice, hepatomegaly and evidence of hepatic failure (somnolence, coma, ascites). Imaging of the liver shows hepatomegaly and marked fat accumulation arising within a few weeks of starting the agent and sometimes after a single dose. Autoimmune and immunoallergic features are uncommon. The course of illness varies. Recovery tends to be slow, jaundice resolving in 2 to 8 weeks and serum enzymes thereafter. Deaths due to asparaginase hepatotoxicity have been reported but are rare (Case 1).
Rare. Unless you are the motherfucker that was the rare-one.
The frequency of this clinically apparent liver injury after asparginase therapy is estimated to be 15% to 20% in adults but less than 5% in children. Furthermore, the rate of severe hepatic injury from asparaginase has been less frequent in recent years, perhaps due to safer dosage regimens, more purified preparations of the bacterial enzyme, better monitoring and dose adjustments based upon better understanding of pharmacokinetics.
Better understanding of the Fucking Harm I Co-Athletics? Jesus on a Gyro Sandwich! The damned shit has been out for 52 FUCKING YEARS! Exactly when were they going to ‘understand’ it BEFORE they released it?
Oh… yeah… silly me, this is just another Project Paperclip where they do a little bit of liver destruction just to see what destroying asparaginase in normal humans will accomplish. Most of the reports I’ve been getting is that the motherfuckers now can’t and won’t even CONFIRM if you have cancer they just commence poison, slash, and burn based on fear porn quotas. Then they say with a sigh of relief that they got ALL of the Stage Zero Pre-Cancer removed from your body.
Nevertheless, the frequency of hepatotoxicity appears to be similar with standard and pegylated forms of asparaginase. Risk factors for clinically apparent liver injury include higher doses, older age and preexisting obesity, hyperlipidemia and diabetes. Although of unproven benefit, therapy with L-carnitine and vitamin B is often recommended. Interestingly, in many instances asparaginase therapy is tolerated after recovery from the acute episode with either no or milder liver injury (Case 2). Switching from an E. coli to an Erwinia chrysanthemi-derived asparaginase may also be less likely to induce a recurrence of hepatic injury.
The clinical features of hepatic injury due to asparaginase can be overshadowed by its other systemic toxicities, including severe nausea and vomiting, weakness, edema, pancreatitis and encephalopathy.
Well… when you put it that way then this bugshit is really no different than chemo…
Although hypersensitivity reactions to asparaginase are common (it is a bacterial not a human enzyme), these usually occur early before the appearance of liver injury and the hepatic injury is rarely accompanied by fever or eosinophilia or autoantibody formation.
In dialysis some folks had allergic reactions to DEXTRAN in I.V.s because it was derived from Buck Teary Yuh. So this cancer drug has remnants of bugshit inside the bugshit.
Likelihood score: A (well known cause of clinically apparent liver injury).
WELL KNOWN. Well, in that case - sign me up. Better the Devil you Know !
This is Standard of Care in Project Paperclip. This is torture in Hell. This is Medisin. Always has been - always will be. You were all lied to, are being lied to, and will continue to be lied to as long as you allow some stranger put a needle into you with something that you didn’t make yourself therefore have no idea what is in it let alone what it will do.
[selection of faux magazine covers that we came up with]
All of the works of Fran Zetta and me — I — whatever… can be found scrolling through the list of endless blather that I have hacked up like a furball since 2008 at the link above.
I'm still not 100% certain IF they are just using bug shit OR the whole damn amoeba critter/bugger in the vax bug juice. Sounds like they throw whatever it takes into the mix to "manage" our "health" care.
Forget it. I'm just gonna assume that it's WAAAY worse than anything that I can imagine.
Thanks for the post. Good info with a side of laughs.