And that is what is outside.....imagine what they injected us with ....how long will stay inside.

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Many chemicals are sequestered in fat cells because the body can't deal with them.

So, would it be like an LSD trip after having it stored in your fat for 30 years then suddenly coming out?

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They may be ducks.....

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Fucked is right...

you might want to have your spell-check serviced or you can just Han Solo it and smack it like the Millennium Falcon.

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No, I said ducks!

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I think you might have a key stuck.

Try WD-40. It'll probably melt the plastic but it will get rid of that annoying wrong letter.

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Oh...... !

DUCK !!!!

Like "not a Witch"

I get you now, Mrs. Cleese.

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It took you long enough.

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