Tim West commented on your post The League of Extra-Ordinarily Stupid Gentled Men.
Anybody at this stage saying they believe these purely in silico built genomes have something to do with actual reality is difficult to take seriously. Really? 2024 and you are unaware virology is total pseudoscience? I’m sorry but you are either very very lazy, gullible and head-in-the-sand or something more insidious. The only thing Big Pharma and the wider control grid needs is that people believe the Germ Theory and Climate hoaxes. The facts, are plain. £3000 cash to you for a single piece of evidence that any infectious biological pathogen has ever existed. I offer this every day. There are a handful of routes people take. Nobody is ever able to offer any such evidence. Because there is none. Or Prove me wrong by finding ONE and claim your £3000 You are unaware 220 y
Line item deconstruction of the dismissive missive by Mr. West:
Religious claptrap that NEVER is allowed in Science discussions. So for me it sets the tone of what can’t be a debate because his BELIEF is unshakeable to the tune of £3000. That begs the question of whether that is the price of belief and if belief can be bought and sold.
in-silico is a fairly recent phenomenon. The old days they would take human shit and monkey brains, put it in a blender and then come down with some kickass diseases before they were able to live long enough to turn them into vaccines. So the creatures pretending to be scientists asked for and got the equivalent of MILLIONS of doll ears from Truman nearly instantly to develop Level 4 BioSafety protocols and bunkers with the spacesuits and shit.
I would like to know what Mr. West thinks was sickening and killing the monkey-brain-blenders because Level 4 pathogens are some pretty badass shit.
Maybe the brain-blenders were just under stress from their hard work day?
This is to highlight that BEFORE THERE WERE COMPUTERS something was harming, maiming and killing.
Viralogy is a Sue Dough Sigh Ants?
This is where a civil DEBATE on data presented by the mainstream as foundational basis for the existence, composition, and function of these fabel beasts should be kicked around like a soccerball with proper testicular protection in the off-chance that the ball might hit someone in the balls.
Virus Taxonomy Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses
Ninth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses
Editors: Andrew M.Q. King, Michael J. Adams, Eric B. Carstens, and Elliot J. Lefkowitz
International Union of Microbiological Societies Virology Division
ISBN : 978-0-12-384684-6
I will neither confirm nor deny the validity of this work.
Just like no one went to the moon, but there is a body of ‘science’ out there on space and space travel where they HAVE to MIX Truth With Lie to sell it, the virus data is out there in public, in writing for ANYONE to evaluate its veracity.
The 1272-page book on Things that Do Not Exist goes into detailed descriptions of each organism, reservoirs, vectors, chemical makeup, and gene sequences with functions of what seems to be a SHITLOAD of things that don’t exist.
So, we are faced with a conundrum condom:
The book is a TOTAL FAKE. Everything in it is a Lie. NOTHING can be trusted.
The book is a PARTIAL FAKE. Some of it is a Lie. Some of it can be trusted but we don’t know what.
The book is ACCURATE and since it is in the public domain then the materials, methods, and conclusions can be tested/confirmed by neutral 3rd parties.
The question to the Zoo Dooh Zionce heretics is and always will be:
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE CLINICALLY TO CONFIRM OR DENY THIS BODY OF WORK? That is the essence of the Scientific Method. To have the part of the first-part’s work replicated to see if it is even possible, and then, based on the results of those replicated experiments, determine if the conclusion/hypothesis stands?
In the absence of this third party work then it is just monkeys in the trees chattering and throwing shit at each other.
I’m sorry but you are either very very lazy, gullible and head-in-the-sand or something more insidious.
I don’t know if this is a cut&paste that Mssr. West uses to troll people who are not of the Church of No Virus so that it is a general Be Thou A Witch! leading to inquisition and some horrific end, or if it is personal.
If it is general then it’s just Water Off a Witches Back!
But if it’s personal…
Then JESUSFUCKINGCHRIST MAN! I’ve been doing this for over 46 years, 24 of it full time, going on to 17 of which has been in the public.
LAZY? Bite my non-existant Stick Man ass.
GULLIBLE? using discernment on things that I don’t have the capacity or MORE THAN 3000 pounds sterling to test hardly qualifies as gullible.
Lettuce corn cider Science. In the past nearly quarter of a century I have read SIX papers that can be considered to have followed the Scientific Method and were well written (skill that outside of Gilbert Ling - may he rest in peace - that even *I* don’t possess). Of the other kak-shit that I consumed in ~25 years since I’ve worked in labs and KNOW the scientific method, and being a Farm Boy I can smell shit from several miles away, you apply the filtering criteria for what papers are to be dismissed out of hand and used in the wood stove, which ones have tiny insights breadcrumbed out, which ones are novel and have merit, and which ones were SPECIFICALLY WRITTEN FOR ADEPTS COMPLETE WITH CODED LANGUAGE TO CONVEY THE SECRETS HIDDEN WITHIN. You don’t get to that level of discernment without decades of unceasing work.
HEAD-IN-THE-SAND? again, if that was just a general sling of mud then we’ll just let it wash like hillsides in Northern Carolina. If it was hand-crafted for me then, Thou Who Doth Haveth The Unseemly Relations With Thine Mother… I’m the guy that announed to the WORLD that within the whoredom that passes for Science they publish papers that PROVE the point on BOTH SIDES OF ANY ISSUE.
What the existence of that Paradox demonstrates is that people who are LAZY, and religiously deluded to BELIEVE something they don’t understand and haven’t clinically verified on their own, have their heads up their asses, with pre-scripted narratives so that they don’t even have to cherry pick data for confirmational bias. Just like judges inventing ‘case law’ out of thin air by citing ‘case law’ (no such thing by the way) that was also ethereally manufactured so that they can put your ass in jail based on whatever vomit from a fellow judge they choose to cite against you, you can use ‘science papers’ to PROVE that Eggs are Good For You/Eggs are Bad fo You, Cigarettes will save you from COVID/Coffin Nails will Kyll You, Coffee Will Destroy Your Health/Coffee Will Make you Bulletproof!
The last option of me being Something More Insidious might be a horror to the religiously-deluded because I am a god-killer. There are those that worship the Virus whether it exists or not. There are those that worship the Anti-Virus whether it exists or not. Then there is me and my Little Red Hens that don’t give a damn about anything but ACTIONABLE REALITY. So belief and unproductive diatribe are not only useless, they delineate who is The Enemy, and who is a Useful Tool which still puts the Tools in the camp of the Enemy.
I’ve been thinking a lot regarding the viral-thinking that has infected the world through dualism as seen in the Binary False Choice of either being shot in the chest or stabbed in the back with a rusty knife.
“Do you condemn Hamas?”
It’s a Yahoody trap within the binary-bind of IF you condemn Hamas, then with it is the implication that you have indicted millions of innocents along with that fictional entity. IF you DON’T condemn Hamas then you are Anti-Shemitic. This FALSE DIALECTIC leaves no room for the REALITY that Ysrael in-fact CREATED Hamas for this explicit purpose which then lends an exquisite answer to the fools that deal ONLY in dialectic to socially control entire populations of hynotized apes:
Yes! I condemn the CREATION of what is called Hamas BY Is-Ra-EL so that they can excuse their Jen No Side on Canaan and soon to be the world as witnessed by the Weather Wharf Air unleashed on their Satellite State of North Hamerica.
See? No more dialectic.
So we have the same dialectic being offered to the unstudied and non-clincal minds:
Viruses Exist and the Cause Disease.
Viruses DON’T Exist/or Cause Disease.
When given ONLY two choices you know you are being played for a prostitute of the mind.
The tiny mind, the infantile mind, can’t grasp that the Magi may have crafted the narrative of Viruses that really do exist, then published the OTHER HALF OF DATA THAT SAYS THEY CLEARLY DON’T EXIST to confuse the apes so that THEY CHOOSE A SIDE!
Soon there will be Cults divided around Eggs, Cigarettes, and Coffee not existing!
I’ve seen a meme that says Birds don’t exist.
What came first: The non-bird or the non-egg?
Because I use public forum exchanges like this to show my Little Red Hens and anyone who can keep up, HOW TO THINK, then the next shoe of the octopus to drop
Do you have life experience? clincal experience? Logic & Critical Thinking skills? to look for patterns in order to determine if the data you are examining is valid? Only then can you make a decision to accept that data until demonstrated as unreliable.
It was long held that the Rare Gasses of Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon were also Inert or Noble because they did not interact with any other elements. That was until 1962 when Neil Bartlett made Xenon Platinum Hexafluoride. After decades of believing that these Noble gases were inert it was found that Xenon DiFluoride can be made by putting the mixture in sunlight. Krypton and Xenon were found to form compounds with Fluoride, Nitrogen and Oxygen.
Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Second Edition, Kotz, Purcell, 1991.
For over a half a century it was BELIEVED that the Noble Gases were non-reactive. Then some smartass uses a reaction vessel, a window sill, and sunlight for a true:
Suck My Balls! moment in REAL SCIENCE!
With that as a backdrop it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to take any religious HACK seriously when they make an EMOTIONAL choice to side with the No Viruses Camp when DEMONSTRABLE SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE IN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH/REALITY CAN CHANGE DRASTICALLY ENOUGH TO CAUSE WHIPLASH. [despite that whip taking over 60 years to crack.]
Thus leading to an inversion of West’s opening statement issued as a “Challenge” (New World Order Neural Linguistic Programming word to trigger people’s MK):
Anybody at this stage saying they believe these purely in silico built genomes have something to do with actual reality is difficult to take seriously. Really?
Dude: Neil Bartlet. Grab a pair. Because if the information OWNS YOU instead of YOU OWINING the information you are a prostitute not a master.
The only thing Big Pharma and the wider control grid needs is that people believe the Germ Theory and Climate hoaxes.
The controllers don’t NEED anything. The world population are drugged out of their fucking minds, force will keep those who are not compliant in check, Climb At Change is a hoax, just like Globe in a Vacuum, Moon Landings, Santa Clause, The Eastarte Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and God.
Viruses are TBD. To be determined. Why would I say that since I formulated my life’s work around the the presence and action of ‘viruses’ ?
I’m the only motherfucker besides that guy in Africa who SAW that Germ Theory AND Terrain Theory dovetail to give the PERFECT EXPLANATION of each other under the umbrella of BACTERIOPHAGES! That just happen to be…
weight for it…
Shouldn’t I take a firm stand on Noble Gases and Virasses?
Go all-in?
I’m a pattern recognizer. I use my personal experience, my clinical exposure, my Logic & Critical thinking to determine among dinosaurian piles of shit what either doesn’t smell or stinks less for a foundation based on material from the 1700s to the present (if you don’t figure in Egyptian papyri). In the ABSENCE OF HAVING A BILLION DOLLAR LABORATORY to confirm all of the work that’s ever been done in science, I use meta-analysis and synthesis in order to CONDITIONALLY accept a narrative that FITS ALL OF THE PARAMETERS OF WHAT IS NECESSARY TO - dare I say it? Should I use an NWO NLP Vomit Word and risk triggering people? Oh, Hell - “MOVE FORWARD” to get to the Truth/Reality of any given situation.
This transaction happened today on another Stack:
Magdalene, 6 hrs ago
Liked by Patrick Jordan
I figured you could use the money in this economy....
"Tim West 1d. Writes Beyond CertaintyAnybody at this stage stating they think the in silico created genomes called 'viruses' have anything to do with the actual real world is at best very very lazy.
Virology is total pseudoscience from top to bottom. These fictional fairy takes are 'created' using the reification fallacy. Not one has ever been seen and sequenced.
£3000 to you for a single piece of evidence that any supposed infectious biological pathogen has ever existed."
Patrick Jordan,4 hrs ago
Thanks. I'm working on practical things like winterizing my home for the upcoming globehell worming punctuated by arctic clippers forced down by HAARP manipulated jet streams.
But I saw that posted on one of my Stacks so I was going to ply him with questions to see if there were any practical answers because money is of no consequence.
Magdalene, 3 hrs ago
I happened to see that comment somewhere right after reading you write about phages & honestly just thought it'd be an easy 3 grand for you, no sarcasm. But your response now makes me wonder if perhaps that challenge ISN'T so easy a mark for you after all, as 3 grand for only a few minutes invested seems like a solid use of your time toward paying for winterizing & other lifesaving supplies which we'll all be needing desperately... 🤔
Patrick Jordan, 3 hrs ago
It's impossible for me to take your evaluation seriously.
My entire body of work since 2008 gives the history of phages with references. My Substack is full of material on the topic so that if a casual idiot were to come across it then study it without bias they might see the merit in it.
45 years of work can't be summarized in 3 minutes and there is always the double-bind where we don't know who this person is, whether they have 3000 pounds, and whether ANY information or clinical proof would merit them parting from it.
"Argue with idiots, they drag you to their level & win with experience"
"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
So although I'm willing to spend my time in civil discourse to advance Science that has no bias, and thus our ability to resolve the millennia-old problems, I will not argue or debate with village idiots immersed in religious belief.
"Challenge" is NLP programming word. You might want to re-examine your vocabulary. A lone wolf does not respond to challenges to assert heirarchy within a pack. It simply removes a threat and moves on.
"Mark" is a word used by con men (and women).
My time is my own so I alone determine how to spend it, so until the fly becomes too annoying to delay swatting, the fly will get swatted on my time.
I’m posting that exchange to show that unless you have decades of knowledge and dedication to discovering Truth/Reality that there is no 3-minute fix to anything. It’s not a Game Show where you get a prize if you score points. Below will be a series of QUESTIONS to the Viral Atheists that will also demonstrate that unless you take a Neil Barlett approach to ANY situation, then you are either ignorant (correctable) a fool (non-correctable) or a paid agent.
Given that the topic of bacteriophage viruses permeated all of my previous work and runs through my stacks from
To the one where a Troll tried to bust my balls despite that Stack being EXACTLY the topic I was being asked by Magdalene to distill down
that just begs a head-shake of incredulity. IF someone after having read the Stack above STILL doesn’t get it: that they are being played the fool then there is no 3-minute warning for a creature that braindead.
Cain’t Summer rise it, or Winter rise it for Cletus if’n he’s too dumb to get thu fishin’ poles dun hooked to the fish.
Do not pass GO. Do not collect 3000 pounds.
The facts, are plain.
OK. I’m gamey. What facts? How Plain? I’m surely not going to datamine a substack of someone who hasn’t and can’t meet my criteria below.
£3000 cash to you for a single piece of evidence that any infectious biological pathogen has ever existed.
OK. Time to put your therapist on Speed Dial and get some Lithium from North Carolina mud.
ANY = all
Biological Pathogen = infectious or invasive and covers the Big Four of:
Since the language in the opening Trolling is so non-specific/vague to the point of showing no attention to what Science demands: Precision in Language; my initial inclination is to write this off as just an emotional, young, hack that has some spare cash to rattle the rat cages with.
For those with short memories I direct them back to my opening of the Virus Taxonomy book that has Family Photos, Gene sequences, and detailed descriptions of the non-existent ‘pathogens’. All of that data is available to the public for FACT CHECKING - not by comparing it to something else that some other asshat wrote but to CLINICALLY VERIFY IT. I find myself repeating myself.
We will borrow from the cut & paste found in Magdalene’s comment:
Not one has ever been seen and sequenced.
OK that accuracy thing has gone down the shitterhole. Not one what? Covid bugaboo? Not one virus EVER in the history of mankind? Not one bacteriophage? the most studied VIRUSES on the planet? No electron micrographs of them?
Uh…. Viral taxonomy for your perusal and then clinical investigation.
And are you denying the credentials of Kevin McCairn who says he obtained a sample of the ‘virus’ in a ‘vaccine’, they did the GENE SEQUENCING on it to find domains that coded for Cobra Venom, Prions, and HIV?
This is why I came up with the demands below.
For a RELIGIOUS NUT that taunts: Prove it! Make me a BeLIEver! What proof? What sources? what possible material would ever satisfy the parting of money that we don’t even know is there. I’m a non-believer in The Cash. Your Cash Does Not Exist!
Lettuce Begin the Beguine
Something light to play in the background you read the Take No Prisoners demands.
I have no interest in money. Only actionable truth.
£3000 pounds = $3920.73 USD = $117.62 when factoring in deflation of debt notes to 3 cents per dollar.
The proposal as stated is not an academic question where someone on either side can stroke themselves and be pleased that THEY SHOWED THEM! on a purely cerebral point.
So any fool that says: Viruses Don't Exist, or Viruses Exist but they don't Cause Disease; is stating a Negative and their premise is destroyed from the outset.
The Absence of Evidence is not the Evidence of Absence.
These are POSITIVE PROOFS not Negative Assertions.
To deny a claim is posturing ego. In Science if a positive claim is made then the obligation of the other party is to re-create the laboratory research to either confirm or deny without a predetermined bias that the materials and methods lead to the same results as published.
Doing the hard science in the lab is the ONLY THING THAT IS RESEARCH.
All else is Literature Review and like in Law there are always papers that PROVE both sides of any issue. Therefore it is confirmational bias and cherry sorting that dictates what side of the BELIEF that a READER has, since NO CLINICAL EXPERIMENTATION WAS DONE BY THE COMPLAINTANT.
The money would be best spent by going to Eliava Institute in Tblisi Georgia to get a personal tour and participate in the clinical procedure.
$ The money would be best spent if there is BELIEF in gene sequencers to send off an insilico sequence of a favorite virus, get it in the mail, buy some nice sacrificial rodents, infect them whichever way desired: traumatic/non-traumatic entry, then seeing if they get sick or not, and then going through the entire isolation/recovery cycle of the agent you wrote a sequence for and bought by yourself, using your own equipment bought by the money you saved from not giving it away to deny anyone else's findings.
$ If, in fact, you didn't TRUST that gene sequencing companies would deliver your sequence the way that you ordered, you could then buy a gene sequencer and make your own bugs in your bedroom.
$ If you don't BELIEVE that DNA or RNA EXIST; or that gene sequencers produce what they say they do, then the point is pointless and then YOUR obligation is to explain
DNA or the lack of it with YOUR clinical proof.
RNA or the lack of it with YOUR clinical proof.
Gene sequence technology comparison of input materials, programming integrity, and matching the output to the tasked sequence.
Have you studied the work of the Eliava Institute in Tblisi Georgia? Yes or No.
Have you studied ANY work that came out of Cold Spring Harbor with emphasis on
bacteriophages? Yes or No.
restriction enzymes? Yes or No.
genetic engineering? Yes or No.
repair of mutated genes? Yes or No.
Do you BELIEVE that anything that comes out of the premiere Eugenics labs at CSH would be valid science? Yes or No.
Would you accept their conclusions? Yes or No.
If not, then WHO and WHAT are acceptable resources and facilities?
Without a list of accepted scientists and papers and clinical labs then ANY discussion would be jerking off in a hurricane.
You might feel good for a few seconds before the tree trunk impaled your torso.
Have you read the NIH co-publication called the Virus Cancer Program? Yes or No.
Do you accept the work of Stefan Lanka? Yes or No.
Due to the religious belief in the non-existence of viruses then the offerer is OBLIGATED to answer all of the following questions in detail with MECHANISM OF ACTION.
What is the causative agent(s) of
Whooping Cough?
Flaccid Paralysis?
Yellow Fever?
These all requires POSTIVE PROOF of NEW Mechanism of Action of causation, not Denial of Existence of the mainstream model.
Proof must be in the form of documented Clinical experimentation by the complaintant.
Documents of any third-party are unacceptable.
Third-party information is the source of the failure of any academic discussion or debate on this topic. If the totality of medicine is suspect by association due to the denial that viruses exist and/or cause disease, then referring to third-party information within that same discipline coming from the same players for any purpose is cackling insanity.
One of the worst infantile arguments is that FOIA requests were made to the Devil to show proof of the temperature in Hell but the request was denied, or a report came back that it was NOT Hot in Hell, therefore...
Hell and the flames do not exist.
The Devil in Hell wouldn’t take about termperature or flames, ergo: we have it straight from the Devil that it is not hot in Hell.
The analogy is to COVID not existing because the government, when asked, did not implicate itself in the creation or dispersal of a biological and chemical wharf air agent, which, of course, is an international whar crime. What fucking CRIMINAL IN THEIR RIGHT FUCKING MIND WOULD ADMIT THAT OR PROVIDE A SAMPLE OF THE WE UPON?
Bloody Fucking Hell! Grow Up!
The analogy is to Lanka’s measles debacle where he claimed that the government not giving proof - was proof that Measles didn’t exist.
Talk about Re-If-I-Fuckation Fallacy !!!!!
Another of the top infantile failures is CITING THE WORK OF THE ENEMY to PROVE that even THEY tried to create disease via infection with ANY agent but failed. Only a fool or a paid operative would use either of these arguments because IF all medicine is the enemy and IF a military strategy is DISINFORMATION, then those doing the ‘studies’ could be LYING that they were unable to create disease ON ORDERS FROM THE GOVERNMENT/MILITARY TO LIE! The clinicians, government and military could be Lying about Lying to you. There is no foundation whatsoever to use the material of The Enemy as proof for or against any pre-formed bias such as the Negative: They told us viruses exist, but we want to harm those who lied to us by not believing in viruses anymore! And the proof is that they refuse to confirm that viruses exist so: We showed them!
[Insert GIF of tantruming child foot-stomp.]
If at any time the Terrain Theory bullshit notion of Poison/Toxins is vomited then it's off to the Stocks, rotten tomatoes, and overnight stay in close-to-freezing weather,
These are the POSITIVE requirements for the Virus Denial Cult to BRING TO US.
We will not pander or scrape or grovel or argue or debate with fools who have not done A GODDAMNED BIT OF WORK but read a paper and decided that an act of defiance against liars it to not believe that THEY CAN LIE ABOUT LYING TO THEM!
Jesus! Give me the 3000 pounds just for typing up the demands to be a reasonable human being not a Shrieking Karen to hash out the critical questions that determine the fate of what used to be humanity.
I’ll be weighting…
"That begs the question of whether that is the price of belief and if belief can be bought and sold." 💥This was a tour de force. Bravo. 💕
BeLIEf contains the LIE. It took me awhile to get to the end as I was laughing so hard when I got to
"Without a list of accepted scientists and papers and clinical labs then ANY discussion would be jerking off in a hurricane.
You might feel good for a few seconds before the tree trunk impaled your torso." Priceless.