Jul 28Liked by Patrick Jordan

Time to Bug Out.

Where's that comet?

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I think we got the name of our pest control formula:


Out! Out! Damned Bug.

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Jul 28Liked by Patrick Jordan

It won't be a comet.

And they know it.


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EVERYBODY lets me down.

All I wanted was a little big-ass cometary bombardment but I can never get it.

Pole shifting or pole dancing just won't cut it.

Coronal mass ejections or... ok. won't go there... won't cut it either.

Volcanoes, earthquakes, ozone, are so beneath hypersonic ice making fire.

I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue and get a role in the next Avatar.

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The Russian and Chinese subs are going to hammer us with hypersonic missiles. I just hope they hit Washington DC and New York City first. Russia will be doing us a favor. But it's sure going to stink.

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Jul 29Liked by Patrick Jordan

El Shaddai According to Strong's English lexicon H7699 Shad the breast of a women or animal(as bulging) breast-pap-teat.AI biological female? I remember one of your posts on this possibility.

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The rangers at Jackson Hole joke about the french explorers coming across the Grand Tetons = Big Tits because they hadn't seen a woman in a long time.

Lord of the Mountain is another interpretation for the God of Tits but either works.

The whole tranny thing is yet another deception deflection of their true HERMAPHRODITE ORIGINS. The Baphomet both. Astarte = half white/half black chimera hermaphrodite.

Virgin Birth? nestled in a patriarchical godhood?

Ash and his Asherah - they always came in pairs. Ha She Ra. They made a kids' cartoon out of it.

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Jul 29Liked by Patrick Jordan

Hermaphrodite Rev 1:13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man, clothed with a garment down to his foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. Greek lexicon G3149 mastos a (properly female) breast= pap

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That's some pretty serious word-archeology.

I didn't know that Paps Blue Ribbon had another line of beer.

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Excellent synopsis! Bravo. The culmination of your lifetime of blood, sweat, and tears no doubt. Now we are getting somewhere. And the biological solution to the biological problem is . . . ? Perhaps some kind of dust that can be blown in the face of the 'ruling class' narcissistic psycopaths? Or more like an undetectable poison dart the likes of which has been documented in the US Congressional record?

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Jul 29Liked by Patrick Jordan

Excellent post. There are 'snakes' everywhere...

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One observant commenters a year ago said that the coils of the spirochetes look like the snake on the caduceus.

I'm often surprised by how creatively perceptive people can be.

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Jul 30Liked by Patrick Jordan

Thank you for a clear picture. Fame&lies fight-ink for re-sources even inside one host body with a mother and others pre-deter-mined by genes of host. I also looked at tax&name-ink the first time there is one class, one order and that is divided into three fame&lies. Treponema and Borrelia (mother and son)are from one family Spirochaetaceae, makes sense. Leptospira comes from Leptospiraceae (holy and other spirits). Holy spirit is and isn't family. Who can trust relation-ships nowdays? And what about Brachyspiraceae family? Is this one a good/gut one? It reminds me of a soul thing. Spirit and soul kind of same family anyway.. Or does it all ways come late when three-nitty is ass-table-leashed?

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My Ignorance, and your correction of it, my friend, may prove to be a huge advance in the work.

Sadly, for my inflated reputation of a Macy's Day Parade Balloon-Sized Head, I was NOT aware that T & B shared the same Family. Forgive me for my sins but I didn't even know about Brachyosoreass.

Butt, then, that is why I rely on my Little Red Hens to bring the grain and the flour and the heat to bake it.


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Jul 30Liked by Patrick Jordan

Its a constant Ninja walk in the shadows to stay unfucked, but sooner or later the demon spirit raises its ugly judeohead

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It's hard sneaking down an alley when the whole world is Gangland.

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Jul 30Liked by Patrick Jordan

You have to put up fronts to camoflage yourself.

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Got it. I'll put on some Falsies and dress like a trans and then no one will recognize me.

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