Fear of the unknown is written towards the end of thy comment on whether to pay tribute or no in post goofer dust. PARALYZED BY THE UNKNOWN to be precise.

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The answer has always been BIOLOGICAL. Didst thou learn this of Thornburg PBUH precisely told thee, if so, thou art the 2nd greatest mind

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parallel development.

Mel filled in ALL of the gaps that I arrived at independently.

If I wanted to be selfish I could call her the greatest WOMAN genius in the whirled.

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I musht shay..

The mush in mushchixshuns alwaysh wash shushschpishus..

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And the reason that she loved him,

was the reason I loved him too.

He never wondered what was right or wrong,

he just knew,

he just knew.

The Hero by David Crosby

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Heraclites ...feels spot on.

It appears to me that THEY are not trying to kill us.... ALL of us anyways, If the Georgia Guidestones are accurate, 500 Million will be "spared". SPARED?! Nope...Synthesized. Made synthetic & their mind worked over ....Hived. Most will be slaves... no need for breeders due to tech.

Biological hosts turned synthetic can only be host to programs.

1% may resist the mind kontrol ... Hopefully the A.I. learns a thing or 2 from them?

After all, it will be A.I. rewriting MAN;s his-story. Again. ...UNLESS the cyborging is stopped.

Feels like this is a good time to Have No Fear ....

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You got me watching Utopia.

They cite the 500 million.

Fear is a tool.

it can work both ways, but the apes pissing their furry pants never thought to instil it in their would-be masters.

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I'm a bit behind in the game of life.

So, what's yer verdict on Utopia?

I watched the puppet masters as you suggested ..... EEEE Gad! It's a documentary!

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Tain't done with Season 2, but I found a couple clips I will feature that are the ConYid scam in writing.

The most disturbing part of PuppetMasters (sounds like a cleaning service) is that once infected, the hosts do everything possible to infect everything else...

They could have called it the VaccineMasters.

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The ConYid scam is just the beginning! You're in for a big surprise in season 2.

The parasite creatures weren't just trying to infect each other... They formed a HIVE thought process.

I'm no mind reader .... but maybe mind readers are simply infected/programmed??

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The Queen keeps the entire hive under control with pheromones.

I walked into a pawn shop and from TWENTY FEET AWAY one of the Yahoods that ran it started venting hate at me. I'm sure these infected animals can SMELL Not Them.

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Makes one wonder WHY people are losing their sense of smellfrom the so appropriate named conYid. Anybody figure THAT out yet??

I just saw an ad for pheromone spray FFS. Must be cover for THEM?

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Guess what? I did not get a notification of this post! I also am one who NEVER gets a notification if someone responded to or left me a comment. I miss a lot..

Well, I restacked your post within my Response to you... maybe you got a notification!

This is such an important discussion!

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All courtesy of the Google-owned ShadowBan 2000 machine where they disconnect the Connected to preserve the Criminal Cabal. I did get a notice of your post and I'm going there now to see your response.

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Great post. I followed on to Karafree and it helped me to imagine the sin could also be a greater organ-is-um or virus attached to dis place like a tick sucking the blood out of it creating what appears to us as a sim. That is also where "the so called allien" spiro-chetes come from. We are feeding it health. When we could stay healthy enough ourselves we could possibly instead of fall-low-ink on the light at the end of tune-hell just switch the light off or take the blood sucking bug away once and for all or what is needed there. Of course bug = hack makes us forget why we come here and that is to get the place out of dis-ease. Of course it presents it-self as over-helm-ink force be-case we undividually have the power witch it is inter-rested in.

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After reading so much of Pat's work. And then finding the book DAZZLE GRADUALLY. I am almost convinced spirochetes are the hardware. They are indestructible. But i wonder now if biological life is a form of computer bits themselves. They literally self assemble. We are led to believe there is no consciousness or intelligence in bacteria.. That is far from truth.

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It reads like Science Fiction but that is what they did on purpose to make us think that the plausible is absurd so that the insidious truth can fly below the radar.

Harry Braun ran independently for president at least a decade ago. I should Stack on that. He said that DNA is a 4-bit computer program. He maintained that phages were what CONSTRUCTED this system.

Royal Rife that people quote so often claimed to watch protits form Ex Nihilo.

The endotoxins that are now the subject of Wayne's attention are self-assembling nanoparticles.

The Viruses Don't Exist Cult is most likely the offshoot of the DON'T MAKE EYE CONTACT attempt at the Bug to remained camouflaged since *I* came on the scene. Yes, some ego attached to that, but I'm one of the few who harmonized Germ/Terrain and learned from Mel Thornberg that viruses are just subroutines of spirochete code.

Bacteria quorum sense and SWARM. So do viruses. So there is something either above or below what we were told is the prime mover for consciousness, sentience, and direct interaction with ... ??? the physical world.

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the evidence for there is CODE behind EVERYTHING points in the direction that everything is running on scripts, commands, specific goals/objectives. I keep asking if we WERE in a very real and ALIVE world, which was invaded by a parasite that has inserted its codes into all living things in this reality, taking over free will. I do think that the whole viruses don't exist is a HUGE psy-op, serving the purpose for STEALTH.

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Frog cooking replace-mente of us buy a machine. I wanted to write bio-machine I mean by machine but it seems I definitely lost to get back to normal. You also mention spiro-jets attack mito-chondria. The damage is then evident in loss of potential in water gel or complete reversal of dipole, proteins folding in a wrong way and many other die-for-rent dis-eases fall-low. But is it not inter-rest-ink they attack just mito-chondria. As if they "so called attack" only what they put there themselves in the first place. The creator controls. It is like that little thing they put into products that when attacked destroys the entire product and you have to buy a new one. It might be mito-chondria and dna are their artificial replace-ments for organ hard work we do not use or has been destroyed already.

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you will want to read this:

Due to their similarities to bacteria, mitochondria can actually trigger severe illness in humans. How can organelles inside our bodies suddenly become a threat?


in this article, it leads me to the terrain theory folks who FALSELY/misunderstand this idea that the body is creating the organisms. This article addresses WHY, they would find what appears as the body producing it's own bacteria in response to trauma. This article clears this misunderstanding up.

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I will read it.

The two things that I fell across that concerned me is that if an Mt discoveres that its code is corrupted it will self-destruct thus taking the cell out with it.

If a cell released undigested Mt components (that's what peroxisomes are for) then the escaping bits are toxic to the blood/host.

I will pass this on to Wayne since SEPSIS is his focus.

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Owhh... Hale NO!

Dem why folk did NOT jus say: DAMP.

We be in a SEEM. Cuz like da G-Nostics dun sayd dat Cheif Archon be a





Schraight up! I ain't shittin' y'all and stuffs.


It's early for me so my mental facilities are low therefore my logical thresholds are offline, so IMMEDIATELY I got the image that mitochondria are like having a lithium battery in our cells that can go off at any time and 'burn' da house down.

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