I've been trying to purge 50+ years of useless indoctrination. It's better to not have your mind sullied by lies (education). I would take a wagon-load of farmboys & girls than an entire city full of 'engineers'.
If this world was to be rebuilt from scratch it would be us doing it while the geeks were trying to figure out why their devices no longer connect to the cloud to tell them how many quarts to a gallon.
A few years ago, when I found the 2002 McGill Unv's paper saying that even healthy human has spirochete in their blood, I, at that time fanatic terranist, was satisfied with harmless of germs. Even though I was innocent, I'm ashamed my ignorance then.
This may be insignificant for you, but I'd like to hear your opinion.
You say Stress is Bullshit word. I'm sure that there are innumerable cases that psychialists abuse stress to cover the mental manifestation induced by infection, and hide the cause.
So, how do you think of just the founder of Stress, Hans Selye?
Selye's concept is widely accepted, especially by modern Chinese medicine because the idea that the state of mind is connected to disease, has familiar with Eastern philosophy.
#1. My good friend! I literally FELT YOU IN THE AIR when I posted this and thought: I wonder how my Samurai in Japan are doing???
#2 I have been telling the story since the year 2000 (24 years for people who are bad at math):
A woman went into her doctor for just a minor ailment like an ingrown toenail and came out with a diagnosis of STAGE 4 CANCER !!! She said to me, "I was never sick a day in my life." When I finally found the work of Clemens Von Pirquet I knew IMMEDIATELY what that meant:
THEREFORE she never FELT SICK and had NO SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE because the antibiody + antigen "collisions" (Pirquet's word) weren't happening.
So to for the 'Healthy Human' crawling with bugs they are the very thing that Wuhan denied with a 'study' of 10,000 of their victims: ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS. If they do not exist =
Thanks for the link. We can see that I already destroyed the notion of a 'healthy human'.
I've never met one.
But the title is a tiny bit deceptive, tripping down the stairs on the way to full-out fraud.
Pleomorphs is just another word for CELL WALL DEFICIENT STEALTH ORGANISMS.
And it was known since the 1900s that antibiotics CAUSE THOSE FORMS so they are not and NEVER CAN BE: "NATURALLY OCCURRING" (the Fraud part).
I had a brief association with an 8th generation TCM herbalist/acupuncturist. He let me borrow his acupuncture books where I learned of the COLLATERAL MERIDIANS THAT FOLLOWED MAJOR MUSCLE GROUPS. I had always been plagued by muscle problems and paid of several yachts for Chiropractors. Later I met an Orthobionomist who said that MUSCLE MOVES BONE, so when I finally had the chance to study TCM the meridian associations with the muscles completed the picture that ALL MERIDIANS WERE ASSOCIATED WITH ORGAN ZANG-FU = SOLID/HOLLOW organs.
Therefore: ORGANS rule meridians that move muscles that move bone.
Once I fixed my internal organs I never went back to chiropractors for DECADES.
So, we consider the Mud Pellet. The Chinese didn't know what the brain was for so they lumped it into the Extraordinairy Organs.
The Brain is an organ. The Brain is part of the Central Nervous system but INTIMATELY TIED HOLISTICALLY with the entire endocrine system and also every other tissue of the body.
So, if STRESS exists it exists ALL THE TIME EVERYWHERE from atmospheric pressure that has to be countered by turgor pressure of the circulatory system that is AUTONOMIC, therefore handled below the threshold of perception unless you are an Indian Yogi who can stop their breath or a Martial Arts Monk who can move Chi through their body like an internal combusition engine.
Stress PERCEIVED then from the rigors of getting out of bed to being yelled at by your boss, to hating someone who gave you a thumbs down on Youtube means that the ORGAN SYSTEMS of the body are not balance and the Brain AS AN ORGAN is not functioning properly or along with the other organ systems that cause things like anxiety, panic, and depression such as the thyroid, adrenals, pituttary, etc.
A monk trains to have BALANCED emotions a net weighting of zero but does not deny the emotions of:
Heart/Small intestine = Joy
Lung/Large intestine = Grief
Stomach/Spleen = Worry
Liver/Anger = ANGER = my baseline
Kidney/Bladder = Fear
When these emotions are OUT OF BALANCE then they will be perceived by the MIND/BRAIN as EMOTIONS SUCH AS ARE ASSOCIATE WITH THE ORGAN SYSTEMS.
The FALSE paradigm is that of Psychosomatic Disease. As if Thought could impact physical reality. I have been trying to show since 1978 that SOMATOpsycho disease is the RULE that defective organ functions is PERCEIVED as an emotional state and that the PHYSIOLOGY is the main feedback INITIATOR.
If you have ever stood in front of a microphone and it squeals then you know what FEEDBACK is. But that is an isolated event if the sound system is balance and you happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Otherwise the amplifier turns your voice or instrument into a useful intelligent coherent sound.
So Bad Thoughts in your head can make a MINOR FEEDBACK LOOP with the bad things that the ORGANS sent into the system but they are NOT THE PRIME INITIATORS OF DISEASE.
You CAN'T "THINK" your way out of disease if there is a frank physiological cause. Even Hahnemann of homeopathy said (my paraphrase) that Arnica is great for traumatic injury but if you fell off a roof and have rebar sticking out of your chest - then pull the rebar out first and THEN take the arnica...
I'm glad you always reply quickly. I'm given novel things all the time, so it's exciting but takes a long time to understand.
Such perfect storm is being provoked by that gene edit tool just now.
And, you always introduce this episode with live blood analysis by Enderlein. I've not searched him yet, but curious.
I want to get about "immune system can be intact but disabled" in detail.
Does this mean that the activity of immune cells extracted from victims as being done in "in vitro" experiment by $cience, don't reflect the actual kinetics within body?
>Pleomorphs is just another word for CELL WALL DEFICIENT STEALTH ORGANISMS.
Wait...It's incredible.
Pleomorphists or terrainists argue that germs don't have their constant morphs and which change voluntary according to their surroundings.
Do you mean they were observing CWD from the beginning?
The meridian episode was interesting. Especially Hahnemann's word reminds me of "Parable of the Poisoned Arrow" by Buddha.:)
Thanks to this plandemic, I have more chances to communicate with 整体師(seitaishi).
Autotranslator translates Japanese 整体(seitai) into Chiropractic, but both are not exactly the same.
整:sei=整える:totonoeru=tidy up, clean up, organize
整体 seems close to osteopaths, but I individually can't distinct both.
I knew that Japanese 整体, who are explorer for extreme of human-body, emphasize the importance of bone, but I realized from your episode that they are indeed saying that "muscles move the bone".
Muscle stiffness cause various negative effects, of which especially is "to be fixed to use muscle instead of bone" from the long term view.
The host himself is naturally unaware of this. Because solid things (stiffness) can transmit the force/effect, system drops to rely on it automatically.
Stiffness gradually becomes easier to use for system, and it will take hold in a bad sense. Then the bones become unnecessary paradoxically, it will flow toward outside body. This leads to a vicious cycle that requires further supplemental force, which in turn makes another muscle stiffen. The system tries to hold the outward flowed force. Even if host got motivated momentarily, their system cannot exert the afferent force toward the center of the body and will lead to lost propel for anything.
Organs rule the meridian that move muscle that move bone, so by approaching disabled organs, system will recovery.
And its "disabled organs" are caused physically by infection or by biological weapon called "vaccine".
If Stress is indeed exist, it is countered by system turgor pressure in normal condition. Therefore, that system perceives it itself means that organs are disabled.
I think this is true from one aspect.
But...On the other hand, I felt that the power of mind/spirit was a bit neglected.
You mentioned to hypnotization by Audio Visual Entrainment in your book.
I like anime(animation) in Japan, so I know the impressive episode of one voice actor.
As a result of being immersed herself in the role, in a scene where the character injured (burn), the voice actor playing the role was physically injured in the same body part during recording. It's the power of assumption.
You my friend are like jumping off the high dive into a college master class of tenured professors. You ask all of the right questions that demand quality answers so I will try to make this concise:
Our immune cells come from the stem cells of the bone marrow = B cells (and other tissue like Thymus = T-cells) that then differentiate into the different types: lymphocytes, neutrophils, Killer T, Macrophages, etc. There are MANY CD-related names for the versions of the cells. But consider this: IF the CD34 PROGENITOR cells within the bone marrow ALL carry bartonella or borellia inside of them (intracellular parasites are never spoken of that I can see in Terrain theory) the EVERY SINGLE CELL LINE THAT COMES OFF OF THAT ASSEMBLY LINE WILL BE DEFECTIVE IN THE LEAST. The cells are merely vessels by which the microbes can evade detection and destruction IF AND ONLY IF there were a few functioning immune cells left in the body (isn't THAT grim?).
This is why Bruhner and his followers are nuts. How can you chase spirochetes that are dormant inside of tissue out with the use of the herb Teasel and then expect an immune system TOTALLY TAKEN OVER BY THE ENEMY TO THEN KNOCK DOWN THE AGGRAVATED INVADERS.
It's just patently RIDICULOUS.
I bought most of his suggested herbs. I have teasel. I have NEVER USED IT because of that single evaluation based on THOUGHT.
Why is there a rash with measles and smallpox? Clemens Von Pirquet called it the "collision of antibody and antigen". The Measles and smallpox were quietly multiplying in many cells of the body BEFORE the rash appears. So the disease is NOT the rash. The Rash is the REPONSE TO THE DISEASE THAT ALREADY TOOK HOLD.
Humoral (antibody response) resulted in CELLULAR (rash) immune response. Even the antibody/antigen collision was silent until the immune cells came around to clean things up.
It is my position that everyone on the planet has Lyme by now. So if you were to extract the immune cells from any given person then they will be at some stage of take-over by the Bug. Some worse than others. You might find active normal immune responses in some people you might find that the false idea of autoimmunity is the sole thing that is in play. Inflammation IS IMMUNE RESPONSE. So if the cell wall deficient stealth organisms are tearing up the cells then they are flagged for destruction so the macrophages will come in with oxidative burst to be the flame thrower on the Alien bursting out the the chest of the astronaut. Lots of collateral damage.
So the studies in vitro reflect what is going on inside ONLY each individual. They CANNOT be generally applied to any other living being since everyone will be damaged in different ways. That is the Grand Sin of MediSin = one size fits all.
Isn't it a thing of beauty the the Turdrain theorists created their own religion and populated it with fairies and unicorns with no explanation of where the fairies or unicorns came from - you just had to accept them at face value and then like quantum mechanics equations then the numbers worked, kinda... almost... maybe...
The pleomorphic forms of syphilis were known in the 1900s when they hit it with arsenic, antimony, and mercury. Raymond Royal Rife used his microscope to watch the void of his view field to spontaneous generate what he called a protit (virus?) that changed into a bacteria and into a fungus. We will never know. That is just what was reported. I haven't seen that and no one has one of his microscopes. I don't discount his work or observations or conclusions because a Bacteriophage VIRUS can be self-assembled from:
Casein, Phosphorus, B-vitamins, and YEAST EXTRACT.
We've just gone from self-assembly of a VIRUS to the components coming from YEAST.
See how that tracks with Rife?
The Turdrainers might accept self-assembling nanobots as a terrible NEW TECHNOLOGY but that just means that the idiots didn't study the work on phages out of Cold Spring Harbor (a eugenics group) that set the stage for Molecular Biology that created nanotechnology.
Lida Mattman said that there are at least 8 morphologies of spirochetes that she has personally observed under the light microscope that are all methods of evading detection and destruction by the host.
This is pleomorphism = changing from a viral like unit into a cyst from a cyst into a mycoplasm like form and then acquiring the triple-armored cell wall that occurs in no other organism on the planet - which is to say it was engineered in a lab.
That's the other thing that the Turdrain theories NEVER address is laboratory created organisms.
This hasn't been Bechamps World since the early 1900s. They were already radiation crazy back then dosing EVERYTHING with radiation.
Please understand everything I say in relation to everything else I have said PLUS integrate it into the TIMELINE which is why I put those in 3 of my books then made TIMELINE its own book.
THEY KNEW BY 1900 THAT the ANTIBIOTICS of arsenic, antimony, and mercury simply made syphilis evade destruction by PLEOMORPHIC ESCAPE TECHNIQUES and that it could RE-ACQUIRE ITS CELL-WALL COMPETENT FORM FROM THOSE CWD FORMS.
So, yes, the Terrain Theorists were observing something that they didn't understand, assigned their own meaning to it and then created a brand new denominational religion that excludes anything that gets in the way of their distorted CONCLUSIONS.
See how that works? You and I could OBSERVE something in nature yet come to completely different conclusions on what those observations meant. That sets up dialectic. Either Mit is right and Pat is wrong or Pat is right and Mit is wrong.
What if we are both wrong? Then we start again.
In the US a chiropractor is a physician but they are not considered a Medical Doctor therefore not able to do minor surgery or prescribe drugs. An osteopath can do all of those.
Muscle, Tendon, Bone Changing was taught by Bodhi Dharma to the monks at Xiaolin Temple (Shaolin). Bone is important but realize that NOTHING HAPPENS IN ISOLATION. So although bone is important you have to understand how the bone got into the position that it did.
Let's say that you went all Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and launched off of a 100-foot bamboo stalk and hit the ground because you didn't have the flying wire tied to you and you really weren't a monk.
Bones out of whack from trauma.
Now imagine that you had NO PHYSICAL TRAUMA but your bones were locked out. Those SIGNALS to the MUSCLES that came from the ORGANS can pull out the BONES. So, yes, you can adjust the bones and get relief. But what if as in my case you had a toxic liver and a non-working gallbladder all of your life and terribe debilitating neck pain at cervical vertebrae 2 all of your life. Then, one day, after FOUR YEARS OF LIVER CLEANSES you no longer had neck paint that through insurance payments to chiropractors put their children to college and bought them Ferarri sports cars!
Organs move Muscles move Bones.
I have only been back to chiropractors when I had physical injury. Even then I got no relief because I was low on saturated fat to heal the tissue. When I consumed LARGE amounts of COCONUT OIL then the pain went away..
ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS is all that I focus on.
Yes, you might need acute PALLIATIVE CARE for SYMPTOMS but if you don't address the ROOT CAUSE then it will ALWAYS COME BACK.
Whoops I stopped before the stuff in Japanese. So to continue: What will cause bone to stop moving? Well, if you are a stickman with deficiencies in fatty acids then the FASCIA the CAPACITOR system of the body to store electric charges for CHI, will be DRY = no synovial fluid to lubricate the muscle bundles over each other. This will 'stiffen' the bones. Even if a massage therapist BREAKS UP THE ADHESIONS it will only last for a little while before they STICK again like plastic food wrap WITHOUT OIL BETWEEN THEM because... THERE IS NO OIL BETWEEN THEM. This is deficiency. Deficiency is something accounted for in TCM. Then there is DIRECT ASSAULT as you say from outside invasion of microbes or having microbes AND POISON shot into us.
Morning Lark and I are now convinced that the condition called Stiff Person Syndrome can be caused by LYME and can be made worse from GADOLINIUM (or any other metal poisoning) that is used for MRI to find out WHY you are sick with the results that they DON'T KNOW HWY YOU ARE STIFF SO COME BACK NEXT TIME FOR MORE GADOLINIUM POISONING SO THAT YOU CAN GET SICKER AND STIFFER.
I always downplay the role of the mind in illness because it is a SYMPTOM OF FRANK DISEASE INCLUDING DISEASE OF THE BRAIN AS AN ORGAN. Too much money and too much death surrounds the psychosomatic LIE. You might PERCEIVE something amiss in your 'mind' but it is coming from your gut organs or your brain. Fix the ORGANS and the perceptions of the mind will normalize.
I have seen too many practitioners of New Age nonsense like Reiki (so as not to discount its original practice - it has been destroyed in western practice) where they literally expect their client/patient/victim to be HYPNOTIZED out of pain instead of fixing the root cause.
Unless we were there we can neither confirm or deny the STIGMATA of the voice-actor's wounds. It makes a great story, but you would have to be a martial arts master with decades of training to make something appear on the body spontaneously with the mind. I find that the modern human lacks all capacity to think let alone tap into the miraculous things we USED to be able to do as a species that were purposely suppressed because we would be unstoppable warriors with those abilities.
spirochetes do not like the pressure of the main arteries and tend to move toward peripherals arteries…so that they are not swept away.
When attacked with antibiotics they tend to burrow to escape the main poison. That is why we have found spirochetes burrowed in the skull of 9 people with Alzhaimers (9 out of 10).
They have the ability to shape shift for thus see Dr. Eva Sapi work, her video lecture on spirochetes forms, (at that time 2015) got about 15 views!! I guess no youtoob monetization for Eva anytime soon.
Spirochetes ability to form nest cluster "city like”. There are several videos and photos on this.
Spirochete go from being fairly decimated with Doxycycline (65%) in the first generation to be reborn on the 2nd generation 3 times more proliferus. Kinda like you sterilize human women out of 100 and the ones left 35% in the second generation are able to have triplets. Imagine that. What a lost battle. AND they become insensitive to the antibiotics. See Lida Mattman work as well….cell deficient.
All this make perfect sense to me. Think WSWD?? What Spirochete Would Do if in danger ? We must think of this as a truly "intelligent” life-form.
You are the Queen of Heaven AND the Queen of Sardinia!
What Would Spirochetes Do?
Streptomycin was released as the new miracle antibiotic after Penicillin had faded (can't say that it failed because it is the PREMIERE way to make CWD) and within a YEAR organisms were EATING IT AS A FOOD SOURCE.
I've seen Sapi's nests and talk of biofilm I can't remember if it was her or MacDonald that said:
Goofballs even at the level of Bruhner tell people to use teasel to chase the spirochetes out of tissue and let the immune system take care of them.
I've seen the darkfield work on white blood cells that are compromise: THEY ARE ON UNION BREAK.
But Buhner was a big proponent of terrain theory....if the terrain is suitable they win over the immune system.
His entire book on Borrelia is about strengthening the "terrain".
In defense of Buhner may he R.I.P.. he clearly said that having biofilm distrupted it would have caused a massive garbage spread out. He was correct 100% there.
One of our Hens from Down Under sent me his book. I still have never read it because I wasn't ever in the right headspace. She told me later that his view was
This is echoed in what you said about no messing with the nests. If you can't handle what comes out of the biofilm then the goddamned terrain was never running at optimum levels in the first fucking place.
See why I'm so done with Terraintards and their airy-fairy wish your way out of Hell bullshit?
They can't state a premise, work it out to conclusion and stick to the same story.
My story is: Extinct the entire Phyla. No prisoners. No blebs, no cysts, no plamins, no viroids to come back like the Phoenix Worm.
Anything short of that is jerking off in a hurricane.
Species is the bottom of the totem. We're talking about the entire Phyla where even the buggers in the guts of termites will be gone that will cause termites to starve to death. This is why they use fungus that attack that Genus of spirochete to disable the cellulose digestion to kill the termites.
Wayne just Stacked on a quote from Lida Mattman that spirochetes cannot grow in the presence of fungus.
If you are the genius that you claim to be, why have you not found and executed a more successful communications strategy that should have achieved all objectives years ago? I have no argument that many, myself included, are dumb. But a genius should be able to factor that into their strategy and overcome it. I know that I am not a genius; but I have doubts about one who claims to be and then expresses rage for years over what is well known fact (ie few in the world are as smart as the geniuses). I think a true genius would factor that obvious truth in and then develop and execute a means to overcome it in a moral manner. Finally, what accounts for the low volume of Likes and Comments on your stack? Is it the rest of the world? You? A conspiracy? Combination? Other?
Btw - I read your stuff with an intent to be positive and like it; not adversarial. I do accept that it could simply be me; especially since there are a lot of popular and unpopular truths that I just don’t understand.
In 2000 before I ever went public I had a sitdown with the nurse manage of the dialysis unit my mother was doomed to. I calmly explained everything that I saw at the unit that was harming and could possibly KYLL the patients and offered rational solutions. She calmly told me that they would not change any of their policies or procedures.
ELEVEN YEARS OF OUTRIGHT FIGHTING FOLLOWED. I saw MANY patients MURR DURRED by their methods. I saw a government that claimed to be unable but was just unwilling to stop it.
Due to my efforts the Nurse Manager ended up in the Psyche Ward. One of my greatest accomplishements.
A Black Mamba is not a black snake. The INSIDE OF ITS MOUTH IS BLACK. So when it rears up as much as 6 feet tall and opens its mouth that is an altruistic warning on the part of the snake to all other animals to get the fuck out of the way because it doesn't want to get stepped on and the other animals don't want cobra family venom in them. This ranks a Mamba as one of the most noble creatures out there.
When I worked with Rebecca Carley in 2008-2011 she was the Bad Cop and I was the Good Cop and so I was the academic that spouted only the facts with no hystrionics
By the time I had transcribed Crookshank's work from 1889 that was the most perfect expose of fraud of vaccination ever written but I saw that we were increasingly drowning in a hellish sea of vaccine serum, I decided that the entire planet is forfeit and no one and nothing deserved any kind of altruistic warning. He used the most gentile english and convincing arguments for what net result: NOT A GODDAMNED THING!
You'll get bit by the Mamba. If you survive that is a testament to your constitution. If not, then no one needed you in the first place. People too weak for this whar are just in the way.
I do indeed protest that I'm a genius and it is obvious in my many books and social media offerings that cover topics untouched by others and cover topics that are analyzed in no other way. But I did state in the Stack that I lack skills to break people out of MK. That's what this is about. It's not about being a Natural Idiot. ANYONE can improve their mind, their experience, and their reasoning. No excuses. I can't fix MK because it is beyond me. The sum total of my work ALLOWS people to fix their own IGNORANCE which is not an insult but lack of knowledge. If they CAN'T OR WON'T do that .... then they ARE AN IDIOT.
There ain't no fixin' Stupid.
So being a genius does not mean that I'm good at everything. That's the job of God; and God is the thing that needs to dye for our salvation.
Communicate better?
No one listened to me when I was calm and used facts but I sure as hell have people's attention when I start being abusive because WE ARE IN A WHAR AND THE OTHER SIDE IS NEARLY COMPLETE IN ITS EXTERIMINATION OF WHAT PASSED FOR THE HU-MAN RACE, SO IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE THIS THEN YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE.
Some of us are actually fyghters not lame medics doing triage on the already ded.
I can and have handled a lot worse than this :D. I’ll drop the dance and continue to peruse your stack without comment. I do appreciate your sincerity in trying to improve the lives of others. That’s always noble.
Since I first heard from your list about little curly hairs, I have got to know numerous people including me serving their collagen as free lunch. It is more prevalent than one can imagine. And I also met two people diagnosed with the ticks dis-ease self-evidently in a dis-ease state of their body. And they confirmed the situation we under stand. That even when they tried any-thing they got hold of to attack their dis-ease, the dis-ease just changed its coat of arms. From my observations, the "STeeR-the-RESt" is more of a mill&torah tactic ape-lied by mass-tors. Even if there are some problems of a different origin than curly hairs, it is non-sense to blame them on the state of hurry as is almost all ways the case here.
Dude. Just came in from a day of lumberjacking totally exhausted and read your:
Curly Hairs
and barked like a dog. Best part of my day!
I swear that people are idiots or under MK because the psyops boys start the collagen and boil your bones until they're plastic cults and everyone jumps on because:
they read a paper on it or some gurus said so.
Shit like that just doesn't spontaneously appear with a READY-MADE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT INFRASTRUCTURE TO SERVE IT.
This is the Full-Spectrum Warf Air part of it. The motherfuckers KNEW that the Buggers eat us like Pac Man so they started the intervention YEARS AGO (ever develop a product from scratch and then try to market it?) because they knew they couldn't contain their Djinnn and they had to do SOMETHING to limp along their slaves before the battle chassis are ready for the A.I.
It was Horowitz that said at first they thought they SHOULDN'T feed Limies collagen because it would make the buggers grow, but the patients were wasting away so they had to feed them.
"Stress" is the bullshit BLAME THE PATIENT deflection to make sure that EVERYONE is looking in the wrong place.
MISDIRECTION is the stock-in-trade of stage and Black Magicks. So if you're not looking for the buggers in your head and the docked whore says that what you have is 'stress' and eveyrone 'identifies' with that, then he can send you to Sol Herbstein for some nice chemical shackles for the mind for some nice sheckels.
Shek-EL. Tribute to Gawd.
This is another reason why I DESPITE the Terraintards because the 'luminaries' like Lanka and all of his sycophant followers wrote evey single disease state off to the UNDEFINED 'poisons' and 'stress'. That alone tells me that they are all agents.
I can send anyone a paper that showed they knew definitively in 1900 that the metal antibiotics of Arsenic, Antimony and Mercury NEVER DESTROYED SPIROCHETES but made them stealth Cell Wall Deficient organisms thus embedding syphilis into every living being on the planet as ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS.
Breitscwhartz (Vet working for Drug companies) and Horowitz KNOW that antibiotics cause CWD organisms but STILL push doxycycline.
Lida Mattman said the easiest way to kill a spirochete is with peroxide in a test tube. We aren't test tubes and these DARPA We Upons use our own Super Oxide Dismutase to sheild themselves then hand it back to us as a prion.
Several different homeopathic programs to 'cure' it never worked.
Paul DeKruif won a nobel prize for using MALARIA to induce fever to drive out SYPHILIS, but we're all infected with Babesia (Northern Malaria) from eating beef and being shot up with beef blood in vaccines so that's a no-go.
I know for a fact that induced hyperthermia with pulsed antibiotics doesn't work for cancer caused by Lyme. Don't bother going to Switzerland.
Wim Hoff and his Freeze Your Ass Off to Cure Lyme might 'help' for those with Cold Shock Protein activation immune competency but he's in lawsuits over people dying because of his cockamamie ideas.
Sapi and MacDonald talked about antibiotics while MacDonald and Mattman talked about vaccines. Although these people did good work - they're insane.
Bruhner was already covered in this comment section.
And the guy that says juicing celery can cure Lyme needs to be Sectioned.
The Terraintards that say just think happy thoughts, eat good food and click your heels together and chant: "There's no place like home..." might hopefully have Dorothy's house fall on them so they can go 'home'.
I'm just talking about spirochetes. Nothing happens in isolation. Those buggers are squatting with 29 other buggers so what is the COMPREHENSIVE PLAN to eradicate the entire rats nest in the Projects - let alone break up the biofilm so they can't come back from their bunkers to start all over again. And how do you get a treatment into the BONE MARROW to eliminate the infections in the stem cells?
No one in 5784 years has been able to eradicate these things because NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT I AM SAYING.
I’m going to go back and to start at the beginning of your stacks but after reading this one last night, I went and started searching for Dr Alan MacDonald.
The page I chose to finally read and try to start to understand/learn about is from 2022 “Brain herniation death in pediatric cerebral lyme borreliosis followed by kidney donation”.
I am guessing you’ve already addressed this in previous posts but for me, from this page and looking at the slides and descriptions was an OMG moment!
Some of the slides with arrows pointing out the spirochetes look just like what “researchers” have been claiming is “vaxed” blood.
I am not technical so forgive this but basically to me it’s all the same.
There is no true “vaxed” blood but there is blood with much higher concentrations of this parasite and the people pointing out “strange things” are really just finding more and more of the parasite but labelling it as (insert anything here from nano tubes to mystery fibers etc).
So were the shots full of super parasites?
Or full of some kind of growth serum?
I’m ok with you labelling me as ignorant because I had no clue this was even a possibility.
That the entire population is just one big meal for these things and we can’t do a damn thing about it.
Thank you for your writings on substack.
I was tick bit 40yrs ago at 13.
Never occurred to me that technically I had lyme all these years.
Learning about spirochetes and all that can go with them fills in so much of what has transpired health wise with me.
Then when I got back into the Stack we're on now, I got locked out of my second one. Substack is totally unorganized.
So, there's a LOT of old material out there.
"Brain Herniation" seems almost a poetic way of describing a total biological disaster. I've never heard it before. I know a woman who got parvovirus (a dog disease) from a kidney transplant which means that the huge man (she was a small woman) who died and left his kidney must have had vaccinated dogs (parvovaccine is a LIVE ORGANISM).
One of the reasons that I got my own microscope is because I couldn't trust that those who were GIVEN the spotlight in controlled opposition media weren't viewing artifacts or reporting things other than what they are.
Below I will put the Corvelva links from Italy (some are dead links) where BEFORE THE PLANDEMIC they looked at what was actually IN vaccines OFF THE SHELF. This is why Italy was the first nation shut down. If they exposed what was in the Confib wax job then the entire thing would have fallen apart.
I'm OK with labeling myself and you as Ignorant. I'm Ignorant every day and every day I push myself beyond my limits to reduce that ignorance. Stupid has no remedy. We aren't stupid.
Connective tissue is what holds us together and spirochetes and nanobacteria are the permanent erase function in a computer that sets the original file to all ZEROES.
It is quite possible that you got any combination of the 30+ things that are in tick spit. But you needn't even gotten bitten to get Lyme.
It's completely up to you to share what you've experience with the tick bite over the years here in the Stack where others can see and comment or we can talk about it privately:
Patricia taught me the most important aspects of human physiology as learned by the monsters that prey on animal physiology because they have a faster metabolism and response time to the Project Paperclip horrors.
1. There is no such thing as metastasis. The Satellite Tumors are already seeded throughout the body so when the Mother Tumor is removed the suppressor signal is gone and the Satellites light up. Then the doctor with perfect stage presence decries "We did the best we could but it metastasized."
They KNEW it would.
2. Lymphatic backpressure can cause organ damage without systemic high blood pressure.
3. When taking in a health history ALWAYS look for STREET drug use. (that was beyond my personal experience so it took me years to learn most people use BOTH kinds of drugs).
All of her other detailed tutilage is in my first book ICD-999.
My Dear Trixie.
I've been trying to purge 50+ years of useless indoctrination. It's better to not have your mind sullied by lies (education). I would take a wagon-load of farmboys & girls than an entire city full of 'engineers'.
If this world was to be rebuilt from scratch it would be us doing it while the geeks were trying to figure out why their devices no longer connect to the cloud to tell them how many quarts to a gallon.
A few years ago, when I found the 2002 McGill Unv's paper saying that even healthy human has spirochete in their blood, I, at that time fanatic terranist, was satisfied with harmless of germs. Even though I was innocent, I'm ashamed my ignorance then.
This may be insignificant for you, but I'd like to hear your opinion.
You say Stress is Bullshit word. I'm sure that there are innumerable cases that psychialists abuse stress to cover the mental manifestation induced by infection, and hide the cause.
So, how do you think of just the founder of Stress, Hans Selye?
Selye's concept is widely accepted, especially by modern Chinese medicine because the idea that the state of mind is connected to disease, has familiar with Eastern philosophy.
#1. My good friend! I literally FELT YOU IN THE AIR when I posted this and thought: I wonder how my Samurai in Japan are doing???
#2 I have been telling the story since the year 2000 (24 years for people who are bad at math):
A woman went into her doctor for just a minor ailment like an ingrown toenail and came out with a diagnosis of STAGE 4 CANCER !!! She said to me, "I was never sick a day in my life." When I finally found the work of Clemens Von Pirquet I knew IMMEDIATELY what that meant:
THEREFORE she never FELT SICK and had NO SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE because the antibiody + antigen "collisions" (Pirquet's word) weren't happening.
So to for the 'Healthy Human' crawling with bugs they are the very thing that Wuhan denied with a 'study' of 10,000 of their victims: ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS. If they do not exist =
Thanks for the link. We can see that I already destroyed the notion of a 'healthy human'.
I've never met one.
But the title is a tiny bit deceptive, tripping down the stairs on the way to full-out fraud.
Pleomorphs is just another word for CELL WALL DEFICIENT STEALTH ORGANISMS.
And it was known since the 1900s that antibiotics CAUSE THOSE FORMS so they are not and NEVER CAN BE: "NATURALLY OCCURRING" (the Fraud part).
I had a brief association with an 8th generation TCM herbalist/acupuncturist. He let me borrow his acupuncture books where I learned of the COLLATERAL MERIDIANS THAT FOLLOWED MAJOR MUSCLE GROUPS. I had always been plagued by muscle problems and paid of several yachts for Chiropractors. Later I met an Orthobionomist who said that MUSCLE MOVES BONE, so when I finally had the chance to study TCM the meridian associations with the muscles completed the picture that ALL MERIDIANS WERE ASSOCIATED WITH ORGAN ZANG-FU = SOLID/HOLLOW organs.
Therefore: ORGANS rule meridians that move muscles that move bone.
Once I fixed my internal organs I never went back to chiropractors for DECADES.
So, we consider the Mud Pellet. The Chinese didn't know what the brain was for so they lumped it into the Extraordinairy Organs.
The Brain is an organ. The Brain is part of the Central Nervous system but INTIMATELY TIED HOLISTICALLY with the entire endocrine system and also every other tissue of the body.
So, if STRESS exists it exists ALL THE TIME EVERYWHERE from atmospheric pressure that has to be countered by turgor pressure of the circulatory system that is AUTONOMIC, therefore handled below the threshold of perception unless you are an Indian Yogi who can stop their breath or a Martial Arts Monk who can move Chi through their body like an internal combusition engine.
Stress PERCEIVED then from the rigors of getting out of bed to being yelled at by your boss, to hating someone who gave you a thumbs down on Youtube means that the ORGAN SYSTEMS of the body are not balance and the Brain AS AN ORGAN is not functioning properly or along with the other organ systems that cause things like anxiety, panic, and depression such as the thyroid, adrenals, pituttary, etc.
A monk trains to have BALANCED emotions a net weighting of zero but does not deny the emotions of:
Heart/Small intestine = Joy
Lung/Large intestine = Grief
Stomach/Spleen = Worry
Liver/Anger = ANGER = my baseline
Kidney/Bladder = Fear
When these emotions are OUT OF BALANCE then they will be perceived by the MIND/BRAIN as EMOTIONS SUCH AS ARE ASSOCIATE WITH THE ORGAN SYSTEMS.
The FALSE paradigm is that of Psychosomatic Disease. As if Thought could impact physical reality. I have been trying to show since 1978 that SOMATOpsycho disease is the RULE that defective organ functions is PERCEIVED as an emotional state and that the PHYSIOLOGY is the main feedback INITIATOR.
If you have ever stood in front of a microphone and it squeals then you know what FEEDBACK is. But that is an isolated event if the sound system is balance and you happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Otherwise the amplifier turns your voice or instrument into a useful intelligent coherent sound.
So Bad Thoughts in your head can make a MINOR FEEDBACK LOOP with the bad things that the ORGANS sent into the system but they are NOT THE PRIME INITIATORS OF DISEASE.
You CAN'T "THINK" your way out of disease if there is a frank physiological cause. Even Hahnemann of homeopathy said (my paraphrase) that Arnica is great for traumatic injury but if you fell off a roof and have rebar sticking out of your chest - then pull the rebar out first and THEN take the arnica...
All my best to the Land of the Rising Sun.
Excelent explanation !!!
I'm glad you always reply quickly. I'm given novel things all the time, so it's exciting but takes a long time to understand.
Such perfect storm is being provoked by that gene edit tool just now.
And, you always introduce this episode with live blood analysis by Enderlein. I've not searched him yet, but curious.
I want to get about "immune system can be intact but disabled" in detail.
Does this mean that the activity of immune cells extracted from victims as being done in "in vitro" experiment by $cience, don't reflect the actual kinetics within body?
>Pleomorphs is just another word for CELL WALL DEFICIENT STEALTH ORGANISMS.
Wait...It's incredible.
Pleomorphists or terrainists argue that germs don't have their constant morphs and which change voluntary according to their surroundings.
Do you mean they were observing CWD from the beginning?
The meridian episode was interesting. Especially Hahnemann's word reminds me of "Parable of the Poisoned Arrow" by Buddha.:)
Thanks to this plandemic, I have more chances to communicate with 整体師(seitaishi).
Autotranslator translates Japanese 整体(seitai) into Chiropractic, but both are not exactly the same.
整:sei=整える:totonoeru=tidy up, clean up, organize
整体 seems close to osteopaths, but I individually can't distinct both.
I knew that Japanese 整体, who are explorer for extreme of human-body, emphasize the importance of bone, but I realized from your episode that they are indeed saying that "muscles move the bone".
(Twitter link)
Muscle stiffness cause various negative effects, of which especially is "to be fixed to use muscle instead of bone" from the long term view.
The host himself is naturally unaware of this. Because solid things (stiffness) can transmit the force/effect, system drops to rely on it automatically.
Stiffness gradually becomes easier to use for system, and it will take hold in a bad sense. Then the bones become unnecessary paradoxically, it will flow toward outside body. This leads to a vicious cycle that requires further supplemental force, which in turn makes another muscle stiffen. The system tries to hold the outward flowed force. Even if host got motivated momentarily, their system cannot exert the afferent force toward the center of the body and will lead to lost propel for anything.
Organs rule the meridian that move muscle that move bone, so by approaching disabled organs, system will recovery.
And its "disabled organs" are caused physically by infection or by biological weapon called "vaccine".
If Stress is indeed exist, it is countered by system turgor pressure in normal condition. Therefore, that system perceives it itself means that organs are disabled.
I think this is true from one aspect.
But...On the other hand, I felt that the power of mind/spirit was a bit neglected.
You mentioned to hypnotization by Audio Visual Entrainment in your book.
I like anime(animation) in Japan, so I know the impressive episode of one voice actor.
As a result of being immersed herself in the role, in a scene where the character injured (burn), the voice actor playing the role was physically injured in the same body part during recording. It's the power of assumption.
(Japanese link)
Certainly this is a extreme case. Almost ones can't do so much.
But it is the one example shows the possiblity by hypnotization ,and I think the state of think or mind contributes to disease more or less.
You my friend are like jumping off the high dive into a college master class of tenured professors. You ask all of the right questions that demand quality answers so I will try to make this concise:
Our immune cells come from the stem cells of the bone marrow = B cells (and other tissue like Thymus = T-cells) that then differentiate into the different types: lymphocytes, neutrophils, Killer T, Macrophages, etc. There are MANY CD-related names for the versions of the cells. But consider this: IF the CD34 PROGENITOR cells within the bone marrow ALL carry bartonella or borellia inside of them (intracellular parasites are never spoken of that I can see in Terrain theory) the EVERY SINGLE CELL LINE THAT COMES OFF OF THAT ASSEMBLY LINE WILL BE DEFECTIVE IN THE LEAST. The cells are merely vessels by which the microbes can evade detection and destruction IF AND ONLY IF there were a few functioning immune cells left in the body (isn't THAT grim?).
This is why Bruhner and his followers are nuts. How can you chase spirochetes that are dormant inside of tissue out with the use of the herb Teasel and then expect an immune system TOTALLY TAKEN OVER BY THE ENEMY TO THEN KNOCK DOWN THE AGGRAVATED INVADERS.
It's just patently RIDICULOUS.
I bought most of his suggested herbs. I have teasel. I have NEVER USED IT because of that single evaluation based on THOUGHT.
Why is there a rash with measles and smallpox? Clemens Von Pirquet called it the "collision of antibody and antigen". The Measles and smallpox were quietly multiplying in many cells of the body BEFORE the rash appears. So the disease is NOT the rash. The Rash is the REPONSE TO THE DISEASE THAT ALREADY TOOK HOLD.
Humoral (antibody response) resulted in CELLULAR (rash) immune response. Even the antibody/antigen collision was silent until the immune cells came around to clean things up.
It is my position that everyone on the planet has Lyme by now. So if you were to extract the immune cells from any given person then they will be at some stage of take-over by the Bug. Some worse than others. You might find active normal immune responses in some people you might find that the false idea of autoimmunity is the sole thing that is in play. Inflammation IS IMMUNE RESPONSE. So if the cell wall deficient stealth organisms are tearing up the cells then they are flagged for destruction so the macrophages will come in with oxidative burst to be the flame thrower on the Alien bursting out the the chest of the astronaut. Lots of collateral damage.
So the studies in vitro reflect what is going on inside ONLY each individual. They CANNOT be generally applied to any other living being since everyone will be damaged in different ways. That is the Grand Sin of MediSin = one size fits all.
Isn't it a thing of beauty the the Turdrain theorists created their own religion and populated it with fairies and unicorns with no explanation of where the fairies or unicorns came from - you just had to accept them at face value and then like quantum mechanics equations then the numbers worked, kinda... almost... maybe...
The pleomorphic forms of syphilis were known in the 1900s when they hit it with arsenic, antimony, and mercury. Raymond Royal Rife used his microscope to watch the void of his view field to spontaneous generate what he called a protit (virus?) that changed into a bacteria and into a fungus. We will never know. That is just what was reported. I haven't seen that and no one has one of his microscopes. I don't discount his work or observations or conclusions because a Bacteriophage VIRUS can be self-assembled from:
Casein, Phosphorus, B-vitamins, and YEAST EXTRACT.
We've just gone from self-assembly of a VIRUS to the components coming from YEAST.
See how that tracks with Rife?
The Turdrainers might accept self-assembling nanobots as a terrible NEW TECHNOLOGY but that just means that the idiots didn't study the work on phages out of Cold Spring Harbor (a eugenics group) that set the stage for Molecular Biology that created nanotechnology.
Lida Mattman said that there are at least 8 morphologies of spirochetes that she has personally observed under the light microscope that are all methods of evading detection and destruction by the host.
This is pleomorphism = changing from a viral like unit into a cyst from a cyst into a mycoplasm like form and then acquiring the triple-armored cell wall that occurs in no other organism on the planet - which is to say it was engineered in a lab.
That's the other thing that the Turdrain theories NEVER address is laboratory created organisms.
This hasn't been Bechamps World since the early 1900s. They were already radiation crazy back then dosing EVERYTHING with radiation.
Please understand everything I say in relation to everything else I have said PLUS integrate it into the TIMELINE which is why I put those in 3 of my books then made TIMELINE its own book.
THEY KNEW BY 1900 THAT the ANTIBIOTICS of arsenic, antimony, and mercury simply made syphilis evade destruction by PLEOMORPHIC ESCAPE TECHNIQUES and that it could RE-ACQUIRE ITS CELL-WALL COMPETENT FORM FROM THOSE CWD FORMS.
So, yes, the Terrain Theorists were observing something that they didn't understand, assigned their own meaning to it and then created a brand new denominational religion that excludes anything that gets in the way of their distorted CONCLUSIONS.
See how that works? You and I could OBSERVE something in nature yet come to completely different conclusions on what those observations meant. That sets up dialectic. Either Mit is right and Pat is wrong or Pat is right and Mit is wrong.
What if we are both wrong? Then we start again.
In the US a chiropractor is a physician but they are not considered a Medical Doctor therefore not able to do minor surgery or prescribe drugs. An osteopath can do all of those.
Muscle, Tendon, Bone Changing was taught by Bodhi Dharma to the monks at Xiaolin Temple (Shaolin). Bone is important but realize that NOTHING HAPPENS IN ISOLATION. So although bone is important you have to understand how the bone got into the position that it did.
Let's say that you went all Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and launched off of a 100-foot bamboo stalk and hit the ground because you didn't have the flying wire tied to you and you really weren't a monk.
Bones out of whack from trauma.
Now imagine that you had NO PHYSICAL TRAUMA but your bones were locked out. Those SIGNALS to the MUSCLES that came from the ORGANS can pull out the BONES. So, yes, you can adjust the bones and get relief. But what if as in my case you had a toxic liver and a non-working gallbladder all of your life and terribe debilitating neck pain at cervical vertebrae 2 all of your life. Then, one day, after FOUR YEARS OF LIVER CLEANSES you no longer had neck paint that through insurance payments to chiropractors put their children to college and bought them Ferarri sports cars!
Organs move Muscles move Bones.
I have only been back to chiropractors when I had physical injury. Even then I got no relief because I was low on saturated fat to heal the tissue. When I consumed LARGE amounts of COCONUT OIL then the pain went away..
ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS is all that I focus on.
Yes, you might need acute PALLIATIVE CARE for SYMPTOMS but if you don't address the ROOT CAUSE then it will ALWAYS COME BACK.
Whoops I stopped before the stuff in Japanese. So to continue: What will cause bone to stop moving? Well, if you are a stickman with deficiencies in fatty acids then the FASCIA the CAPACITOR system of the body to store electric charges for CHI, will be DRY = no synovial fluid to lubricate the muscle bundles over each other. This will 'stiffen' the bones. Even if a massage therapist BREAKS UP THE ADHESIONS it will only last for a little while before they STICK again like plastic food wrap WITHOUT OIL BETWEEN THEM because... THERE IS NO OIL BETWEEN THEM. This is deficiency. Deficiency is something accounted for in TCM. Then there is DIRECT ASSAULT as you say from outside invasion of microbes or having microbes AND POISON shot into us.
Morning Lark and I are now convinced that the condition called Stiff Person Syndrome can be caused by LYME and can be made worse from GADOLINIUM (or any other metal poisoning) that is used for MRI to find out WHY you are sick with the results that they DON'T KNOW HWY YOU ARE STIFF SO COME BACK NEXT TIME FOR MORE GADOLINIUM POISONING SO THAT YOU CAN GET SICKER AND STIFFER.
I always downplay the role of the mind in illness because it is a SYMPTOM OF FRANK DISEASE INCLUDING DISEASE OF THE BRAIN AS AN ORGAN. Too much money and too much death surrounds the psychosomatic LIE. You might PERCEIVE something amiss in your 'mind' but it is coming from your gut organs or your brain. Fix the ORGANS and the perceptions of the mind will normalize.
I have seen too many practitioners of New Age nonsense like Reiki (so as not to discount its original practice - it has been destroyed in western practice) where they literally expect their client/patient/victim to be HYPNOTIZED out of pain instead of fixing the root cause.
Unless we were there we can neither confirm or deny the STIGMATA of the voice-actor's wounds. It makes a great story, but you would have to be a martial arts master with decades of training to make something appear on the body spontaneously with the mind. I find that the modern human lacks all capacity to think let alone tap into the miraculous things we USED to be able to do as a species that were purposely suppressed because we would be unstoppable warriors with those abilities.
Excellent post on the stress issue
hmmm ….I have no much to add except that….
spirochetes do not like the pressure of the main arteries and tend to move toward peripherals arteries…so that they are not swept away.
When attacked with antibiotics they tend to burrow to escape the main poison. That is why we have found spirochetes burrowed in the skull of 9 people with Alzhaimers (9 out of 10).
They have the ability to shape shift for thus see Dr. Eva Sapi work, her video lecture on spirochetes forms, (at that time 2015) got about 15 views!! I guess no youtoob monetization for Eva anytime soon.
Spirochetes ability to form nest cluster "city like”. There are several videos and photos on this.
Spirochete go from being fairly decimated with Doxycycline (65%) in the first generation to be reborn on the 2nd generation 3 times more proliferus. Kinda like you sterilize human women out of 100 and the ones left 35% in the second generation are able to have triplets. Imagine that. What a lost battle. AND they become insensitive to the antibiotics. See Lida Mattman work as well….cell deficient.
All this make perfect sense to me. Think WSWD?? What Spirochete Would Do if in danger ? We must think of this as a truly "intelligent” life-form.
You are the Queen of Heaven AND the Queen of Sardinia!
What Would Spirochetes Do?
Streptomycin was released as the new miracle antibiotic after Penicillin had faded (can't say that it failed because it is the PREMIERE way to make CWD) and within a YEAR organisms were EATING IT AS A FOOD SOURCE.
I've seen Sapi's nests and talk of biofilm I can't remember if it was her or MacDonald that said:
Goofballs even at the level of Bruhner tell people to use teasel to chase the spirochetes out of tissue and let the immune system take care of them.
I've seen the darkfield work on white blood cells that are compromise: THEY ARE ON UNION BREAK.
I swear people have been lobotomized.
Buhner said leave the biofilm alone.
But Buhner was a big proponent of terrain theory....if the terrain is suitable they win over the immune system.
His entire book on Borrelia is about strengthening the "terrain".
In defense of Buhner may he R.I.P.. he clearly said that having biofilm distrupted it would have caused a massive garbage spread out. He was correct 100% there.
One of our Hens from Down Under sent me his book. I still have never read it because I wasn't ever in the right headspace. She told me later that his view was
This is echoed in what you said about no messing with the nests. If you can't handle what comes out of the biofilm then the goddamned terrain was never running at optimum levels in the first fucking place.
See why I'm so done with Terraintards and their airy-fairy wish your way out of Hell bullshit?
They can't state a premise, work it out to conclusion and stick to the same story.
My story is: Extinct the entire Phyla. No prisoners. No blebs, no cysts, no plamins, no viroids to come back like the Phoenix Worm.
Anything short of that is jerking off in a hurricane.
Well i agree with extinct their entire specie
If you will tolerate me being a Word Not See:
Species is the bottom of the totem. We're talking about the entire Phyla where even the buggers in the guts of termites will be gone that will cause termites to starve to death. This is why they use fungus that attack that Genus of spirochete to disable the cellulose digestion to kill the termites.
Wayne just Stacked on a quote from Lida Mattman that spirochetes cannot grow in the presence of fungus.
what if……may be us…. human would not exist without phyla.
You can lead a horse to water......
That's a heavy horse if it's made out of Lead.
My phrase early on in this foray into madness in the 2000s was:
You can lead a horse to water, you can beat it to deth, and it STILL WON'T DRINK!!!
If you are the genius that you claim to be, why have you not found and executed a more successful communications strategy that should have achieved all objectives years ago? I have no argument that many, myself included, are dumb. But a genius should be able to factor that into their strategy and overcome it. I know that I am not a genius; but I have doubts about one who claims to be and then expresses rage for years over what is well known fact (ie few in the world are as smart as the geniuses). I think a true genius would factor that obvious truth in and then develop and execute a means to overcome it in a moral manner. Finally, what accounts for the low volume of Likes and Comments on your stack? Is it the rest of the world? You? A conspiracy? Combination? Other?
Btw - I read your stuff with an intent to be positive and like it; not adversarial. I do accept that it could simply be me; especially since there are a lot of popular and unpopular truths that I just don’t understand.
OK. Let's do this dance.
In 2000 before I ever went public I had a sitdown with the nurse manage of the dialysis unit my mother was doomed to. I calmly explained everything that I saw at the unit that was harming and could possibly KYLL the patients and offered rational solutions. She calmly told me that they would not change any of their policies or procedures.
ELEVEN YEARS OF OUTRIGHT FIGHTING FOLLOWED. I saw MANY patients MURR DURRED by their methods. I saw a government that claimed to be unable but was just unwilling to stop it.
Due to my efforts the Nurse Manager ended up in the Psyche Ward. One of my greatest accomplishements.
A Black Mamba is not a black snake. The INSIDE OF ITS MOUTH IS BLACK. So when it rears up as much as 6 feet tall and opens its mouth that is an altruistic warning on the part of the snake to all other animals to get the fuck out of the way because it doesn't want to get stepped on and the other animals don't want cobra family venom in them. This ranks a Mamba as one of the most noble creatures out there.
When I worked with Rebecca Carley in 2008-2011 she was the Bad Cop and I was the Good Cop and so I was the academic that spouted only the facts with no hystrionics
By the time I had transcribed Crookshank's work from 1889 that was the most perfect expose of fraud of vaccination ever written but I saw that we were increasingly drowning in a hellish sea of vaccine serum, I decided that the entire planet is forfeit and no one and nothing deserved any kind of altruistic warning. He used the most gentile english and convincing arguments for what net result: NOT A GODDAMNED THING!
You'll get bit by the Mamba. If you survive that is a testament to your constitution. If not, then no one needed you in the first place. People too weak for this whar are just in the way.
I do indeed protest that I'm a genius and it is obvious in my many books and social media offerings that cover topics untouched by others and cover topics that are analyzed in no other way. But I did state in the Stack that I lack skills to break people out of MK. That's what this is about. It's not about being a Natural Idiot. ANYONE can improve their mind, their experience, and their reasoning. No excuses. I can't fix MK because it is beyond me. The sum total of my work ALLOWS people to fix their own IGNORANCE which is not an insult but lack of knowledge. If they CAN'T OR WON'T do that .... then they ARE AN IDIOT.
There ain't no fixin' Stupid.
So being a genius does not mean that I'm good at everything. That's the job of God; and God is the thing that needs to dye for our salvation.
Communicate better?
No one listened to me when I was calm and used facts but I sure as hell have people's attention when I start being abusive because WE ARE IN A WHAR AND THE OTHER SIDE IS NEARLY COMPLETE IN ITS EXTERIMINATION OF WHAT PASSED FOR THE HU-MAN RACE, SO IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE THIS THEN YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE.
Some of us are actually fyghters not lame medics doing triage on the already ded.
I can and have handled a lot worse than this :D. I’ll drop the dance and continue to peruse your stack without comment. I do appreciate your sincerity in trying to improve the lives of others. That’s always noble.
Since I first heard from your list about little curly hairs, I have got to know numerous people including me serving their collagen as free lunch. It is more prevalent than one can imagine. And I also met two people diagnosed with the ticks dis-ease self-evidently in a dis-ease state of their body. And they confirmed the situation we under stand. That even when they tried any-thing they got hold of to attack their dis-ease, the dis-ease just changed its coat of arms. From my observations, the "STeeR-the-RESt" is more of a mill&torah tactic ape-lied by mass-tors. Even if there are some problems of a different origin than curly hairs, it is non-sense to blame them on the state of hurry as is almost all ways the case here.
Dude. Just came in from a day of lumberjacking totally exhausted and read your:
Curly Hairs
and barked like a dog. Best part of my day!
I swear that people are idiots or under MK because the psyops boys start the collagen and boil your bones until they're plastic cults and everyone jumps on because:
they read a paper on it or some gurus said so.
Shit like that just doesn't spontaneously appear with a READY-MADE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT INFRASTRUCTURE TO SERVE IT.
This is the Full-Spectrum Warf Air part of it. The motherfuckers KNEW that the Buggers eat us like Pac Man so they started the intervention YEARS AGO (ever develop a product from scratch and then try to market it?) because they knew they couldn't contain their Djinnn and they had to do SOMETHING to limp along their slaves before the battle chassis are ready for the A.I.
It was Horowitz that said at first they thought they SHOULDN'T feed Limies collagen because it would make the buggers grow, but the patients were wasting away so they had to feed them.
"Stress" is the bullshit BLAME THE PATIENT deflection to make sure that EVERYONE is looking in the wrong place.
MISDIRECTION is the stock-in-trade of stage and Black Magicks. So if you're not looking for the buggers in your head and the docked whore says that what you have is 'stress' and eveyrone 'identifies' with that, then he can send you to Sol Herbstein for some nice chemical shackles for the mind for some nice sheckels.
Shek-EL. Tribute to Gawd.
This is another reason why I DESPITE the Terraintards because the 'luminaries' like Lanka and all of his sycophant followers wrote evey single disease state off to the UNDEFINED 'poisons' and 'stress'. That alone tells me that they are all agents.
Where is the list of current modalities that have been attempted and their results?
For what exactly?
I can send anyone a paper that showed they knew definitively in 1900 that the metal antibiotics of Arsenic, Antimony and Mercury NEVER DESTROYED SPIROCHETES but made them stealth Cell Wall Deficient organisms thus embedding syphilis into every living being on the planet as ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS.
Breitscwhartz (Vet working for Drug companies) and Horowitz KNOW that antibiotics cause CWD organisms but STILL push doxycycline.
Lida Mattman said the easiest way to kill a spirochete is with peroxide in a test tube. We aren't test tubes and these DARPA We Upons use our own Super Oxide Dismutase to sheild themselves then hand it back to us as a prion.
Several different homeopathic programs to 'cure' it never worked.
Paul DeKruif won a nobel prize for using MALARIA to induce fever to drive out SYPHILIS, but we're all infected with Babesia (Northern Malaria) from eating beef and being shot up with beef blood in vaccines so that's a no-go.
I know for a fact that induced hyperthermia with pulsed antibiotics doesn't work for cancer caused by Lyme. Don't bother going to Switzerland.
Wim Hoff and his Freeze Your Ass Off to Cure Lyme might 'help' for those with Cold Shock Protein activation immune competency but he's in lawsuits over people dying because of his cockamamie ideas.
Sapi and MacDonald talked about antibiotics while MacDonald and Mattman talked about vaccines. Although these people did good work - they're insane.
Bruhner was already covered in this comment section.
And the guy that says juicing celery can cure Lyme needs to be Sectioned.
The Terraintards that say just think happy thoughts, eat good food and click your heels together and chant: "There's no place like home..." might hopefully have Dorothy's house fall on them so they can go 'home'.
I'm just talking about spirochetes. Nothing happens in isolation. Those buggers are squatting with 29 other buggers so what is the COMPREHENSIVE PLAN to eradicate the entire rats nest in the Projects - let alone break up the biofilm so they can't come back from their bunkers to start all over again. And how do you get a treatment into the BONE MARROW to eliminate the infections in the stem cells?
No one in 5784 years has been able to eradicate these things because NO ONE IS PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT I AM SAYING.
I’m going to go back and to start at the beginning of your stacks but after reading this one last night, I went and started searching for Dr Alan MacDonald.
The page I chose to finally read and try to start to understand/learn about is from 2022 “Brain herniation death in pediatric cerebral lyme borreliosis followed by kidney donation”.
I am guessing you’ve already addressed this in previous posts but for me, from this page and looking at the slides and descriptions was an OMG moment!
Some of the slides with arrows pointing out the spirochetes look just like what “researchers” have been claiming is “vaxed” blood.
I am not technical so forgive this but basically to me it’s all the same.
There is no true “vaxed” blood but there is blood with much higher concentrations of this parasite and the people pointing out “strange things” are really just finding more and more of the parasite but labelling it as (insert anything here from nano tubes to mystery fibers etc).
So were the shots full of super parasites?
Or full of some kind of growth serum?
I’m ok with you labelling me as ignorant because I had no clue this was even a possibility.
That the entire population is just one big meal for these things and we can’t do a damn thing about it.
Thank you for your writings on substack.
I was tick bit 40yrs ago at 13.
Never occurred to me that technically I had lyme all these years.
Learning about spirochetes and all that can go with them fills in so much of what has transpired health wise with me.
Hey D,
This one we're on now was my first Stack. Google locked me out of my email thus this account so I started another:
Then when I got back into the Stack we're on now, I got locked out of my second one. Substack is totally unorganized.
So, there's a LOT of old material out there.
"Brain Herniation" seems almost a poetic way of describing a total biological disaster. I've never heard it before. I know a woman who got parvovirus (a dog disease) from a kidney transplant which means that the huge man (she was a small woman) who died and left his kidney must have had vaccinated dogs (parvovaccine is a LIVE ORGANISM).
One of the reasons that I got my own microscope is because I couldn't trust that those who were GIVEN the spotlight in controlled opposition media weren't viewing artifacts or reporting things other than what they are.
Below I will put the Corvelva links from Italy (some are dead links) where BEFORE THE PLANDEMIC they looked at what was actually IN vaccines OFF THE SHELF. This is why Italy was the first nation shut down. If they exposed what was in the Confib wax job then the entire thing would have fallen apart.
I'm OK with labeling myself and you as Ignorant. I'm Ignorant every day and every day I push myself beyond my limits to reduce that ignorance. Stupid has no remedy. We aren't stupid.
Connective tissue is what holds us together and spirochetes and nanobacteria are the permanent erase function in a computer that sets the original file to all ZEROES.
It is quite possible that you got any combination of the 30+ things that are in tick spit. But you needn't even gotten bitten to get Lyme.
It's completely up to you to share what you've experience with the tick bite over the years here in the Stack where others can see and comment or we can talk about it privately:
No one knows how to eliminate them but there are some palliatives.
Here's the Corvelva stuff. First original work since Crookshank in 1889 calling all of Jenner's work a fraud.
Vaccingate: Initial results on Infanrix Hexa chemical composition
MMRV vaccine Priorix Tetra
FXXXING WORMS MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
¦ Bacteria
¦ Proteobacteria
¦ Worms
¦ Platyhelminthes
¦ Nematoda
¦ dsDNA viruses
¦ Varicella virus
¦ ssRNA viruses
¦ Rubella, mumps and measles virus
¦ Other viruses including Influenza A, Cupixi mammarenavirus, Pneumoviridae, Jamestown Canyon, Hepacivirus C, Kobuvirus Enterovirus, Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
¦ Retrovirus
¦ human and avian endogenous retroviruses
¦ avian viruses
¦ human and monkey immunodeficiency viruses
¦ murine viruses
¦ Infectious horse anemia virus
¦ Lymphoproliferative disease virus
¦ Rous sarcoma virus
¦ Other viruses
¦ Human alphaherpesvirus 3
¦ Hepatitis b virus
¦ Yeast virus
Patrick- Do you know of a Dr. Patricia Jordan, DVM?
That be she.
Patricia taught me the most important aspects of human physiology as learned by the monsters that prey on animal physiology because they have a faster metabolism and response time to the Project Paperclip horrors.
1. There is no such thing as metastasis. The Satellite Tumors are already seeded throughout the body so when the Mother Tumor is removed the suppressor signal is gone and the Satellites light up. Then the doctor with perfect stage presence decries "We did the best we could but it metastasized."
They KNEW it would.
2. Lymphatic backpressure can cause organ damage without systemic high blood pressure.
3. When taking in a health history ALWAYS look for STREET drug use. (that was beyond my personal experience so it took me years to learn most people use BOTH kinds of drugs).
All of her other detailed tutilage is in my first book ICD-999.
She often mentioned you to me. I am a new subscriber to the substack app and your ss popped up in my feed.
She passed away last month. I thought you would want to know if you didn’t already.
I had no idea. Thank you for letting us know.
I'll do a Stack on her contribution to the world.
Her obituary is at DrPatriciaJordanDVM.com The funeral home linked theirs to legacy.com