This is a continuation of the discussion that we are having in the comments section regarding the existence or non-existence of Viruses. Ms. MaGoo… This one’s for you.
The Psyop gives you: Correlation is Not Causation.
In my experience: if you fall off a ladder and break your leg it wasn’t from having unhappy thoughts about your bad hair day. It is directly related to: You were under stress while full of toxins and since Gravity Doesn’t Exist that doesn’t even figure into the equation your leg was just detoxing. They use this bullshit bullying of ‘authority’ using Correlation is Not Causation to say that vaccines don’t cause autism. Then let their front groups say: It’s a puzzle.
Autism ‘might’ be from ‘environmental toxins’. Vaccines are toxic and they’re fucking in the environment. Hell, in the early days the Yahoods were blaming young mothers for being ‘emotionally cold’ to their children thus creating Autism themselves. Just like asthma could be corrected by circumcision… I wonder if that works on girls???
It’s a puzzle that adult human beings (not quite as smart a dolphins) would even put up with that without putting the Witches to stakes and striking a match.
Then the other controlled op will say: We need Green Vaccines.
Witch is the same as saying we need to make .50 caliber bullets less lethal.
What Mulder was saying is that the Absence of Evidence is Not the Evidence of Absence. What was being promoted in the series as an alien coverup is EXACTLY what I have been saying all along. Evil is infectious in nature. The conditions of a Demonic Possession are that an UNSEEN ENTITY enters through a portal of a human (typically historically depicted as eyes, ears, nose, mouth or other orifice) which would include that plug of flesh bored out from the insertion of a hollow needle in a vaccine syringe. That Entity then gains control over the victim/host. This is the very description of an Intracellular Obligate Parasite called a Virus. They are not considered Life Forms on their own, which is another warpath of the ignorant when they are confronted with the Salk LIE of ‘Killing’ a Virus by ‘cooking’ it in formaldehye. It was established early on (not in these words) that a virus was merely a self-replicating NANOMACHINE. Where the fuck do you think they GOT THE IDEA for nanomachine technology? These pathogenic creatures are REPLICATORS. They have ZERO creativity which is why they need to infect human Thumb Puppets. So you can’t ‘kill’ a machine. You can render it non-functional. But the Sorcerer Salk and his Minions pushed the lies farther by saying that if you ‘cooked’ a virus in Poison Water (CH2O) at NEARLY FREEZING (how is that ‘cooking’?) then it would disable the virus so that you could shoot it into 1.4 MILLION kids as an experiment without ANY safety studies?
Sound familiar?
That formaldehyde, when in the liquid millieu of the body, dropped off faster than a Prom Dress thus leaving the Unkilt virus now Undead.
This prologue establishes that you can’t believe ANYTHING that the Establishment has laid as a foundation.
Solar had posted this in a comment section:
“Well, I read it, and there is no mention of things like hundreds of agencies around the globe being asked for any virus isolate (not just CV19), and all of the FOI requests came back stating They have nothing. Nor the fact that no DNA from a "virus" has ever been seen... Nor a number of other facts.”
From my Stack:
They say that the corona virus has not been 'isolated'. The agent has been making the news lately that it was created in the lab using gain of function and was released in china. That being said, if it were a weapon made against international convention then that is an act of war so the very people who made it CANNOT be the people that you would expect to isolate it and produce a blueprint of their weapon. That is admission of international war crimes. THEREFORE, the ONLY thing that can be done is for an independent third party to do the science to prove or disprove, sequence or not sequence an agent that does or does not exist.
ANYTHING beyond that is mere speculation therefore MUST be shut down because there is nothing to debate in the absence of proof.
This exchange isn’t about harming people with words or getting One-Up or swaying opinions. The entire purpose of my work is to present all sides of an issue so that people can decide. Therefore when I say what I’m going to say next it is not out of harm but it is a stern warning to all readers that you CANNOT miss a single detail. You CANNOT let your guard down for a second; OR YOU WILL FAIL.
“Well, I read it…”
Sorry, my friend. You didn’t. I’ve been doing this just this work for 23 years without a single break. I’ve consumed a terabyte of electronic data, I have the reciepts for 500 books that I borrowed from the University of ILL Annoyed Lie Buries, and a total of 45 years of assembling facts and experience. Therefore… I don’t leave anything to chance. I also know what any opposing side is going to say before they say it so I pre-empt it like spiking a volleyball right at the net:
“… there is no mention of things like hundreds of agencies around the globe being asked for any virus isolate…”
Written on June 2, 2023 before our Solar Exchange:
They say that the corona virus has not been 'isolated'. The agent has been making the news lately that it was created in the lab using gain of function and was released in china. That being said, if it were a weapon made against international convention then that is an act of war so the very people who made it CANNOT be the people that you would expect to isolate it and produce a blueprint of their weapon. That is admission of international war crimes.
I will emphasize that because this is the fight for the genus of Mankind we cannot be blind to things that don’t fit our bias. We cannot glaze over the brain-stingingly obvious. We cannot let our guard down for a second or it is Game Over.
These are Genetic Liars. They are in control. They were pressed to provide a single bit of evidence that their invention even existed but they did not.
What does that tell us?
It tells us that whether or not they had illegally and unlawfully (two different things) created a weapon, they were so confident in their stranglehold of control that they could TELL YOU TO FUCK OFF AND THERE WASN’T A GODDAMNED THING YOU COULD OR WOULD DO ABOUT IT!
Again: I’m not abusing Solar. This is an idictment against the world…
OK… except for folks like Kevin McCairn who somehow got a sample and a sequence and cited that there was not only COBRA VENOM but RABIES and HIV sequences Frankensteined into that thing that is not supposed to exist.
So we are left with a dilemma:
Why are people always getting their information from Yahoods (to be covered below).
Why are people expecting the very tyrannical system that is exteriminating them like vermin to tell the truth? This goes all the way back from Corona to Walter Reed attempting to find the cause of Yellow Fever which was the beginning of that false concept of Informed Consent. The motherfuckers either don’t know or WON’T TELL.
If INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTIES CLAIM TO HAVE EVIDENCE THEN WHY HASN’T THAT BEEN GIVEN THE SAME FANFARE COVERAGE AS THE CONTROLLED OPPOSITION DEFLECTION THAT “THERE IS NO EVIDENCE.” ? Because if these clandestine service operators REALLY wanted evidence then they would be EXAMINING what was already out there like McCairn’s and other’s work.
Why aren’t ANY of the Virus deniers DOING THEIR OWN CLINCAL WORK?
I read a study and it didn’t show…
I read another study and it said…
I was told about another report where…
Literature Review is NOT Research. Research is putting something potentially fucking dangerous on a slide under a scope next to your kitchen to find out if a Clan of Yahoods are lying to you or not. Everything else is just reading what the Clan wrote for you.
Sow Lettuce move on to ET’s contention and exposé that the players in this game of Dialectic Division are more than what they smell to be.
Thus sayeth Solar:
"I did not see Dr. Sam Bailey in that list of Ones He claims are controlled op. And while She does deal with some (if not all) of Them, I find Her work superlative."
Thus sayeth I :
I’ve labeled the Unholy Trinity: Lanka, Kaufman, and Cowan.
When Lanka’s schtick (I’m not Yiddish) was first presented to me I discounted it out of hand. His claim was that he was the first person to have isolated a FREE-LIVING VIRUS FROM SEAWATER!
OK. Ctrl/Alt/Del. My brain just fucking went Blue Screen.
The LEADER of the Viruses don’t exist Team says that… Viruses exist.
Now for those who follow my work you will be aware that I have been posting about Paradox lately as the premeir form of Mind Control. Say something, then immediately say the diametrical opposite.
“I discovered the first free living viruses in the ocean.”
”Viruses don’t exist.”
Then he did his german government stunt of demanding that they prove the existence of the Measles virus. Which they didn’t. Why would they? They’re a criminal cabal. They answer to no one. DISCOUNTED OUT OF HAND.
Kaufman is an MD. Within the realm of what Rebecca Carley called Medical Devils is Psychiatry. It is contradistincted from Psychology which is mental masturbation in that a Psychiatrist can drug the fuck out of you, whereas a Psychologist just talks the fuck out of you. DISCOUNTED OUT OF HAND.
Just like when I saw who was ruling the Great Truck-off in Canada. Headed up by RCMP and some government git. While the dumbass canucks were burning fuel doing fuck-all and their kids were in bouncy castles the ones at the top were handling them like the prion-gutted sheep that they are, freezing their bank accounts along with their balls and sending them home having accomplished nothing because they didn’t even STORM THE PARLIAMENT that was PROTECTED BY SNIPERS.
Jesus fucking wept.
There is no hope for humanity when the sheep literally, mindlessly, submit to the wolf to lead it to the waiting pack for slaughter. No need to expend energy chasing the damned things.
So, a Virologist and a Psychologist walk into a bar…
Enter Cowan. I discounted him out of hand because he did what Jan Irvin exposed years ago on how the CIA in academia sets up ‘credence’. One of their operatives will publish a paper. Another operative in a completely different institution will cite that paper and expand on it. Then another operative will cite both - and so on until you have this complete FABRICATION of intricate bullshit that rivals the most ornate silk textiles for complexity. While still being made of total shit.
This is where we let ET take up the narrative because I don’t do Cult of Personality and he deconstructed this in a very short period of time:
Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica
Writes ET's World Occult Circus Substa…
17 hr ago·edited 17 hr agoLiked by Patrick Jordan
So, how do you know that the research by Bechamp, "others" and the freaking MILITARY are to be trusted? Who paid for this research and for what reason? You can just drop any research done by any institution even remotely involved with any government in the trash and light a match as far as I see it. I wouldn't trust any of it. Obviously they don't believe this themselves do they? I have always known you were very smart. I have known that for 7 years.
That said, everything sandwiched between Bechamp, the Military, the "others" and you being a genius I just can't even begin to take seriously. It is actually reminiscent of much of the New Age woo woo, mumbo jumbo that I despise with a passion. I bet if I start digging into the backgrounds of these people like Cowan I am going to find way less than 6 degrees of separation from the Lucis Trust. I already know the Cowans are as high up as you can go in the British Aristocracy.
To which I replied:
Patrick Jordan
16 hr agoAuthor
We're going to have to do a stack on who ISN'T Family.
We're literally surrounded and outnumbered.
STEERYKE THREE! The UnHoly Trinity is out of the ballgame!
So who even cares about Sam Bailey? She’s just their echo-chamber.
Our collective exchange going back to the bullet points:
Why are people always getting their information from Yahoods (JUST COVERED BY ET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
Why are people expecting the very tyrannical system that is exteriminating them like vermin to tell the truth? This goes all the way back from Corona to Walter Reed attempting to find the cause of Yellow Fever which was the beginning of that false concept of Informed Consent. The motherfuckers either don’t know or WON’T TELL.
Why aren’t ANY of the Virus deniers DOING THEIR OWN CLINCAL WORK?
See how I leave nothing to chance, have pre-saged and pre-dicked Ted any and all contentions? I do this to show people that the basic man and woman (and fluid) off the street is out of their league against these Magi. This is top-tier herd handling. What they do is ALLOW people who HATE the power structure to have something to hold onto (an intagible BELIEF that They Lied about Viruses) so that they can rage against the machine but when all is said and nothing is done they’ve got nothing to show for it but the catharsis of barking at the Elephant.
Only my top-level Little Red Hens can even fathom this material and the ramifications and they are the ones who TAUGHT ME the facts and the patterns. I put on airs of being arrogant and a Know-A-Lot but without the Hens I would be just a grumpy old man in a pharm phield.
For as long as Teresa and I have been harping on this WHY ISN’T ANYONE DATAMINING MEL THORNBURG’S WORK?
Mel Thornburg answered ALL of my questions and formed the basis for the culmination of the work that I started in 2009:
At least the Herpesvirales ORDER of viruses are nothing but chunks of Lyme. That they are self-replicating nanomachines that came off of the most advanced biological weapon design I’ve ever seen, notwithstanding, the average Virus-Denier mind should be able to wrap itself around the reality that SPIROCHETES are UNDENIABLE. Since Spirochetes are not ‘viruses’ themselves but their dandruff is, then it is a non-sequitur to say that there can be large pathogens but not small pathogens; that there can be toxins with no origins offered while the pathogens that shed dandruff are the VERY ANSWER TO THAT PREMISE. The Outer Surface Proteins of Lyme are FUNGAL ANTIGENS THAT DISABLE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM.
Which is a side note to explain why you can piss, shit, spit, vomit into someone’s mouth and they might not get sick. A VERY large portion of humans DO NOT HAVE A FUNCTIONING IMMUNE SYSTEM. I went through pains in my first book to show what Clemens Von Pirquet taught that unless your immune system works then YOU WILL SHOW NO SIGNS OF ILLNESS! This was the basis for the 1972 WHO MEMOS THAT WERE USING VIRUSES!!!! The W.H.O. ‘believes’ in viruses.
Obviously no one has watched or if they did they had HYSTERICAL BLINDESS to what Lida Mattman was saying about Lyme having EIGHT MORPHOLOGIES one of which resembled….. VIRUSES!
I keep posting the same things over and over again because folks ain’t getting the basics. Goot Gaat in Heffun. If you can’t get the simple concepts then what chance is there of deconstructing something like the Virus Dialectic?
In addition to the stellar work of Mel Thornburg we have the perennial question NEVER ANSWERED BY VIRUS DENIERS:
What about Bacteriophages?
Simple enough. These little VIRUSES that infect bacteria were the BASIS for who you consider The Enemy to be able to develop Molecular Biology that led to Genetic Engineering that uncovered CRISPR that is the heart of Nanomachine techology that is the foundation for the TransHuman Agenda.
Take away Viruses and the very fabric of everything else that you consider a ‘real’ tangible threat to the existance of Man will also be eliminated and you will have to find a Peter Pan riding a Unicorn explanation for all of the Now-Missing Threats that you accepted as real.
Check out the dates on these videos where I pre-saged, pre-rosemaried, and pre-thymed any and all contention to the way things are SIX YEARS AGO. Your entire biosphere is based on the things that they are LETTING YOU BELIEVE do not exist. Because it makes you feel good that you are Putting It To The Man! And You’ve Shown Him! That you don’t believe his lies anymore.
What if?
Just What IF? they lied about lying to you. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate Mind Fuck in order to let you CONTROL YOURSELF?
Could it be that when I introduced the concept of Chronic Serum Sickness as an original thought in 2008 then all of a sudden Andrew Moulden showed up to deflect attention from my work; that since I had already been talking about Bacteriophages back then also, that a CoIntel Prop Theater troupe might have been deployed to deflate that as well?
I’m not suggesting that to aggrandize myself but to show the importance of phages to them, that they would attack the notion of ALL viruses in order to get the spotlight off of them and their crimes?
My Amazon books review of Carlo Brogna's book The Secrets of SARS-COV-2: The Real Truth (2023)
Wayne Lusvardi
A Plague on Both Their Houses?
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on April 12, 2023
To use a metaphor from Shakepeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, Carlo Brogna’s new book (The Secrets of SARS-CoV-2: The Real Truth, April 2023) seems to “cast a plague on both houses” of the debate over whether there is such a thing as a coronavirus or not. Brogna presents microscopic photo evidence that he interprets as showing that SARS-CoV-2 (the respiratory disease that causes Covid-19) is neither an isolated virus, nor ordinary influenza, neither merely decomposed cellular debris called Exosomes. Rather, Brogna shows that viruses don’t appear in isolation and can only co-exist with bacteria, called bacteriophages.
Bacteriophages are parasitic-like, non-cellular micro-organisms (lacking living cells) that infect and replicate only in bacterial cells (think of asexual reproduction) and are considered viruses. Viruses have a tiny crown-like outer edge and are the most abundant biological agent in the world and not something only produced in a lab. Another term for bacteriophage is virus. Viruses are not made from cells, can’t maintain stability, don’t grow and they can’t make their own energy. Bacteriophages can be beneficial in halting bacterial infections or can become dangerous in themselves, such as in sepsis.
In other words, viruses do not appear in isolation in nature and interact only with bacteria, something not well explained by virologists or virus skeptics. The bacteriophages attach to bacteria and insert their genetic DNA into bacteria cells and produce Endolysins, killer enzymes that break down the bacteria cell wall from within and make copy enzymes that are sent out to attach to other bacteria. This is getting way too complex for a non-technical book review. Unfortunately, Brogna does not first try to explain what bacteriophages are to the unknowledgeable, so this important book has a limited target audience but is readable.
To undertake his research, Brogna proposes a new research postulate to the standard Koch’s Postulates that a virus first needs to be isolated, purified and then tested on healthy persons before proving it is the cause of historical virus epidemics. Brogna’s proposed revised postulate is:
“A pathogen must be observed - in both pure culture and mixed environment, together with other microorganisms, in order to analyze its interactions with other species, as well as its individual characteristics”.
Brogna’s postulate sounds like the virus skeptics criticism that microbes need to be studied as they are found in the human body, not removed from the body, starved and then poisoned before being observed or genetically sequenced (see biologist Harold Hillman, The Case for New Paradigms in Cell Biology and Neurobiology, 1991). Brogna’s photos appear to be credible black and white images not “doctored up” cartoons in color that are all-too prevalent in medical science.
The author reports that his photos show:
1. SARS-CoV-2 is a bacteriophage that infects other bacteria within the human gut.
2. His team studied inoculated healthy patients with SARS-CoV-2 supplied from China and it replicated inside feces (captured in photographs). How Brogna obtained this “virus” when other researchers like Christine Massie requested such from over 200 labs and health agencies around the world and was told it had never been isolated or sequenced outside of a computer is beyond my field of competence (see: Christine Massey, biostatistician, Does the Virus Exist? Has SARS-CoV-2 Been Isolated?, 2022). Could it be one and same with the snail conotoxin-like “poison” described elsewhere in Brogna’s study?
3. From plasma and urine specimens from patients, 80 proteins were isolated that were absent in healthy patients.
4. Among the proteins isolated from the bacterial-viral interaction, were several forms of conotoxins (from conical snails) which block acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter).
5. But the virus infected bacteria and replicated within them in a hit or miss process that does not always produce the same results (sometimes unable to block acetylcholine and numb the bacterial cells)
6. Symptoms of CoV-2 are possibly caused by “some kind of poisoning”.
7. Once SARS-CoV-2 is introduced in the gut, bacteria start synthesizing proteins with toxin-like activity
a. Conotoxin-like (snail neurotoxins) substances are produced.
b. Phospholipase A2 (a cell-signaling enzyme) triggers massive blood clotting that is enhanced (worsened) if taken with anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprophen).
c. Prothrombin Activator (a catalyst) is produced which results in blood coagulation and creates microemboli (small blood clots).
d. CoV-2 produces other proteins such as zinc metalloproteinase (similarity with anthrax lethal factor), serine proteinase (enzymes that control muscles), phosophodiesterase (lowers blood pressure), etc.
Brogna hypothesizes that SARS-CoV-2 is something more complex than a virus, could be a copied DNA in an artificial plasma or a hybrid of coronavirus and bacterium, and he wonders whether it could be a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC).
The theory that Brogna’s study seems based on is that a virus is not an isolated agent because nothing operates in isolation in nature and can be triggered by poisons, penetrating parasites or environmental toxins. The way Brogna describes it is:
1. Bacteria is commensal (existing in harmony with the body surface or mucosa without harming human health).
2. We are immunized from such waste from an early age.
3. A problem arises when bacteria react to chemical pollution or biological attack (CoV-2) and produce metabolic waste – completely new proteins that are unknown to our immune system that the body cannot cope with (e.g., viruses). Might this metabolic waste be called exosomes?
4. Thus, any cure must consider the nature of a bacteriophage: that virus replicates in bacteria, not in isolation. Might this be called a terrain theory of SARS-VoV-2?
This review stretches the limits of this layperson’s competence and I leave it to others to correct or add to it.
I learned in college Zoology that Formaldehyde won't even kill tape worm eggs that have soaked in the stuff for years. It certainly isn't going to kill a machine like a virus. Why would it? The crucial thing about the Cowans, I have to add because you didn't put up that part, is that they are really COHENS. The Phoenicians have always done this to hide their trail. The have been at this for thousands of years. My own Crypto Phoenician ancestry consists of the Bennetts, Franklin's and the Tolivers. These names were derived from the original Benoit, Frank or Frankel and Taliaferro. All Jewish or Phoenician. This is how they hide in plain sight.