When you realize that you are up against at criminal cartel then the answers are blatantly simple.
We ‘need’ digital currency so that SMALL TIME criminals can’t interfere with what the Big Boys are doing to us. In fact they would steal from the off-the-street criminals just as well as the little old ladies from Canukia because they are Equal Oprah Nudity Destroyers.
I’m posting this for any of our friends in igloos because I’m not aware of that payment software, so just like warning about the PayPal Rapal phishing scams,
I try to minimize folks being taken advantage of by the Small Time Players whenever I become aware of a scam.
The High Rollers are another problem altogether.
That’s going to take some serious tapeworm medicine.
Thanks for the heads up. I have never heard of this happening.
It is more common then most consider high end cream annals round off great false nay-ers by skimming them off of contributions..
Before James Heikilla (aka "Jim Stone") finally bit the dust after 8 years of his flaver of "the truth hurts more if it is not told and honesty and honour heals my soul and spirit more then glittering stones and gold"..
He even got man in the middle attacks skimming his donations since he told on and pointed out to many a deep scream in all's..
He managed for 6 years prior to his biting the internet dust of memory holed or he just plainly had enough and stay out of tailing the cream spinal circuit upgraded his manners to actually get money sent through to him..
He made a special way to publish online what actually got given to his account (via spyp rall) and told everyone else knowing they thought they got through and "fake e-mail responses money came to destination" to reclaim their donation becca-sue nothing of the sort had arrived from any one else..
Huge amounts of money donated likely end up straight in other pockets..
As does fake pages turn up as this pratzylina patty over the top ripp off displayed..
Great post btw...