Our friend from the Port of Ugal sent me this.
WARNING, THIS IS BLOODY NASTY in all senses of those words.
Being on the farm most of my life, eating a vegetarian to vegan diet most of my life (notice that I didn’t say: Being a Vegan - I’m NOT a FICTION), I’ve known of this for years.
I can’t find the exchange with someone in the comments of one of my more recent stacks where I agreed that those who eat a plant-based diet are generally unhealthy but not because they weren’t eating Black Magicks Sacrifices, but because we have been so damaged that we can’t process any nutrients the way we were meant to.
This is why the false dialectics have been sown over Carnivore vs. Vegan, Keto vs. Carbo, Raw Meat vs. Raw Vegetables, Alcoholics vs. Soberians.
3 videos; CytoMitoGeno Pathology
I’ll say it again until I start hearing it back: Me and my Hens should have gotten a No Bell Prize for the shit we came up with here.
So, there IS NO DEBATE on what diet is ‘best’. We have been so injured that you squeak by with what you can process or you end up dead or dead drunk.
The REALITY sets in when you see the INDUSTRIALIZED MURR DURR CALLED SLAW TURR of animals that, when viewed with an objective eye and the constant reminder that slaughter houses are headed up by Cohen ritual slaughter priests so that they can get their sigil of the Co-Sure label on their SACRIFICES…..
then it ceases to look like a convenient machine-assisted-operation of unaliving animals for the hypnotized goy to be fed, but a ONE-TO-ONE image of Palestine.
Pall in Time is also a MACHINE-FACILITATED INDUSTRIALIZED SLAW TURR PLANT. Paid for by your tox doll ears.
Same Family doing the same things but to different Mammals. (and fish, and birds).
Consider this: The first video showed animals being dispatched. But when you see the TOTAL devastation of Gah Zah then you realize that ALL LIFE IN THOSE AREAS HAVE BEEN EXTERMINATED: HUMANS, PETS, WILD ANIMALS, AND PLANTS. That is why I call the Yahoodim Biocidal Maniacs.
But you NEED to see them side by side.
Run the hidden camera images of the aisles inside the slaughterhouses again then look down the alley of Palestine. I don’t see a single difference.
I don’t give a flying fuck if you to eat plants or not. There is no MORALITY PLAY here. It couldn’t/wouldn’t be ‘better’ if the animals were RITUALLY SLAUGHTERED ‘humanely’ (define: Hu-Man = the feudal servant of the Demon Lord Hu) because THEY WOULD STILL BE BLACK MAGICKS SACRIFICES SO YOU ARE COMMUNING WITH THE DEVIL.
Take a good hard look at the ‘workers’ in those plants that stomp baby animals to death and then consider the source of all of this pain:
Psalm 137:9 KJV: Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
I put this Stack in the Section Demon Patrol because you can’t look at the INDUSTRIALIZE ABJECT CRUELTY to not see that ‘your meat’ has been processed and blessed by DEMONS.
The Devil’s Bargain is that you can hysterically-blindly deny the cruelty going on, you can make fun of those who chose not to be participants in a Black Magicks Communion, while bragging about maintaining a ‘healthy’ and ‘strong’ body HERE IN HELL, or you can face the reality that health and strength in Hell comes with a sacrifice that YOU DO NOT MAKE YOURSELF - witches to say: You haven’t sacrificed your health and strength into doing the Right Thing, AND you have not cruelly, sadistically, and brutally bled the animals out yourself so you are removed from the reality of how that ‘juicy steak’ got into your craven mouth.
It’s that INSULATION between your cold cuts and grinding animals up alive to make the slurry in those nice plastic packages. Your participation in an occult ritual of Mind Control that has not etched into your blackened souls yet.
Protocol 3:21. These beasts, it is true, fall asleep again every time when they have drunk their fill of blood, and at such time can easily be riveted into their chains. But if they be not given blood they will not sleep and continue to struggle.
In addition to the participation in a Satanic Mass (all of your talmudic rebbes admit that they worship Hasatan), and sealing the fate of your own mind control, you also subject yourself to what Mel Thornberg (May She Rest In Peace) warned for so long: You cannot eat beef without being infected by Babesia. Given that birds are also infected with Northern Malaria then infection is not even a mosquito bite (more blood letting) away but just a Chicken Mick Slurry bite away.
The wings are the part of the bird where they shoot the vaccines then sell those parts to you as buffalo wings so you can get the best of the Herpes that they shot into the poor animals. Someone has INDEED BEEN BUFFALOED!
any of several suckers (genus Ictiobus) found mostly in the Mississippi River valley; called also buffalo fish
As I read that across I saw: SUCKER and thought: That fits! but then saw the scientific name of the genus and thought: Someone is having a joke. But then saw Buffalo Fish and realized that someone is indeed having a joke but not with this particular entry.
TO BUFFALO SOMEONE – “1870s, to cheat or intimidate someone.”
To have someone buffaloed means to have intimidated someone, asserted one’s superior authority or strength, or bullied someone.
It can also mean being confused or baffled by something. This use is not seen as often and is usually combined with the intimidation factor of the first definition. It means a person is confused due to the assertion or intimidation of another.
You’ve got to be goddamned corn fused if you think eating the tiny waste parts of a chicken that has been shot up with vaccines that are MAGNITUDES more toxic than what they give humans is somehow a Sports Bar delicacy.
The Child Psychology at play here is obvious to my imaginary class of Third Graders: The current psy-op is that THEY want to take away OUR meat. To the infantile mind the dialectic them makes you polarize on two sides of a false binary choice. If THEY don’t want us to have it - then we WILL HAVE IT!
But what the microcephalic mind does not get is that they are also BUYING UP ALL OF THE FARM LAND TO TAKE IT OUT OF PRODUCTION after having already co-opted the largest agricultural production in the world into GMO corn, GMO wheat, and GMO soy that are COMMODITIES NOT HUMAN FOOD.
My Third Graders could easily see that this is a funnel: Chose meat over plants.
I STILL HAVE a 3-year-old pepper plant that I brought in with garden soil after it got hit with human drug zombie chemicals called herbicides. IT STILL DROPS ALL OF ITS FLOWERS!
It has NEVER been a choice between YOUR MEAT and Those Plants. It has been a choice of: Just fucking dye or Just fucking dye.
Anyone who DIDN’T SEE THAT, and I know 99% did not, have been under the Black Magicks Spell. Have another drink of blood from that bucket the guy held under the hanging cow.
Oh… shit… hanging cows instead of steers.
If it wasn’t JUST castration that takes the male hormones out of YOUR MEAT, then it is what passes for human men eating female cattle and kosher pork so that the perjorative of Soy Boy needs to be turned into COW BOY because there’s your fucking estrogen for the self-righteous IMUSTHAVEMYMEATASAURUSES.
Things go southpark quickly when you load up on Black Magicks Estrogen.
If you’ve ever wondered why there aren’t any MEN left in HELL to fight Evil, it is because the sonofabitchingcocksuckingmotherfuckinggoddamnedidiots ARE EATING BLACK MAGICKS SACRIFICES thus participating with their imprisoners, and abusers.
You can’t herd cats and I can’t lead pussies.
Until people break themselves out of their own spells then you are all for the meat grinder. I won’t post the picture of the boy who was run over by the Is Ra Eli tank tread because you can find those traumatic images on your own to have the shock that will break you out of your current conditioning.
Who put the DIE in Die It?
glad for the warning about video on bitchute. CANT watch a horror show. Can't watch the entities that would carry these acts out. I've asked it so many times and people just never hear me, never address what I am saying.. It was in the title of my last post on suffering.
THIS World is all about KILLING, it's not just about life and DEATH.. its about KILLING LIFE to achieve WHAT?????? DEATH.
WHY would a CREATOR who CREATES a UNIVERSE be so HELL BENT on experiencing the death and destruction through never ending torture and suffering.... AND STILL People cannot get passed their programming, when they tell me we are here to learn lessons, because the CREATOR wants to KNOW IT SELF.
Like you said in many times Patrick... Neuro-siphilis , Neuro-borreliosis... to be capable of all the acts that we see ... and this is only a fraction of LIVE= EVIL=GOD....
In the case of the video acts like this to have DOOF EVIL ENERGIE TO RUN-LIVE ON A DOOF SIN/MATRIX/HELL