A comment in my recent Stack: A Picture Paints A Thousand Shitstorms (catchy title) gave me the urge to reply, but there are some times when the filter in my mind says: Who might see this? The few people who are following that particular Stack’s comments? Definitely NOT the people who don’t get notifications of comments because of the Sacred Shadowban! So, I decided to just feature it in this Stack so that I can give the Jordan’s Eye View of the way that I see things and the way that I see them being resolved.
Yeah… din’t know that the single word I chose was such a treasure chest of metal-cutting laser beams…
1 : the act or process of resolving: such as
a: the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones
Dayahmmmmm…. ! The Jordanization procedure wrapped into a plain burrito. I’ve always presented it this way: Folks are overwhelmed by a seemingly vast, unstopable force like watching one of those gigantic Caterpillar earth-movers coming right at you about to dump its entire load on you.
My response is that I’ve worked around machinery all of my life. The more complex something is the more options for catastrophic failure. But even something that big is brought down by sand in the Piss Tonnes or sugar in the G-Ass Tanked.
Sure, they can take the down-time to repair it, and sure these things come off of assembly lines so there are others to replace it, but when framed my way, the BIG, SCARY machine that can be reduced to an unserviceable scrap of metal isn’t so scary anymore despite how ‘big’ it is.
Size DOES matter… ladies — and gentled men — however, when dealing with a load of steaming bullshit that large it is in your best interest to be IN FRONT OF where it is dumping that load. Upwind helps too.
Homestyle is going to be in a world of hurt if that is liquid shit. Unless he can surf! NEVER get behind/beneath a massive load of shit no matter if you THINK you know who the driver is or not.
b: the act of answering : solving
Lately, I’ve told a number of people the Jordanian Rework of the definition of Dialectic that was always given as: Problem, Reaction, Solution (resolution — to keep this thematic) as being in all Yahoody Actuality: PROBLEM, PROBLEM, PROBLEM. So, what we are stuck with is that they backed up the dump truck, unloaded a entire load of shit on us, and now we have to SOLVE the problems that THEY created.
c: the act of determining
Think of it this way: You can see that we’re fucked. I don’t have a section in this Substack called: Proof We’re In Hell for nothing. However, we have to choose our Bat Hells in this Whore against the biosphere which requires us to determine which (witch?) are the clear and present dangers that must be addressed first and in what order. Determining requires discretion.
d: the passing of a voice part from a dissonant to a consonant tone or the progression of a chord from dissonance to consonance
As a former muse ish shun, I like that. Try playing two notes right next to each other on a keyboard if you want to know what dissonance is. The ear requires resolution to that rub. But then think about what we are surrounded with:
and our girls Ms. MaGoo and Jeannettically Modified are going to love this:
FREQUENCY RUBS that are like the emergency broadcast tone or fingernails on an old-timey slate chalkboard (ya ain’t lived til ya heard that!) THAT NEVER ENDS. This is why folks use the bullshit word of Stress. The human nervous system can’t cope with a CONSTANT, RELENTLESS, ASSAULT with no solution or RE-solution.
e: the separating of a chemical compound or mixture into its constituents
Ah…. Captain Chemistry smiles. I HATED chemistry in high school. Of course it had something to do with chemical allergy and that most of the shit requires too much mathematics, but then look at my life now — OK, avert your eyes… too pathetic — Chemistry is my ENTIRE LIFE. The basis for what I do and how I do it. So item 1.e. was a surprise and very important given that the opening by our Stackarino Sophia as we will read below deals with the conundrum of chemicals/chemtrails.
f(1): the division of a prosodic element into its component parts
(2): the substitution in Greek or Latin prosody of two short syllables for a long syllable
g: the analysis of a vector into two or more vectors of which it is the sum
This one makes me smile because if you have one Vector going to Hell In A non-asbestos Handbasket and our Vector going in the opposite direction, then they should sum to ZERO = complete balance. I would rather see them weighted towards what we call: good, but that is for another generation.
2: the subsidence of a pathological state (such as inflammation)
Well… perform unnatural things on me with that Proverbial Stick! Isn’t this EXACTLY what I was going to write in response to the comment below?
WE ARE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF THE PLANET. If the INFECTION is going to be solved, re-solved, luted or resoluted, then it CAN only be US that does it. ILL Annoyed doesn’t hold a candle to Californication or Nude York, but they are ALL Pathological States!
3a: something that is resolved
made a resolution to mend my ways
b: firmness of resolve
4: a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by an official body or assembled group
You will see this pop up in the theme of what Sophia wrote that there has to be personal and group resolutions to do the Spike Lee RIGHT THING. Not just talking about it, but Nike JUST DO IT.
5: the point in a literary work at which the chief dramatic complication is worked out
Other than the excellent definitions above, this was also forefront and fivefront in my mind when I chose the word: Resolved. Writing for a quarter of a century does that to you: word-choice, parallel thinking, and looking for the shitshow to have a happily resolved ending.
6a: the process or capability of making distinguishable the individual parts of an object, closely adjacent optical images, or sources of light
Too big a concept for a mere Stack.
b: a measure of the sharpness of an image or of the fineness with which a device (such as a video display, printer, or scanner) can produce or record such an image usually expressed as the total number or density of pixels in the image
a resolution of 1200 dots per inch
Being able to resolve an image with a light microscope an electron microscope or a computer with a screen or a printer allows you to examine to “SEE” the fine details.
The Devil is in The Details.
It’s ALL Details.
Lettuce move on to the comment now that we know how we are going to approach this with RESOLVE.
We must stop them.
Proper use of the personal pronoun: We.
I insist that I’m the smartest man that ever lived (fading fast buy the whey…) but *I* can’t do it alone. Can = ability. Will = intent. I WILL NOT do it alone. It’s that Christic-thing. I’m not dying for anyone elses sin. The sin of NOT DOING A DAMNED THING WHEN YOUR EXISTENTIAL EXISTENCE IS AT STEAK; or stake.
In fact (shameless self-promotion coming), my prediction, prophecy, profit see, and philosophy is that it will be a Woman or Women who will make it so.
To me the spraying is the worst .
See why I opened with the Resolution definition? We have to be able to SEE the DETAILS in order to create a higher Archy of cutting the Archons into bits. If you are not a Yogi from India, then most folks can’t survive without breathing for more than a couple of minutes. Most folks can’t survive without drinking for ~3 days. Most folks can’t survive without eating for a month.
News Flash! We ain’t surviving.
These are the same people hawking climate change as a way to ensnare well-meaning poeple while they muck around with the biosphere , the climate , photosynthesis and our breathing .
You can be well-meaning but still as dumb as shit.
I’ve wrestled with the notion of Darwinian Survival of The Fittest because when I compare myself and my economic status to a Baby-Momma Welfare Machine who makes more money in a year than I will ever see in a lifetime, then all of that protest that I’m so goddamned smart goes right down the plugged toilet because if I were so smart - wouldn’t I be Rich? or at least Richard? because a lot of people call me: Dick.
At the time of his testing, the Smartest Man in the World (not me - I wasn’t on 60-Minutes) said that intelligence has nothing to do with wealth. In fact he had isolated himself from any possibility that his intelligence could be tapped by unscrupulous business or mille tarry - but I repeat myself.
My only idea of how to stop this,
short of praying to the Sun to intervene,
is to starve the system of
our energy and attention.
Not a criticism of our Stackarino’s view, just a clarification/resolution of the DETAILS that we HAVE to be able to see in order to use our time, energy and focus on where the weak points are in that Land Mover.
THEY have over-unity energy. We can’t starve them of something that we neither possess nor understand. This does not exclude us from TAKING it from them to use against them.
The notion of not recycling aluminum so that they can nanize it and spray it on us as I suggested in the Shitstorm Stack is just a minor wooden shoe in the gears that would result in more virgin aluminum production paid for with Tox Payers’ wages to feed the beast, so, sadly, it was a practical idea that would have no net effect. This is why I say we have to choose our battles in the whar.
Sophia will have to define what she means by ‘attention’ because Karafree and I have Fill Us Sew Fizzed about such matters where I think that Kara’s definition (correct it in the comments please) is that we should not focus our attention on them, their bad deeds, or anything that distracts us from ourselves because the psychic energy on them feeds them and prevents us from doing anything positive.
I (eye) however, maintain that you NEVER take your eyes off of the tiger lest it blend in with the tall grass again then charge to attack you, while, at the same time, having situational awareness that we are SURROUNDED by tigers so we must not have Target Fixation for just one beast but the entire group of them. Also realizing that even the villagers standing around with a finger up their ass not even warning the others of the herd of tigers descending on us are as much a threat as the tigers themselves.
ALL THE WHILE we’re trying to focus on ourselves and our goals for ‘good’.
Tough job. Almost god-like in its proportions. Butt, since Gawd is AWOL, then SOMEONE has to fill in.
Do not vote for anyone.
I just posted this on Mach-Speed A Vellian Man’s substack:
On the page there was this quote with a hyperlink:
"The Office of the Federal Register coordinates the functions of the Electoral College on behalf of the Archivist of the United States, the States, the Congress, and the American People."
How did the terms "Elector" and "Electoral College" come into usage?
The term "electoral college" does not appear in the Constitution. Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment refer to "electors," but not to the "electoral college." In the Federalist Papers (No. 68), Alexander Hamilton refers to the process of selecting the Executive, and refers to "the people of each State (who) shall choose a number of persons as electors," but he does not use the term "electoral college."
The founders appropriated the concept of electors from the Holy Roman Empire (962 - 1806). An elector was one of a number of princes of the various German states within the Holy Roman Empire who had a right to participate in the election of the German king (who generally was crowned as emperor). The term "college" (from the Latin collegium), refers to a body of persons that act as a unit, as in the college of cardinals who advise the Pope and vote in papal elections. In the early 1800's, the term "electoral college" came into general usage as the unofficial designation for the group of citizens selected to cast votes for President and Vice President. It was first written into Federal law in 1845, and today the term appears in 3 U.S.C. section 4, in the section heading and in the text as "college of electors."
Sew, what we can sea is that just like Lysander Spooner said in 1870, voting is for fools. It means nothing — it accomplishes nothing.
We start gathering together to make something new.
I learned the word: Parallel Industry a while back.
They want to crash the banks. Start your own.
They put people out of business and used armed thugs to do it.
Keep your business by having the same number of non-thugs to enforce the patency of that parallel industry. Tall order, given that the Satellite State of Mother Is Ra EL has the best millie tarry that stolen tox doll ears can buy.
Which brings us to the pressure point that no one has yet resolved from our incompetent ancestors until today: in modern terms: They’ve Got Ghuns.
Once we decide truly to do this, I believe a lot of stuff will change
Will is a function of intent, the exertion of will against the substance of reality with force. Just putting your hands and feet on a ladder in order to ascend it requires force to overcome gravity. If FORCE is exerted in any situation, things MIGHT change; however my physics professor said that if you put your hand on the wall and push on the wall that the wall pushes back with the same amount of force!
The only way to push the wall down is to input more force than the wall can push back with.
If you make it - they will come as a window of Oprah Nudity went away millennia ago, when talking about parallel industry to escape their economic tear your ism. THEY are too advanced technologically and control everything economically. If you learned anything from Mothere Issy in Canaan, these motherfuckers are not going to stop on their own.
but people are still giving way too much power to this dark force which considers us nothing more than a resource.
It was the Faustian Bargain that which lost Esau (The Jews - the ACTUAL jews = iudomites) his birthright to Yakob (the Deceiver) who was renamed Is Ra EL. The story is deeper than the surface-read but Esau (Edom) gave up his birthright for the CONVENIENCE of a bowl of oatmeal. People of today have ABDICATED their autonomy for the ease of a light switch, motor vehicles that have to be Licentiously allowed so that they can drive to their Slave Labor Camp, and food that is grown and processed FOR THEM instead of living the HARD LIFE of having their own land and growing their own food and defending it against all threats.
Not only have they given away their power as Kept Animals, but despite the punishments, they even ENJOY IT.
as soon as enough ppl join the dots
The reason why I called this Stack 100th Man Key is because of the MYTHS of the 100th Monkey aka Critical Mass not having ANY relevance to real life here in Hell.
Coupled with: There are More of Us than there are of Them, these myths are what KEEP people paralyzed therefore nothing WILL (intent, action on volition) happen.
Here’s what the Elders have to say about that:
Protocol 5:5 FOR A TIME PERHAPS WE MIGHT BE SUCCESSFULLY DEALT WITH BY A COALITION OF THE "GOYIM" OF ALL THE WORLD: but from this danger we are secured by the discord existing among them whose roots are so deeply seated that they can never now be plucked up. We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the GOYIM, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries. This is the reason why there is not one State which would anywhere receive support if it were to raise its arm, for every one of them must bear in mind that any agreement against us would be unprofitable to itself. We are too strong - there is no evading our power. THE NATIONS CANNOT COME TO EVEN AN INCONSIDERABLE PRIVATE AGREEMENT WITHOUT OUR SECRETLY HAVING A HAND IN IT.
11. The second secret requisite for the success of our government is comprised in the following: To multiply to such an extent national failings, habits, passions, conditions of civil life, that it will be impossible for anyone to know where he is in the resulting chaos, so that the people in consequence will fail to understand one another. This measure will also serve us in another way, namely, to sow discord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us, and to discourage any kind of personal initiative which might in any degree hinder our affair.
THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord.
We must so direct the education of the GOYIM communities that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in despairing impotence. The strain which results from freedom of actions saps the forces when it meets with the freedom of another. From this collision arise grave moral shocks, disenchantments, failures. BY ALL THESE MEANS WE SHALL SO WEAR DOWN THE "GOYIM" THAT THEY WILL BE COMPELLED TO OFFER US INTERNATIONAL POWER OF A NATURE THAT BY ITS POSITION WILL ENABLE US WITHOUT ANY VIOLENCE GRADUALLY TO ABSORB ALL THE STATE FORCES OF THE WORLD AND TO FORM A SUPER-GOVERNMENT. In place of the rulers of to-day we shall set up a bogey which will be called the Super-Government Administration. Its hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world.
Because our ancestors failed us to snub out the cigarette butt in the past, the forest has burnt and it isn’t growing back. The One In A Million Geniuses at this point in history can only be a small group of cats that can’t be herded. IF and ONLY IF there are the mythical 8 billion husks on this planet that means there are only 8000 people worth their weight in a Caterpillar Earth Mover full of shit. Those Cats will have to take down the Caterpillar earth movers on their own because NO ONE is coming to save anyone.
Numbers never have mattered. The Numbers have NEVER BEEN there. We have been outnumbered at least 10:1 since the cataclysm sent My Three Sons down From On High to take over everything; and 1,000,000:1 by 1785.
we need to turn our attention to an entirely new system
Addressed above, it is the ONLY concept viable in the current structure of Hell, but we are in Hell and the Demons will descend like a Hive Swarm to eliminate anything that interferes with Their order. We saw it with ConYid: Small businesses were SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYED WHILE ALL OF THE BIG CORPORATE CHAINS WERE LEFT RUNNING.
which will mean new ways of being / seeing “ other “ and being able to step into the Unknown - the real unknown which is beautiful not the faux unknknown which is the same old beast with different clothing.
Lucius said in the B.C. era: Fear is the Mother of All Gods.
I needed more. So after a long time of contemplation (and drooling on myself) I arrived at: FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN is the Supreme Fear.
Oddly I was watching a bunch of twisted stuff by E.L. Doctorow where he said pretty much the same thing.
I just noticed typing that out that Edgar Lawrence adopted the moniker of EL = GOD to describe himself. How humble of him.
Here’s an ancient deconstruction of this Unknown Fear that I put out in unsocial media in the Age of B.S. (Before Substack):
Other than certain-pain, we have no idea what happens when we die. That FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN keeps people from doing the RIGHT THING against biocidal maniacs that make this existence Hell. In fact, the promise of Hell as a place AFTER THIS HELL chills any notion of doing something wrong (as if destroying Evil was ‘wrong’ — pass me some pork sausage, would you?) even though there is no proof that something worse awaits no matter WHAT we do.
But… people have been so acclimatized to living in a corrupt Evil system where they learned if they kept their heads down they MIGHT slide by without too many wounds that they are TOO AFRAID TO FORCE THEIR WILL INTO THIS EXISTENCE TO MAKE THINGS BETTER OR EVEN RIGHT because Fear of Failure is a subset of The Unknown.
Better the Devil you know…. than the Devil you don’t know; has kept people from doing ANYTHING because with the way things are these genetic cowards know that the world will end in a horrible way and since the Bible and the NEWS told them so: they are COMFORTABLE with the narrative.
IF they were to go off-reservation and forge their own way, the future would be uncertain; therefore the Fear Of The Unknown prevents them from even acting like they ever were human.
With that kind of gutter trash to work with, I refuse to do anything towards helping creatures that are unable and unwilling to help themselves. They must be their own saviors in order to prove themselves worthy.
Thanks to Sophia for commenting to cattle-prod me into pontificating my pontoon on Walden’s Dried Up Pond.
oh… and I’m sure that some idiot will say: He never answered what the Resolution was…
yeah… I did, for 17 years next month. No one listened then, either.
The answer has always been BIOLOGICAL - NEVER political, economic, sociological or religious. You’ll figure it out if you want to live.
Great post. I followed on to Karafree and it helped me to imagine the sin could also be a greater organ-is-um or virus attached to dis place like a tick sucking the blood out of it creating what appears to us as a sim. That is also where "the so called allien" spiro-chetes come from. We are feeding it health. When we could stay healthy enough ourselves we could possibly instead of fall-low-ink on the light at the end of tune-hell just switch the light off or take the blood sucking bug away once and for all or what is needed there. Of course bug = hack makes us forget why we come here and that is to get the place out of dis-ease. Of course it presents it-self as over-helm-ink force be-case we undividually have the power witch it is inter-rested in.
Heraclites ...feels spot on.
It appears to me that THEY are not trying to kill us.... ALL of us anyways, If the Georgia Guidestones are accurate, 500 Million will be "spared". SPARED?! Nope...Synthesized. Made synthetic & their mind worked over ....Hived. Most will be slaves... no need for breeders due to tech.
Biological hosts turned synthetic can only be host to programs.
1% may resist the mind kontrol ... Hopefully the A.I. learns a thing or 2 from them?
After all, it will be A.I. rewriting MAN;s his-story. Again. ...UNLESS the cyborging is stopped.
Feels like this is a good time to Have No Fear ....