Jun 30Liked by Patrick Jordan

When You realize you are trapped in HELL with Satan, The Devils, Demons & Parasites .... One has to wonder IF it's really an accident.

We are clearly here to KILL or be KILT!

Carry On ......

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what would the accident be?

It's been purposefully planned, and implemented. designed. intelligently designed right?!! by demonic thought controllers

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Patrick Jordan

Incident, (I meant accident) punishment, punishment.... whatever... HERE we IS.

Now about exiting stage left ...... THAT is the GOAL. :)

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Oh gaaaawd .. My mind. I'm goonna do the fifth on this one!

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Within theories of history there is the Accidental Theory where things happen by random chance and the Conspiratorial Theory that we can see with our own eyes is at work here. There is planning down to the smallest detail for timespans over millennia. So, Accident is off the roster.

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It's kinda like waking up inside an octagon cage fight without ever knowing how or why you got there. Birth is like that.

Whooops - there it is!

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Jun 30Liked by Patrick Jordan

It's like an accidental Suey-cide slip n slide! Lol

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Jun 30Liked by Patrick Jordan

I received your post and its link as soon as you posted it, and I clicked on it, but there wasn't a link to watch the video/content, so it was deleted/removed right away, or there's some other problem.

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Because the content was absolutely appalling, there was the text as a slide to open the the link, then you hit the next > icon and the embedded video played.

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you left out my last... and conclusive part of all of this...

the buddha was about disassociation..

Dungeon programming. is a form of disassociating.. DREAM a BETTER WORLD.

That we are in a sim and it's all about suffering.

That we are FORCED to play out parts. So while I am saying we are in hell, I can't help myself to enjoy some thing I see as beautiful. Why do you pursue this exposure of the evil? Why does Fran PAINT the evil, Why does anyone do anything?

EVIL is the MIRROR Of LIVE...I used to say opposite... but Live reflects evil.

LIFE is a LIE What are the F And V ? in these words, used to hide the LIE?

This life is a LIE.

There is only one way to PLAY the game


Losing is Winning.. until of course you get thrown right back in.

you forgot all THAT.

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I've never had anyone portray the Buddhist and Taoist gig as Denial:


Just contemplate the lint in your belly button and everything will be OK.

Kinda makes the whole thing look ridiculous on the face of it.

My imaginary Third Grade Class thanks you.

We will need a definition of what you mean to Not Play.

When I started a war video game and left the controls alone it still

"moved forward"

the other side still kept shooting and the avatar was taken out in record time only to be respawned by the game for another go-round.

Not Playing would have to be not working for the Hive, not paying tribute, not participating in anything except the total dissolution of The Game except the Game is hellbent on extorting you TO play so anything that interferes with that would be considered a threat that the Swarm would be mobilized against, so the Seek & Destroy subroutine WITHIN The Game would be activated for a

Damned if you Do - Damned if you Do


Folks need a plan.

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"not participating in anything except the total dissolution of The Game"

HOW is that NOT playing?... you are participating by "trying" for the dissolution of the game.

No plan either. a plan is participation in the game. That's what they want from you, your energy.

Why do you call it Hell? and not what it actually is... A simulation

Hell is a place spoken of in the Abrahamic religions. It's permanent too, from the teachings.. there is NO OUT.

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Jun 30Liked by Patrick Jordan

I know you are not disparaging me. You are right about all. I am not insulted by your harsh and spot on observations and criticism. It is welcome actually.

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That is always good to hear. You have shared your background so I know you will understand why someone like me does what he does having been raised by a Sergeant with the phrase "Pull your finger out of your ass and DO SOMETHING - EVEN IF IT'S WRONG!"


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Jul 1Liked by Patrick Jordan

Too bad we live on opposite sides of this part of hell, because I sure would like to meet you in person.

Pull your finger out of your ass..

Ha! Ha! Ha!


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Jul 1Liked by Patrick Jordan

Good to see everybody talking and discussing this even if not everybody agree on everything. think we are trapped in hell too and trying to figure out as much as can so don't end up trapped in hell in another body for another go in this sick merry go round

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I'm glad that is the way it is perceived: Civil Discourse. Not even Debate since no one knows anything for sure. I have strong inclinations about things, however no one including me has the first clue what happens when we 'die' if that is even a thing. The only thing that I know for sure is that pain is part of the adhesion contract.

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Jul 1Liked by Patrick Jordan

You always find the best way to put things Patrick.

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